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词汇 carry
释义 carry (noun) carry 15 ENTRIES FOUND: carry (verb) carry (noun) carry-cot (noun) carrying case (noun) carry-on (noun) carry-on (adjective) card-carrying (adjective) cash-and-carry (noun) ball (noun) can (noun) coal (noun) day (noun) everything (pronoun) fetch (verb) torch (noun) 1 carry /ˈkeri/ verb carries; carried; carrying 1 carry /ˈkeri/ verb carries; carried; carrying Learner's definition of CARRY 1  [+ object] : to move (something) while holding and supporting it(以背、扛、提、抱等方式)运送,携带 She helped me carry [=transport] the boxes out to my car.她帮我把箱子搬出去放到了我的车上。 I'll carry your luggage to your room.我会把行李送到你房间里的。 He was carrying his baby daughter in his arms.他怀里抱着宝贝女儿。 For two months, I carried the book around with me everywhere I went.两个月来,我走到哪里都带着这本书。 The waitress carried away our empty dinner plates.女服务员把我们的空盘子撤走了。 The wind carried the smoke away from the campsite.风把营地的烟吹散了。 These planes can carry up to 300 passengers.这些飞机可载客300人。 a ship carrying thousands of gallons of oil运送数千加仑石油的货轮 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Your talent will carry you far. [=it will make you very successful]你的天分一定会使你成功。 She intended the play to carry audiences toward a sense of peace and understanding.她想让这部戏把和平与理解的意识带给观众。 She still carries the memories of an unhappy childhood.她对不幸的童年仍然难以释怀。 The song carries me back to [=it makes me remember] my first year of college.这首歌把我带回到大学一年级的时光。 2  [+ object] : to contain and direct the flow of (water, electricity, etc.)输送,传送,传输(水、电等) Oil is carried to the factory through these pipes.石油通过这些管道输送到工厂。 We installed gutters that will carry water away from the house.我们安装了排水槽将水排出房子。 blood vessels that carry blood to the heart将血液输送到心脏的血管 These cables carry electricity to hundreds of homes.这些电缆把电输送到千家万户。 The bridge carries traffic in two directions.这座桥双向通车。 3  [+ object] : to have (something) with you or on your body携带;佩戴 Do police officers carry guns when they're off duty?警察不当班时带枪吗? This bus driver doesn't carry change, so please have the exact fare ready.这种公共汽车的司机不找零,请自备零钞付费。 I always carry $20 in case of an emergency.我总是随身携带20美元,以备急用。 tourists carrying cameras带着相机的游客 4  [+ object] : to be able to give (a disease or a gene) to others even though you may not be affected by it传染;传播 One percent of the population now carries the virus, and one in three will suffer symptoms of the disease.目前有百分之一的人口携带这种病毒,每三名携带者中就会有一人发病。 5  [+ object] : to be pregnant with (a baby)怀孕;怀(胎) She's carrying her second child.她正怀着第二个孩子。 6  [+ object] : to hold (your body or your head) in a particular way(让头或身体)保持姿态;做…姿势 He's over 80 years old and still carries himself erect/upright like a soldier.他80多岁了,但身板还像士兵一样挺拔。 Be proud of yourself. Walk tall and carry your head high!骄傲点。昂首挺胸地走! She always carries [=(more formally) comports] herself with dignity and grace.她的举止总是那么端庄优雅。 7  [+ object] a  : to have (something) in a store and ready to be sold : to keep (something) in stock出售;销量 Our grocery store carries a good selection of wines.我们的杂货店销售各种上好的葡萄酒。 We no longer carry that brand.我们不再代理那个品牌了。 b  : to have (someone or something) on a list or record(把人或物)列入名单;登记在案 The company carries nearly 200 employees on its payroll.这家公司的工资名单上有近200名员工。 8  [+ object] a  : to have (something) as a quality or characteristic具有(某种品质或特点) All of our products carry a lifetime guarantee.我们所有的产品都是终身保修。 Your promises would carry more weight [=they would be more meaningful] if you didn't break them so often.要是你不那么经常言而无信,你的承诺可能更有分量些。 b  : to be marked or labeled with (something)标有,贴有(标签) Cigarettes are required to carry a government health warning.香烟须标注政府的健康警示。 men who carry the physical scars of war身上带着战争留下的伤疤的男人们 9  [+ object] : to have (something) as a result or consequence带来(某种结果或后果) Such crimes carry [=entail, involve] a heavy penalty.这类罪行会受到重判。 The surgery does carry certain risks.手术确实存在一定的风险。 — often + with You must understand that the job carries with it great responsibility.你必须明白这份工作责任重大。 10  [+ object] : to have (something) as a duty or responsibility负有…责任;承担(责任) I'm carrying a full course load this semester.这学期我的课时排得很满。 