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词汇 clear
释义 clear (verb) clear (adverb) clear (noun) clear 24 ENTRIES FOUND: clear (adjective) clear (verb) clear (adverb) clear (noun) clear-cut (adjective) clear-cut (noun) clear-cut (verb) clear-eyed (adjective) clearing (noun) clearing bank (noun) clear-sighted (adjective) all clear (noun) crystal clear (adjective) air (noun) bell (noun) coast (noun) deck (noun) free (adverb) mud (noun) sailing (noun) see (verb) steer (verb) vision (noun) way (noun) 1 clear /ˈkliɚ/ adjective clearer; clearest 1 clear /ˈkliɚ/ adjective clearer; clearest Learner's definition of CLEAR [also more clear; most clear] 1  : very obvious : not causing or allowing doubt明显的;清楚的;明确的 The show was a clear failure. [=it was clearly a failure; there is no doubt that the show was a failure]这场演出显然是个失败。 There are clear differences between the two candidates.两位候选人的差异非常明显。 She's the clear favorite to win the election.她显然是赢得选举的大热门。 I'm not completely happy with the plan, but I see no clear alternative.虽然我对这个计划并不十分满意,但也没什么明确的其他选择。 He was the clear winner.他以明显的优势获胜。 It has become clear [=evident] to me that changes are necessary.我十分清醒地意识到,改变十分必要。 She has made it abundantly/painfully/very clear that she does not support us.她已很明确地表示不支持我们。 It's not clear how much longer we'll have to wait.我们不清楚还要等多久。 She made (it) clear to me that she was unhappy. [=she told/showed me in a very definite way that she was unhappy]她明确地告诉我,她不开心。 “Changes will have to be made.” “Yes, that's clear.”“需要有些改变。”“是的,这是明摆着的。” The sign said/read “Keep Out” as clear as day/daylight/anything. [=the sign very clearly said “Keep Out”]指示牌上明明白白地写着:“禁止入内”。 — sometimes used in spoken phrases that express anger有时用于表达愤怒的口语短语 I want this work finished by this afternoon. Do I make myself clear? [=do you understand me?]我希望这项工作今天下午做完。听明白了吗? The work needs to be finished by this afternoon. Is that clear?这项工作要在今天下午完成。清楚了吗? Let's get one thing perfectly clear: I want this work finished by this afternoon.让我们来搞清楚一件事:我希望这项工作今天下午做完。 2  : easily understood易懂的 She's a clear writer. [=she writes clearly]她的作品清晰易懂。 Her writing has a clear style.她的字迹清晰易懂。 a clear definition/explanation易懂的定义/解释 a clear message易懂的信息 The instructions weren't very clear about when we were supposed to begin.说明中并没有写清楚我们应何时开始。 (informal) The explanation was as clear as mud. [=extremely unclear]这个解释一点也不清楚。 3  a  : free from doubt or confusion清楚的;无疑问的 I think I have a clear understanding of the problem.我认为,我对这个问题的认识很清楚。 Are you clear on/about what you need to do? [=do you understand what you need to do?]你清楚自己需要做什么吗? He has clear ideas about what he hopes to accomplish.他对自己希望实现的目标有清楚的认识。 b  : able to think in an accurate way without confusion头脑清醒的;思维敏锐的 She's a clear thinker.她是一个思路清晰的人。 This job requires someone with a clear head. [=someone who can think clearly]这项工作需要一个头脑清醒的人。 — see also clearheaded 4  : easily seen : having small parts and details that can be easily seen and identified细节清晰的;易于辨认的 This picture is blurry, but that one is clear.这幅画很模糊,但那幅却很清晰。 Our TV has a beautifully clear picture/image.我们的电视画面/图像非常清晰。 5  : easily heard容易听见的;听得清的 a very clear sound非常清晰的声音 : easily heard and understood听得懂的;易于听懂的 clear pronunciation清楚的发音 The teacher has a very clear speaking voice.那位老师说话的声音非常清晰。 6  : easily seen through清澈的 clear [=transparent] glass透明的玻璃 a clear liquid清澈的液体 a glass of cool, clear water一杯清凉的水 clear plastic bags透明塑料袋 clear soup/broth清汤 clear air纯净的空气 The water in the lake is crystal clear. = The water in the lake is (as) clear as crystal.湖水像水晶一样清澈。 7  : not blocked by anything畅通的;无阻碍的 I had a clear view of the accident. [=I was able to see the accident clearly]我清楚地目睹了那场事故。 