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词汇 age
释义 age (verb) age 27 ENTRIES FOUND: age (noun) age (verb) -age (noun suffix) aged (adjective) ageing age-old (adjective) age of consent (noun) Bronze Age (noun) coming-of-age (noun) golden age (noun) ice age (noun) Iron Age (noun) mental age (noun) middle age (noun) New Age (adjective) old age (noun) school age (noun) space-age (adjective) Stone Age (noun) aging (adjective) aging (noun) come (verb) coon (noun) day (noun) dog (noun) ripe (adjective) tender (adjective) 1 age /ˈeɪʤ/ noun plural ages 1 age /ˈeɪʤ/ noun plural ages Learner's definition of AGE 1  a  : the amount of time during which a person or animal has lived年龄 [count] What is your age? [=how old are you?]你多大了? The age of the student was 20. = The student's age was 20.这个学生当时的年龄是20岁。 Some people are reluctant to reveal their ages.有些人不愿意透露自己的年龄。 She died tragically at a young age.她不幸英年早逝。 Exercise is good for a man (of) your age.锻炼对你这个年龄的人有好处。 The treatment depends on the sex and age of the patient.治疗方案依病人的性别和年龄而定。 He joined the company at the age of 35. [=when he was 35 years old]他35岁时加盟这家公司。 She died at the ripe old age of 90.她90岁高龄时去世。 You're too old to behave so foolishly. You should know better at your age. [=a person as old as you are should know better]你已经长大,不应表现得如此愚蠢。你这个年龄的人应该懂得。 You should learn to act your age. [=to act in a way that is appropriate for a person of your age]你应该学着稳重点。 She showed remarkable musical talent at/from an early age. [=she showed talent when she was young]她很小就表现出非凡的音乐天赋。 The movie appeals to people of all ages.这部电影老少咸宜。 The book is popular among men/women of a certain age. [=men/women who are not young anymore]这本书广受成年男女的欢迎。 Her age is catching up to her. = She is starting to feel her age. [=she is starting to feel old]她开始感到岁月不饶人了。 He left home at the tender age of 18. [=when he was only 18 years old]他年仅18岁就离家在外了。 He learned to paint in his old age. [=when he was old]他老年时学习绘画。 Our son is small for his age. [=he's smaller than most children are at his age]我们儿子的个头长得比大多数同龄孩子要小。 [noncount] Their son needs to spend more time with children his own age.他们儿子需要多花点时间与同龄孩子玩。 a group of children ranging in age from 8 to 11一群年龄从8岁到11岁的孩子 When you're my age [=when you're as old as I am] you'll realize that life isn't always fair.等你到了我这个岁数,你将意识到生活并不总是公平的。 She became involved with a man twice her age.她与一个年龄大她一倍的男子有瓜葛 More people now live to extreme old age. [=live to be extremely old]]现在长寿的人更多了。 The program is for people over/under age 50.这个计划是为年龄超过/不到50岁的人安排的。 groups of people classified by race and age按种族和年龄划分的小组 The student was 20 years of age. [=was 20 years old]这个学生当时20岁了。 He joined the company at age 35.他35岁时加盟了这家公司。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 The movie appeals to people of all age groups.这部电影老少咸宜。 He was over the age limit. [=he was too old]他超过了年龄限制。 — see also middle age, old age, school age b  : the amount of time during which a thing has existed存在时间 [count] What is the age of your car?你的车开了几年了? The car is in good condition for its age. [=considering how old it is]考虑到它的年头,这车的车况算是不错了。 [noncount] The magazines were sorted by age.这些杂志是按年代分类的。 2  : the time of life when a person does something or becomes legally able to do something法定年龄 [count] The voting age is 18. [=people are allowed to vote when they are 18 years old]选举的法定年龄是18岁。 He was past the age for military service.他过了服兵役的法定年龄。 [noncount] Her parents are approaching retirement age.她的父母快到退休年龄了。 young people who have not yet reached drinking age尚未到法定饮酒年龄的年轻人 students of college age = college-age students适龄入读大学的学生 — see also age of consent 3  [noncount] a  : the passage of time : the process of becoming old or older年老 a tree weakened by age因树龄老而变得衰朽的树 His skills haven't diminished with age.他的技艺没有因年老衰退。 a wine that has improved with age陈酿酒 “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.”“年龄不能使她衰老,习惯也腐蚀不了她的变化无穷的伎俩。”Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra (1607)莎士比亚,《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》(1607) b  : the condition of being old年老;衰老;老化 from youth to (old) age从年轻到年老 The building is showing signs of age.那栋建筑日渐显出老化迹象。 She died of old age.她因年事已高去世。 4  [count] : a period of history年代;岁月 — usually singular通常用单数 an airplane that became a symbol of the modern age成为当代标志的飞机 a bygone/past age逝去的岁月 the great problems of our age我们这个时代的重大问题 It's hard to believe that such behavior is still tolerated in this day and age. [=in current times; now]很难相信在当今这个时代,这样的行为还能够被容忍。 — : a period of time that is associated with a particular thing or person(以某人或某事为代表的)时代 People expect information instantly in this age of the Internet.在这个互联网时代,人们期望获得即时信息。 the age of Columbus哥伦布时代 the machine age机器时代 the Age of Discovery发现时代 — see also bronze age, dark ages, golden age, ice age, iron age, new age, stone age, gilded age at gild 5  [count] informal : a long period of time很长一段时间 It's been an age since we last saw them.自从我们上次见到他们,已经过去很久了。 — usually plural通常用复数 It's been ages since we last saw them. = We haven't seen them in/for ages. = It was ages ago when we last saw them.自从我们上次见到他们,已经过去很久了。 come of age : to reach the age when you are considered an adult成年;达到法定年龄 He received his full inheritance when he came of age.成年之后他得到了全部遗产。 — often used figuratively.常用作比喻 She came of age as an artist [=she developed fully as an artist] after she moved to New York.搬到纽约后,她成长为一名成熟的艺术家。 a political movement that has recently come of age [=has become fully formed and effective]近期发展成熟的政治运动 in a coon's age US, informal or in a dog's age : in a very long time很久 We haven't seen them in a coon's age.我们很久没有见到他们了。 2 age /ˈeɪʤ/ verb ages; aged; aging or chiefly British ageing 2 age /ˈeɪʤ/ verb ages; aged; aging or chiefly British ageing Learner's definition of AGE 1  [no object] : to become old or older变老 As he aged he grew more and more bitter.年龄越大,他越痛苦。 You haven't aged a day since I saw you last!你看起来跟上次见面时一样,一点儿也不见老! an aging population老龄化人口 a book that has aged well [=a book that is still good or appealing although it is no longer new]一本经过时间考验的好书 She has aged gracefully. [=she has continued to be healthy and young looking as she has gotten older]她年纪见长,却风韵犹存。 2  [+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to become old or to appear to be old(使)变老,显老 His troubles have aged him.种种烦恼让他苍老了许多。 Exposure to the sun has aged her skin.阳光下的曝晒使她的皮肤老化。 3  of food or drink : to be stored for a period of time in order to gain desired qualities(食物或酒经贮存)变陈,熟化 [no object] The wine ages in oak barrels.这种酒是用橡木桶陈放的。 [+ object] The wine is aged in oak barrels.这种酒是用橡木桶陈放的。 an aged cheese一块陈年的奶酪




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