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词汇 come
释义 come (noun) come 83 ENTRIES FOUND: come (verb) come (noun) come-hither (adjective) come-on (noun) Johnny-come-lately (noun) adrift (adjective) age (noun) alive (adjective) around (adverb) bad (adjective) best (noun) bite (verb) bloom (noun) blow (noun) bridge (noun) cheap (adverb) chicken (noun) clean (adjective) close (adverb) cold (noun) conflict (noun) cow (noun) crawl (verb) cropper (noun) cross (verb) day (noun) easy (adverb) empty (adjective) end (noun) first (adverb) forward (adverb) go (verb) good (noun) grief (noun) grind (verb) grip (noun) hell (noun) helpful (adjective) high (adjective) high water (noun) home (adverb) how (adverb) if (conjunction) kingdom (noun) left field (noun) life (noun) light (noun) mind (noun) naturally (adverb) own (pronoun) package (noun) pass (verb) push (noun) rain (noun) rest (noun) roost (verb) rose (noun) seam (noun) second best (noun) sense (noun) serve (verb) ship (noun) shove (noun) smell (verb) strong (adjective) term (noun) territory (noun) think (verb) together (adverb) top (noun) true (adjective) trump (noun) unglued (adjective) unstuck (adjective) view (noun) wash (noun) water (noun) wheel (noun) woodwork (noun) world (noun) worse (noun) worst (noun) yet (adverb) 1 come /ˈkʌm/ verb comes; came /ˈkeɪm/ ; come; coming 1 come /ˈkʌm/ verb comes; came /ˈkeɪm/ ; come; coming Learner's definition of COME [no object] 1  : to move toward someone or something来;来到;来临 Please come here for a minute. I want to show you something.请过来一下,我要给你看样东西。 Don't come near me.别靠近我。 She came quietly into the room.她悄悄走进房间。 He came home late again last night.他昨晚回家又晚了。 The dog began to growl as we came closer.我们靠近时,狗开始狂吠。 Here he comes. [=he is approaching us]他过来了。 The captain of the ship invited us to come aboard.船长邀请我们上船。 The dog came running when she called it. [=the dog ran to her when she called it]听到她的召唤,狗跑了过来。 If you need me I'll come running. [=I'll come to you very quickly]你需要我时我会马上过来。 2  : to go or travel to a place到,到达(某地) People come from all over the country to see him.全国各地的人们都来看他。 Some people came by car while others came by plane.一些人乘汽车来,而另一些人乘飞机来。 Why don't you come and/to stay with us for a while?你为何不来和我们待一会儿? My parents are coming for a visit. = My parents are coming to visit.我父母要来看我。 I hope you'll come (to/and) visit us soon.我希望你不久就会来看我们。 About a hundred people are coming to the wedding.大约有一百人前来参加婚礼。 People come many miles to visit the shrine.人们从很远的地方来朝圣。 They came very far [=they traveled a long way] to see you.他们大老远来看你。 My brother is coming down [=traveling south] to visit me this week, and I'll be going up to visit him next month.我哥哥这周要来南方看我,我下个月去北方看他。 She lives uptown and rarely comes down to this part of the city.她住在市郊,很少到市里的这一带来。 My parents are coming up [=traveling north] to visit me this weekend.我父母这个周末要来北方看我。 She lives downtown and rarely comes up to this part of the city.她住在市中心,很少到市里的这一带来。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We've come so far [=we've made so much progress]; we can't stop now.我们已取得很大进展,现在不能停下来。 It's remarkable to think of how far she's come since she started her career.想想她开始职业生涯以来取得的成就真是不同凡响。 — see also come a long way (below) 3  of mail : to be delivered to a place(邮件)投递 Did/has the mail come yet?邮件到了没? The mail comes every day at four o'clock.邮件每天四点钟送到。 A letter came for you.有你一封信。 4  a  : to have or form an opinion, attitude, etc., after time passes(经过时间的流逝)开始认为 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 I didn't like him at first, but I eventually came to regard him as a friend.我一开始并不喜欢他,但后来开始视他为朋友。 He has come to be considered one of the leading candidates for the job.他已开始被认为是这项工作的主要人选之一。 They came to believe that no one would help them.他们开始相信没人会帮助他们。 She came to be known [=she became known] as the world's greatest dancer.她开始被公认为世界上最伟大的舞蹈家。 