The aisles must be kept clear during the show. [=no people or things can be in the aisles during the show]演出时,过道必须保持通畅。 a clear path通畅的道路 : not covered by anything无覆盖的;空置的 You should keep your work area clear.你应该保持自己的工作区域干净。 — often + of You should keep your work area clear of clutter.你应该保持自己的工作区域没有堆放杂物。 Don't try to cross the street until it's clear of traffic. [=until there is no traffic on the street]等没车了,再过马路。 — see also clear of (below), the coast is clear at 1coast, clear sailing at sailing 8  of weather or the sky : not having any clouds, fog, etc.晴朗的;无云(或雾)的 It was a beautifully clear, sunny day.那天万里无云,阳光明媚。 a clear blue sky晴朗的碧空 You can see thousands of stars on a clear night.在晴朗的夜空,你能看到成千上万的星星。 9  a  : free of marks or spots洁净的;无斑痕的 an actress with beautifully/perfectly clear healthy skin皮肤白净健康的女演员 b  : having a distinct and bright color(颜色)明亮的,鲜明的 She has clear blue eyes.她有着一双明亮的蓝眼睛。 c  medical : free of abnormal signs or symptoms正常的;无异常症状的 After treatment, all his tests were clear. [=his tests did not show any problems]经过治疗后,他的各项检查结果都正常。 10  : free from feelings of guilt or blame问心无愧的;清白的 — used with conscience与conscience连用 The accident wasn't my fault. My conscience is clear. = I have a clear conscience.那场事故不是我的错。我问心无愧。 ◊ If your conscience is clear, you do not feel guilty because you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.问心无愧(不感到有负罪感,相信自己没做错事) 11  finance — used to describe the amount that remains after costs, taxes, etc., have been paid(付清成本、税费等后的)净的,纯的 We made a clear [=net] profit of $500.我们净赚500美元。 12  : not having any planned or scheduled activities没有安排活动的;空闲的 Wednesday afternoon is clear [=free], so let's meet then.周三下午有空,我们那时见吧。 I like to keep my schedule clear on Friday afternoons.我喜欢把周五下午的时间空出来。 (as) clear as a bell : very clear非常清晰的;清澈明净的 It was clear as a bell that morning—not a cloud in the sky.那天早上天气晴朗,万里无云。 The water was as clear as a bell.水清澈见底。 Clear as a bell, I heard him say my name.我听得非常清楚,他叫了我的名字。 a sound as clear as a bell非常清晰的声音 clear of : away from (something dangerous, harmful, etc.)离开,避开(危险、伤害等) Keep/Stay clear of [=out of] trouble!别招惹麻烦! Stand clear of the closing doors!门正在关闭,站远点! We'll pick up speed once we get clear of the heavy traffic.一驶离交通拥挤的地段,我们就可以加速了。 — see also 1clear 7 (above) see your way clear to — see 1see steer clear (of) — see 2steer — clearness noun [noncount] I was impressed by the clearness [=(more commonly) clarity] of his explanation.他的解释清楚明白,给我留下了深刻的印象。 the clearness of the water水的清澈 2 clear /ˈkliɚ/ verb clears; cleared; clearing 2 clear /ˈkliɚ/ verb clears; cleared; clearing Learner's definition of CLEAR 1  [no object] : to become clear变晴朗;变清澈;变清楚: such as a  of weather or the sky : to change so that there are no clouds, fog, etc.(天气或天空)变晴朗,放晴 The sky cleared after the rain.雨后天空放晴。 The weather is cloudy now, but it's clearing gradually.虽然这会儿天空多云,但正慢慢转晴。 — see also clear up (below) b  of clouds, fog, smoke, etc. : to go away(云、雾、烟等)消散,散去 The clouds cleared (from the sky) after the rain.雨后云散了。 The morning fog gradually cleared.晨雾渐渐散去了。 When the smoke cleared, we could see that the building had been completely destroyed.烟雾散去后,我们看到那座建筑已彻底被毁。 c  of a liquid : to change by becoming easier to see through : to become transparent or more transparent(液体)变清澈,变透明 The water cleared after the mud had settled.泥沙沉淀后,水变清澈了。 d  of the skin : to become free of marks or spots(皮肤)变光洁,变得明净无瑕 My skin cleared when I started using the cream.用了这种护肤霜后,我的肌肤变得光洁了。 — see also clear up (below) e  ◊ When your head clears or when something clears your head, you become more awake or alert and are able to think in a normal way without confusion.