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词汇 burn
释义 burn (noun) burn 18 ENTRIES FOUND: burn (verb) burn (noun) burned out (adjective) burning (adjective) burnt burnt out slash-and-burn (adjective) bridge (noun) candle (noun) crash (verb) ear (noun) end (noun) ground (noun) midnight (noun) money (noun) oil (noun) rubber (noun) slow (adjective) 1 burn /ˈbɚn/ verb burns; burned /ˈbɚnd/ or burnt /ˈbɚnt/ ; burning 1 burn /ˈbɚn/ verb burns; burned /ˈbɚnd/ or burnt /ˈbɚnt/ ; burning Learner's definition of BURN 1  [no object] ◊ The forms burned and burnt are used in both U.S. and British English. Burned is more common in U.S. English; burnt is more common in British English.在英国英语和美国英语中都有burned和burnt两种形式。burned更常用于美国英语,而burnt更常用于英国英语。 a  of a fire or flame : to give off heat, light, and gases(火或火焰)燃烧 A flame is kept constantly burning at the monument.纪念碑前的火焰长明不熄。 A small fire burned brightly in the fireplace.壁炉里的小火烧得很旺。 b  always used in progressive tenses : to contain a fire有火;在烧着 There was a little stove burning in the front room.客厅里有个烧着的小火炉。 — see also burning 2  a  always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to be on fire : to have or produce a flame燃着;着火 I could smell smoke and knew that something was burning.我能闻到烟味,知道有什么东西燃了。 Be sure not to leave any candles burning when you go to bed.上床睡觉前一定要把所有蜡烛都灭了。 b  [+ object] : to set (something) on fire : to make (something) have or produce a flame点燃;使燃烧 We came to the memorial to burn [=light] a candle for the victims of the accident.我们来到纪念碑前为事故的遇难者点燃蜡烛。 3  a  : to destroy or damage (something) by fire or heat烧毁;烧坏;焚烧 [+ object] I burned the letter when I had finished reading it.我读完信后就把它烧了。 The new town law makes it illegal to burn trash.新的镇法规把焚烧垃圾定为违法。 The wildfire has burned acres of forest.野火烧毁了数英亩森林。 Parts of the house were badly burned in the fire.房屋在火灾中多处严重受损。 burnt pieces of wood烧焦了的木块 [no object] The wood burned slowly.柴火烧得很慢。 a material that burns easily易燃材料 ◊ A building or other structure that burns to the ground or is burned to the ground is completely destroyed by fire.(被大火)夷为平地,化为灰烬 The house (was) burned to the ground in the fire.房屋被大火夷为平地。 b  : to injure or damage (someone or a part of the body) by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧伤;烫伤;灼伤 [+ object] He was badly burned in the accident.他在事故中被严重烧伤。 She burned her hand on the hot stove. = The hot stove burned her hand.她的手被炙热的火炉烫伤了。 The hot sun burned her skin.炙热的太阳晒伤了她的皮肤。 I burned myself on the iron. [=I injured part of my body with the hot iron]我被熨斗烫伤了。 Several people were trapped in the building and were burned to death. [=were killed by fire]几个人困在楼中被火烧死了。 The captives were burned alive. [=killed by being set on fire]俘虏们被活活烧死了。 [no object] She has to stay out of the sun because her skin burns easily. [=she gets sunburned easily]她必须远离阳光,因为她的皮肤容易晒伤。 Several people burned to death in the fire.几个人在火灾中被烧死了。 4  : to ruin (food) by cooking it too long or with too much heat烤焦;烧糊;烤糊 [+ object] I'm afraid I burned the potatoes.恐怕我把土豆烧糊了。 She burned the toast.她把面包烤焦了。 burnt toast烤焦的面包 [no object] The toast burned.面包烤焦了。 5  a  of an acid, chemical, etc. : to damage (something) by causing a strong chemical reaction(酸、化学品等)腐蚀,烧伤,灼伤 [+ object] The acid burned his hand.酸液灼伤了他的手。 [no object] The acid burned into/through the metal.酸液腐蚀了金属。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Her words burned themselves into his memory. = Her words were burned into his memory. [=he always remembered her words]她的话深深地刻在了他的记忆中。 The image is burned in my mind. [=I cannot forget the image]那图像烙在了我的脑海里。 b  [+ object] : to produce (something, such as a hole) by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧成…;烧穿… He dropped his cigarette and accidentally burned a hole in the carpet.他不小心把烟掉在地毯上烧了个洞。 The acid burned a hole in the cloth.酸液在布上烧了个洞。 ◊ If you have money and you want to spend it, the money is burning a hole in your pocket.一有钱就想花;花钱没有节制 He just got his tax refund and has some extra cash burning a hole in his pocket.