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词汇 chance
释义 chance (verb) chance (adjective) chance 10 ENTRIES FOUND: chance (noun) chance (verb) chance (adjective) any (adjective) arm (noun) fat (adjective) fine (adjective) snowball (noun) stand (verb) thing (noun) 1 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ noun plural chances 1 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ noun plural chances Learner's definition of CHANCE 1  : an opportunity to do something : an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done机会;机遇 [count] I wanted to call you, but I never got/had the chance (to).我想给你打电话,但一直没机会。 I go to the beach every chance I get. [=I go whenever I can]我一有机会就去海边。 This is the chance of a lifetime!这是个千载难逢的机会。 You missed your chance.你错失良机了。 Everyone deserves a fair chance of winning the award.每个人都有公平的获奖机会。 If you give me a chance, I know I can do a good job.如果你给我机会,我一定能做好。 He doesn't give second chances. [=opportunities to try something again after failing one time]他不给第二次机会。 If given half a chance [=if given some opportunity], she could show everyone how talented she is.如果给她一点机会,她可以向大家展示自己是多么赋有才华。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 Here's your chance to try something new.这是你尝试新事物的机会。 Give me a chance to explain.给我个解释的机会。 You have to give the wound a chance to heal. [=you have to allow time for the wound to heal]你得让伤口慢慢愈合。 [noncount] We didn't have much chance to talk about it.我们没有多少机会谈论此事。 ◊ To jump/leap/grab at the chance to do something is to have an opportunity to do something and to say in an excited way that you will do it or to do it in a very eager way.抢抓机遇 She jumped at the chance to go to New York City.她抢抓住了去纽约市的机会。 ◊ If you have a fighting chance to do something, you may be able to do it by making a great effort.需努力才能获得的机会 The patient still has a fighting chance to survive.病人仍有一线生机。 Their help gave us a fighting chance to finish the project on time.他们的帮助使我们按时完工有了一丝希望。 2  : the possibility that something will happen可能性;概率 [count] There's a good chance that we'll finish on time.我们很可能会按时完成。 There's still a slim chance [=a small possibility] that we can win.我们仍有一丝获胜的希望。 There's an outside chance [=a small possibility] that something could go wrong.发生故障的可能性很小。 Chances are [=it is very likely that] she has already heard the news.她很有可能已经知道消息了。 — often + of It increases/reduces the chance of getting the disease.它增加/减少了患此病的概率。 There's a 50 percent chance of rain this afternoon.今天下午降雨的概率为50%。 (Brit, informal) The challenger may not have much experience, but I still think he's in with a chance of winning. [=he has a possibility of winning]挑战者可能没多少经验,但我仍认为他有获胜的希望。 — often plural常用复数 What are the chances [=how likely is it] that we'll have nice weather today?今天天气晴好的可能性有多大? I think her chances of winning the election are good.我认为她选举获胜的可能性很大。 “How do you think the team will do this year?” “I like their chances.” [=I think they have a good chance of succeeding/winning]“你认为这支队今年战绩会如何?”“我认为他们获胜的可能性很大。” [noncount] If you are free tonight, is there any chance you could join me for dinner?今晚如果有空,你能和我共进晚餐吗? — often + of If you want to have any chance of getting the job, you'll have to dress nicely.如果你想争取这份工作,就得穿漂亮些。 The prisoners had little/no chance of escape/escaping.囚犯不大有/没有可能逃跑。 ◊ The phrase by any chance is used when asking questions in a polite way.可能,也许会(用于礼貌性的提问) Are you free tonight, by any chance?您今晚会有空吗? ◊ The informal phrases fat chance and not a chance are used as a forceful way of saying that there is no possibility that something will happen.不可能;没机会 “He says that he'll get here on time.” “Fat chance!”“他说他会按时赶到这儿。”“才不会呢!” “Do you think they'll win?” “Not a chance!”“你认为他们会获胜吗?”“不可能!” Fat chance of that happening!那样的事不可能发生! 3  [noncount] : the way that events happen when they are not planned or controlled by people : luck幸运;侥幸 There is an element of chance [=luck] to winning a card game.打牌获胜要靠点儿运气。 Which cards you're given is simply a matter of chance.你拿到什么样的牌全靠运气。 We planned for everything and left nothing to chance. [=we prepared for everything possible]我们计划周全,不存任何侥幸之心。 