The food wasn't as good as I've come to expect.这食物不像我先前想的那样好吃。 b  : to do something specified做(某事)— followed by to + verb接动词不定式 I don't know how he came to acquire the property. [=I don't know how he acquired the property]我不知道他是如何获得这份财产的。 How did you come to have such an idea? [=what caused you to have such an idea?]你是如何产生这种想法的? How did she come to be there? [=why was she there?]她怎么在那儿? 5  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to reach a specified level, part, etc.达到(某种程度等) Her dress came (down) to her ankles.她的连衣裙长及她的脚踝。 The water came almost up to the window.水几乎淹到了窗户。 6  [linking verb] : to reach a specified state or condition达到(某种状态或状况) My shoe came untied.我的鞋带开了。 The screw came loose.螺丝钉松了。 Things will come [=become] clear if we are patient.只要我们耐心点,事情都会弄清楚的。 The party suddenly came alive. [=the party suddenly became lively]聚会突然变得活跃起来。 The rent is coming due next week. [=the rent will be due next week]下周就该付房租了。 7  a  : to happen or occur发生 These changes couldn't have come at a better time.这些变化来得正是时候。 I promise that no harm will come to you. [=I promise that you will not be harmed]我保证你不会受到伤害。 Her success came at a high price. [=she paid a high price for her success]她为她的成功付出了很大代价。 It's important for children to learn about the people and things that came before us.让孩子们了解过去的人和事是非常重要的。 Success didn't come easy for her. [=she did not achieve success easily]对她而言成功来之不易。 b  : to arrive or happen after time has passed(过一段时间后)到达,出现 The days will be longer when spring comes. = Come spring the days will be longer.春天来了,白昼将渐渐变长。 She'll be back in school come September. = She'll be back in school when September comes.到了九月,她将返回学校。 This war will end eventually, and when that day comes, we will all be profoundly thankful.这场战争终将结束,当那一天来临,我们大家都会深感庆幸。 The time has come to stop hesitating and make a decision.现在应该停止优柔寡断并做出决定了。 8  not used in progressive tenses of a product that is being sold a  : to be available(产品)有现货,可出售 This model comes in several sizes. [=this model can be bought in several sizes]这种型号的产品有多种尺寸出售。 a product that comes in a variety of colors and shapes一款有不同颜色和形状的产品 when the product first came on the market [=when the product was first being sold]当这种产品刚刚上市时 b  : to have something as a feature, quality, ability, etc.具有(某种特色、特性、功能等) The car comes (equipped/complete) with air-conditioning.这款汽车带有空调。 9  a  : to have a specified position or place in a series处于(序列中的某个位置) I don't know which came first.我不知道哪个排在最前面。 The letter D comes after C and before E.字母D排在C之后E之前。 He cares about his job, but his family comes first. [=his family is more important than his job]他很在乎他的工作,但他的家庭还是排在第一位的。 b  British : to end a race or competition in a specified position处于(比赛名次) Joan won the race and her sister came [=finished, came in] second.琼赢得赛跑冠军,她姐姐获得第二名。 10  somewhat old-fashioned a  — used in speech as a mild way to urge someone to do something or to become less upset, angry, etc.好啦,算啦(口语中以温和的方式劝说某人) Come, it's not that bad. I'm sure you'll feel better soon.好啦,事情没那么糟。我相信你很快会感觉好些的。 Come now, there's no reason to be so upset.好啦,用不着这么沮丧。 b  — used in speech as a mild way to show that you do not approve of or agree with what someone has said得了吧(口语中以温和的方式表示不认可或不同意某人的话) Come, come. You know as well as I do that he never said that.得了,得了。你和我都知道他从没那样说过。 11  informal + impolite : to experience an orgasm出现性高潮 as…as they come — used to describe someone or something as very good, bad, etc.(形容某人或某物)非常(好、坏等) Their daughter is as clever as they come. [=their daughter is very clever]他们的女儿非常聪明。 The movie was as boring as they come. [=the movie was extremely boring]这部电影极其无聊。 come about [phrasal verb] 1  : to happen发生 Their meeting came about by accident/chance.他们的相遇纯属偶然。 I don't know how it came about that she overheard our conversation.我不知道她是如何偷听到我们谈话的。 2  of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction(船)改变航向 The captain gave the order to come about.