他刚刚拿到退税的钱,就迫不及待地要把这多出来的现钱花掉。 6  always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to be very hot发烫;滚烫 The pavement was burning.人行道热得发烫。 — see also burning 7  a  : to have or produce an unpleasantly hot and painful feeling使火辣辣地痛;引起…刺痛 [+ object] The hot peppers burned my mouth.辣椒把我的嘴巴辣痛了。 The cigarette smoke burned my throat and made my eyes water.香烟的烟雾呛得我喉咙火辣辣的,眼泪都熏出来了。 [no object] My mouth is still burning from the hot peppers.吃了辣椒,我的嘴巴现在还火辣辣地痛呢。 The iodine burned a little when I put it on the cut.我涂碘酒时伤口有轻微灼热感。 b  [no object] : to feel a pain that is like being injured by heat or fire感到(烧伤或烫伤的)疼痛 My nose was bright red and my ears were burning from the cold.我被冻得鼻子通红,耳朵生疼。 c  always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to have a high fever发高烧 She was burning with fever.她在发高烧。 — often + up I'm going to call the doctor: you're burning up!我去叫医生,你烧得很厉害! — see also burn up (below), burning 8  [no object] a  : to feel a strong emotion充满强烈情感 — often + with She was burning with anger at his rudeness. [=she was very angry because of his rudeness]他的粗鲁无礼气得她火冒三丈。 As a young man he burned with ambition. [=he was very ambitious]作为一个年轻人,他雄心勃勃。 — sometimes + for She was burning for a chance to prove herself. [=she wanted very much to get a chance to prove herself]她十分渴望得到一个可以证明自己的机会。 — sometimes followed by to + verb有时接动词不定式 She was burning to prove herself.她渴望证明自己。 b  : to become hot and red because of a strong emotion(面颊因强烈的情感而)发烫,发红 Her cheeks were burning.她的双颊发烫。 — often + with Her cheeks were burning with shame.她的双颊因羞愧而发烫。 His face burned with anger/embarrassment.他气/窘得脸都涨红了。 9  [+ object] US, informal a  : to cheat or deceive (someone) : to take advantage of (someone)欺骗;利用 — usually used as (be) burned通常用作(be) burned He doesn't like giving interviews because he's been/gotten burned by reporters in the past. [=reporters have treated him unfairly in the past]他不喜欢接受采访,因为他以前上过记者的当。 He's been burned in love before.他以前在爱情上吃过亏。 b  : to make (someone) very angry激怒 It really burns me to see people being treated so badly.看到有人受到如此虐待,我实在很气愤。 — usually + up His arrogance really burns me up!他的傲慢着实激怒了我! — see also burn up (below) 10  a  [no object] : to be used as fuel作燃料使用 Some kinds of coal burn better than others.有些种类的煤比其他煤好烧。 b  [+ object] : to use (something) as fuel以…为燃料 This furnace burns oil/gas.这种熔炉烧的是石油/天然气。 — often + up an engine that burns up more fuel燃料消耗较多的发动机 c  [+ object] : to use (food, calories, etc.) as a source of energy消耗(食物、卡路里等) Our bodies burn food/calories.我们的身体要消耗食物/卡路里。 exercising to burn fat [=exercising to lose fat by using it to produce energy]燃烧脂肪的运动 — often + off or up exercising to burn off/up calories/fat燃烧卡路里/脂肪的运动 Your body burns up more oxygen when you are active than when you are resting.身体在运动时比在静止时消耗更多氧气。 — see also burn off (below), burn up (below) 11  [no object] : to give off light : to shine or glow发光 There was a light burning in the window.窗里亮着一盏灯。 a star that burns brightly in the evening sky傍晚天空中一颗明亮的星星 Lanterns burned in the boats on the canal.运河上的船都点着灯笼。 12  [+ object] computers : to record information or music on a disk刻录(光盘) burn a CD/DVD刻录CD/DVD You can buy the songs online and then burn them onto a CD.你可以在线购买歌曲,之后把它们刻到CD上。 burn away [phrasal verb] burn away or burn (something) away or burn away (something) : to be removed or to remove (something) by fire or heat(被)烧掉,烧毁,烧光 The outer layer of wooden shingles burned away quickly in the fire. = The fire quickly burned the outer layer of wooden shingles away.木片瓦的外层很快就被火烧光了。 burn down [phrasal verb] 1  burn down or burn (something) down or burn down (something) of a building or other structure : to be destroyed or to destroy (something) by fire(建筑物)被焚毁;烧毁 The hotel burned down [=burned to the ground] in 1922. = A fire in 1922 burned down the hotel.这家酒店在1922年毁于火灾。 2  burn down of a fire : to become smaller : to gradually produce less and less flame(火势)减弱;(火头)变小 We watched the fire as it slowly burned down.我们看着火慢慢变小。 