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词汇 dig
释义 dig (noun) dig 5 ENTRIES FOUND: dig (verb) dig (noun) infra dig (adjective) grave (noun) heel (noun) 1 dig /ˈdɪg/ verb digs; dug /ˈdʌg/ ; digging 1 dig /ˈdɪg/ verb digs; dug /ˈdʌg/ ; digging Learner's definition of DIG 1  a  [no object] : to move soil, sand, snow, etc., in order to create a hole挖洞 Some animal has been digging in the garden.有只动物一直在花园里挖洞。 They dug into the sand with their hands.他们用手在沙地里挖洞。 He dug down about 10 feet before he hit water.他挖了10英尺深才见到水。 b  [+ object] : to form (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by removing soil, sand, snow, etc.挖(洞、隧道等) Dig a hole three feet deep.挖一个三英尺深的洞。 The first step in building a house is to dig the foundation.建房子的第一步是挖地基。 The prisoners escaped by digging a tunnel under the fence.囚犯们在围墙下面挖了一条隧道逃跑了。 2  [+ object] : to uncover (something that is underground) by moving earth, soil, sand, etc.挖出;挖掘出 digging potatoes挖土豆 digging clams on the beach在海滩上挖蛤蜊 — see also dig for (below) 3  [no object] : to look for information about something寻找信息 These detectives won't stop digging until they find out what happened.在查明真相之前,这些侦探是不会停止寻找信息的。 4  slang a  [+ object] : to like or admire (someone or something)喜欢;羡慕 I really dig this music.我真的喜欢这音乐。 b  : to understand or appreciate (someone or something)理解;领会 [+ object] You dig me?你明白我的意思吗? [no object] We don't want you here. You dig?我们不需要你在这里。你明白吗? c  [+ object] : to pay attention to or look at (someone or something)注意;看 Hey, dig that hat.嘿!看那顶帽子。 ◊ Senses 4b and 4c have an old-fashioned quality. They are still used, but they are often intended to suggest the language of the 1950s and '60s. Sense 4a is somewhat more common.义项4b和4c较为过时。虽然仍在使用,但主要用于表示20世纪五六十年代的语言,义项4a更为常用。 5  : to reach for something(伸手)去够 [no object] She dug (around) in her purse for her keys.她在手提包里掏钥匙。 : to put (your hand) into something(把手)伸进 [+ object] He dug his hands into his pockets.他把手伸进口袋。 dig for [phrasal verb] dig for (something) : to search for (something) by digging挖掘 miners digging for coal挖煤的矿工们 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The police have been digging for clues to help solve this murder.警方一直在挖掘线索来侦破这起谋杀案。 dig in [phrasal verb] 1  dig (something) in or dig in (something) : to mix (something) into the soil in the ground by digging(把…)掺进土里,混进土里 dig the compost in把复合肥料掺进土里 2  dig in or dig (yourself) in : to dig a trench and take position inside it挖战壕隐蔽;挖掩体隐蔽 The soldiers dug in and waited for the enemy to approach.士兵们挖了战壕隐蔽,等待敌人接近。 The soldiers dug themselves in.士兵们挖战壕把自己隐蔽起来。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We just have to dig in and prepare ourselves for the tough times ahead.我们只能努力做好准备,迎接前面艰难的日子。 3  informal : to begin eating开始吃 Just grab a plate and dig in.拿个盘子,开始吃吧。 4  dig in your heels or dig your heels in : to behave in a stubborn way : to refuse to change固执己见;拒绝改变 The salesman dug in his heels and refused to lower the price any further.销售员寸步不让,拒绝把价格再降低一点。 dig into [phrasal verb] 1  dig (something) into (something) : to mix (something) into (soil) by digging(把…)掺进(土里) dig the compost into the soil把复合肥料掺进土里 2  dig into (something) a  informal : to begin eating (something)开始吃 The family was digging into a delicious meal.这家人正在吃一顿美味大餐。 They dug into their steaks.他们开始吃牛排。 b  somewhat informal : to try to learn or uncover information by studying (something)探寻;钻研 The detectives dug into his past and learned that he had once lived in another country.侦探们调查了他的过去,发现他曾在另一个国家生活过。 3  dig (something) into (something) or dig into (something) : to push against (a body part) in a sharp and painful way戳,捅(身体的某部分) The bed's springs are digging into my back.床的弹簧戳着我的背了。 Her fingernails dug into my hand. = She dug her fingernails into my hand.她的指甲戳到了我的手。 He dug his elbow into my ribs.他用胳膊肘使劲顶我的肋骨。 dig out [phrasal verb] 1  dig (something) out or dig out (something) : to get (something) by searching找出,翻出(某物) I dug some old books out of the attic.我从阁楼上找出几本旧书。 She dug out some change from her purse.她从手提包里翻出一些零钱。 2  : to get (something) out of soil, sand, snow, etc., by digging挖出 We had to dig the car out of the snow after the storm.暴风雪过后,我们不得不从雪里把车挖出来。 We spent the afternoon digging out [=shoveling snow] after the blizzard.暴风雪过后,我们花了一下午铲雪。 dig up [phrasal verb] 1  dig up (something) or dig (something) up : to uncover or find (something) by digging挖掘出 They dug up [=unearthed] buried treasure.他们挖掘出埋藏的宝物。 digging up large rocks挖出大石头 I want to move this bush. Will you help me dig it up?我想把这丛灌木移走。你能帮我把它挖出来吗? 2  informal : to discover (information)发现,找出(信息) The investigators did a lot of research to dig up the facts.调查人员为查明真相做了很多研究。 dig up (the) dirt — see dirt dig your own grave : to behave in a way that will cause you to lose or fail自掘坟墓;自取灭亡 The coach dug his own grave when he publicly insulted the team's owner.教练公开侮辱球队的老板,他这是在自讨苦吃。 2 dig /ˈdɪg/ noun plural digs 2 dig /ˈdɪg/ noun plural digs Learner's definition of DIG 1  [count] : a push with a body part (such as your elbow) : a poke or thrust(用身体的某部位)戳,捅 She gave me a dig in the ribs to get my attention.她戳了戳我的肋骨,吸引我的注意。 2  [count] : a criticism or insult that is directed toward a particular person or group(对某人或某群体的)批评,侮辱 a personal dig针对个人的批评 — often + at Her comments have been interpreted as a sly dig at her former husband.她的评论被理解为是在拐弯抹角地批评前夫。 3  [count] : a place where scientists try to find buried objects by digging发掘地点 archaeological digs考古发掘地 also : the act of digging for buried objects考古发掘 She participated in a dig last summer.去年夏天她参与了考古发掘工作。 4  digs [plural] informal a  US : the place where someone lives居住地 She's buying furniture for her new digs in the city.她正在为她城里的新居购买家具。 b  British, old-fashioned : a room rented in another person's home(在别人家中)租住的房间 He still lives in digs [=in a rented room] just outside the city.他还住在城外的出租屋里。




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