(头脑)变清醒,变机敏 My head cleared after a good night's sleep. = A good night's sleep cleared my head. [=I was able to think clearly again after a good night's sleep]睡了一宿好觉后,我的头脑清醒了。 f  ◊ When your vision/eyesight clears you become able to see things correctly.(视力)变清晰 When I woke up everything was blurry at first, but then my vision gradually cleared.我刚醒来时眼前还一片模糊,后来视野逐渐清晰了起来。 2  a  [+ object] : to remove something entirely from an area or place清除;移走;搬走 He used a shovel to clear the snow off/from the driveway. = He used a shovel to clear the driveway of snow.他用铁锹清除私家车道上的积雪。 They cleared timber from/off the land.他们搬走了地上的木料。 She cleared everything out of the closet.她把壁橱清空了。 I'll clear those books out of the/your way.我会把这些书都搬到一边去。 She cleared [=removed] the dishes from the table. = She cleared the table (of dishes).她把桌上的餐盘都收拾走了。 b  : to cause the people in an area or place to leave使离开;清场 [+ object] clear a room of unwanted visitors = clear unwanted visitors from a room将不速之客请出房间 The alarm cleared [=emptied] the room (of people).警报一响,房间里的人都撤离了。 [no object] The room cleared quickly when the alarm sounded. [=the people in the room left quickly when the alarm sounded]警报响起,房间里的人都迅速撤离了。 c  [+ object] : to leave (an area or place) so that it is empty撤离;离开;腾空 The police ordered the crowd to clear the area.警察命令人群离开这一区域。 3  [+ object] : to make (a path, road, open space, etc.) by removing things that block or cover an area or surface清除(障碍);使畅通 The guide cleared a path for us through the jungle.向导为我们开出了一条穿过丛林的小径。 I cleared a space on the desk for my new computer.我在桌子上腾出一块地方放置新电脑。 4  [+ object] : to go over, under, or past (something) without touching(无接触地)越过,穿过,通过,经过 The horse cleared [=jumped over] the fence easily.那匹马轻松地跃过了栅栏。 The pole-vaulter cleared 15 feet on his first try.那名撑竿跳运动员第一跳就跃过了15英尺。 The boat's sail just/narrowly cleared [=passed under] the bottom of the bridge.那艘船的帆勉强从桥底通过。 5  [+ object] : to prove that (someone) is not guilty of a crime证明清白(或无罪) The investigation cleared him officially of all the charges against him.调查正式澄清了对他的所有指控。 He says he's innocent and he wants an opportunity to clear himself. = He wants an opportunity to clear his name. [=to prove that he is innocent]他说自己是无辜的,并希望有机会证明自己的清白。 6  [+ object] a  : to get approval for (something)获准;得到许可 You should clear the article with your boss before trying to get it published.在尝试发表这篇文章前,你应该先征得你老板的许可。 b  : to give approval for (something)批准;允许 Her boss cleared [=approved] the article for publication.她的老板同意发表这篇文章。 c  : to say that (someone) has official permission to do something批准;获准 The head of the agency has cleared her to see classified information.部门负责人已准许她查阅机密信息。 The flight/plane/pilot was cleared to land. = The flight/plane/pilot was cleared for landing. [=the flight/plane/pilot was given official permission/clearance to land]这个航班/这架飞机/这位驾驶员已得到着陆许可。 We were cleared (to go) through customs. = We cleared customs.我们已获准通过海关。 d  : to be passed or officially approved by (a group)被通过;得到准许 The bill has finally cleared the Senate. [=the Senate has finally passed the bill]这一法案最终在参议院获得通过。 7  [+ object] finance a  : to pay all the money that is owed for (a debt or loan)付清,偿清,结清(债务或贷款) clear a debt偿清债务 b  : to gain (an amount of money) after paying all costs, taxes, etc.(付清成本、税费等后)净赚,净盈 After paying our expenses we cleared almost 1,000 dollars on the deal.扣除各种开支后,这笔生意我们净赚了差不多1000美元。 clear a profit赚得利润 c  ◊ When a check clears or is cleared, it goes through the process of being reviewed and accepted by a bank, and the money for the check is taken from the bank's account.兑现(支票) Checks can take up to four days to clear. = Checks can take up to four days to be cleared.支票兑现可能需要四天的时间。 