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词汇 all
释义 all (adverb) all (pronoun) all 156 ENTRIES FOUND: all (adjective) all (adverb) all (pronoun) all- (combining form) all-American (adjective) all-around (adjective) all-day (adjective) all-encompassing (adjective) all-fired (adjective) all-important (adjective) all-in (adjective) all-inclusive (adjective) all-night (adjective) all-nighter (noun) all-out (adjective) all-powerful (adjective) all-purpose (adjective) all-round (adjective) all-singing, all-dancing (adjective) all-star (adjective) all-terrain vehicle (noun) all-time (adjective) all-wheel drive (noun) all but (adverb) all clear (noun) All Fools' Day (noun) all fours (noun) all get-out (noun) all right (adverb) all right (adjective) be-all and end-all (noun) bugger all (noun) cure-all (noun) free-for-all (noun) fuck all (noun) jack-of-all-trades (noun) know-all (noun) know-it-all (noun) tell-all (noun) what all (pronoun) you-all (pronoun) above (preposition) account (noun) ace (noun) after (preposition) along (adverb) bank (noun) base (noun) basket (noun) best (adjective) best (noun) bet (noun) better (noun) bit (noun) born (adjective) card (noun) care (verb) carry (verb) conscience (noun) consider (verb) crown (verb) cylinder (noun) dash (verb) day (noun) done (adjective) due (adjective) ear (noun) egg (noun) end (verb) equal (adjective) event (noun) eye (noun) fair (adjective) fall (verb) finger (noun) flesh (noun) for (preposition) go (verb) go (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) gun (noun) hang (verb) have (verb) heart (noun) hell (noun) hold (verb) honesty (noun) hope (noun) in (adverb) intent (noun) jump (verb) kind (noun) know (verb) laugh (verb) least (adverb) let (verb) life (noun) livelong (adjective) lonesome (adjective) loose (adjective) love (noun) manner (noun) map (noun) marking (noun) master (noun) means (noun) mouth (noun) name (noun) of (preposition) once (adverb) one (pronoun) over (adverb) over (preposition) people (noun) place (noun) practical (adjective) present (adjective) probability (noun) purpose (noun) respect (noun) right (noun) same (pronoun) say (verb) seriousness (noun) shop (noun) smile (noun) sod (noun) sort (noun) stop (noun) sudden (adjective) sundry (adjective) system (noun) table (noun) tea (noun) tell (verb) that (pronoun) there (adjective) thing (noun) thumb (noun) time (noun) top (verb) touch (verb) trousers (noun) walk (noun) war (noun) wash (noun) way (noun) well (adjective) wet (adjective) whack (noun) world (noun) worst (adjective) worth (preposition) wound (noun) write (verb) 1 all /ˈɑːl/ adjective 1 all /ˈɑːl/ adjective Learner's definition of ALL 1  : the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of全部的;整体的;总的 He stayed awake all night. [=the whole/entire night]他彻夜未眠。 She worked hard all day. [=throughout the entire day]她终日努力工作。 I've been waiting all week to see her.整整一个星期,我一直在等着见她。 He had to walk all the way home.他不得不一路走回家。 She works all year round.她一年到头都在工作。 He'll need all the help he can get.所有他能得到的帮助,他都需要。 Someone took all the candy.有人把糖果全拿走了。 It was one of the greatest victories of all time. [=one of the greatest victories ever]这是有史以来最伟大的胜利之一。 I think about her all the time. [=I think about her constantly]我总是会想起她。 2  a  : every member or part of每一个的;每一部分的;所有的— used with a plural noun or pronoun to mean that a statement is true of every person or thing in a group与复数名词或代词连用,表示群体中每一个人或每一件东西 All my friends were there.我所有的朋友都在那儿。 a film suitable for all ages适合所有人观看的电影 They all came late.他们全都来晚了。 