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词汇 deep
释义 deep (adverb) deep (noun) deep 23 ENTRIES FOUND: deep (adjective) deep (adverb) deep (noun) deep-dish (adjective) deep-fry (verb) deep-rooted (adjective) deep-sea (adjective) deep-seated (adjective) deep-six (verb) deep fat (noun) deep freeze (noun) deep pockets (noun) Deep South (noun) knee-deep (adjective) neck-deep (adjective) skin-deep (adjective) devil (noun) doo-doo (noun) end (noun) sea (noun) shit (noun) still (adjective) water (noun) 1 deep /ˈdiːp/ adjective deeper; deepest 1 deep /ˈdiːp/ adjective deeper; deepest Learner's definition of DEEP 1  a  : having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point深的;厚的 We walked in the deep snow.我们在厚厚的积雪中行走。 a deep well/pool/hole深井/水池/洞 a deep valley between the mountains山间的深谷 The water is deepest in the middle of the lake.湖心的水最深。 She's afraid of swimming in deep water.她害怕在深水里游泳。 a plant with deep roots根深的植物 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The tradition has deep roots in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中根深蒂固。 — opposite shallow b  : going far inward from the outside or the front edge of something纵深的 The house has lots of deep closets.这幢房子有许多进深很深的壁橱。 deep shelves进深很深的架子 She has a small but deep wound on her arm.她胳膊上的伤口不大,但是挺深的。 — opposite shallow c  : located far inside something位于深处的 — usually + in or within The animals live deep in/within the forest/jungle/mountains, far from any people.这些动物栖息于森林丛林/大山深处,远离人烟。 His hands were deep in his pockets.他的两手深深地插在口袋里。 The sound came from deep within his throat.声音从他的喉咙深处发出。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The memories were hidden deep in his mind. [=he had not thought about the memories in a long time]那些记忆深藏在他的心中。 I knew deep in my heart [=I believed very strongly] that we would succeed.我坚信我们一定会成功。 2  not used before a noun : having a specified measurement downward, inward, or backward有…深 This enormous canyon is over a mile deep.这个大峡谷深一英里多。 The shelves are 10 inches deep.这些架子的进深有10英寸。 We walked through knee-deep snow [=snow as high as our knees] to get to school.我们走过齐膝深的雪地去上学。 The basement was waist-deep in water. [=the top of the water that filled the basement was as high as a person's waist]地下室的水涨到了齐腰深。 He stepped into an ankle-deep puddle of mud.他踩进了一个深及脚踝的泥潭里。 — see also skin-deep 3  a  : located near the outside edges of an area靠近场地边界的 (baseball) He hit a fly ball to deep right field.他击出一个腾空球,打到了靠近端线处的右翼外场。 b  : hit, thrown, or kicked a long distance打得远的 The quarterback threw a deep [=long] pass into the end zone.四分卫投出一个长传到端区。 4  : done by taking in or breathing out a large amount of air深呼吸的 Take a deep breath and try to relax.做一个深呼吸,身体尽量放松。 a deep sigh一声长叹 5  : low in sound or musical pitch(声音或音高)低沉的 I could hear my father's deep voice from down the street.我能听见父亲低沉的声音从街那头传来。 a deep bass line低沉的低音线 — opposite high 6  : having a dark, strong color(颜色)浓的,深的 She painted white clouds in a deep blue sky.她在深蓝的天空上画了几朵白云。 The walls were a deep red.这些墙是深红色的。 deep rich colors浓艳的颜色 — opposite light, pale 7  : very intelligent and serious but complex or difficult to understand深刻的;深奥的;难懂的 She's always been a deep [=profound] thinker. = She's very deep.她一向是个思考问题很深刻的人。 This book is far too deep for me.这本书对我来说太深奥了。 He has some very deep thoughts on the issue.他对这个问题有一些很深刻的见解。 a deep discussion on the meaning of life对生命意义的深刻讨论 8  : full of mystery神秘的;深藏的 The main character has a deep, dark secret that is revealed at the end of the movie.影片的主角有一个深藏心中的秘密,在影片的结尾才被揭开。 9  a  : completely involved in an activity : concentrating and giving all of your attention to something全神贯注的;专心的— + in He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear us come in.他在沉思,以至于我们进来他都没听见。 We spent the next few hours deep in conversation.接下来的几个小时,我们只顾聊天。 b  : affected by something in a very serious way深受…影响 — + in They found themselves deep in debt. [=they had a lot of debt; they owed a large amount of money]他们发现自己债台高筑。 10  : very bad, serious, or severe严重的 The country's economy fell into a deep depression/recession.那个国家的经济陷入了严重的萧条/衰退。 There are still deep divisions within the group. [=people in the group have very different opinions and can't agree]小组内部仍存在严重的分歧。 Many people here live in deep poverty. [=many people are very poor]这里许多人都十分贫穷。 The entire family was in deep shock after hearing about the accident.听说那起事故后,全家人都大为震惊。 I got in deep trouble with my parents for staying out too late.因很晚才回家,我被父母狠狠地训了一顿。 11  : very strongly felt深切的;衷心的;深厚的 I offered them my deepest sympathy.我对他们表示最深切的同情。 They shared a deep [=profound] concern for the environment.他们同样对环境问题深感担忧。 She felt a deep [=heartfelt] connection with the culture.她感到自己与这种文化血脉相通。 