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词汇 cost
释义 cost (verb) cost 11 ENTRIES FOUND: cost (noun) cost (verb) cost-benefit (adjective) cost-effective (adjective) cost-efficient (adjective) costing (noun) cost accounting (noun) cost of living (noun) cost price (noun) any (adjective) count (verb) 1 cost /ˈkɑːst/ noun plural costs 1 cost /ˈkɑːst/ noun plural costs Learner's definition of COST 1  : the price of something : the amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something价钱;花销;费用 [count] The original cost [=price] of the house was $200,000.这房子的原价是20万美元。 She attends college at a cost of $15,000 a year.她上大学的费用是一年15000美元。 The average cost of raising a family has increased dramatically.养家糊口的平均费用已大幅增长。 We offer services at a fraction of the cost of other companies.我们收取的服务费只是其他公司的一小部分。 bringing/driving down the cost of computers = lowering/reducing the cost of computers降低计算机费用 The person at fault in the accident is expected to bear the cost of repairs. [=is expected to pay for the repairs]这一事故的责任人应承担修理费。 [noncount] What's the difference in cost?差价是多少? We were able to update the room for very little cost. [=money, expense]我们可以花极少的钱翻新这个房间。 They believe that everyone should have access to adequate medical care, regardless of cost.他们认为,每个人都应获得适当的医疗护理,不论费用是多少。 Synonyms see: price 2  [count] : an amount of money that must be spent regularly to pay for something (such as running a business or raising a family)成本;开支 The cost of doing business in this area is high.在这个地区做生意的成本很高。 We need better cost control.我们需要更好的成本控制。 The company needs to do some cost cutting. [=needs to find ways to save money]公司需要削减成本。 — usually plural通常用复数 production/manufacturing/operating costs生产/制造/运营成本 By keeping costs down, the company will make larger profits from its products.通过降低成本,公司将从产品中赚取更大的利润。 the firm's efforts to control costs公司为控制成本所做的努力 Those are just some of the hidden costs [=expenses] of owning a house.那些只是拥有住房的隐性开支。 The government covers most of the costs of the program. [=pays for most of the program]政府承担这个计划的大部分开支。 The family's medical costs have increased in the past year.这个家庭去年的医疗开支增加了。 The company has tried to cut costs [=spend less money] in several areas.这家公司已努力在几个方面削减开支。 — see also cost of living 3  : something that is lost, damaged, or given up in order to achieve or get something代价;损失;牺牲 [noncount] Winning the war, he believes, was worth the cost in lives.他认为,以流血牺牲为代价赢得这场战争是值得的。 — often used after at常用在at后 They had won the battle, but at what cost? Far too many people had died.他们打了胜仗,但代价是什么呢?太多的人为此丧了命。 He had achieved fame, but at a cost; he'd lost many friends and no longer talked to anyone in his family.他功成名就,但也为此付出了代价:他失去了很多朋友,也不再和家里任何人说话了。 She completed the project on time but at the cost of her health. [=the work she did to complete the project on time damaged her health]她按时完成了这项工程,却牺牲了自己的健康。 He always says what he thinks, even at the cost of hurting someone's feelings.他总是有话直说,甚至不顾伤害他人的感情。 [count] What are the costs and benefits of the new law?新法律的利弊各是什么? ◊ To do something at all costs or (less commonly) at any cost is to do it even if you have to suffer, work very hard, lose everything you have, etc.不惜任何代价;无论如何 She was determined to win at all costs. [=no matter what]她决心不惜任何代价取胜。 Obscene language should be avoided at all costs. [=never use obscene words]无论如何都应避免使用下流语言。 He is determined to preserve his reputation at any cost.他决心不惜任何代价维护他的名声。 4  costs [plural] : the money used to pay for a court case诉讼费 She was fined 50 dollars and ordered to pay court costs.她被罚款50美元并责令缴纳诉讼费。 at cost US ◊ If you buy or sell something at cost, you buy or sell it for the amount of money that was needed to make it or get it.按成本价 We sold the books at cost. [=we sold the books for the same amount of money we paid to buy them; we did not make a profit from selling the books]我们按成本价把这些书卖了。 at no cost — used to say that something is free不需花钱;免费 Improvements have been made at no cost to taxpayers.没花纳税人一分钱,情况就有了改善。 Club members can bring a friend at no extra cost.俱乐部会员可免费携带一位朋友入场。 count the cost — see 1count to your cost chiefly British : from your own bad experience付了代价;吃了苦头 I found out to my cost that he was a liar. [=I found out that he was a liar when I was hurt by his lies]我吃亏后才发现他是个骗子。 2 cost /ˈkɑːst/ verb costs; cost; costing 2 cost /ˈkɑːst/ verb costs; cost; costing Learner's definition of COST [+ object] 1  a  : to have (an amount of money) as a price ◊ If something costs a certain amount of money, you have to pay that amount of money in order to buy it, use it, or do it.花费;价格为 Each ticket costs one dollar.每张票的价格为一美元。 How much does it cost? = What does it cost?这个要多少钱? This house costs more/less than most of the other houses in the area.这幢房子的价格高于/低于这一地区大多数房子的房价。 It costs more than $300,000.这个要花30多万美元。 (informal) New equipment costs money. [=is expensive]新设备价格昂贵。 (informal) I want a new car that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. [=that is not too expensive]我想买一辆不太昂贵的新车。 b  : to cause (someone) to pay an amount of money使(某人)花费 The trip will cost you about $100 each way.这趟旅行单程要花大约100美元。 The project will end up costing the government an estimated 3.5 billion dollars.这项工程将使政府最终花费约35亿美元。 It will cost you a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.这将花掉你很多钱,但是值得。 (informal) I can get the part you need, but it'll cost you. [=you will have to pay a lot of money for it]我可以帮你争取到你需要的这个角色,但你得花一笔钱。 ◊ If something does not cost (you) a penny or (US) cost (you) a dime/nickel, you do not need to pay any money for it; it is free.免费的;不花钱的 Come to my party. It won't cost a dime. = It won't cost you a penny.来参加我的派对吧,免费的。 2  a  : to cause (someone) to lose something使丧失;使付出 Her mistakes cost them the game. [=they lost the game because of her mistakes]她犯的错误让她们输掉了比赛。 The decision to drive that night nearly cost him his life. [=he almost died because of it]那天晚上开车的决定差点让他丧命。 His frequent absences ended up costing him his job.他经常缺勤,结果丢掉了工作。 ◊ If something costs you dearly/dear, it causes you to lose something or to suffer a lot.使付出沉重代价 Changing your mind now could cost you dearly.现在改变主意会让你付出沉重代价。 b  : to cause (someone) to experience something unpleasant使经受;使遭受 The error cost me a reprimand, but nothing more serious than that.这个错误害得我被训斥了一顿,不过只是训斥而已。 a blunder that has cost her considerable embarrassment使她大为尴尬的错误 3  British, business past tense costed : to determine how much money will be needed to pay for (something)估算成本;估价— usually used as (be) costed通常用作(be) costed The project was originally costed at 3 million pounds.这项工程最初的成本估算为300万英镑。 — often + out The project has yet to be costed out.这个项目的成本有待估算。 — see also costing




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