船长下令改变航向。 come a cropper — see cropper come across [phrasal verb] 1  : to seem to have a particular quality or character : to make a particular impression似乎具有(某种品质或特性);给人以…印象 How did he come across? [=what kind of impression did he make?]他给人的印象如何? — usually + as He comes across as (being) a good speaker. [=he seems to be a good speaker; people think that he is a good speaker when they hear him talk]他给人能说会道的印象。 He came across as a nice guy. [=he seemed to be a nice guy]他看上去是个好人。 2  : to be expressed to someone对(某人)表现出 She says she was trying to be helpful, but that's not what came across when I talked to her. [=I did not get the feeling that she was trying to be helpful when I talked to her]她说她当时在尽力帮忙,但我与她交谈时并没有这种感觉。 Her enthusiasm really came across [=came through] when she talked about her job. [=we could see that she was really enthusiastic when she talked about her job]谈起她的工作时,她表现出极大的热情。 3  come across (something or someone) : to meet or find (something or someone) by chance(偶然)遇见,发现 Researchers have come across important new evidence.研究者无意中发现了重要的新证据。 As I was walking through the town, I came across a group of street performers.我在小镇穿行时偶然碰到一群街头艺人。 4  informal : to pay money that someone wants or demands(按某人要求)付钱 They threatened to hurt him if he doesn't come across (with the money).他们威胁他说,如果不把钱交出来就让他尝尝苦头。 come adrift — see adrift come after [phrasal verb] come after (someone) : to chase (someone) : to try to find or capture (someone you want to hurt or punish)追踪;追捕 They're worried that the government might be coming after them.他们担心政府可能正在追捕他们。 come again informal — used to ask someone to repeat something that was not heard or understood clearly(因没听清或没听懂而要求某人)再说一遍“ “Her name is Hermione.” “Come again? I didn't quite hear you.” “I said her name is Hermione.”“她叫赫敏。”“你说什么来着?我没听清楚。”“我说她叫赫敏。” come along [phrasal verb] 1  : to go somewhere with someone跟随 They asked me to come along (with them) on the trip. [=they asked me to go with them on the trip]他们叫我跟他们一起去旅行。 I'm going to the museum tomorrow. Would you like to come along?我打算明天去参观博物馆。你愿意跟我一起去吗? 2  : to make progress : to get better or to proceed in a desired way取得进步;进展顺利 The project started slowly, but now the work is coming along.项目起步缓慢,但现在工作进展顺利。 : to proceed in a specified way(按规定的方式)进展,进行 The work is coming along well.工作进展顺利。 The investigation is coming along slowly, and there's still a lot more work to be done.调查工作进展缓慢,还有许多工作要做。 3  : to happen or appear as someone or something that might be used, chosen, etc.发生;出现 She says she won't just marry the first man that comes along.她说她不会和遇到的第一个男人结婚。 An opportunity like this doesn't come along [=occur] too often.这样的机遇不会经常出现。 come a long way 1  : to rise to a much higher level of success : to become very successful获得巨大成功 He's come a long way from his days as a young reporter. Now he's one of the country's most respected journalists.他已从当年一个年轻记者迅速成长起来。现在他是全国最受尊敬的记者之一。 2  : to make a great amount of progress取得巨大进步 Medicine has come a long way in recent years.近年来,医学取得了巨大进步。 come and go 1  — used to talk about time that has passed(时间)逝去 More than a hundred years have come and gone since the day of that famous battle.那场著名战役至今已一百多年了。 2  — used to talk about people who appear and then leave as time passes(随时间流逝)人事变更,人员变迁 She's seen a lot of employees come and go during her time in the company.她在公司任职期间见证了许多员工的人事变更。 Politicians come and go. They all seem pretty much the same to me.政客换来换去,在我看来他们都没多大区别。 come apart : to break into parts or pieces破碎;破裂 an old house that is coming apart at the seams [=an old house that is in very bad condition]非常破烂的老房子 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 a coalition that is coming apart面临分裂的联盟 Their marriage is coming apart at the seams. [=their marriage is failing]他们的婚姻岌岌可危。 