He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. [=he feels much pressure because he has great responsibilities]他肩负的责任重大。 11  [+ object] : to be responsible for the success of (something or someone)是…成功的关键;对…的成功负责 He's a player that's capable of carrying a team on his own.他是全队一名能独当一面的队员。 Her spectacular performance as Carmen carried the opera.她扮演卡门的精彩表演对这部戏的成功起了关键作用。 12  a  [+ object] : to make (something) continue使继续 They carried [=took, extended] the game into the 10th inning.他们使比赛持续到了第10局。 The newspaper carried the story over to the following page.报纸在下一页继续报道了这个事件。 The design calls for the columns to be carried all the way up to the top of the building.设计要求柱子要一直通到楼顶。 carrying the war to another continent将战争推进到另一个大陆 b  [no object] : to travel a long distance传得远 His deep voice carries well.他低沉的声音传得很远。 Baseballs don't carry well in cold weather.在寒冷的天气里,棒球打不远。 13  [+ object] : to continue (something) beyond a normal or acceptable limit使…过分;使…超过限制 He realized that he had carried the joke too far and hurt her feelings.他意识到这个玩笑开过了,伤害了她的感情。 — see also carry (something) to extremes at 2extreme 14  [+ object] : to sing (a tune) correctly准确地唱 I've never been able to carry a tune.我从来都找不准调子。 15  [+ object] : to present (a story, sports event, TV show, etc.) to the public报道;播出;登载 Channel 9 will carry the game.这场比赛将在第9频道播出。 Every local newspaper carried [=ran] the photograph.所有本地报纸都刊载了那张照片。 The trial was carried live [=broadcast as it was happening] on television.电视对审判进行了直播。 16  a  : to cause (a bill or an official proposal) to be passed or adopted(使议案或官方提案)获得通过,得到采纳 [+ object] — often used as (be) carried常用作(be) carried The bill was carried in the Senate by a vote of 75-25.这项提案以75票对25票在参议院获得通过。 [no object] He called for a motion to stop debate, but the motion did not carry.他提出动议要求停止争论,但是没能获得通过。 The motion carried unanimously. [=everyone voted to pass it]动议被一致通过。 b  [+ object] chiefly US : to win a majority of votes in (a state, legislature, etc.)(在州、立法机关等)赢得多数选票 The bill carried the Senate by a vote of 75-25.这项提案以75票对25票在参议院获得通过。 In the presidential election of 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt carried [=won, took] all the states except Maine and Vermont.在1936年的总统选举中,富兰克林·罗斯福赢得了全国除缅因州和佛蒙特州以外其他各州的多数选票。 17  [+ object] : to move (a number) from one column to another when you are adding numbers together(加法)进位 When you added these two numbers, you forgot to carry the 1.你把这两数相加时,忘记了把1进一位。 be/get carried away : to be so excited that you are no longer in control of your behavior(兴奋、激动得)难以自控 I shouldn't have behaved like that. I just got carried away.我本不该那样表现。我只是激动得不能自持。 Just relax! There's no need to get carried away.平静点!没必要这么兴奋。 They allowed themselves to be carried away by fear.他们被吓得惊恐不已。 carry all/everything before you literary : to be completely successful全胜;大获成功 This young boxer has the talent to carry all before him.这位年轻的拳击手有实力获得全胜。 carry a torch for — see 1torch carry coals to Newcastle — see coal carry into effect — see 1effect carry off [phrasal verb] 1  carry off (something) or carry (something) off : to do (something difficult) successfully : to achieve or accomplish (something)成功地完成(困难的事);实现;达到 He tried to look cool but couldn't carry it off. [=pull it off]他试图扮酷,但并不成功。 She's the only actress I know with enough talent to carry this off.她是我认识的唯一有足够天分演好这个角色的女演员。 2  : to win (something)赢得 We carried off the prize.我们获奖了。 carry on [phrasal verb] 1  : to continue to do what you have been doing继续进行 I didn't mean to interrupt you—please carry on.我并不想打断你,请继续。 She carried on as if nothing had happened.她继续往下进行,仿佛什么也没发生。 : to continue despite problems(迎着困难)坚持下去 I know it's difficult, but you need to carry on as best you can.我知道这很难,但是你需要尽最大的努力坚持下去。 2  : to behave or speak in an excited or foolish way举止愚蠢;胡闹;吵闹 They laughed and carried on like they were old friends.他们说笑打闹,像是老朋友似的。 We were embarrassed by the way he was carrying on.他大吵大闹的行为把我们搞得很尴尬。 She's always carrying on [=talking in an excited way] about her neighbors.她总是愤愤不平地抱怨她的邻居们。 screaming, crying, and carrying on尖叫声、哭喊声和吵闹声 — see also carryings-on, carry-on 3  carry on (something) a  : to manage or participate in (an activity)经营;参加 She carried on an affair with her boss.