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词汇 change
释义 change (noun) change 21 ENTRIES FOUND: change (verb) change (noun) change of heart (noun) change of life (noun) change of pace (noun) change purse (noun) chump change (noun) loose change (noun) sea change (noun) small change (noun) step change (noun) chop (verb) gear (noun) hand (noun) horse (noun) leopard (noun) mind (noun) ring (verb) spot (noun) tune (noun) way (noun) 1 change /ˈtʃeɪnʤ/ verb changes; changed; changing 1 change /ˈtʃeɪnʤ/ verb changes; changed; changing Learner's definition of CHANGE 1  a  [no object] : to become different变化;改变 Her mood changes every hour.她情绪多变。 He's changed in appearance. = His appearance has changed.他的模样变了。 The leaves change (in color) from green to red in the fall.秋天树叶由绿变红。 The cars were stopped, waiting for the light/lights to change (from red to green).汽车停下来,等待信号灯变绿。 My, how you've changed!哎呀,你的变化真大! He changed from an optimist to/into a pessimist.他从一个乐观的人变成一个悲观的人。 The town has changed little in recent years.小镇最近几年几乎没有变化。 the changing times变革的时代 the ever-changing [=constantly changing] fashions of teenagers不断变化的青少年风尚 b  [+ object] : to make (someone or something) different使改变;使变化 These events have changed me in my attitude to/toward life.这些事改变了我的人生态度。 He's changed his appearance with a new haircut. = His new haircut has changed his appearance.新发型让他变了个样。 You can't change human nature.你无法改变人性。 Life changed him from an optimist into a pessimist.生活把他从乐观的人变成悲观的人。 The leaves change color from green to red in the fall.秋天树叶由绿变红。 — sometimes + up in informal U.S. English在非正式美国英语中有时与up连用 She changed up her daily routine.她改变了自己的日常生活。 We need to change things up a little.我们需要稍做改变。 c  [no object] : to become something else变成 — usually + to or into Winter changed to/into spring.冬去春来。 The magician made the rope change into a ribbon and then change back into a rope.魔术师将绳子变成丝带,然后又变回绳子。 2  a  : to replace one thing or person with another更换;替换 [+ object] She changed her name when she got married.她婚后改了名。 We'll have a better view if we change our seats for better ones. [=if we move to better seats]如果我们换个位置好点的座位,观看效果会更好些。 Could you change my appointment (from Monday) to Friday?你能将我的预约(从周一)改到周五吗? change a record/CD换张唱片/CD France has changed its monetary unit from the franc to the euro.法国将其货币单位由法郎改为欧元。 She's thinking about changing jobs/dentists. [=about leaving her current job/dentist and going to a new one]她在考虑换个工作/牙医。 change the channel on the TV更换电视频道 change a (flat) tire [=replace a flat tire with one that is not flat]更换轮胎 Let's change the subject. [=let's talk about a different subject]我们换个话题吧。 I've changed my opinion/views on that subject. [=my opinion on that subject is different now from what it was before]对那个问题,我已经改变观点了。 The police did not believe her because she had changed her story. [=she said something different from what she had said before]警方不相信她了,因为她的说法又变了。 [no object] While watching TV, he would constantly change from one channel to another.看电视时,他总是不断换频道。 France has changed from the franc to the euro.法国已经将法郎改为欧元。 The U.S. has been slow to change to the metric system.美国迟迟不肯改用公制。 b  : to move from one position, place, etc., to another交换;互换 [+ object] Mary changed [=exchanged, switched] places/seats with John. = John and Mary changed places/seats (with each other).玛丽和约翰交换了位置/座位。 He may be rich and famous but I wouldn't change places with him for anything in the world.他也许既有钱又有名,但拿什么我都不会和他交换。 He was opposed to the project at first, but then he changed sides and voted in favor of it.开始时他反对这个工程,但后来他改变立场投了赞成票。 [no object] Neither of them liked his seat so they changed with each other.他们俩都不喜欢自己的座位,于是互换了座位。 3  [+ object] a  : to exchange one kind of money for another kind兑换 change money from dollars into pounds = change dollars into/for pounds把美元兑换成英镑 b  : to exchange a larger bill for an equal amount in smaller bills or coins换零钱 I need to change [=break] a $10 bill: can you give me a five and five ones?我需要换开一张10美元钞票,你能帮忙换成一张5美元和五张1美元吗? 4  a  : to put on different clothes换(衣服) [no object] Let me change out of this suit into something more comfortable.我换掉套装,穿件舒服点的衣服吧。 Do they still change (to more formal clothes) for dinner?他们依然会在用餐前换上正装吗? I'll need a few minutes to change before we go out.外出前,我需要几分钟换衣服。 [+ object] I'll need a few minutes to change my clothes before we go out.外出前,我需要几分钟换衣服。 b  [+ object] : to put clean clothes on (a baby)给(婴儿)换衣服 change a baby = change a baby's diaper [=remove a baby's dirty diaper and replace it with a clean one]给婴儿换尿布 c  [+ object] : to put a fresh covering on (a bed)换(床单) change a bed = change the sheets on a bed [=remove dirty sheets from a bed and replace them with clean ones]换床单 5  : to move from one plane, train, etc., to another in order to continue a journey换乘;转乘 [+ object] We'll have to change planes in Chicago. [=we'll have to get on another plane in Chicago]我们得在芝加哥转机。 [no object] On the bus trip he had to change twice.此次公共汽车之旅他中途需要换乘两次。 change around [phrasal verb] or British change round change (something) around/round or change around/round (something) : to change the order or positions of the parts of (something)变换顺序(或位置) When I got back everything in my office had been changed around.我回来时,办公室每样东西的位置都变了。 The schedule has been changed around a little.日程安排稍有变化。 change down [phrasal verb] British : to change to a lower gear in a motor vehicle : downshift(汽车等)调低速挡 Change down to go uphill.上山时要调低挡位。 change gear/gears — see 1gear change hands : to go from one owner to another换主人;易手 The property has changed hands many times in recent decades. [=the property has been sold many times]最近几十年来,这处地产已经几易其主了。 The restaurant recently changed hands. [=the restaurant was recently bought by a new owner]那家餐馆最近易手了。 change horses in midstream — see 1horse change over [phrasal verb] change over or change (something) over or change over (something) : to go from one system, method, etc., to another or to change (one system, method, etc.) to another改变(系统、方法等) It will take a week to change over from the old computer network to the new one.计算机网络更新需要一周时间。 It will take a week to change the old computer network over to the new one.计算机网络更新需要一周时间。 — see also changeover change someone's/your mind — see 1mind change up [phrasal verb] British : to change to a higher gear in a motor vehicle : upshift(汽车等)调高速挡 Change up on the highway.在公路上调高速挡。 — see also 1change 1b (above) change your tune — see 1tune change your ways — see 1way — changer noun, plural changers [count] a CD changer换碟机 a money changer钱币兑换器 2 change /ˈtʃeɪnʤ/ noun plural changes 2 change /ˈtʃeɪnʤ/ noun plural changes Learner's definition of CHANGE 1  : the act, process, or result of changing改变;变化: such as a  : the act of becoming different or of causing someone or something to become different改变;变动 [noncount] There has been little if any change in her daily routine.她的日常生活没多少变化。 You shouldn't be afraid of change. Change is a natural part of life.你不应该害怕变化。变化本来就是生活的一部分。 The terms of this contract are subject to change without notice. [=the terms can be changed at any time]本合同条款可不经通知随时变更。 [count] The years have brought many changes to the town's economy.这些年小镇的经济有很大的变化。 