

单词 by
释义 by (adverb) by 137 ENTRIES FOUND: by (preposition) by (adverb) bye (interjection) bye (noun) bye-bye (interjection) by-election (noun) by-product (noun) blow-by-blow (adjective) drive-by (adjective) fly-by-night (adjective) lay-by (noun) play-by-play (noun) sell-by date (noun) side-by-side (adjective) step-by-step (adjective) two-by-four (noun) abide (verb) accident (noun) account (noun) any (adjective) bit (noun) blood (noun) board (noun) book (noun) bootstraps (noun) bound (noun) bull (noun) chalk (noun) cheek (noun) choice (noun) clever (adjective) close (adverb) come (verb) comparison (noun) contract (noun) crook (noun) day (noun) definition (noun) degree (noun) dint (noun) do (verb) done (adjective) ear (noun) event (noun) evidence (verb) far (adverb) feel (noun) fire (noun) fit (noun) 4x4 (noun) get (verb) go (verb) gum (noun) half (noun) hand (noun) hang (verb) happen (verb) hard (adverb) heart (noun) herself (pronoun) himself (pronoun) hoist (verb) hook (noun) horn (noun) imagination (noun) inch (noun) itself (pronoun) Jove (noun) jowl (noun) large (adjective) lay (verb) lead (verb) leap (noun) leave (noun) letter (noun) little (adverb) live (verb) lonesome (adjective) long (adjective) long shot (noun) machine (noun) magic (noun) manner (noun) means (noun) minute (noun) misadventure (noun) mistake (noun) moment (noun) mouth (noun) myself (pronoun) name (noun) necessity (noun) nose (noun) number (noun) one (pronoun) ourselves (pronoun) overtake (verb) pants (noun) pass (verb) petard (noun) post (noun) put (verb) return (noun) right (noun) rule (noun) run (verb) score (noun) scrape (verb) seat (noun) side (noun) sit (verb) skin (noun) stand (verb) start (noun) stick (verb) stop (verb) storm (noun) stretch (noun) strike (verb) surprise (noun) swear (verb) sweat (noun) swing (verb) themselves (pronoun) thread (noun) tick (verb) token (noun) tooth (noun) turn (noun) two (noun) virtue (noun) way (noun) wayside (noun) witness (verb) word (noun) yourself (pronoun) yourselves (pronoun) 1 by /ˈbaɪ/ /bə/ preposition 1 by /ˈbaɪ/ /bə/ preposition Learner's definition of BY 1  : close to or next to (something or someone) : near靠近;在…旁边 She was standing by [=beside] the window.她站在窗边。 His wife was sitting by him.妻子坐在他旁边。 They have a house by the lake.他们在湖边有座房子。 2  a  : up to and beyond (something or someone) : past经过;从…旁边过 The bus went right by him without stopping.公共汽车从他身边驶过没有停下。 b  : at or to (someone's home)在,去(某人家) Some friends stopped/came by our house for a chat.几个朋友到我们家来聊天。 Why don't you come by my place later?何不稍后来我家坐坐? 3  a  — used following a passive verb to indicate the person or thing that does something被,由(用于表被动的动词后,表示施动者) The decision was made by the company president. [=the company president made the decision]这个决定是由公司总裁做出的。 Coal has been replaced by oil. [=oil has replaced coal]煤炭已经被石油取代。 He was killed by a falling rock. [=a falling rock killed him]他是被一块坠落的岩石砸死的。 I was greatly surprised by the result. [=the result surprised me greatly]结果令我大感惊讶。 b  — used to indicate the thing that is used to do something通过,凭,靠(表示使用的工具或手段) He opened the door by (using) force. [=he used force to open the door]他靠蛮力打开了门。 She succeeded by pure determination.她完全凭借决心获得了成功。 c  — used to indicate an action that is done for a particular purpose以…方式(表示为实现特定目的所做的行为) You can reset the machine by pressing this button. [=you can press this button to reset the machine]你可以按这个按钮重新设置这台机器。 He began his speech by thanking the President and ended it by telling a joke.他的讲话以感谢总统开始,以一个笑话结束。 4  — used to indicate the person who wrote or created something由…所作,由…创作(表示作者或创作者) a play (written) by William Shakespeare威廉·莎士比亚的剧作 This is a portrait of Gaugin (that was painted) by Van Gogh.这是凡·高创作的高庚的肖像画。 5  a  — used to indicate the method used to go somewhere, send something, etc.乘坐,经由,通过(表示交通、传递等的方式) Some people came by [=via] train while others came by car.有些人是坐火车来的,而另一些人是坐汽车来的。 