burn off [phrasal verb] 1  burn off or burn (something) off or burn off (something) US, of fog, smoke, etc. : to go away because of the sun's heat(雾气、烟雾等在太阳的热度下)消散 We waited for the fog to burn off. = We waited for the sun to burn off the fog.我们等着雾气散去。 2  : to be removed or to remove (something) by fire or heat(被)烧掉,烧去 The hot sun had burned the paint off the sign years before.指示牌上的漆多年前就被炙热的阳光晒脱了。 — see also 1burn 10c (above) burn out [phrasal verb] 1  burn out or burn (itself) out of a fire : to stop burning熄灭;燃尽 The campfire eventually burned out. = The campfire eventually burned itself out.营火最终燃尽了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 His anger finally burned itself out. [=he finally stopped being angry]他的怒气终于消了。 2  burn (a building) out or burn out (a building) : to destroy the inside of (a building) by fire把(建筑物)烧成空架子 The apartment building was completely burned out by the fire.公寓大楼完全被大火烧成了空架子。 — see also burned out 1 3  burn out or burn (something) out or burn out (something) : to stop working or cause (something) to stop working because of too much use or careless use(因长期或不慎使用)出故障,使出故障 The engine burned out.发动机烧坏了。 If you keep running the engine like that you're going to burn it out.如果你一直那样开着发动机会把它烧坏的。 4  burn out or burn (someone) out also burn out (someone) : to become or cause (someone) to become very physically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time : to suffer burnout or cause (someone) to suffer burnout(使)精疲力竭,心力交瘁 Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn out. = Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn themselves out.教书会给人很大压力,许多老师到最后都心力交瘁。 All that hard work burned her out eventually.所有那些繁重的工作最终把她搞得精疲力竭。 — see also burned out 2 burn rubber — see 1rubber burn the candle at both ends : to do too much by being active late at night and during the day夜以继日地劳累;过度劳累 She's going to wear herself out if she keeps burning the candle at both ends.如果她继续这样夜以继日地劳累会垮掉的。 burn the midnight oil : to work or study until very late at night熬夜;挑灯夜战 The students have been burning the midnight oil as they prepare for their final exams.学生们一直在挑灯夜战准备期末考试。 burn through [phrasal verb] burn through (something) informal : to use all of (something) quickly快速耗尽 They've burned through 2 million dollars already, and the renovations are far from complete.他们已经花掉了200万美元,但是房子的翻修还远没有完成。 burn up [phrasal verb] burn up or burn (something) up or burn up (something) : to be destroyed or cause (something) to be destroyed by fire(使)被烧掉,被烧毁 Most asteroids burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere.大多数小行星在进入地球大气层时就燃烧殆尽了。 Wildfires have been raging across the region burning up acres of forest.这个地区野火肆虐,已有数英亩森林被毁。 — see also 1burn 7c burn your bridges also British burn your boats : to do something that makes you unable to go back to a previous situation破釜沉舟;自绝后路 Even after leaving his job, he tried to stay on friendly terms with his former boss because he didn't want to burn his bridges.即使离职之后他也尽量和前任老板保持友好关系,因为他不想断了自己的后路。 crash and burn — see 1crash money to burn — see money — burnable /ˈbɚnəbəl/ adjective [more burnable; most burnable] an easily burnable material易燃材料 2 burn /ˈbɚn/ noun plural burns 2 burn /ˈbɚn/ noun plural burns Learner's definition of BURN 1  [count] a  : an injury caused by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧伤;烫伤;灼伤 He suffered severe/serious burns on both his legs in the accident.他的双腿在事故中严重烧伤。 a second-degree burn二度烧伤 b  : a burned area : a mark on the surface of something caused by a flame or fire烧痕;烙印 There's a small burn on the tabletop.桌面上有一小块烧痕。 a burn mark烧痕 2  [count] : a painful red mark on the skin caused by rubbing against something(皮肤表面又红又痛的)勒痕,擦痕 rope/friction burns绳子勒出的道道红印;擦伤 3  [singular] : a sharp, hot pain : a burning feeling热辣辣的痛感;灼热感 the burn of iodine on a cut伤口上抹碘酒的刺痛感 Continue doing the exercise until you feel the burn in your muscles.继续锻炼,直到肌肉有灼热感。 do a slow burn US, informal : to slowly become very angry渐渐发怒 The boss did a slow burn when he saw the expense report.老板看着支出报告,火气慢慢就上来了。




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