come around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British come round 1  : to start to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it : to stop opposing or disagreeing with something or someone转而接受;转而支持;改变观点 She still says she won't support us, but she'll come around eventually. [=she'll support us eventually]她现在仍然说不会支持我们,但她最终会改变观点的。 — often + to She'll come around to our side eventually.她最终会站在我们这一边的。 People are starting to come around to the idea.人们开始接受这一观点了。 2  : to become conscious恢复知觉;苏醒 He took a bad fall and knocked himself out. When he came around [=woke up, came to], he didn't remember what had happened.他重重地摔了一跤,晕了过去。醒过来时,他已不记得发生了什么事。 3  : to go to visit someone看望;拜访 Why don't you come around [=come over] (to my house) after work today?今天下班后来(我家)坐一会儿好吗? 4  : to occur in the usual way as time passes(随时间流逝)出现,发生 I always feel a little sad when the end of the school year comes around.学年结束时,我总感觉有些失落。 — see also what goes around comes around at 1go 5  of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction(船)改变航向 The sailboat came around [=came about] and began to head east.帆船改变航向,开始向东航行。 come as — used to describe the effect that something has when people first learn about it感觉像是(用于形容人们听说某件事的最初感受) Their decision came as a surprise (to me). [=their decision was a surprise to me]他们的决定让我感到吃惊。 It should come as no surprise that many people oppose the plan.许多人反对这一计划,没什么大惊小怪的。 It came as a shock to me [=I was shocked] to see how old he looks now.看他现在老成这样,我很吃惊。 The news of her recovery came as a great relief to all of us.她康复的消息让我们大家倍感欣慰。 come at [phrasal verb] 1  come at (someone) a  : to move toward (someone) in a threatening or aggressive way扑向,逼近(某人) They kept coming at me.他们不断向我逼近。 b  : to be directed at or toward (someone)指向(某人) The questions kept coming at him so quickly that he didn't know how to respond to them.各种问题接踵而来,他不知应该如何回答。 2  come at (something) : to begin to deal with or think about (something)开始处理;开始思考 We need to come at [=approach] these problems from a different angle.我们需要换个角度思考这些问题。 come away from [phrasal verb] come away from (something) : to move away from (an area, place, etc.)离开,远离(某地) The guard told him to come away from the door.门卫叫他离门远点。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Most readers come away from the book feeling reassured. [=most readers feel reassured when they finish the book]大多数读者读完这本书之后便打消了疑虑。 It was a difficult experience, but she came away from it a stronger and more confident person.那是一次艰难的经历,但挺过来之后,她变得更加坚强和自信。 come back [phrasal verb] 1  : to return to a place回来;返回 I hope you'll come back and see us again soon.我希望你不久将再回来看我们。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 a decision that may come back to haunt us [=a decision that may cause problems for us in the future]一个日后可能会给我们带来麻烦的决定 2  a  : to return to a former good condition : to become strong, successful, or effective again after a time of weakness, failure, etc.恢复;复苏 It can be difficult for an athlete to come back [=recover] from an injury like this.运动员伤成这样可能很难恢复过来。 a species that was nearly extinct but that has been coming back一度几乎灭绝但现已逐渐恢复的物种 b  : to become popular or fashionable again再度流行 Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're coming back.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。 c  : to be successful in a game, sport, etc., after being behind(比赛中)反败为胜 The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。 3  : to return to someone's memory恢复记忆;回想起 — usually + to I had forgotten a lot of what I learned about music, but it's all coming back to me now. [=I am beginning to remember it now]我曾把学过的许多音乐知识都忘了,但现在全都回想起来了。 4  : to make a reply or response答复;回应— usually + with When questioned about his involvement, he came back with an angry denial.当问及他是否牵涉其中时,他愤怒地给予了否定。 — see also comeback come between [phrasal verb] come between (people or groups) : to cause disagreement between (people or groups)离间;使不和 We shouldn't let these problems come between us.