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词汇 clean
释义 clean (verb) clean (adverb) clean (noun) clean 27 ENTRIES FOUND: clean (adjective) clean (verb) clean (adverb) clean (noun) clean-cut (adjective) cleaning (noun) cleaning lady (noun) cleaning person (noun) clean-shaven (adjective) clean room (noun) dry-clean (verb) dry cleaning (noun) spring-clean (verb) squeaky-clean (adjective) steam clean (verb) act (noun) bill (noun) breast (noun) come (verb) health (noun) house (noun) nose (noun) pick (verb) plate (noun) slate (noun) whistle (noun) wipe (verb) 1 clean /ˈkliːn/ adjective cleaner; cleanest 1 clean /ˈkliːn/ adjective cleaner; cleanest Learner's definition of CLEAN 1  : free from dirt, marks, etc. : not dirty干净的;洁净的 a clean floor干净的地板 This table isn't clean. There's a sticky spot where something spilled.这张桌子不干净。上头有个地方洒上了什么东西,黏黏的。 He keeps a very clean house.他的房子一直是干干净净的。 The janitor does a good job of keeping the office clean.管理员尽职尽责,把办公室打扫得干干净净。 clean laundry/socks/towels/sheets干净的衣物/袜子/毛巾/床单 I wiped the baby's face clean.我把宝宝的脸擦干净了。 2  : tending to keep clean爱干净的;爱清洁的 He's a clean young man.他是个爱干净的年轻人。 Cats are very clean animals.猫是非常爱干净的动物。 3  a  : free from pollution or other dangerous substances无污染的;无有害物的 clean air/water清洁的空气/水 b  : not causing pollution不引起污染的 Solar power provides clean energy.太阳能可以提供清洁能源。 a clean fuel清洁燃料 4  a  : not yet used未用过的 a clean [=blank, fresh] piece/sheet of paper一张白纸 b  of a document : not having any mistakes(文件)无错误的 We need a clean copy of the document.我们需要一份准确无误的文件抄本。 5  : not infected未感染的 a clean wound未感染的伤口 6  : pleasingly simple简洁的 I like the clean simplicity of the chair's design.我喜欢这把椅子的简洁设计。 She wore a formal wool suit with clean lines.她穿着一身线条简洁利落的毛料正装。 7  : having edges that are straight and smooth边缘平整的;表面平滑的 a clean cut平整的切口 The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.那只花瓶打破了,但裂口整齐,用一点胶就能粘好。 8  : completely and quickly done迅速彻底的 The bank robbers made a clean getaway.那些银行劫匪全都逃得无影无踪了。 When he left home, he made a clean break with the past. [=he completely separated himself from everything that had been part of his life]当他离开家的时候,便同过去的一切一刀两断了。 9  sports : done in a skillful and impressive way without mistakes or awkwardness娴熟的;干净利落的 a clean dive/catch/hit干净利落的入水/接球/击球动作 The gymnast made a clean landing.那位体操运动员干净利落地落了地。 10  : not showing evidence of any broken rules or laws无违规(或违法)证据的;清白的 She has a clean driving record.她没有违章驾驶的记录。 — see also clean slate (below) 11  a  : not connected with or involving anything illegal or morally wrong清白的;正派的 a clean candidate守法的候选人 They believe in hard work and clean living.他们信奉努力工作、清白为人。 The party was good, clean fun.聚会办得很好,既文明又有趣。 b  : not referring to anything sexual or offensive无色情的;不具冒犯性的 Only clean jokes, please. There are children here.请只讲文明的笑话,有孩子们在。 clean language文明的语言 12  not used before a noun : no longer using drugs : not addicted to drugs戒毒;无毒瘾 He's been clean for five years.他戒毒已经五年了。 clean and sober没有吸毒且清醒的 13  not used before a noun, informal : not carrying any weapons, drugs, etc.未私带武器(或毒品等违禁品)的 All visitors to the prison are searched to make sure they're clean.所有探监者都要被搜身,以确保未私带违禁品。 I checked her; she's clean.我检查了,她没有私带违禁品。 clean as a whistle — see 1whistle clean slate also British clean sheet 1  : a person's record (as from a school or a job) that shows no evidence of any problems, broken rules, etc. : a clean record清白的历史;干净的记录 Everyone who comes to this school starts with a clean slate.每个进入这所校的学生的履历都是清白的。 2  clean sheet British : a game in which the opposing team is prevented from scoring(比赛中)完胜,未失分 The team's star goalie has had five clean sheets [=(US) shutouts] this season. [=has prevented the other team from scoring in five games]本赛季,球队的明星守门员取得五场一分未失的战绩。 clean sweep 1  : a victory in which one side or team wins every game, contest, etc.(比赛或竞赛中)大获全胜;包揽(所有胜利) The Red Sox won the series in a clean sweep.红袜队在此次联赛中大获全胜。 The election was a clean sweep for local Democratic candidates.当地的民主党候选人在竞选中大获全胜。 2  : a complete change in something彻底改变 The new governor has made a clean sweep of the staff in the governor's mansion. [=the new governor completely replaced the former governor's staff]新任州长已将原州长官邸的工作人员全部撤换。 come clean informal : to tell the truth about what happened : to stop hiding the truth和盘托出;全盘招供 Eventually she came clean and helped the police recover the goods she'd stolen.最后她终于招出实情,并协助警方找回了她盗取的物品。 He's finally come clean about his role in the scandal.他最终供出了自己在这起丑闻中的角色。 