That's not the kind of thing you want to leave to chance. [=that's not the kind of thing you don't want to plan or prepare for]这种事你可不能任其发展。 ◊ If something happens by chance, people have not planned it or tried to make it happen.偶然 By (pure/sheer) chance, I saw him again at the grocery store.(完全是)碰巧,我在杂货店又遇上他了。 We found the house entirely by chance.我们找到这房子纯属碰巧。 ◊ The phrase as chance would have it is used to say that something happened because of good or bad luck.凑巧;碰巧 Our car broke down on the road, but as chance would have it [=as it turned out], there was a garage nearby.我们的车在路上抛锚了,幸好附近就有个修车厂。 ◊ A game of chance is a game (such as a dice game) in which luck rather than skill decides who wins.靠碰运气取胜的游戏(如掷色子) Games of chance are illegal in some states.靠运气的赌局在美国的一些州是非法的。 chance would be a fine thing British, informal — used to say that something good or desirable is not likely to happen要是能…就好了(指希望难以达成) This candidate promises to solve all the country's financial problems in six months. Chance would be a fine thing! [=if only that were possible]候选人承诺六个月内解决国家所有的财政问题。要是真能这样就好啦! on the off chance — used to talk about something that might happen or be true but that is not likely对…抱有一丝希望;碰碰运气 I called his office on the off chance that he would still be there [=I called because I thought there was a slight chance that he would still be there], but he had already left.我往他的办公室打电话,只是碰碰运气希望他还在,但他已经离开了。 stand a chance : to have a possibility of succeeding有希望;有可能 The team stands a chance of doing well this year.这个队今年有获胜的希望。 I think she stands a good chance of winning the election.我认为她很有希望在选举中获胜。 — often used in negative statements常用于否定句 He doesn't stand a chance against the champion.他不可能打败冠军。 She stands no chance of winning. [=she has no chance of winning]她不可能获胜。 take a chance : to do something that could have either good or bad results投机;冒险 She's trying to find a publisher who will take a chance on her book. [=will publish her book without knowing for certain that it will succeed]她正努力找个愿意赌一把的出版商为她出书。 It might not work, but it's a chance we'll have to take.这或许行不通,但是我们还得冒险一试。 I'm not willing to take that chance.我不愿意冒那个险。 He said he couldn't afford to take any chances.他说他承担不起任何风险。 He's not afraid to take chances. [=to do things that are risky or dangerous]他不怕冒风险。 She was taking no chances. = She wasn't taking any chances.她不愿冒任何风险。 “You might not succeed.” “I know, but I'll take my chances anyway.”“你不一定能成功。”“我明白,但我要碰碰运气。” 2 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ verb chances; chanced; chancing 2 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ verb chances; chanced; chancing Learner's definition of CHANCE 1  [+ object] : to accept the danger of (doing something) : risk冒险 We knew that the trip was dangerous, but we decided to chance it. [=we decided to go on the trip]我们知道此次旅行很危险,但还是决定冒一次险。 He couldn't chance playing with a broken toe.他脚趾带伤,不能冒险参赛。 2  [no object] formal — used to describe something that happens because of luck or chance碰巧;恰好— followed by to + verb接动词不定式 It chanced [=(more commonly) happened] to rain that day.那天碰巧下雨了。 We chanced to arrive at the same time.我们碰巧同一时间到达。 a conversation that chanced to take place outside my apartment在我公寓外的一次偶然谈话 chance upon [phrasal verb] also chance on chance upon/on (someone or something) formal : to find (something) or meet (someone) by chance碰巧找到;偶然遇到 She chanced upon an original copy of the book in her grandfather's attic.她在祖父的阁楼里偶然发现了这本书的原版。 We chanced upon a good restaurant.我们偶然间发现了一家好餐馆。 chance your arm British, informal : to take a chance : to do something that could have bad results冒险一试 The newspaper chanced its arm by printing the story.这家报纸冒险报道了这件事。 3 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ adjective 3 chance /ˈtʃæns/ Brit /ˈtʃɑːns/ adjective Learner's definition of CHANCE always used before a noun : happening without being planned or controlled by people : happening by chance偶然的;碰巧的;未经安排的 It was a chance encounter/meeting between the two men.这两人的相遇纯属偶然。 a chance event/occurrence/discovery偶然事件/发生之事/发现




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