

单词 complete
释义 complete (verb) complete 2 ENTRIES FOUND: complete (adjective) complete (verb) 1 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ adjective completer; completest 1 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ adjective completer; completest Learner's definition of COMPLETE [or more complete; most complete] 1  : having all necessary parts : not lacking anything完整的;全部的 a complete [=entire; whole] set of encyclopedias全套百科全书 He spoke in complete sentences.他说的是完整的句子。 This list of names is not complete. [=it is missing some names]这份名单不全。 She gave us a complete [=thorough] description of the events.她向我们完整地描述了这些事件。 — often used in book titles常用于书名 The Complete Works of Charles Dickens《查尔斯·狄更斯全集》 The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening《有机园艺指南大全》 — opposite incomplete 2  : not limited in any way完全的;彻底的 She wants complete [=total, absolute] control of all aspects of the project.她想全面掌控这个项目。 He gave the car a complete overhaul. [=made repairs to almost every part of the car]他对那辆轿车进行了全面检修。 They sat in complete silence.他们坐在那里,一言不发。 — often used for emphasis常用于强调 The movie was a complete [=total] failure.这部电影烂透了。 3  not used before a noun : not requiring more work : entirely done or completed完成;完工 By autumn, the road construction should be complete. [=finished]到了秋天,这条路就该修完了。 — opposite incomplete 4  American football, of a forward pass : caught by the player the ball was thrown to向前传球成功的 The pass to the receiver was complete for a gain of 10 yards.球前传成功,推进了10码。 complete with : having or including (something good or desirable)含有,包括(合意的事物) a birthday cake complete with candles带蜡烛的生日蛋糕 The school has built a new sports complex, complete with a skating rink.学校新建了综合体育场馆,里面有一个溜冰场。 The car comes complete with [=includes] air-conditioning and a CD player.这辆汽车配有空调和CD播放器。 — completely adverb Her news took me completely by surprise.她的消息让我惊讶不已。 I completely agree.我完全同意。 We are completely different. [=we are different in every way]我们截然不同。 — completeness noun [noncount] 2 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ verb completes; completed; completing 2 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ verb completes; completed; completing Learner's definition of COMPLETE [+ object] 1  : to finish making or doing (something) : to bring (something) to an end or to a finished state完成;结束 I have completed my research. = My research is now completed.我已完成我的研究。 We completed the job.我们完成了这项工作。 The project took four months to complete.这个项目耗时四个月完成。 He has completed the ninth grade. [=he has satisfied all the requirements for the ninth grade]他已读完九年级。 I completed the form. [=I wrote all the required information on the form]我填完了表。 2  : to make (something) whole or perfect使完整;使圆满 Her latest purchase completes her collection.加上最新购进的,她已集齐整套收藏。 The new baby completed their family.这个新生儿使他们这个家圆满了。 3  American football : to throw (a forward pass) to a teammate who catches it成功向前传(球) The quarterback completed 12 out of 15 passes.四分卫在15次传球中成功前传了12次。




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