We all need to work faster.我们都要快点干。 I read all the magazines. = I read them all.每本杂志我都看过了。 All these eggs are ready.这些鸡蛋都准备好了。 “…all men are created equal…”“…人人生而平等…”U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776)《美国独立宣言》(1776) She thinks all teenagers are alike. = She thinks teenagers are all alike.她认为所有青少年都一样。 Not all teenagers are alike. = Teenagers are not all alike.青少年并非人人都一样。 They serve breakfast at all hours. [=at any hour, at any time of day]他们任何时候都可以供应早餐食物。 They were up till/until all hours. [=they were up very late]他们熬到深夜。 She has to deal with all kinds/sorts/types of people. [=with people of every kind/sort/type]她要与形形色色的人打交道。 b  : the whole number or sum of全部的— used with a plural noun or pronoun to mean that a statement is true of a group of people or things considered together与复数名词或代词连用,表示整个群体 It was great to see him again after all these years.这么多年后与他重逢,真是太好了。 3  : any whatever任何的 His guilt is beyond all doubt. [=he is certainly guilty]他有罪,这是毫无疑问的。 She denied all [=any] responsibility for the accident.她否认对此事故负有任何责任。 4  a  : as much as possible of (something)尽可能多的— used to indicate the manner in which something is done用于指做某事的态度 He spoke in all seriousness/innocence. [=he spoke in a completely serious/innocent way]他非常严肃/天真地说。 b  : having or showing only (some quality, feature, etc.)全然是…的;完全表现出…的 The students became all attention [=became very attentive] when the teacher came in.老师走进教室后学生们立即打起精神来。 He was all smiles with the boss. [=he was smiling constantly when he was with the boss]他对老板总是笑脸相迎。 This drink is too strong: it's all alcohol!这饮料太浓烈了,简直就是酒! c  — used to indicate that someone has or seems to have a lot of or too much of some physical feature(某一体征)显著突出的 an actress who is all legs [=an actress who has very long legs]腿特别长的女演员 — see also all ears at 1ear, all eyes at 1eye, all mouth at 1mouth, all thumbs at 1thumb 5  US, chiefly Southern, informal — used in speech to refer to a group of people or things用于口语,指谈话中提到的一组人或事物 Who all is coming? [=who is coming?]都谁要来? What all do we need to do? [=what are the things that we need to do?]我们需要做的都有哪些事? — see also what all, you-all for all : in spite of (something)尽管 For all his confident talk, he is actually very unsure of himself.尽管他的话听起来很自信,但实际上他对自己非常没信心。 She still loves him, for all his faults.尽管他有许多毛病,但她依然爱他。 of all (the) informal — used in phrases to express surprise, disapproval, anger, etc.偏偏,竟然,真是(用于短语中表达惊奇、反对、生气等) Who should I meet in New York but Max of all people! = Of all the people in New York, who should I run into but Max! [=I was very surprised to meet Max in New York]真想不到我居然会在纽约碰到马克斯! Why did my car break down now of all times, when I can least afford it?!为什么我的车偏偏在我手头最紧的时候坏掉了?! “He actually called you a fool!” “Of all the nerve!” [=I am shocked and offended that he called me a fool]“他竟然说你是傻子!”“真是岂有此理!” 2 all /ˈɑːl/ adverb 2 all /ˈɑːl/ adverb Learner's definition of ALL 1  : entirely or completely全部地;完全地 She sat all alone.她孤零零地坐着。 She has traveled all around the world.她已周游全世界。 This money will be all yours when I die.我死后这笔钱就全部归你。 He got all wet.他全身都弄湿了。 She had buttons all down the side of her dress.她的连衣裙一侧自上而下都有扣子。 I forgot all about paying the bill.我把付账单的事忘得一干二净。 The noise continued all through the night. [=all night long, throughout the night]噪声整夜不断。 — often used to make a statement more forceful常用于加强语气 I'm all in favor of trying again.我完全赞同再试一次。 His criticisms were all out of proportion.他的批评太过分了。 These problems have been occurring all too often. [=much too often]这些问题屡屡出现。 