a deep sense of happiness and well-being由衷的快乐和幸福的感觉 the deep emotional bond between parent and child父母与孩子之间深厚的情感纽带 deep feelings of loss强烈的失落感 The book made a deep impression on his young mind.这本书给他幼小的心灵留下了深刻印象。 12  : full, complete, or thorough完全的;极度的 She has a deep understanding of the company's needs.她对公司的需求了如指掌。 ◊ If you are in a deep sleep, you are thoroughly asleep and it is hard to wake you up.酣睡 He fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the afternoon.他呼呼大睡,直到下午才醒来。 13  US : going down to a very low price, level, etc.大幅下降的 a deep reduction in price大减价 The store offered deep discounts during the grand opening sale.在开业大酬宾期间,这家商店打折力度很大。 14  US, sports : having many good players有很多优秀选手的 The team is very deep this year.今年这支球队阵容强大。 The baseball team has a deep bullpen.这支棒球队有实力雄厚的候补投手。 in deep water : in a difficult situation : in trouble在困境中;在危难中 I thought I could handle the work, but I soon found myself in deep water.我原以为能做好这项工作,但我很快就发现自己身陷困境。 the deep end informal 1  — used in phrases like throw in (at) the deep end and jump in (at) the deep end to describe starting a new and difficult activity when you are not fully prepared or ready to do it(在没有充分准备好时)做难做的事;趟深水 After graduating, he was not afraid to jump in at the deep end and start his new business alone.毕业之后,他毅然决定下海,独自创业。 Teachers are thrown in the deep end when they first start teaching.教师们在刚开始执教时,简直就像赶鸭子上架似的。 2  ◊ To go off the deep end is to go crazy, such as by behaving foolishly or by becoming very angry or upset.发疯发狂;干傻事;勃然大怒 Her friends thought she had gone off the deep end when she suddenly decided to quit her job.当她突然决定辞职时,朋友们都认为她疯了。 After his wife died, he started going off the deep end.妻子去世后,他开始变得脾气暴躁起来。 I understand that you're angry, but there's no reason to go off the deep end.我能理解你生气,但是你没理由勃然大怒。 — deepness noun [noncount] the deepness [=depth] of the water水的深度 2 deep /ˈdiːp/ adverb deeper; deepest 2 deep /ˈdiːp/ adverb deeper; deepest Learner's definition of DEEP 1  a  : far into or below the surface of something深深地;在深处 The ship now lies deep below/beneath the water's surface.那艘船现在位于水底深处。 Our feet sank deeper into the mud.我们的脚在淤泥里陷得更深了。 The treasure was buried deep within the ground.财宝深埋于地下。 Their secret offices were located deep underground.他们的秘密办公地点位于地下深处。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Her angry words hurt/cut him deep. [=deeply]她的那些气话深深地伤害/刺痛了他。 He stared deep into her eyes.他直勾勾地盯着她的眼睛。 The detective dug deeper into the murder case.侦探更加深入地调查这起谋杀案。 b  : far into or inside something至深处;在深处 We walked deep into the forest.我们走进森林深处。 The soldiers are operating deep within enemy territory.士兵们正在深入敌方作战。 2  not used before a noun : at a specified measurement downward, inward, or backward有…深 I stood three feet deep in the water.我站在三英尺深的水中。 They parked the cars three deep [=three cars in a row], and our car was stuck in the middle.他们把车停放成三辆一排,我们的车被夹在了中间。 We walked knee-deep in the snow. [=we walked in snow that was deep enough to reach our knees]我们在齐膝深的雪地里行走。 He stepped ankle-deep into a puddle of mud.他踩进深及脚踝的泥潭里。 3  : to a late time到很晚 They danced deep [=late, well, far] into the night. [=they danced until it was very late at night]他们跳舞直到深夜。 4  sports a  : near the outside edges of a playing area靠近场地边界地 The outfielder was playing deep.外野手正在外野边界附近活动。 b  : for a long distance打得远地 He hit/threw/kicked the ball deep down the field.他把球打/扔/踢到了球场远处。 5  ◊ If you breathe deep, you take a large amount of air into your lungs.深呼吸 The doctor told her to breathe deep. [=breathe deeply]医生让她深呼吸。 deep down (inside) ◊ If you feel or believe something deep down or deep down inside, you feel or believe it completely even if you do not say it or show it to other people.在内心深处;在心底 He knew deep down inside that she was right.他在心底知道她是对的。 I believed deep down that we were going to win.我内心坚信我们会赢。 Deep down, I think we all felt the same way.在内心深处,我认为我们都有同感。 He might look like a mean old man, but deep down inside he is a very kind person.也许他表面上像个吝啬的老头,但在内心深处,他是个很善良的人。 in (too) deep informal : in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of无法摆脱困境 He wanted to get out of the deal, but he was in too deep.他想洗手不干了,但是陷得太深了。 run deep : to be felt very strongly使强烈感受到 Fear runs deep in this small town.恐惧感在这个小镇里四处蔓延。 Her love for her family runs deep.她深爱着她的家人。 — see also still waters run deep at 2still 3 deep /ˈdiːp/ noun 3 deep /ˈdiːp/ noun Learner's definition of DEEP the deep 1  literary + formal : the ocean海;海洋 the briny deep大海 creatures of the deep海洋生物 2  literary : the middle part of something中间部分 He left home in the deep of the night. [=the dead of the night]他半夜三更离开了家。 the deeps literary + formal : the deep parts of the ocean海洋的深处 the ocean deeps海渊




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