我们不应让这些问题损害我们之间的关系。 come by [phrasal verb] 1  : to make a visit to someone看望;探望 Why don't you come by [=come over] for a while after dinner?晚餐后过来坐一会儿好吗? 2  come by (something) : to get or acquire (something)得到;获得 I asked him how he came by the money, but he wouldn't tell me.我问他是如何得到这笔钱的,但他不愿告诉我。 A good job is hard to come by. [=it's hard to get a good job]找个好工作非常不容易。 come cheap — see 2cheap come clean — see 1clean come close — see 3close come down [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to move or fall downward走下来;落下 The crowd erupted in applause as the curtain came down.落幕时,人群中爆发出阵阵掌声。 One of the tree's branches came down during the storm.一根树枝在暴风雨中掉落下来。 b  of rain, snow, etc. : to fall from the sky(雨、雪等)落下,降落 She stood at the window, watching the rain come down.她站在窗前,看着雨水从天而降。 The rain was coming down in sheets. [=it was raining very heavily]大雨倾盆而下。 2  : to go to a lower level下跌;走低 Stock prices have continued to come down [=fall] this week. = Stocks have continued to come down in price this week.本周股价持续下跌。 It's sad to see how he has come down in the world. [=how he has fallen to a lower position or status after being wealthy, successful, etc.]看到他变得穷困潦倒,真让人难过。 — see also comedown 3  : to decide or say in an official or public way that you support or oppose someone or something正式决定,正式宣布(支持或反对某人或某事) The committee came down in favor of the proposal. = The committee came down on the side of the proposal. [=the committee approved the proposal]委员会正式决定支持这项提议。 Some of his former supporters have come down against him.他过去的一些支持者已正式宣布反对他。 4  ◊ An announcement or decision that comes down is an announcement or decision from someone who has power or authority.(公告或决定)下达,传达 Word came down that the strike was over.消息传来,罢工已经结束。 The decision came down in his favor.决定传达下来,对他有利。 5  ◊ Something that comes down from the past is something that has existed for a very long time.从…流传下来 This is a story that has come down from ancient times.这是古代流传下来的故事。 6  informal : to stop feeling the effect of an illegal drug : to stop being high on a drug(吸食毒品后)清醒过来 an addict who is coming down from heroin吸食海洛因后逐渐清醒的瘾君子 come down on [phrasal verb] 1  come down on (someone) : to criticize or punish (someone)斥责;训斥;惩罚 The governor has promised to come down hard on corrupt officials. [=to severely punish corrupt officials]州长承诺要严惩贪官污吏。 Her boss came down on her pretty hard when she didn't finish the report on time.由于她没有按时完成报告,老板狠狠地训斥了她一顿。 2  come down on (something) : to make a strong effort to stop or oppose (something)(竭力)阻止,反对 The governor has promised to come down hard on corruption.州长承诺要严厉打击腐败。 come down to [phrasal verb] come down to (something) : to have (something) as the most important part归结起来就是;说到底就是;最重要的就是 People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership.人们对公司倒闭的原因说法各异,但归结起来就是领导力缺失。 The election is going to come down to which candidate seems most trustworthy to the voters. [=the candidate who seems most trustworthy will win the election]此次选举归根结底是要看哪位候选人最受选民信赖。 It's nice to be rich, but when you come (right) down to it, it's more important to be healthy and happy.有钱固然是好,但说到底,健康和幸福更加重要。 come down with [phrasal verb] come down with (an illness) : to begin to have or suffer from (an illness)患,得,染上(病) She came down with [=contracted] measles.她染上了麻疹。 I think I may be coming down with [=getting, catching] a cold.我觉得我可能要感冒了。 come forward [phrasal verb] : to say openly or publicly that you are the person who should get something or who can do something主动争取;自告奋勇 No one has yet come forward to claim the reward.还没有人主动前来索要奖励。 Several people came forward to offer their assistance.好几个人主动伸出援手。 come from [phrasal verb] 1  come from (something) a  : to have (a specified origin or source)来自;源于 Wine comes from grapes. [=wine is made from grapes]葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。 