

单词 come on
释义 come on [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to happen or progress as time passes(随时间流逝)发生,进行 Darkness came on rapidly/gradually [=it rapidly/gradually became dark] as the sun went down.随着太阳落山,黑暗迅速/逐渐降临。 b  : to begin to happen开始发生 Rain came on toward noon. [=it began to rain when it was almost noon]临近中午时,天开始下雨了。 I feel a headache coming on.我开始头痛了。 It looks like it might be coming on to rain. [=it looks like it might start to rain soon]看起来天要下雨了。 2  a  of an electrical machine, light, etc. : to begin to work or function(电机、电灯等)开始工作,运转 The lights came on briefly and then went out again.灯亮了一下又熄灭了。 b  of a TV or radio program : to start(电视或广播节目)开始,开播 That program you like is coming on in a few minutes.你喜欢的那个节目几分钟后就要开始了。 3  informal a  — used in speech to ask or urge someone to do something加油,来吧(用于口语,要求或鼓励某人做某事) “I don't feel like going out tonight.” “Oh, come on! It'll do you good to get out of the house for a while.”“我今晚不想出去了。”“噢,来吧!去户外待一会儿对你有好处。“ “I don't think I can go any further.” “Come on! You can do it if you keep trying!”“我觉得我坚持不下去了。”“加油!只要你不断努力,你就能做到!” b  — used in speech to tell someone to hurry or to go faster快,快点(用于口语,表催促) Come on, let's go.快点,咱们走吧。 c  — used in speech to express surprise, disbelief, etc.得了吧(用于口语,表惊讶、不相信等) “I think she could win the election.” “Come on! She doesn't have a chance!”“我认为她有可能赢得选举。”“得了吧!她根本没机会!” 4  : to have or seem to have a certain quality or nature具备,似乎具备(某种品质或特点) He comes on [=comes across] as a conservative.他看上去是个保守的人。 come




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