

单词 ahead of
释义 ahead of 6 ENTRIES FOUND: ahead of (preposition) curve (noun) game (noun) step (noun) street (noun) time (noun) ahead of preposition ahead of preposition Learner's definition of AHEAD OF 1  : in, at, or to a place before (someone or something)在(某人或某物的)前面 She got ahead of me.她在我的前面 Someone was standing in the road just a few yards (up) ahead of us.有个人就站在我们前边几码远的路上。 They went on ahead of us and by now are several miles ahead of us.他们先于我们出发,现在已在我们前面数英里了。 2  : in the future for (someone or something)(时间上)在前面;未来 We have some hard work ahead of us.我们未来还有一些艰难的工作。 3  : having a lead or advantage over (a competitor)领先;处于优势地位 The polls show that he is ahead of the other candidates.民意调查显示他领先于其他候选人。 The company is working hard to stay one step ahead of the competition.这家公司竭尽全力要在这场竞争中保持稍微领先的地位。 They were trailing us by 5 points earlier in the game, but now they're ahead of us by 7.比赛开始不久他们落后5分,但现在他们领先我们7分。 4  a  : better than (something)好于 The company's earnings are (way/far) ahead of forecasts. [=are (much) better than they were expected to be]公司的赢利要(远远)好于预期。 b  : in a more advanced position than (someone or something)(地位上)高于 He was a year ahead of me in school. [=he finished school a year before I did]他在学校里比我高一届。 ◊ If you are ahead of your time or if your ideas, creations, etc., are ahead of their time, you are too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated during the time when you live or work.(观念、创作等)超前的 As a poet, he was ahead of his time. His poems, now regarded as classics, were unpopular when he wrote them.作为诗人,他走在了时代的前面。他的诗歌当初发表时并不受欢迎,现在被认为是经典之作。 5  : at an earlier time than (someone or something) : sooner than (someone or something)早于 They arrived at the party a few minutes ahead of [=before] us.他们比我们早几分钟到达聚会现场。 They're hoping to work out an agreement well ahead of [=before] the deadline.他们希望在最后期限之前尽早制订出一份协议。 She prepared most of the food ahead of time. [=beforehand]她事先准备好了大部分食物。 It looks like we can finish the project ahead of schedule. [=earlier than planned]看来我们能够提前完成那个项目。




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