English words come from a wide variety of sources.英语词汇有各种不同的来源。 b  — used to describe a person's family出身于 She comes from a wealthy family. [=her family is wealthy]她出身于一个富裕家庭。 He comes from a long line of entertainers. [=the people in his family have been entertainers for many years]他出身于一个演艺世家。 c  : to be the result of (something)是…的结果 I'm not surprised that you don't feel well. That's what comes from not eating the right kinds of food.你感觉不舒服我并不觉得意外。因为你吃了不该吃的食物。 2  come from (a place) : to be from (a place)来自(某地): such as a  of a person : to have been born or raised in (a place)出生于;成长于 She comes (originally) from a small southern town.她来自一个南方小镇。 : to live in (a place)生活于 The people who attend the convention come from countries all around the world.此次大会的与会者来自世界各国。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 (informal) I understand where you're coming from. [=I understand why you feel or think the way you do; I understand your point of view]我知道你是怎么想的。 b  of a thing : to be produced in (a place)产于 Where did this wine come from? [=where is this wine from?]这种葡萄酒产自哪里? There was a bad smell coming from the basement.地下室里散发出一股难闻的气味。 A sob came from her throat. [=she sobbed]她抽泣起来。 3  come from (someone) : to be said or told by (someone)据(某人)说;据(某人)讲述 This information comes from a person I trust.这个情报来自一个我信任的人。 (informal) Those comments are pretty surprising, coming from you. [=it is surprising that you would make those comments]那些评论出自于你,令人感到意外。 come full circle — see full circle come hell or high water — see hell come home to — see 2home come in [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to enter a place进,进入(某地) Welcome. Please come in.欢迎,请进来。 b  : to arrive at a place到达 The store will have some exciting new products coming in next week.下周会有一些令人兴奋的新产品到店。 2  : to be received收到 The election results should start coming in soon. [=we should start receiving/getting the election results soon]选举结果应该很快就揭晓了。The broadcast was coming in loud The broadcast was coming in loud and clear. [=we could hear the broadcast very clearly]广播节目听得一清二楚。 3  : to end a race or competition in a specified position(比赛中)取得名次 Joan won the race and her sister came in [=finished] second.琼赢得赛跑比赛冠军,她姐姐获得第二名。 He came in first/last.他得了第一名/最后一名。 4  : to have a particular role or function参与;起作用 We're going to need someone to help with the cooking, and that's where you come in. [=your job will be to help us with the cooking]我们正需要有人来帮忙做饭,这就是你要做的工作。 5  ◊ Something that comes in handy or (less commonly) comes in useful/helpful turns out to be useful when it is needed.派上用场 A pocketknife can come in handy.一把小折刀说不定会派上用场。 A little extra money would come in useful right now.多点钱现在就会派上用场了。 come in/into bloom of a plant or come into flower : to begin to produce flowers : to start to bloom(植物)开花 in early spring, when the forsythias are coming into bloom连翘盛开的早春时节 The lilacs have begun to come into flower.丁香开始开花了。 come in for [phrasal verb] come in for (something) : to get or be given (something unpleasant, such as criticism) : to be subjected to (something)遭遇;遭受 The government's policies are coming in for increasing criticism. [=more people are beginning to criticize the government's policies]政府的政策正受到越来越多的抨击。 come in from the cold — see 2cold come in on [phrasal verb] come in on (something) informal : to become involved in (something)参与;卷入 He says he'd like to come in (with us) on the deal.他说他想(和我们)做这笔交易。 come into [phrasal verb] 1  come into (something) : to enter (a place)进入(某地) Everyone watched her as she came into the room.她走进房间时,大家都注视着她。 2  : to get (something) as a possession得到(财产) He came into a fortune when he inherited his father's estate.他继承了父亲的遗产,得到一大笔财富。 3  : to be involved in (something)参与;卷入 Deciding who to hire should be a business decision. You shouldn't allow personal feelings to come into it. [=you shouldn't allow personal feelings to affect your decision]决定雇谁应该是一项商业决策,不应掺杂个人情感。 