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词汇 busy
释义 busy (verb) busy 4 ENTRIES FOUND: busy (adjective) busy (verb) bee (noun) signal (noun) 1 busy /ˈbɪzi/ adjective busier; busiest 1 busy /ˈbɪzi/ adjective busier; busiest Learner's definition of BUSY [also more busy; most busy] 1  : actively doing something忙碌的 She's busy preparing for her test.她正忙着准备考试。 Are you busy? Can I talk to you for a minute?你忙吗?我能跟你说几句话吗? I will be busy cleaning the house.我会忙着打扫房子的。 I'm sorry I haven't called. I've been so busy.抱歉没有给你打电话。我真是太忙了。 busy people who don't have time to cook忙得没空做饭的人 I got enough work to keep me busy for a while.我的工作足够我忙一阵的。 He is a very busy person.他是个大忙人。 He's been busy in the kitchen all afternoon.他在厨房忙了一下午。 She's as busy as a bee. [=she's very busy]她忙得不可开交。 — often + with The actress is busy with a new film. [=is working on a new film]那位女演员正忙着拍一部新电影。 He keeps himself busy with volunteer work.他忙着做志愿者工作。 She is busy with wedding plans.她正忙着筹备婚礼。 2  a  : full of activity or work活动多的;工作忙的 My week has been so busy!我这一周事儿可真多啊! They live/lead busy lives.他们过着忙碌的生活。 Is there any time in your busy schedule for us to have lunch next week?下周你能不能在百忙之中抽出时间我们一起吃个午饭? b  : full of people or things喧闹的;热闹的 a busy street车水马龙的街道 a busy store熙熙攘攘的商店 3  chiefly US, of a telephone or telephone line : being used(电话)占线的 I tried calling her, but her line/phone is busy. [=(chiefly Brit) engaged]我给她打过电话,但是占线。 ◊ When you dial a telephone line that is already in use, you hear a sound that is called a busy signal.(电话占线时的)忙音 4  : full of many details纷繁的;杂乱的 I like the fabric, but I think the pattern is too busy for this dress.我喜欢这种布料,但觉得用来做连衣裙图案太凌乱了。 busy wallpaper令人眼花缭乱的壁纸 get busy : to start doing work开始做 We need to finish by 5 o'clock, so we'd better get busy.我们需要在5点之前完成,所以最好现在开始干。 — busily /ˈbɪzəli/ adverb She is busily preparing for her test.她正忙着准备考试。 He is working busily in the kitchen.他正在厨房忙活呢。 — busyness /ˈbɪzinəs/ noun [noncount] I don't like the busyness of stores around the holidays.我不喜欢节假日期间商店里那种乱乎劲儿。 the busyness of the pattern图案的纷繁杂乱 2 busy /ˈbɪzi/ verb busies; busied; busying 2 busy /ˈbɪzi/ verb busies; busied; busying Learner's definition of BUSY busy yourself : to make or keep yourself busy : to occupy (yourself) with work or an activity忙于 The children busied themselves with puzzles all day.孩子们整天忙着玩拼图游戏。 He busied himself in the workshop building things.他在车间里忙着制作东西。




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