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词汇 dark
释义 dark (noun) dark 13 ENTRIES FOUND: dark (adjective) dark (noun) Dark Ages (noun) dark chocolate (noun) dark glasses (noun) dark horse (noun) dark meat (noun) pitch-dark (adjective) cast (verb) cloud (noun) shot (noun) stab (noun) whistle (verb) 1 dark /ˈdɑɚk/ adjective darker; darkest 1 dark /ˈdɑɚk/ adjective darker; darkest Learner's definition of DARK [also more dark; most dark] 1  : having very little or no light黑暗的;昏暗的;阴暗的 She sat in the dark room alone.她独自坐在黑暗的房间里。 It gets dark early in winter. [=the sun sets early; night comes sooner]冬天天黑得早。 It's getting darker outside.外面越来越黑。 Soon it will be dark enough to see the stars.一会儿天黑下来时就能看到星星。 It was a dark and stormy night.那是一个漆黑的暴风雨之夜。 Suddenly the room went dark. [=suddenly there was no light in the room]房间里突然一片漆黑。 — opposite light 2  : not light in color : of a color that is closer to black than white深色的;暗色的 Dark clouds of smoke were coming from the windows.滚滚黑烟从窗户冒出来。 She's wearing a dark suit to the interview.她穿深色套装去面试。 a man wearing dark clothing穿深色衣服的男子 You've got dark circles under your eyes this morning.你今天早晨眼睛下面有黑眼圈。 dark spots/lines on the skin皮肤上的暗斑/深色纹路 3  of a color : having more black than white : not light(颜色)深色的 dark blue深蓝色 a dark green shirt墨绿色衬衣 — opposite light 4  of a person's hair, eyes, skin, etc. : black or brown in color(头发眼睛、皮肤等)黝黑的,棕色的 a person with a dark complexion = a dark-skinned person皮肤黝黑的人 He is tall, dark, and handsome. [=he is a tall, handsome man with dark hair and eyes]他是个头发和眼睛都是黑色的高个儿帅哥。 — opposite fair 5  : less light in color than other things of the same kind深色的 dark rum深色朗姆酒 dark roasted coffee beans烘焙成深色的咖啡豆 — see also dark chocolate, dark meat 6  : lacking hope or happiness无望的;忧郁的;不快的 She had a rather dark [=gloomy, dismal] view of the future.她对未来的看法很悲观。 I met her during a very dark time in my life.我在人生低谷时遇到了她。 These are dark days for many companies.目前是许多公司惨淡经营的时期。 7  : bad or evil邪恶的;阴险的 The movie follows three heroes who fight the dark forces/powers that threaten the world.电影围绕着三位主人公与威胁世界的邪恶势力斗争的主题展开。 his darker side = the darker side of his personality他个性中邪恶的一面 He told no one his deep, dark secret.他没有告诉任何人深藏在他内心的阴谋。 Drowning is his darkest [=worst] fear.溺水是他最大的恐惧。 8  : dealing with unpleasant subjects such as crime, war, unhappy relationships, etc.(关于犯罪、战争、不幸等)主题沉重的,阴暗的,黑色的 a dark [=black] comedy about drug abuse关于滥用毒品的黑色喜剧 dark humor黑色幽默 It's a good movie, but it's really dark.这是一部好电影,但它的题材实际上很阴暗。 9  : full of mystery神秘的;隐秘的 the government's dark secrets政府的机密 — see also dark horse 10  of a place : not known or explored because it is far from where most people live(地方)不知名的,尚未开发的 the darkest regions of the continent这个大陆最为荒蛮的一些地区 11  of a voice : low and full in sound(嗓音)低沉圆润的 his deep, dark voice他那低沉而圆润的嗓音 cast a dark cloud — see 1cloud darkest hour — see hour — darkish /ˈdɑɚkɪʃ/ adjective [more darkish; most darkish] Her hair was a darkish red color.她的头发是深红色的。 2 dark /ˈdɑɚk/ noun plural darks 2 dark /ˈdɑɚk/ noun plural darks Learner's definition of DARK 1  the dark a  : a state in which no light can be seen黑暗 She stumbled around in the dark [=darkness] until she finally found the light switch.她在黑暗中东跌西撞,直到最后找到了电灯开关。 He's 12 years old and still afraid of the dark.他现在12岁了,仍然害怕黑暗。 b  : a place where little or no light can be seen暗处;黑暗处 The burglars hid in the dark between the two buildings.窃贼躲藏在两幢建筑物之间的黑暗处。 He bought the kids special rings that glow in the dark.他给孩子们买了能在黑暗中闪闪发光的戒指。 2  [noncount] : the time of day when night begins : the time when the sky becomes dark for the night天黑;夜幕降临 We'd better get home before dark.我们最好在天黑之前回家。 They waited until after dark to begin their escape.他们一直等到天黑之后才开始逃跑。 3  darks [plural] a  : dark colors : colors that are more black than white暗色;深色 He uses lots of darks in his decorating.他在装饰中使用了大量暗色。 b  : dark clothes : clothes that are black, dark brown, etc.黑色衣服;深色衣服 Wash the lights and the darks separately.把浅色和深色衣服分开洗。 in the dark 1  : in a state in which something is hidden or kept secret在暗处 Most of their deals were made in the dark.他们的大多数交易都是暗箱操作。 2  : in a state of not knowing about something(对某事)全然不知 The public was kept in the dark about the agreement.公众对这个协议一无所知。 They kept us all in the dark.他们把我们大家都蒙在鼓里。 — see also leap in the dark at 2leap, shot in the dark at 1shot, whistle in the dark at 2whistle




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