come into effect — see 1effect come into your own : to begin to have the kind of success that you are capable of having : to become very skillful, successful, etc.充分施展才能;得心应手 She has really started to come into her own recently.最近她真正开始得心应手起来。 The company was struggling for many months, but now it really seems to be coming into its own.公司苦苦挣扎了好几个月,但现在似乎真的步入正轨了。 come in/into view/sight : to appear : to begin to be seen出现;显现 Another ship suddenly came into view.另一艘船突然进入了视野。 As we turned the corner, the distant mountains came in sight.我们一拐过这道弯,远处的群山便出现在眼前。 come naturally — see naturally come of [phrasal verb] come of (something) : to be the result of (something)是…的结果 the excitement that comes of meeting people who share your interests遇见兴趣相投的人而产生的兴奋 They had discussions about possible new products, but nothing came of it. [=no new products resulted from their discussions]他们讨论了潜在的新产品,但最后没得出结果。 come of age — see 1age come off [phrasal verb] 1  come off or come off (something) : to stop being attached to something脱离;脱落 When I tried to pick up the suitcase, the handle came off. = The handle came off the suitcase.当我试图提起箱子时,箱子把手脱落了。 2  : to produce a desired result : to succeed产生预期结果;成功 His plans to start his own business never came off.他的创业计划从未成功。 3  : to happen发生;举行 The meeting came off as scheduled. [=the meeting happened when it was scheduled to happen]会议如期举行。 4  : to do or perform well or badly表现(好或差) She came off well in the contest.她在比赛中表现良好。 He came off badly/poorly in the debate.他在辩论中表现不佳。 5  : to seem to have a specified quality or character似乎具备(某种品质或特点)— usually + as He's really just shy, but he comes off as a little arrogant. [=he seems a little arrogant]他其实只是害羞,但看起来像是有点傲慢。 He came off as a stuffy old man.他似乎是个古板的老人。 6  come off (something) a  US : to have recently completed or recovered from (something)(近期)完成,恢复 a company that is coming off a very successful year一年中取得很大成功的公司 an athlete who is coming off a serious injury从严重伤病中恢复过来的运动员 b  : to have recently stopped using (an illegal drug)停止(吸毒) an addict who is coming off heroin停吸海洛因的瘾君子 7  US, informal — used in phrases like where do you come off? to express anger or annoyance at what someone has said or done你凭什么这样(说或做)?(用于where do you come off?等短语,表达对某人的愤怒或气恼) Where do you come off talking to me like that? [=you have no right to talk to me like that; how dare you talk to me like that?]你竟敢那样跟我说话? I don't know where he comes off making those kinds of accusations. [=he has no right to make those kinds of accusations]我不知道他凭什么提出那些指控。 come off it informal : to stop talking or acting in a foolish way(停止愚蠢的话语或举动)住口,别胡说,住手— usually used as an interjection通常用作感叹词“ “I could be a pro golfer if I really tried.” “Oh, come off it! You're not even close to being that good!”“如果我真去尝试,我可能会成为一名职业高尔夫球手。”“唉,别扯了!你现在连边都沾不上呢!” come on [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to happen or progress as time passes(随时间流逝)发生,进行 Darkness came on rapidly/gradually [=it rapidly/gradually became dark] as the sun went down.随着太阳落山,黑暗迅速/逐渐降临。 b  : to begin to happen开始发生 Rain came on toward noon. [=it began to rain when it was almost noon]临近中午时,天开始下雨了。 I feel a headache coming on.我开始头痛了。 It looks like it might be coming on to rain. [=it looks like it might start to rain soon]看起来天要下雨了。 2  a  of an electrical machine, light, etc. : to begin to work or function(电机、电灯等)开始工作,运转 The lights came on briefly and then went out again.灯亮了一下又熄灭了。 b  of a TV or radio program : to start(电视或广播节目)开始,开播 That program you like is coming on in a few minutes.你喜欢的那个节目几分钟后就要开始了。 3  informal a  — used in speech to ask or urge someone to do something加油,来吧(用于口语,要求或鼓励某人做某事) “I don't feel like going out tonight.” “Oh, come on! It'll do you good to get out of the house for a while.”“我今晚不想出去了。”“噢,来吧!