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词汇 cool
释义 cool (verb) cool (noun) cool (adverb) cool 8 ENTRIES FOUND: cool (adjective) cool (verb) cool (noun) cool (adverb) cooling-off period (noun) blow (verb) cucumber (noun) heel (noun) 1 cool /ˈkuːl/ adjective cooler; coolest 1 cool /ˈkuːl/ adjective cooler; coolest Learner's definition of COOL 1  [or more cool; most cool] : somewhat cold : not warm or hot凉的;凉爽的 a cool breeze凉风 The weather is cool today.今天天气凉爽。 The surface is cool to the touch.表面摸起来是凉的。 The plant grows best in cool climates.这种植物最适合在凉爽气候中生长。 I'm feeling a little cool.我觉得有点凉。 a cool refreshing drink一杯清凉提神的饮料 It's cooler [=less warm or hot] in the shade.背阴处比较凉快。 This is the coolest [=least warm or hot] summer on record.这是有记录以来最凉快的夏天。 2  : made of a light, thin material that helps you stay cool(衣服布料)使人凉爽的 We changed into some cooler clothes.我们换上了比较凉爽的衣服。 3  [or more cool; most cool] : able to think and act in a calm way : not affected by strong feelings冷静的;沉着的;从容的 It is important to keep a cool head in a crisis. = It is important to keep/stay cool in a crisis. [=it is important to remain calm in a crisis]危急关头保持头脑冷静是很重要的。 She remained calm, cool, and collected.她依然保持镇定、冷静和沉着。 He is a cool customer. [=he is someone who remains calm and is not easily upset]他是个不易冲动的家伙。 ◊ If you are (as) cool as a cucumber, you are very calm and able to think clearly often in a difficult situation.(困难时刻)镇定自若 Even in the emergency, she remained as cool as a cucumber.即使在危急时刻,她仍能镇定自若。 The reporter was cool as a cucumber despite the confusion all around her.尽管周围一片混乱,但这名记者却十分镇定。 4  [or more cool; most cool] : not friendly冷淡的;冷漠的 a cool reply冷淡的回答 He replied with a cool “I don't think so.”他冷淡地回应说:“我认为不是那样。” She was always cool toward strangers.她对陌生人总是很冷淡。 We were surprised by the cool reception we got.我们对受到的冷遇感到很惊讶。 5  [or more cool; most cool] informal a  : very fashionable, stylish, or appealing in a way that is generally approved of especially by young people酷的;帅气的;时尚的 cool sunglasses时尚的太阳镜 The car has a cool new look.这辆车的款式很时尚。 You look cool in those jeans.你穿这牛仔裤看起来很酷。 a magazine article about the coolest places to live/work一篇介绍最时尚的居住/工作地点的杂志文章 — often used to show approval in a general way常用于笼统地表示赞同 Your brother is so cool.你哥哥太酷了。 That was a really cool [=good, excellent] movie.那是一部真正的优秀影片。 “I got a job as a lifeguard this summer.” “Cool.”“今年夏天我找了份救生员的工作。”“真不错。” b  — used to suggest acceptance, agreement, or understanding没关系,不介意(表示接受、赞同或理解) “I'm sorry I'm late.” “It's/That's cool [=okay, all right]—don't worry about it.”“对不起,我迟到了。”“没关系,不用担心。” “Is getting together Friday cool with you?” “Yeah, I'm cool with that.”“周五聚会,你方便吗?”“好的,我没问题。” I thought she'd be mad, but she was cool about it.我以为她会很生气,但她一点也不介意。 6  of a color : suggesting cool things冷色调的 Blue and green are cool colors, but red and orange are warm colors.蓝和绿都是冷色,而红和橙都是暖色。 7  informal — used for emphasis in referring to a large amount of money用于强调钱的数额巨大 He's worth a cool million.他是个不折不扣的百万富翁。 — coolish /ˈkuːlɪʃ/ adjective a coolish day微凉的一天 coolish colors偏冷的色调 He was a little coolish towards us.他对我们略有冷淡。 — coolly adverb “Is that so?” she asked coolly.“是这样的吗?”她冷淡地问道。 My idea was received coolly.我的想法大家反应冷淡。 — coolness noun [noncount] the coolness of the mountain air山间空气的凉爽 I was surprised by his coolness towards us.他对我们的冷淡态度使我感到惊讶。 He always displays coolness under pressure.他面对压力总显得很冷静。 2 cool /ˈkuːl/ verb cools; cooled; cooling 2 cool /ˈkuːl/ verb cools; cooled; cooling Learner's definition of COOL 1  a  [+ object] : to make (someone or something) cool使冷却;使变凉;使感到凉快 The fan cools the engine.风扇使发动机冷却。 the cooling effect of the breeze微风送来的凉意 the car's cooling system汽车的冷却系统 — often + off or down A swim cooled us off/down a little.游了个泳使我们感觉凉爽了一些。 The rain should help to cool things off/down.这场雨应该有助于降温。 b  [no object] : to become cool : to lose heat or warmth变凉;散失热量 Allow the cake to cool before slicing.等蛋糕冷却后再切。 the cooling of the ocean waters海水变凉 — often + off or down We went for a swim to cool off/down.为了驱暑,我们去游泳了。 The weather has cooled off/down a little.天气凉快了一些。 2  a  [no object] : to become less strong or intense especially in emotion(尤指情绪)冷静下来,平息下来 I took a break from the discussion to allow my anger to cool.我暂时停下了讨论,让自己的怒气消散一些。 His interest in her has cooled somewhat.他已经对她不怎么感兴趣了。 — often + off or down You need to cool off/down before I talk to you.在我跟你谈话之前你要冷静下来。 Their relationship has cooled off/down a bit.他们的关系已经有点冷了。 b  [+ object] : to make (an emotion) less strong or intense使(情绪)冷静下来;使平息 He couldn't cool [=calm] his anger.他无法平息他的怒气。 — often + off or down You need to cool off/down your anger.你要平息一下你的怒气。 cool it informal : to stop being excited, angry, noisy, etc.冷静下来;安静下来 They were being too noisy, so he told them to cool it.他们当时太吵了,所以他叫他们安静下来。 cool your heels informal : to wait for someone or something : to take a break from doing something or going someplace等候;干等 Passengers had no choice but to cool their heels when their flight was delayed yet again.航班再次延误,乘客别无选择,只得干等。 3 cool /ˈkuːl/ noun 3 cool /ˈkuːl/ noun Learner's definition of COOL keep your cool informal also chiefly US maintain your cool : to remain calm泰然处之;不恼怒 He kept/maintained his cool [=he didn't get angry or upset] even though it was clear that he was being unfairly treated.即使明明受到不公平待遇,他也能泰然处之。 lose your cool informal also US blow your cool : to suddenly become very angry突然发飙;勃然大怒 She rarely loses her cool. [=she controls her feelings well]她很少发脾气。 He lost his cool and yelled at me.他突然发飙,冲我大声吆喝。 After listening patiently, he finally blew his cool.耐心听完之后,他终于沉不住气了。 the cool : a cool time or place凉爽时刻;阴凉处— usually + of It was good to be outdoors in the cool of the evening/night.在凉爽宜人的傍晚/夜晚,待在户外甚为惬意。 We relaxed in the cool of an air-conditioned room.我们在凉爽的空调房里休息。 4 cool /ˈkuːl/ adverb 4 cool /ˈkuːl/ adverb Learner's definition of COOL informal : in a calm manner : in a way that does not seem unusual or excited冷静地;镇定地 Here comes Mom. Act cool and she won't suspect a thing.妈妈来了。镇定点,她不会有任何怀疑。 She didn't want to seem too eager, so she tried to play it cool. [=to pretend to be calm even though she wasn't feeling calm]她不想显得很心急,所以尽量故作冷静。




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