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词汇 crowd
释义 crowd (noun) crowd 9 ENTRIES FOUND: crowd (verb) crowd (noun) crowded (adjective) crowd-pleaser (noun) company (noun) face (noun) join (verb) three (noun) two (noun) 1 crowd /ˈkraʊd/ verb crowds; crowded; crowding 1 crowd /ˈkraʊd/ verb crowds; crowded; crowding Learner's definition of CROWD 1  a  [+ object] : to fill (something) so that there is little or no room for anyone or anything else : to take up much or most of the space in (an area or space)挤满;塞满;使拥挤 College students crowded [=packed] the little bar on the night of the poetry reading.在诗歌朗读之夜,小酒吧里挤满了大学生。 Boxes crowded the floor of my apartment.我公寓的地板上堆满了箱子。 There are too many products crowding the market.有太多的产品充斥着市场。 The hall was crowded [=crammed, packed] with scientists from around the world.大厅里挤满了来自世界各地的科学家。 streets crowded with traffic交通拥挤的街道 b  [+ object] : to push or force (something) into a small space使挤进;把…塞进 The club has been accused of crowding too many people into too small a space.俱乐部因让太多人挤进狭小的空间而遭到指控。 c  [no object] : to move into a small space涌进;挤进 — + into or onto The four of us crowded into a little booth at the restaurant.我们四个人挤进餐馆一个很小的隔间。 We crowded onto the bus.我们挤上了那辆公共汽车。 2  [+ object] : to form a tight group around (something or someone)聚集在…周围;聚拢 Several horses were crowding [=crowding around] the water trough.几匹马聚在水槽周围。 By the end of the 10th mile, three bicyclists were crowding the racer in front.在10英里赛的最后阶段,有三名自行车选手紧紧围堵那名领先选手。 3  [+ object] chiefly US : to stand very close or too close to (someone or something)站得离…(太)近;靠近;贴近 Please move back. You're crowding me.请向后退,你挨我太近了。 (baseball) The batter was crowding the plate.击球手紧靠本垒板站立。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He said he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was beginning to crowd him. [=she was not allowing him enough privacy and independence]他说他跟前女友分手是因为她开始变得黏人了。 crowd around/round [phrasal verb] crowd around/round or crowd around/round (something) : to form a tight group around (something or someone)围着;聚集在…周围 A small group of people crowded around the car.一小群人围着那辆汽车。 When one of the protesters began to speak, the people crowded around (him) to hear what he had to say.当其中一名抗议者开始发言时,人们聚集到他周围听他说些什么。 crowded together ◊ If a group of people or things are crowded together, they are next to and usually touching each other in a space that is too small.挤在一起;挨着堆放在一起 We need to organize the closet so that the shoes aren't crowded together.我们需要把壁橱整理一下,这样鞋子就不会堆在一起了。 crowd in [phrasal verb] 1  : to move as a group into a small space挤进;涌入 When we got to the elevator, everybody tried to crowd in.我们到达电梯口时,每个人都想挤进去。 2  of thoughts, memories, etc. : to come into your mind : to occupy your thinking(想法、记忆等)涌入(脑海) — often + on When I smell a pie baking, memories of childhood holidays crowd in on me. [=memories fill my mind]我闻到烤馅饼的味道时,脑海中涌现出了童年时假日的记忆。 crowd out [phrasal verb] crowd out (something or someone) or crowd (something or someone) out : to push, move, or force (something or someone) out of a place or situation by filling its space挤出;挤掉;排挤出 The quick-growing grass is crowding out native plants.疯长的草挤掉了本地植物的生长空间。 She worries that junk food is crowding fruits and vegetables out of her children's diet.她担心孩子们吃了垃圾食品,水果和蔬菜吃得就少了。 2 crowd /ˈkraʊd/ noun plural crowds 2 crowd /ˈkraʊd/ noun plural crowds Learner's definition of CROWD 1  [count] : a large group of people who are together in one place人群 The President will address the crowd later.总统稍后将对人群发表演说。 The crowd is restless. = (Brit) The crowd are restless.人群焦躁不安。 a crowd of kids/reporters/shoppers一群孩子/记者/购物者 The formerly unknown singer now regularly performs to crowds of 10,000 (people).这位从前鲜为人知的歌手现在经常给数以万计的观众表演。 Crowds lined the street to watch the parade.人群沿街而立,观看游行。 His speeches always draw a big/large crowd. [=a lot of people come to hear him speak]他的讲演总会吸引一大群听众。 You can avoid the crowds by visiting a popular resort area in the off-season.在淡季去度假胜地可以避开拥挤的人群。 police trained in crowd control受过人群管控训练的警察 2  the crowd : ordinary people : people who are not special or unusual民众;百姓;普通人 kids trying to distinguish themselves from the crowd努力让自己与众不同的孩子们 She prefers to be one of the crowd. [=she prefers to not be noticed or treated in any special way]她宁愿做个普通人。 ◊ Someone who is just another face in the crowd is not famous or well-known.普通人 Until her book became a best seller, she was just another face in the crowd.在她的书成为畅销书之前,她只是个无名之辈。 ◊ Someone or something that stands out from the crowd is unusual in a good way.脱颖而出;与众不同 As a teacher, he always stood out from the crowd.作为教师,他总是表现得出类拔萃。 The high quality of these tools makes them stand out from the crowd.这些工具的高质量使它们在同类产品中脱颖而出。 ◊ Someone who follows the crowd or goes with the crowd does whatever most other people are doing.随大流;从众 He was never one to follow the crowd, so we weren't surprised when he dropped out of college to start his own business.他从来就不是个随波逐流的人,所以当他辍学创业时,没人觉得意外。 3  [singular] : a group of people who spend time together or have something in common(共度时光或有共同之处的)一伙人,一帮人 Her parents are concerned that she's been hanging out with a bad crowd. [=with people who do illegal or immoral things]她父母担心她总跟一帮坏人混在一起。 — usually used with the通常与the连用 Her parents are concerned that she's been hanging out with the wrong crowd.她父母担心她总跟一伙不该交往的人混在一起。 The new dance club caters to the under-18 crowd. [=to people who are less than 18 years old]新开的舞蹈俱乐部面向18岁以下的人群开放。 join the crowd 1  : to become part of a larger group : to do what most other people are doing加入群体;从众 You can find a private hideaway or join the crowd at the beach.在海滩上你可以找个僻静地方独处,也可以跟大家在一起。 2  informal — used to say that the problems or feelings someone is having are problems or feelings that you have had yourself深有同感;感同身受 If you don't understand the rules, join the crowd [=(more commonly) join the club]: no one else does either!不明白这些规则没关系,大家都彼此彼此,别人也都搞不懂! two's company, three's a crowd — see company




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