去户外待一会儿对你有好处。“ “I don't think I can go any further.” “Come on! You can do it if you keep trying!”“我觉得我坚持不下去了。”“加油!只要你不断努力,你就能做到!” b  — used in speech to tell someone to hurry or to go faster快,快点(用于口语,表催促) Come on, let's go.快点,咱们走吧。 c  — used in speech to express surprise, disbelief, etc.得了吧(用于口语,表惊讶、不相信等) “I think she could win the election.” “Come on! She doesn't have a chance!”“我认为她有可能赢得选举。”“得了吧!她根本没机会!” 4  : to have or seem to have a certain quality or nature具备,似乎具备(某种品质或特点) He comes on [=comes across] as a conservative.他看上去是个保守的人。 come on strong 1  : to be very forceful or too forceful in talking to someone or dealing with someone(言行举止)强势 She didn't like him because she felt that he came on too strong.她不喜欢他,因为她觉得他过于强势。 2  : to become stronger or more successful in a continuing contest, race, etc.(在连续比赛中)越战越勇,越打越好 The team was playing poorly in the early part of the season, but it has been coming on strong lately.球队在这个赛季初表现欠佳,但后来却越打越好。 a political candidate who has been coming on strong in the polls as the day of election draws closer随着选举日期的临近,在民意调查中支持率不断上升的政治候选人 come on to [phrasal verb] 1  come on to (someone) informal : to show sexual interest in (someone) : to try to start a sexual relationship with (someone)勾引;勾搭 She complained that her boss has been coming on to her.她抱怨说老板一直勾引她。 2  come on to (something) British : to start to talk about or deal with (something)开始谈论;开始解决 We'll come on to [=come to, get to] that question later.我们待会儿再谈那个问题。 come out [phrasal verb] 1  : to become available : to begin to be produced or sold可提供;(开始)生产,出售 A new magazine is coming out next week.新杂志将在下周发行。 The book/movie comes out next month.这部书/电影将在下月出版/上映。 2  a  : to become obvious : to be clearly shown显现;显露 His pride came out in his refusal to accept help. [=his refusal to accept help showed his pride]他的傲慢在他拒绝接受帮助时显露出来。 b  : to become known众人皆知 The truth finally came out. [=people finally learned the truth]真相最终大白于天下。 It came out that he had known about these problems all along, but he hadn't said anything.原来他自始至终都知晓这些问题,但他什么都没说。 3  : to say something openly公开表示 Why don't you just come out and say what you really think?你为何不直接讲出你的真实想法呢? 4  : to say publicly that you support or oppose someone or something公开表明(支持或反对) She came out in favor of the proposal.她公开表示支持这项提议。 Some of his former supporters have come out against him.他过去的一些支持者已公开表示反对他。 5  : to say openly that you are a homosexual公开承认同性恋身份 Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.许多同性恋艺人不愿公开承认同性恋身份。 Last year she came out (as a lesbian) to her parents. [=she told her parents that she is a lesbian]去年她向父母公开承认了她是同性恋。 6  a  : to appear after being hidden(隐藏之后)露面,出现 The rain stopped and the sun/moon/stars came out as the clouds cleared away.雨停了,乌云散去后,太阳/月亮/星星出来了。 : to appear in the open(在户外)出现 animals that only come out at night仅在夜间出没的动物 b  of a flower : to open : to blossom(花)开放,盛开 in the spring, when the flowers are beginning to come out (in bloom)春天,当花儿盛开时 7  a  : to end or finish in a specified way结果是;结局是 How did the game come out? [=turn out] [=who won the game?]比赛结果如何? Everything came out [=ended up, turned out] all right.一切运转正常。 She expects to come out ahead in the end.她期待在最后一刻胜出。 He's confident that he'll come out a winner.他坚信自己将会成为胜者。 He's confident that he'll come out on top [=that he'll win] when all the votes have been counted.他坚信当所有选票都清点出来后,他将获胜。 b  of a photograph : to produce a good picture(照片)洗印清晰,拍得清楚 Those pictures I took at the game yesterday didn't come out.昨天我在赛场拍的那些照片不清楚。 c  — used to describe the quality that something has when it is finished用于描述成品出来后的品质 The picture came out blurry.这张照片模糊不清。 The brownies came out a little too dry.这些巧克力蛋糕烤得有点太干了。 8  : to be said, expressed, or understood in a particular way(以某种方式)被表达,被理解 That's not what I meant to say. It didn't come out rig




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