give (someone or something) a clean bill of health — see 1bill keep your nose clean — see 1nose make a clean breast of — see 1breast wipe the slate clean — see 1wipe — cleanness /ˈkliːnnəs/ noun [noncount] the cleanness of the image图像的清晰 2 clean /ˈkliːn/ verb cleans; cleaned; cleaning 2 clean /ˈkliːn/ verb cleans; cleaned; cleaning Learner's definition of CLEAN 1  a  : to make (something) clean : to remove dirt, marks, etc., from (something)使干净,使清洁;打扫 [+ object] The carpet needs to be cleaned.地毯需要打扫了。 clean your fingernails把你的指甲弄干净 clean [=brush] your teeth刷牙 clean [=wash] the windows擦洗窗户 [no object] They divide household duties so that she cleans and her husband cooks.他们把家务做了分工,她打扫房间,她丈夫做饭。 — see also clean up 1a (below) b  [no object] : to become clean变干净 The pan has a surface that cleans easily. [=that is easy to clean]平底锅的表面很容易清洗干净。 2  [+ object] : to make (something, such as a room) neat and orderly收拾(房间等) Clean your room.请把你的房间收拾干净。 — see also clean out 1 (below), clean up 1b (below) 3  [+ object] : to remove the organs from the inside of (an animal) before cooking(烹饪前)清除(动物)内脏 They cleaned the fish and cooked them on the campfire.他们把鱼清理内脏之后,放在篝火上烧烤。 skin and clean a rabbit/deer剥去兔/鹿皮后去掉内脏 clean house — see 1house clean out [phrasal verb] 1  clean (something) out or clean out (something) : to remove unwanted things from (a room, closet, etc.)清理,清除(不要的东西) We spent the weekend cleaning out the garage. [=clearing unwanted items from the garage]我们花了整个周末清理车库。 I need to clean out my purse.我需要清理一下我的手提包。 2  clean (someone or something) out or clean out (someone or something) informal : to steal or take everything from (someone or something)偷光;洗劫;全部拿走 The thieves broke in and cleaned out the store.一伙小偷闯进商店,把东西偷了个精光。 She fell for the scheme and was cleaned out. [=all her money was taken]她被算计了,所有的钱都被骗光了。 3  clean (someone) out or clean out (someone) informal : to use up all or most of someone's money花光,耗尽(某人的)钱财 Buying the house really cleaned us out. Now we're broke.买这套房子花光了我们所有的积蓄。如今我们真是身无分文了。 clean up [phrasal verb] 1  clean (something) up or clean up (something) a  : to remove (dirt, spilled substances, etc.)清除,清理(污渍等) Would you mind cleaning up the spilled milk?请你把洒出来的奶擦干净好吗? It will only take a moment to clean this mess up.只要一小会儿就能把这块脏乱的地方清理好。 b  or clean up : to make (a room or space) clean and orderly打扫,收拾(房间或处所) Would you mind helping me clean up the kitchen after dinner?晚饭后,你能帮我收拾一下厨房吗? We stayed late to help them clean up.我们帮他们收拾到很晚才睡。 ◊ To clean up after someone is to make a place clean after someone has made it dirty or messy.(在某人弄脏、弄乱后)清理,打扫 His mother is always cleaning up after him.他妈妈总是替他收拾。 You should learn to clean up after yourself.你应该学会自己收拾。 c  : to remove pollution from (something)清除污染 The city has cleaned up the bay in recent years.这个城市这几年已经清除了海湾的污染物。 — see also cleanup 2  clean up or clean (yourself) up : to make yourself clean : to wash your face and hands梳洗;洗净 I'm sure you'll want to clean up after a full day of traveling.旅行了一整天,我想你一定想梳洗一下。 I just need a few minutes to clean myself up before dinner.晚饭前,我只需几分钟梳洗一下。 The children are inside getting cleaned up.孩子们正在里面洗手洗脸。 3  clean (something) up or clean up (something) a  : to remove whatever is illegal or immoral from (something)清除,肃清,整顿(违法犯罪或不道德行为) The new mayor has really cleaned up city hall. [=has made the city government less corrupt]新市长着实把市政府整顿了一番。 b  : to make (something) clearer or more acceptable使…更清楚;改善 We were able to clean up the sound on the recording using special equipment.通过使用专门设备,我们改善了录音的音质。 He's cleaned up his image since his early rock music days.从早期摇滚乐生涯起,他便开始注意改善自己的形象了。 4  clean (something) up or clean up (something) informal : to eat all of (something)吃光 The teenagers cleaned up [=(more commonly) polished off] the pizza in a matter of minutes.几个少年几分钟就把那个比萨饼吃光了。 5  informal : to make a large amount of money发财;赚大钱 She really cleaned up last year in the stock market.去年,她在股市着实赚了大钱。 6  clean up your act informal : to behave in a way that is more acceptable改过自新;改邪归正 After years of drug abuse, she finally got treatment and cleaned up her act.吸毒数年后,她最终接受治疗,改过自新了。 clean your plate : to eat all the food on your plate吃光(饭菜) The children were not allowed to have dessert until they had cleaned their plates.孩子们先吃完自己盘子里的食物才能获准吃甜点。 Usage see: cleanse Usage see: cleanse 3 clean /ˈkliːn/ adverb 3 clean /ˈkliːn/ adverb Learner's definition of CLEAN informal : all the way : completely or entirely完全地;彻底地 Somehow, the top of the machine came clean off.不知道怎的,机器的顶部整个儿掉下来了。 The nail went clean through the wall.钉子穿透了墙壁。 The fish were jumping clean out of the water.鱼儿高高地跳出了水面。 4 clean /ˈkliːn/ noun 4 clean /ˈkliːn/ noun Learner's definition of CLEAN [singular] informal : an act of removing dirt from something打扫;清扫 She gave the tub a good clean. [=she cleaned the tub thoroughly]她把浴缸彻底清洗干净了。




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