He returned by [=on, via] the last train.他是乘末班火车回来的。 They sent him a message by [=via] e-mail.他们用电子邮件给他发了条信息。 We drove here by the back roads.我们是从小路开车过来的。 b  — used to indicate the method used to enter or leave a place从…(表示进入或离开的途径) We entered by [=through, via] the front door.我们是从前门进来的。 6  a  — used to indicate the name that is used for someone or something表示人或物的名字 The American writer Samuel L. Clemens was known by the name “Mark Twain.”美国作家塞缪尔·L.克莱门斯更为人知的名字是“马克·吐温”。 Her full name is Elizabeth but she goes by (the nickname) “Lizzie.”她的全名是伊丽莎白,但昵称是“莉齐”。 The Federal Bureau of Investigation is usually referred to by its initials “FBI.”人们通常用首字母组合FBI来指代联邦调查局。 b  — used to indicate how someone is spoken to, identified, etc.表示对某人讲话或辨认某人的方式 He called her by name. [=he used her name when he spoke to her]他跟她讲话时直呼其名。 I know her by sight but not by name. [=I know what she looks like but I don't know her name]我知道她的长相但不知道她叫什么名字。 c  — used to introduce the name of someone or something important as proof that you are speaking the truth以…的名义(表示起誓) I swear by [=in the name of] all that's sacred that everything I've said is true.我以神的名义起誓:我说的话句句是真的。 — often used in phrases like by God to add emphasis常用于by God等短语,表示强调 He always said he'd retire to Hawaii, and by God, he did it!他总说退休后要搬到夏威夷去,天啊,他真的这么做了! d  : when using (a specified word or phrase)使用(某个具体的词或短语) What do you mean by “acceptable levels?” [=what levels do you consider acceptable?]你说的“可以接受的水平”是什么意思? She called my theory “interesting,” but I don't know what she meant by that. [=I don't know whether she was being sincere, polite, etc.]她说我的理论“有意思”,我不知道她这么说是什么意思。 It's hard to know what the author intended by this phrase.很难知道作者使用这个短语的用意。 7  — used to indicate the part of something or of a person's body that is held, grasped, etc.表示抓住、握住的人或物的部位 He grasped the shovel by the/its handle. [=he grasped the handle of the shovel]他握着铁锹的锹把儿。 She grabbed him by the arm. [=she grabbed his arm]她抓住了他的胳膊。 He held/took his daughter by the/her hand. [=he held/took his daughter's hand]他拉着女儿的手。 8  a  : during the time of (day or night)在…期间;在(白天或夜晚)的时候 New York by night [=at night, during the night] is very different from New York by day. [=during the day]夜晚的纽约与白天的纽约大不相同。 b  — used to indicate the kind of light that occurs or is used when something is being looked at, read, etc.借助…的光线 The landscape looked very different when we saw it by daylight than it had by moonlight.这景色在日光下与在月光下看到的完全不同。 She was trying to read by the light of a single candle.她当时正在试图借着一支蜡烛的光看书。 9  a  : not later than (a specified time) : at, in, on, or before (a specified time)不晚于;在…之前 We need to leave by noon at the latest.我们最晚要在正午离开。 They should be here by tomorrow.他们明天应该到了。 I don't know where she is. She should have been back by now.我不知道她在哪儿。现在她本该回来了。 By this time next year she hopes to have a new job.她希望明年的这个时候找到份新工作。 She's planning to get married next year, by which time she hopes to have a new job.她计划明年结婚,而且希望那时能有份新工作。 b  : during the time until (a specified time)截至;至 By 2000 the U.S. had been an independent country for more than 200 years.至2000年,美国已经独立200多年了。 10  a  : in a way that agrees with or follows (something, such as a rule)按照(规则等) They didn't play by the rules.他们不按规则比赛。 b  : in a way that is based on (something)依据 You shouldn't judge other people by (their) appearances.你不应该以貌取人。 c  : according to (something)根据;按照 By my watch it's nearly noon. [=my watch says that it's nearly noon]我的表显示已经快正午了。 11  a  — used to indicate units of measurement or quantity按…计量 The eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋按打卖。 She gets paid by the hour.她按小时取酬。 They have been making progress by small degrees.他们一直在一点一点地进步。 b  — used to indicate the number that multiplies or divides another number表示乘数或除数 multiply 8 by 128乘以12 divide 10 by 410除以4 c  — used to indicate the numbers of a measurement表示尺寸 The room measures 15 feet by 20 feet.这房间15英尺宽20英尺长。 12  — used to indicate an amount, length, etc.