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词汇 agree
释义 agree 3 ENTRIES FOUND: agree (verb) differ (verb) disagree (verb) agree /əˈgriː/ verb agrees; agreed; agreeing agree /əˈgriː/ verb agrees; agreed; agreeing Learner's definition of AGREE 1  : to have the same opinion同意;赞成 [no object] We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.我们在有些事上意见一致,但在其他方面有分歧。 They agreed among themselves.他们在内部达成了一致。 She says that a change is needed, and I agree completely.她说需要进行变革,我完全同意。 I couldn't agree more.我完全同意。 We can all agree on/about one thing: the current law needs to be changed.我们全都赞成一件事:现行的法律需要改革。 Some critics have called the movie a masterpiece, but not everyone agrees.有些评论家称这部电影为杰作,但并非所有人都赞同。 The house is too big for one person, don't you agree?这房子一人住太大了,你不这么认为吗? — often + with I agree with you. = I agree with what you say.我同意你的说法。 [+ object] I agree (that) the house is too big.我也认为这房子太大了。 We all agree (that) the law needs to be changed.我们全都赞成这项法律需要改变。 ◊ When people are agreed, they have the same opinion.取得一致意见 We are all agreed that the law needs to be changed. [=we all agree that the law needs to be changed]我们一致认为这项法律需要改变。 Researchers are now agreed that the cause of the disease is genetic.研究者们一致认为这种疾病是由基因引起的。 “So we'll have to revise the schedule. Agreed?” [=are we agreed?] “Agreed.” [=yes, we are agreed]“那么我们得调整一下安排,大家同意吗?”“没问题。“ ◊ When a person or thing is agreed to be something specified, people regard that person or thing as something specified.被一致认为是 The movie is generally agreed to be a failure. [=most people think that the movie is a failure]大家普遍认为这部电影是一个败笔。 She is widely agreed to be one of our best writers.大家普遍认为她是我们最好的作家之一。 Her first book is almost universally agreed to be her best.几乎所有人都认为她的第本书是她最好的作品。 2  : to say that you will do, accept, or allow something that is suggested or requested by another person接受,同意,批准(意见、请求等) [no object] The reporter asked her for an interview, and she reluctantly agreed. [=she reluctantly said yes]记者要求采访她,她勉强同意了。 — often + to He agreed to [=consented to] their proposal/plan.他同意了他们的提议/计划。 agree to a compromise同意妥协 She agreed to an interview. = She agreed to being interviewed.她同意接受采访。 [+ object] She asked if she could go with him, and he agreed that she could.她问是否可以跟他一起去,他同意了。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 He agreed to accept their proposal.他同意接受他们的提议。 She reluctantly agreed to be interviewed.她勉强同意接受采访。 He readily agreed to do what they wanted him to do.他很乐意地答应了他们的要求。 They agreed not to oppose her nomination.他们同意不反对她的提名。 3  of two or more people or groups : to decide to accept something after discussing what should or might be done商定;一致认可 [no object] — usually + on or upon The jurors were unable to agree on a verdict. [=to reach a verdict]陪审员们无法就裁决达成一致。 agree on a plan商定一项计划 They agreed on a fair division of the profits.他们一致同意对收益进行合理分配。 The means of ending the dispute were finally agreed upon.结束这场争论的方式是最终达成了一致。 They should accept the terms that were originally agreed upon.他们应该接受最初达成一致的那些条款。 The price was agreed upon in advance.这个价格事先已经认可了。 [+ object] (Brit) The jurors were unable to agree a verdict.陪审员们无法就裁决达成一致。 The means of ending the dispute were finally agreed.结束这场争论的方式是最终达成了一致。 ◊ The forms agreed, agreed-upon, and (less commonly) agreed-on are used as adjectives in both U.S. and British English.在美国英语和英国英语中,agreed、agreed-upon和不太常用的agreed-on都用作形容词。 She paid him the agreed price.她按双方商定的价格付给他钱。 They met at the agreed-upon time.他们在约定时间见面了。 4  [no object] : to be alike : to resemble or match each other相符;相一致 The accounts of the accident did not agree (with each other).有关这场事故的两种说法不尽相同。 The copies agree exactly with the originals.这些副本和原件完全一致。 These results agree with earlier studies.这些结果和之前的研究相符。 5  [no object] grammar : to be alike in gender, number, case, or person(在性、数、格或人称方面)呼应,一致 A verb should agree with its subject.动词应该与它的主语保持一致。 A verb and pronoun should agree in number.动词和代词应该在数上保持一致。 6  [no object] : to be suitable for or pleasing to someone适合(某人)— + with The climate agrees with you. [=the climate suits you]这种气候很适合你。 Spicy food doesn't agree with me. [=spicy food makes me feel unwell]辛辣食物不适合我。 agree to disagree (chiefly US) or chiefly British agree to differ : to agree not to argue anymore about a difference of opinion同意各自保留不同意见 He likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed to disagree.他喜欢高尔夫球而他妻子喜欢网球,因此一谈到运动,他们就各自保留意见。 agree with [phrasal verb] agree with (something) : to regard (something) with approval赞成(某事) Do you agree with capital punishment?你赞成死刑吗? — see also agree 1, 6 (above)




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