The check failed to clear. [=the check bounced]那张支票被拒付了。 clear away [phrasal verb] clear (something) away or clear away (something) : to remove (something) from an area or surface清除;收拾 Just give me a moment to clear away all these papers, then we can sit down at the table.给我几分钟把这些文件收拾一下,然后我们便可以在桌旁坐下来了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 They had a long talk and were able to clear away [=clear up, resolve] all their misunderstandings.他们长谈了一次,消除了彼此间的所有误会。 clear off [phrasal verb] 1  clear off (something) or clear (something) off (something) : to remove things from (an area or surface)(从某处)移走,搬走,清除 It took her a few minutes to clear off the dinner table.她用几分钟把饭桌收拾干净了。 It took her a few minutes to clear the dishes off the dinner table.她几分钟就把餐具从饭桌上收拾走了。 I'll clear off my desk so that you can use it.我会把我的桌子收拾干净,这样你就可以用了。 2  chiefly British, informal a  : to go away or run away : to leave quickly走掉;跑掉;迅速离开 When we heard the night watchman, we cleared off as quickly as we could.听到守夜人来了,我们就拼命跑开了。 I told him to clear off [=get lost] and leave me alone.我叫他走开,别管我。 b  clear off (a place) : to leave (a place) quickly迅速离开(某地) I ordered the hikers to clear off [=get off] my land at once.我命令那些徒步旅行者马上离开我的领地。 clear out [phrasal verb] 1  : to leave quickly迅速离开 He cleared out without paying his rent.他还没付房租就一下子搬走了。 2  clear (something) out or clear out (something) : to remove unwanted things from (an area or place)收拾;清理 clear out a cluttered closet清理杂乱的壁橱 — see also clearout clear the air — see 1air clear the deck/decks — see 1deck clear up [phrasal verb] 1  : to become clear变晴朗;变清澈;变清楚: such as a  of weather or the sky : to change so that there are no clouds, fog, etc.天气或天空)变晴朗,放晴 The sky cleared up after the rain.雨后天空放晴了。 It's cloudy now, but it's clearing up gradually.这会儿天空多云,但正慢慢放晴。 b  of the skin : to become free of marks or spots(皮肤)变光洁,变明净无瑕 My skin cleared up when I started using the cream.用了这种护肤霜后,我的肌肤变得光洁了。 2  clear up or clear (something) up or clear up (something) : to go away or cause (something) to go away(使)消失 My symptoms cleared up once I started using the cream.用了这种护肤霜后,我的症状就消失了。 The cream has cleared up my symptoms.这种护肤霜使我的症状消失了。 3  clear (something) up or clear up (something) a  : to make (something) clear by explaining it澄清;解释清楚 clear up a mystery解开谜团 b  : to cause the end of (something) by talking about it or dealing with it消除;解决 We need to clear up [=resolve] these misunderstandings.我们需要消除这些误会。 If we try I'm sure we can clear up these problems quickly.如果我们努力,我相信很快就能解决这些问题。 4  British : to make an area clean or tidy打扫;清洁;整理 Let's clear up [=clean up, tidy up] before we leave.出发前,我们打扫一下吧。 clear your throat : to make a noise in your throat for attention or to be able to speak more clearly清嗓子 He cleared his throat and began to speak.他清了清嗓子,便开始讲话了。 3 clear /ˈkliɚ/ adverb 3 clear /ˈkliɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of CLEAR 1  : in a clear manner清楚地;清晰地 — used in the phrase loud and clear用于短语loud and clear “Can you hear me now?” “Loud and clear.” [=I can hear you very clearly]“你现在能听到我的话吗?”“非常清楚。” 2  chiefly US, informal : all the way : completely or entirely一直;完全;彻底 We drove clear across the state.我们开车穿越了整个州。 The ball rolled clear across the street.皮球一路滚过了街道。 free and clear — see 2free 4 clear /ˈkliɚ/ noun 4 clear /ˈkliɚ/ noun Learner's definition of CLEAR in the clear : free from guilt or suspicion无罪的;清白的;无嫌疑的 The investigation/jury considered all the charges against him and concluded that he was in the clear. [=that he was not guilty]查/陪审团认真考查了对他的所有指控,最后认定他无罪。 He's not in the clear yet. The police still consider him a suspect.他还没有洗脱嫌疑。警方仍认为他是嫌疑犯。




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