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词汇 choke
释义 choke (noun) choke 4 ENTRIES FOUND: choke (verb) choke (noun) choke chain (noun) choke hold (noun) 1 choke /ˈtʃoʊk/ verb chokes; choked; choking 1 choke /ˈtʃoʊk/ verb chokes; choked; choking Learner's definition of CHOKE 1  [no object] : to become unable to breathe usually because something gets stuck in your throat or because the air is not good for breathing窒息;憋;噎 Chew your food well so you don't choke.吃东西时细嚼慢咽就不会噎着。 She choked to death. = She died by choking.她因窒息而死。 We were choking on fumes.我们被浓烟呛得喘不过气来。 2  [+ object] a  : to cause (someone) to stop breathing by squeezing the throat(掐住喉咙)使停止呼吸 The murderer choked his victim (to death).凶手掐死了受害人。 b  : to make (someone) unable to breathe in a normal way使窒息;使喘不过气来 The thick smoke was choking me.浓烟呛得我喘不过气来。 ◊ If you or your voice is choked with emotion, rage, etc., you are feeling emotion in such a strong way that it is hard for you to talk.(因激动、愤怒等而)说不出话来,哽咽 When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn't say her thank-you speech.给她颁奖时,她激动得感谢辞都说不出来了。 3  [+ object] : to stop (something) from growing or developing扼杀;抑制 The flowers were choked by the weeds.杂草抑制了花儿的生长。 — often + out The flowers were choked out by the weeds.杂草抑制了花儿的生长。 4  [+ object] : to fill (something) completely so that movement is stopped or slowed塞满;堵塞 Leaves choked [=clogged, blocked] the drain.树叶堵塞了排水沟。 The streets were choked with traffic.街上堵满了车。 — often + up Logs were choking up the stream.原木塞满了小河。 5  [no object] informal : to fail to do something well because you are very nervous(因紧张而)发挥失常 When the pressure was on, the tennis star choked and lost the match.由于压力太大,那位网球明星发挥失常,输掉了比赛。 choke back [phrasal verb] ◊ If you are choking back tears, rage, anger, etc., you are finding it very hard not to cry or express emotion.强忍住(泪水、愤怒等) He was choking back tears as he talked about his late wife.谈到已故的妻子时,他强忍住眼泪。 She struggled to choke back her anger as she listened to their criticisms.她强忍着怒火听他们的批评。 choke down [phrasal verb] choke down (something) or choke (something) down informal : to eat (something) with difficulty or without enjoyment硬吞;强咽 The meal was overcooked, but I managed to choke down a few bites.饭煮过了头,但我还是强忍着吃了几口。 choke off [phrasal verb] 1  choke off (something) also choke (something) off : to make (something) smaller, weaker, or less powerful : to cause (something) to slow down or stop抑制;削弱;减小 Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending.上涨的利率可能抑制消费性开支。 Attempts have been made to choke off debate on the issue.有人试图阻止大家对这个问题的讨论。 2  : to prevent (something) from flowing or getting through堵塞;阻塞 A growth on the artery wall is choking off the blood supply.动脉血管壁的增厚阻塞了血液的供给。 choke out [phrasal verb] choke (something) out or choke out (something) : to say (something) with difficulty because of strong emotion(因激动而)哽咽着说,哽咽地说出 She tearfully choked out an apology.她泪汪汪地哽咽着道了歉。 choke up [phrasal verb] 1  ◊ If you choke up or get/become (all) choked up, you are almost crying and have trouble talking because of strong emotion.(因激动而)说不出话,哽咽 He chokes up whenever he tries to talk about the accident.每当他想要谈起那次事故时,就哽咽着说不出话来。 She got all choked up when she saw her daughter in her wedding dress.看到女儿穿着婚纱时,她激动得说不出话来。 2  baseball : to move your hands to a higher position on a baseball bat握住球棒中上部— often + on He choked up on the bat and took a short swing.他握住球棒的中上部击出了一记短球。 2 choke /ˈtʃoʊk/ noun plural chokes 2 choke /ˈtʃoʊk/ noun plural chokes Learner's definition of CHOKE [count] : a part in a vehicle that controls the flow of air into the engine(发动机的)阻气门,阻风门




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