多出…,以…之差(表示数量、长度等) The horse won the race by a nose.这匹马以微弱优势赢得了比赛。 She's taller than I am by several inches. [=she's several inches taller than I am]她比我高几英寸。 The price has been increased by five dollars.价格涨了五美元。 This one is better by far than that one. [=this one is much better than that one]这个比那个好多了。 13  — used to indicate someone's job, origin, character, etc.表示工作、出身、性格等 She's a lawyer by profession.她的职业是律师。 He's French by birth, although he has lived in America for many years.尽管已在美国生活了许多年,但他在血统上是法国人。 I'm an optimist by nature. [=it is my nature to be optimistic]我天生就是乐观的人。 14  a  — used in phrases to describe the speed at which something happens or changes用于短语,表示事物发生或变化的速度 The work is getting done bit by bit. [=the work is getting done gradually in small amounts]工作正在一点一点地进行。 He's getting better little by little.他正在逐渐好转。 His health is growing worse day by day. = His health is growing worse by the day. [=his health is growing worse every day]他的身体一天不如一天。 The situation is getting more dangerous by the second/minute/hour.情况每秒钟/分钟/小时都在变得更为危险。 b  — used in phrases to describe how a series of people or things proceed or are dealt with用于短语,表示一群人的行进方式或一连串事物的处置方式 They entered the room two by two. [=two at a time] [=two of them entered the room, then two more entered the room, etc.]他们两个两个地走进房间。 I solved the problems one by one. [=I solved the first problem, then the second one, etc.]我把问题一个一个地解决了。 15  informal : in the opinion of (someone)在…看来 Whatever you want to do is fine/okay by me. [=I am willing to agree to whatever you want to do]你想做什么我都同意。 16  somewhat formal a  : on behalf of (someone)为了,为帮助(某人) He always did right by his children. [=he always did the right things to help his children]他总是用恰当的方法帮助自己的孩子们。 b  — used to indicate the husband or wife who is the parent of someone's child由…所生 He had two daughters by his first wife and a son by his second wife. [=his first wife was the mother of his two daughters and his second wife was the mother of his son]他与第一任妻子生有两个女儿,与第二任妻子生有一个儿子。 She has two children by her first husband.她与第一任丈夫生了两个孩子。 by the by old-fashioned or by the bye — used to introduce a statement that provides added information or that mentions another subject顺便说一句;附带说说 I recently met his wife who, by the by [=by the way, incidentally], is a well-known author.我最近见到他太太了。顺便提一句,他太太是位知名作家。 by yourself : without others : alone独自;一个人 He sat (all) by himself, reading the newspaper.他独自坐着读报。 The new law will help, but it can't solve the problem (all) by itself.新法会有帮助,但不可能仅靠它解决这个问题。 You shouldn't lift that heavy box (all) by yourself. Let me help you.你不应该一个人提那么重的箱子。我来帮你。 2 by /ˈbaɪ/ adverb 2 by /ˈbaɪ/ adverb Learner's definition of BY 1  : 4past The bus went right by without stopping.公共汽车径直开了过去,没有停车。 We stood and applauded as the parade went/passed by.游行队伍走过时我们站起来鼓掌。 The last few years have gone by [=have passed] so quickly.最近几年过得真快。 2  — used with put to describe something that is being kept or saved for a future use与put连用,表示把某物存起来以备将来使用 You should be putting some money by [=aside] for your old age. [=you should be saving some money for your old age]你应该攒点钱养老。 3  : at or to someone's home在某人家;去某人家 Some friends stopped/came by for a chat. [=some friends came by our house for a chat]几个朋友到家里来聊天。 Why don't you come by later?何不稍后来我家坐坐? 4  : close or near在附近 He did it when nobody was by. [=(more commonly) around]他做这事的时候周围没有人。 She lives close by. [=nearby]她住在附近。 by and by literary + old-fashioned : before too long : eventually不久;很快;最终 I feel sure that we'll succeed by and by. [=ultimately, in the end]我肯定我们最终会成功。 by and large 1  : in a general way : in general大体上;总的说来 By and large [=generally, for the most part], I like the way things have gone.总体上说,我对事情的进展是满意的。 2  : in most cases : in general通常情况下;一般来说 By and large [=generally, usually] it takes a month for the shipment to arrive.通常情况下,装运的货物要一个月抵达。




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