2  : for each side or player各方;各选手— used to indicate a tie score用于表示平分 The score is 2 all. [=apiece]比分为2:2平。 The game ended in a 5-all draw.比赛结果为5:5平。 We're tied at 3-all after seven innings.七局之后,我们比分为3:3平。 3  informal : 1very The kids got all excited on Christmas.孩子们看到圣诞老人后兴奋极了。 all along — see 2along all around (US) or chiefly British all round 1  : in every way : from every point of view从各方面看来 It was a good deal all around: we made money and nobody lost out.无论从哪方面看,这都是件好事:我们赚了钱,其他人也没损失。 2  : for everyone全部地;所有人 Let's have drinks all around, bartender.伙计,给我们大家上酒。 — see also all-around all of 1  : not more than不多于— used to stress that an amount is surprisingly small用于强调数量极少 She learned to fly a plane when she was all of 16 years old.她刚16岁就学会开飞机了。 The team scored all of six points the entire game.整场比赛球队仅拿到六分。 2  : as much as多达;多至— used to stress that an amount is somewhat large用于强调数量较大 The prize is now worth all of 10 million dollars.这个奖品现在价值高达1000万美元。 all over 1  a  : over an entire area到处 We looked all over [=everywhere] for you.我们刚才到处找你。 b  : in every part of (something)(某物的)每一部分 The flower can be found all over the island in spring and early summer.春天和初夏时节,这种花在岛上到处都能见到。 He's lived all over Texas.得克萨斯州的每个地方他都住过。 In his office there are books piled all over the place. [=everywhere]在他的办公室里,书堆得到处都是。 People came from all over. [=from many places]人们从四面八方赶来。 — see also allover 2  informal : very critical of (someone)对(某人)苛责的 She was all over me for being late.因为我迟到了,她狠狠地批评了我一顿。 3  informal : crowding around, pushing against, or touching (someone) in a very eager or aggressive way围拢;推挤;抚摸 The band's fans were all over them.乐队的粉丝们把他们团团围住。 Look at that young couple. They're all over each other! [=they are kissing, touching, etc., very passionately]瞧那对儿年轻人。他们正在亲热! She tried to score, but the other team's defense was all over her.她努力想要得分,却被对方的后卫紧紧包围了。 4  chiefly British, informal : in every way完全;十足 She's her mother all over. [=she's just like her mother]她处处像她母亲。 Late again, is she? That's her all over. [=that's very typical of her]她又迟到了,对吧?她就是那样。 all that : to a high degree如此;那么— usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 I wasn't all that [=very] interested in the story.我对这个故事不是很感兴趣。 The movie wasn't all that [=so] bad.这部电影没那么差。 — see also all that at 1that all the — used to give added force to a word like “more” or “better”用于修饰more或better以加强语气 With the economy in such bad shape, it's all the more important [=it's even more important] that we correct these problems quickly.鉴于经济形势如此之差,当务之急是我们尽快改正这些问题。 If we arrive early, all the better. [=it will be even better if we arrive early]如果我们能早到,那当然更好。 all told : with everything considered or included : in all一切考虑在内;一共 All told, it took us three full days to get there.全部算起来,我们花了整整三天时间到达那里。 There were seven of us all told.我们共有七个人。 go all out — see 1go not all there informal — used to describe a person who is somewhat strange or stupid(某人)有点怪,有点蠢 Her aunt is very sweet but not all there (mentally).她姑姑人很好,但就是脑子不太正常。 3 all /ˈɑːl/ pronoun 3 all /ˈɑːl/ pronoun Learner's definition of ALL 1  : the entire number, quantity, or amount所有;全部;一切 All [=everything] that I have is yours.我拥有的一切都是你的。 All [=everything] will be explained soon.一切都将很快得到解释。 She told us all about what happened.她告诉了我们发生的一切。 Her other books were good, but this one is the best of all.她其他的书也不错,但这一本是最好的。 All are welcome! [=everyone is welcome]欢迎大家! We all enjoyed the movie. = All of us enjoyed the movie.我们大家都喜欢这部影片。 Many people were invited and all came.很多人都受到邀请,而且他们也全都来了。 His stories may be entertaining, but I don't think all (of them) are true.