她和老板有暧昧关系。 It's too noisy in here to carry on a conversation.这里太嘈杂,无法进行谈话。 The police are carrying on [=conducting] an investigation into his murder.警方正在对谋杀他的那起案件进行调查。 carrying on a campaign against illegal drug use发起反对非法使用毒品的运动 b  : to continue doing (something)继续(做某事) The money allows us to carry on our research.这笔钱使我们能够继续进行研究。 Although the teacher spoke to them, they just carried on [=went on, kept on] talking.尽管老师提醒了他们,他们还是讲个不停。 c  : to cause (something, such as a tradition) to continue使传承 We were the only ones left to carry on the tradition.我们是唯一留下来可以继承这一传统的人。 carrying on the family name传承家姓 4  carry on with (something) : to continue doing or participating in (an activity)继续做;继续参加 Please carry on with what you were doing.请继续做你的事吧。 They carried on with their conversation.他们继续交谈。 5  carry on with (someone) chiefly British, old-fashioned : to have an often immoral sexual relationship with (someone)与…有不正当的男女关系 I found out that he had been carrying on with [=(more commonly) fooling around with] my sister.我发现他和我妹妹勾勾搭搭的。 carry out [phrasal verb] 1  carry (something) out or carry out (something) : to do and complete (something)实施;完成 We carried out several experiments to test the theory.我们做了多次实验来检验这个理论。 An investigation carried out several years ago revealed no new information.几年前所做的调查并没有发现什么新的线索。 2  : to act on (a promise, plan, etc.) : to do something that you said you would do or that someone has asked you to do兑现(诺言);实施(计划) She failed to carry out [=fulfill] her promise.她没能兑现诺言。 The town has plans to build a new school, but it currently lacks the money to carry them out.小镇计划修建一所新学校,但因最近缺乏资金而无法实施。 You'll be paid when you've carried out [=executed] your instructions/orders/duties.你完成了指令/执行了命令/履行了职责后就会得到报酬。 — see also carryout carry over [phrasal verb] 1  : to continue to exist or be seen in another place or situation(在不同地点或情况下)继续存在,继续下去 His unhappiness at home carried over into/to his work.他把家庭生活中的不愉快带到了工作中。 Her abilities in singing didn't carry over to acting.她在演唱方面展现出的才能没有带到表演上来。 2  carry (something) over or carry over (something) : to cause or allow (something) to continue in another place or situation使继续存在 People can carry bad eating habits learned in childhood over to/into adulthood.人们可能把童年时养成的不良饮食习惯带到成年。 — see also carryover carry the ball — see 1ball carry the can — see 2can carry the day — see day carry the torch — see 1torch carry through [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to continue to exist or happen持续存在;持续发生 — usually + to The yellow and blue theme in the kitchen carries through to the rest of the house.厨房的黄蓝色调一直延伸到房子的其他地方。 Our conversation carried through to dessert.我们的交谈一直持续到餐后甜点。 b  : to continue to do something坚持做 — usually + to Though extremely tired, she managed to carry through to the finish.尽管已经筋疲力尽,她还是设法坚持到了最后。 2  carry through with/on (something) US : to do (something that you said you would do)履行(诺言) The mayor carried through [=followed through] on her promise to clean up the city.市长兑现了她要整顿好这座城市的承诺。 We're beginning to carry through with [=carry out] our plans.我们即将开始实施我们的计划。 3  carry (something) through : to successfully finish or complete (something that you have begun or said you will do)顺利实现;成功完成 Whatever project you begin, you must carry it through to completion.不管什么项目,启动了就必须把它顺利完成。 4  a  carry (someone) through : to help or allow (someone) to survive or continue使幸存下来;使持续下去 We had enough supplies to carry us through (until spring).我们有足够的储备维持下去(直到春天)。 His faith carried him through.他的信仰支撑他挺了过来。 b  carry (someone) through (something) : to help or allow (someone) to survive or continue during (a period of time)帮助(某人)度过 We had enough supplies to carry us through the winter.我们有足够的储备过冬。 His faith carried him through a difficult time in his life.他的信仰支撑他度过了人生中艰难的时光。 I borrowed a few more books to carry me through the summer.我多借了几本书以消磨这个夏天。 fetch and carry — see fetch 2 carry /ˈkeri/ noun plural carries 2 carry /ˈkeri/ noun plural carries Learner's definition of CARRY [count] American football : the act of running with the ball带球跑 He averaged four yards per carry this season.这个赛季他平均每次带球跑的距离是四码。




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