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词汇 come out
释义 come out [phrasal verb] 1  : to become available : to begin to be produced or sold可提供;(开始)生产,出售 A new magazine is coming out next week.新杂志将在下周发行。 The book/movie comes out next month.这部书/电影将在下月出版/上映。 2  a  : to become obvious : to be clearly shown显现;显露 His pride came out in his refusal to accept help. [=his refusal to accept help showed his pride]他的傲慢在他拒绝接受帮助时显露出来。 b  : to become known众人皆知 The truth finally came out. [=people finally learned the truth]真相最终大白于天下。 It came out that he had known about these problems all along, but he hadn't said anything.原来他自始至终都知晓这些问题,但他什么都没说。 3  : to say something openly公开表示 Why don't you just come out and say what you really think?你为何不直接讲出你的真实想法呢? 4  : to say publicly that you support or oppose someone or something公开表明(支持或反对) She came out in favor of the proposal.她公开表示支持这项提议。 Some of his former supporters have come out against him.他过去的一些支持者已公开表示反对他。 5  : to say openly that you are a homosexual公开承认同性恋身份 Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.许多同性恋艺人不愿公开承认同性恋身份。 Last year she came out (as a lesbian) to her parents. [=she told her parents that she is a lesbian]去年她向父母公开承认了她是同性恋。 6  a  : to appear after being hidden(隐藏之后)露面,出现 The rain stopped and the sun/moon/stars came out as the clouds cleared away.雨停了,乌云散去后,太阳/月亮/星星出来了。 : to appear in the open(在户外)出现 animals that only come out at night仅在夜间出没的动物 b  of a flower : to open : to blossom(花)开放,盛开 in the spring, when the flowers are beginning to come out (in bloom)春天,当花儿盛开时 7  a  : to end or finish in a specified way结果是;结局是 How did the game come out? [=turn out] [=who won the game?]比赛结果如何? Everything came out [=ended up, turned out] all right.一切运转正常。 She expects to come out ahead in the end.她期待在最后一刻胜出。 He's confident that he'll come out a winner.他坚信自己将会成为胜者。 He's confident that he'll come out on top [=that he'll win] when all the votes have been counted.他坚信当所有选票都清点出来后,他将获胜。 b  of a photograph : to produce a good picture(照片)洗印清晰,拍得清楚 Those pictures I took at the game yesterday didn't come out.昨天我在赛场拍的那些照片不清楚。 c  — used to describe the quality that something has when it is finished用于描述成品出来后的品质 The picture came out blurry.这张照片模糊不清。 The brownies came out a little too dry.这些巧克力蛋糕烤得有点太干了。 8  : to be said, expressed, or understood in a particular way(以某种方式)被表达,被理解 That's not what I meant to say. It didn't come out right.那不是我想要说的话。我的意思没表达清楚。 He was trying to make a joke, but it came out wrong.他试图开个玩笑,结果却被曲解了。 come




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