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词汇 color
释义 color (verb) color 24 ENTRIES FOUND: color (noun) color (verb) color-blind (adjective) colored (adjective) coloring (noun) coloring book (noun) color guard (noun) color line (noun) color scheme (noun) complementary color (noun) cream-colored (adjective) local color (noun) off-color (adjective) primary color (noun) rose-colored (adjective) secondary color (noun) straw-colored (adjective) different (adjective) flying (adjective) horse (noun) living (adjective) show (verb) spectacle (noun) true (adjective) 1 color (US) noun or British colour /ˈkʌlɚ/ plural colors 1 color (US) noun or British colour /ˈkʌlɚ/ plural colors Learner's definition of COLOR 1  : a quality such as red, blue, green, yellow, etc., that you see when you look at something颜色;色彩 [count] The color of blood is red.血的颜色是红的。 What color are your eyes?你的眼睛是什么颜色的? What color paint shall we use?我们该用什么颜色的涂料呢? Blue and green are my favorite colors.蓝和绿是我最喜欢的颜色。 The pillows are all different colors.这些枕头颜色各异。 [noncount] The room needs more color.这个房间需要添加更多色彩。 In early summer the garden is full of color.初夏时花园里五彩缤纷。 She added color to her outfit with a bright scarf.她带了一条艳丽的围巾,给她的装束增色不少。 The leaves are starting to change color. [=turn from green to orange, yellow, red, etc.]叶子开始变颜色了。 His eyes were bluish-green in color.他的眼睛是蓝绿色的。 She used red peppers in the salad for color. [=to make it more colorful]她用红辣椒给沙拉添色。 — see pictures of colors starting on this page 2  : something used to give color to something : a pigment or dye颜料;染料 [count] She's using a new lip/nail color.她在涂一种新的唇彩/指甲色。 The color bled when I washed the shirt.我洗的衬衫掉色了。 [noncount] a brand of hair color一种品牌的染发剂 3  [noncount] a  : the use or combination of colors用色;配色 a painter who is a master of color精通色彩的画家 b  — used to describe a photograph, televison picture, etc., that includes colors and that is not black and white(照片、电视图像等的)彩色 The book includes over 100 photographs in (full) color. [=not black and white]这本书有100多张彩色照片。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a color photograph彩色照片 color printing/television彩色印刷/电视 — see also in living color at living 4  [noncount] : the color of a person's skin as a mark of race(作为人种标志的)肤色 discrimination on the basis of sex or color性别或肤色歧视 ◊ A person of color is a person who is not white.有色人种 The book is about her experience as a woman of color in a mostly white community.这本书讲述了一个非白人妇女在白人主导的社会中的经历。 5  [noncount] : a pink or red tone in a person's face especially because of good health, excitement, or embarrassment(脸色)粉红,红润;(激动、尴尬时)脸红 His color is not good. [=he looks ill]他的脸色不好。 She has some good color in her cheeks.她的双颊泛红。 He could feel the color rising in his cheeks. [=he could feel himself blushing]他能感觉到自己脸红了。 The color drained from her face. [=the blood left her face; she became very pale]她的脸色变得苍白。 6  colors [plural] : something (such as a flag) that shows that someone or something belongs to a specific group(代表某个团体的)旗帜,彩旗 The ship sails under Swedish colors.那艘船悬挂瑞典船旗航行。 7  [noncount] : interest or excitement趣味;乐趣 Her comments added color to the broadcast. [=made the broadcast more enjoyable or entertaining]她的点评给广播增添了趣味。 — see also local color, off-color a horse of a different color — see 1horse show your true colors : to show what you are really like : to reveal your real nature or character显露本性;露出真面目 He seemed nice at first, but he showed his true colors during the crisis.他开始给人的印象很友好,但在危机时就露出了真面目。 with flying colors — see 1flying 2 color (US) verb or British colour /ˈkʌlɚ/ colors; colored; coloring 2 color (US) verb or British colour /ˈkʌlɚ/ colors; colored; coloring Learner's definition of COLOR 1  [+ object] : to give color to (something) : to change the color of (something)着色;染色 We colored the water with red ink.我们用红墨水给水染色。 Does she color [=dye] her hair?她染发吗? 2  : to draw with crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. : to fill in a shape or picture using markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.(用记号笔、蜡笔、彩色铅笔等)涂色,着色 [no object] The children were busy coloring in their coloring books.孩子们忙着在他们的彩色画图本上涂色。 [+ object] My nephew colored a picture for me.我侄子涂了一张彩图送给我。 The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.这孩子把天空涂成了蓝色,把太阳涂成了黄色。 — see also color in (below) 3  [+ object] : to change (someone's ideas, opinion, attitude, etc.) in some way(以某种方式)影响 He never lets rumors color [=influence, affect] his opinion of anyone.他从不让谣言影响他对别人的看法。 — often used as (be) colored常用作(be) colored Her judgment was colored by reports of the student's behavioral problems.她的判断受到学生行为问题报告的影响。 His feelings about divorce are colored by his own experience as a child.他对离婚的看法受到他儿时经历的影响。 4  [no object] literary : to become red in the face especially because of embarrassment(尤指尴尬引起的)脸红 She colors [=blushes] easily.她容易脸红。 — often + at She colored at the mention of his name.一提及他的名字她就脸红。 color in [phrasal verb] color in (something) or color (something) in : to add color to (a shape or picture) by using markers, crayons, colored pencils etc.(用记号笔、蜡笔、彩色铅笔等)着色,上色 She colored in the picture.她给这幅画上了色。 — see also 2color 2 (above)




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