

单词 altogether
释义 altogether (noun) altogether 2 ENTRIES FOUND: altogether (adverb) altogether (noun) 1 altogether /ˌɑːltəˈgɛðɚ/ adverb 1 altogether /ˌɑːltəˈgɛðɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of ALTOGETHER 1  : completely and fully : totally, entirely完全;全然;全部地 They had an altogether new idea.他们有个全新的想法。 It stopped raining altogether.雨完全停了。 If we don't do something now, the forests may disappear altogether.如果我们现在不采取行动,森林就会全部消失。 It's best to avoid the situation altogether.彻底避免这种情况发生才是上策。 That's an altogether different question. = That's a different question altogether.那是个完全不同的问题。 — often used with not常与not连用 It is not altogether clear why she left.尚未完全清楚她为何离开。 He didn't altogether believe her story.他并不完全相信她的说法。 — often used for emphasis before another adverb常用于另一副词前,表强调 This is an altogether more sensible solution.这才是真正更明智的解决方案。 I've said altogether [=entirely] too much on the subject already.就这个话题我已经说得太多了。 2  : with everything added together : when everything is added up总共 They spent a thousand dollars altogether. [=in all]他们总共花了一千美元。 Altogether [=all told], we sold nearly 500 candy bars.我们总共卖了将近500块糖。 3  : in a general way : when everything is considered总之;总的说来 Altogether [=generally, on the whole, all in all] I'd say this was our best vacation ever.总之,我要说这是我们最棒的一个假期。 Altogether, their efforts were successful.总之,他们的努力成功了。 Usage用法Do not confuse the single word altogether with the two-word phrase all together.不要混淆altogether和all together。 We were all together [=all in a group, all with each other] for the whole day.我们一整天都待在一起。 I tried to hold it all together with glue, but the pieces fell apart.我试图用胶水把碎片粘在一起,但碎片还是散得七零八落。 The detective put it all together [=figured out how the pieces of information related to each other] and solved the crime.侦探把各种线索联系起来,破了这起案件。 All together [=all at the same time] now, everybody, let's sing!大家一起来,预备,唱! 2 altogether /ˌɑːltəˈgɛðɚ/ noun 2 altogether /ˌɑːltəˈgɛðɚ/ noun Learner's definition of ALTOGETHER in the altogether informal + old-fashioned : not wearing any clothes裸体 posing in the altogether [=nude, in the nude]裸体造型




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