We need to make some changes in/to the system.我们需要对系统进行一些改造。 Many voters believe that it's time for a change.许多选民认为现在需要变革。 We've had to make a slight change in the schedule.我们不得不将日程稍做改变。 There has been a change in/to our plans. = There's been a change of plan. [=we have changed our plans]我们的计划有变动。 a change for the better [=an improvement]变好 a change for the worse变糟 — see also sea change b  [count] : the act of replacing one thing with another变更;更改;转变 a change of address/name地址/姓名的变更 changes of mood/attitude/tone情绪/态度/语气的转变 I enjoy the change of seasons every year. [=I enjoy seeing the seasons change from winter to spring, etc.]我喜欢每年的季节更迭。 The car needs an oil change. [=needs to have the old, dirty oil removed and replaced with clean oil]这辆车该换机油了。 c  [count] : the act of moving from one plane, train, etc., to another in order to continue a journey换乘;转乘 If you take this flight you'll need to make a change (of planes) in Chicago. [=you'll need to change planes in Chicago]如果乘坐这个航班,你需要在芝加哥转机。 2  [singular] : something that is different from what is usual or expected(与平常或预期的情况不同的)变化,变更 We've been so busy that a quiet day at home was a welcome change.我们一直很忙,在家安静地歇一天是个不错的调整。 We eat at home a lot, so dining out sometimes is/makes a nice change.我们常在家吃饭,所以偶尔到餐馆吃一顿是个不错的变化。 (chiefly Brit) So you've done the cooking for once in your life! Well, that makes a change!你这辈子也算做过一次饭了!真是个突破! I've been stuck here in the city for months. I could really use a change of scene/scenery. = (chiefly Brit) I could really use a change of air. [=I would like to go somewhere else for a time]我在这城里已经待了好几个月了,真想换换环境。 — see also for a change (below) 3  [noncount] a  : smaller bills or coins that are given for a larger bill零钱;小额纸币(或硬币) Have you got change for a $10 bill?你能换10美元的零钱吗? b  : the money returned when a payment is more than the amount needed找头;找零 It cost $9 and I gave you $10, so I should be getting $1 in change.这东西价值9美元,我付给你10美元,所以我应该有1美元的找零。 “It costs $9.” “Here's $10. You can keep the change.”这东西9美元。”“给你10美元。不用找零了。” (US) Can you make change for a twenty? [=can you give me change if I pay with a $20 bill?]你能找开20美元吗? c  : money in the form of coins硬币 I've got a $10 bill and about $3 in change. [=coins]我有一张10美元的纸币,还有大约3美元的硬币。 a pocketful of loose change一口袋零钱 The beggar asked us if we had any spare change. [=a small amount of money that we did not need]这个乞丐向我们要几个零钱。 — see also change purse, small change d  US, informal : money — used in the phrase chunk of change用于短语chunk of change She inherited a large/hefty/nice chunk of change [=a large amount of money] from her aunt.她从姑姑那儿继承了一大笔钱。 4  [count] : a clean set of clothes that someone can wear if they are needed(一套)换洗衣物,备用衣物 For a weekend in the country you'll need several changes of clothes.去乡下过周末,你要有几套换洗衣服。 The only extra clothes he took with him were a pair of socks and a change of underwear.他随身携带的衣物只有一双短袜和一套换洗的内衣。 5  [count] baseball, informal : changeup The batter struck out on a straight change.一个直线变化球使击球手三击未中出局。 6  the change informal + old-fashioned : change of life women who are going through the change更年期的妇女 and change US, informal : and a very small additional amount多一点 There's only six minutes and change left in the game. [=there's only a little more than six minutes left in the game]这场比赛只剩下六分多钟了。 for a change : as something different from what is usual(不同往常的)改变,变化 Let's eat out for a change.我们出去吃,换换口味吧。 Why don't you help me out for a change instead of me always helping you?!总是我帮你,这次变一下,你也帮帮我,好不好?! ring the changes — see 3ring




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