他的故事可能很有趣,但我觉得并不全是真实的。 Thanks to all who helped out.感谢所有出手相助的人们。 All of this money will be yours when I die.我死后这些钱全归你。 Not all of our students go on to college.我们的学生并非全都继续上大学深造。 It was all (that) I could do to keep from laughing! [=I had a hard time trying not to laugh]我好不容易才忍住没笑出来! “Is there anything else to be done?” “No, that's all.”“还有什么事要做吗?”“没了,就这些。” He gave equal attention to one and all. [=to everyone]他对每个人都给予同样的关注。 Come one, come all. [=everyone is invited to come]大家一起来。 Usage see: altogether Usage see: altogether 2  : the only thing唯一的事情 That's all I can do to help.我能帮的只有这些了。 All I know is that the game was canceled. I don't know why.我只知道比赛取消了。我不知道是什么原因。 above all — see 2above after all — see 2after All aboard! — see 1aboard all in all informal : in a general way : when everything is thought of or considered总的来说;总之 All in all [=in general, generally, for the most part], I like the way things have gone.总之,我认为事情的进展不错。 We did lose some money, but we got most of it back. So all in all things might have been a lot worse.我们的确损失了一些钱,但大部分已经挽回。总之,情况本来有可能要糟糕得多。 all's fair in love and war — see 1fair all told : including everything or everyone总共;合计 — used to indicate a total用于指一个总数 The cost of the repairs came to about $300 all told. [=in all] [=the total cost of the repairs was about $300]维修费用共计约300美元。 and all 1  : and everything else以及其他所有的;等等 What with the noise outside, the fire and all, we got hardly any sleep.因为外面的噪声、大火,以及其他状况,我们几乎一夜未眠。 He endured everything, insults and all, without getting angry.他忍受了一切,包括侮辱等等,没有动怒。 2  British, informal — used to emphasize a response用于强调回答 “It's really hot out!” “It is and all!” [=it certainly is]“外面真热!”“的确很热!” at all — used to make a statement or question more forceful用于加强陈述或疑问语气 He will go anywhere at all to get a job.为了得到一份工作,他任何地方都会去。 Did you find out anything at all?你到底发现了什么? — used especially in negative statements尤用于否定句 “Did she say anything?” “No, nothing at all.”“她说什么了吗?”“没,什么都没说。” I don't mind cooking at all.我一点也不介意做饭。 It's not at all what you think it is. It's something else entirely.根本不是你想象的那样。这完全是另一回事。 I wasn't tired at all. = I wasn't at all tired. [=I wasn't even slightly tired]我一点都不累。 This chair is not at all comfortable.这把椅子一点都不舒服。 I didn't like it at all.我根本就不喜欢这个。 That is not at all likely.那根本不可能。 ◊ The phrase not at all is sometimes used as a polite response when someone thanks you.别客气;不用谢 “Thank you for all your trouble.” “Not at all.”“谢谢,让你费心了。”“不用谢。” “That was very kind of you.” “Not at all. It was the least I could do.”“你真是太好了。”“没什么,这是我能做的最起码的事。” for all — see 1for for all I know — see 1know for all (someone) cares — see 2care give your all : to do or give as much as you can to achieve something, to support a cause, etc.全力以赴;尽其所能 He gave his all for the cause. = He gave his all to help the cause.他一心扑在这项事业上。 You'll never succeed in this business unless you give (it) your all.不全力以赴,你在这件事上永远不会成功。 in all : including everything or everyone总共;一共— used to indicate a total用于指一个总数 There were about a thousand people at the concert in all. [=all told]音乐会共有大约一千人。 once and for all — see 1once that is all — see 1that when all is said and done : after considering or doing everything结果;最终;毕竟— used for a final general statement or judgment用于最后的总结或评判 It won't be easy, but when all is said and done, we'll be glad we did it.这并不容易,但最终我们会因此而高兴。 The candidates claim to have different views but, when all is said and done, they're very much alike.这些候选人都声称有不同的观点,结果却是大同小异。




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