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词汇 brush
释义 brush (verb) brush (noun) brush (noun) brush 9 ENTRIES FOUND: brush (noun) brush (verb) brush (noun) brush (noun) brush-off (noun) broad-brush (adjective) scrub brush (noun) daft (adjective) tar (verb) 1 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun plural brushes 1 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun plural brushes Learner's definition of BRUSH [count] 1  : a tool with many stiff hairs, fibers, etc., that is used for cleaning, smoothing, or painting something刷子;毛刷;画笔 Use a wire brush to get the rust off the metal.用钢丝刷除去金属上的锈。 — see picture at dustpan; see also hairbrush, paintbrush, toothbrush 2  a  : an act of cleaning or smoothing something with a brush刷 I gave my daughter's hair a quick brush.我快速地梳了梳女儿的头发。 b  : a quick, light movement轻擦;轻抹;轻拂 She wiped the crumbs off the table with a brush of her hand.她用手拂去了桌上的面包屑。 (as) daft as a brush — see daft tar (someone) with the same brush — see 2tar — compare 3brush, 4brush 2 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ verb brushes; brushed; brushing 2 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ verb brushes; brushed; brushing Learner's definition of BRUSH [+ object] 1  a  : to clean or smooth (something) with a brush(用刷子)刷,擦 brush your teeth/hair刷牙;梳头 b  : to put (something) on or onto something with a brush(用刷子)涂抹 Brush some butter onto the fish before cooking it.烧鱼之前,先在鱼身上抹些黄油。 2  : to remove (something) with a brush or with a quick movement of your hand, fingers, etc.刷;擦;掸 Brush the dirt off your pants.把裤子上的污物刷掉。 The camera showed him brushing [=wiping] away a tear.从摄像机里可以看到他在擦眼泪。 3  : to touch gently against (something) when going past it拂过;掠过 Leaves brushed my cheek.树叶拂过我的脸颊。 The two men brushed shoulders [=touched at the shoulders] as they walked past each other.这两人擦肩而过。 4  : to move quickly past someone without stopping or paying attention擦过;掠过 The governor brushed by/past the reporters.州长快步从这些记者身边走过。 brush aside [phrasal verb] brush (something) aside or brush aside (something) : to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss (something)不理,不顾,漠视(某事) He brushed aside [=brushed off] questions about his son's arrest.有关儿子被捕的问题他一概不加理会。 brush off [phrasal verb] 1  brush (something) off or brush off (something) : to treat (something) as not important : to refuse to deal with or talk about (something) in a serious way(对某事)漠视,置之不理 The company brushed off [=brushed aside] reports that it couldn't pay its bills.公司对有关其无力支付账单的报道不予评论。 2  brush (someone) off or brush off (someone) : to respond to (someone) in a rude way that shows you are not interested in what is being asked for or suggested毫不客气地拒绝;不愿听取建议 I asked him for some help, but he just brushed me off.我请他帮忙,但他毫不客气地拒绝了我。 — see also brush-off brush up [phrasal verb] brush up or brush up (something) : to improve your skill at (something) or increase your knowledge of (something)提高技能;增长知识 My Spanish is very rusty. I need to brush up before I go on my vacation to Mexico.我的西班牙语很生疏了。在去墨西哥度假之前,我需要好好温习一下。 I need to brush up my Spanish.我需要好好温习一下西班牙语。 — often + on I need to brush up on my Spanish.我需要好好温习一下西班牙语。 3 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun plural brushes 3 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun plural brushes Learner's definition of BRUSH [count] : a situation in which you briefly experience or almost experience something bad, dangerous, exciting, etc.短暂的经历;不愉快的遭遇 — + with As a teenager he had several brushes with the law. [=was in trouble with police several times]作为一个青少年,他已有过几次差点违法的行为。 She had a brush with [=briefly saw or met] a famous actor at a restaurant in New York.在纽约的一家餐馆,她和一位知名男演员有过一面之缘。 Her brush with fame/greatness came when she sang the national anthem at the football game.在那场橄榄球赛上唱国歌使她一时名声大震。 He had a brush with death [=he almost died] when climbing the mountain.登山时,他与死神擦肩而过。 — compare 1brush, 4brush 4 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun 4 brush /ˈbrʌʃ/ noun Learner's definition of BRUSH [noncount] 1  : wood from small branches on a tree柴枝 a pile of brush一堆柴 2  : small bushes or trees灌木丛;小树丛 a hillside covered with dense brush长满灌木丛的山坡 a lion hiding in the brush藏在树丛中的狮子 — see also underbrush — compare 1brush, 3brush




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