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词汇 dirty
释义 dirty (verb) dirty (adverb) dirty 10 ENTRIES FOUND: dirty (adjective) dirty (verb) dirty (adverb) dirty bomb (noun) dirty laundry (noun) dirty old man (noun) dirty tricks (noun) dirty word (noun) down-and-dirty (adjective) hand (noun) 1 dirty /ˈdɚti/ adjective dirtier; dirtiest 1 dirty /ˈdɚti/ adjective dirtier; dirtiest Learner's definition of DIRTY 1  : not clean肮脏的;污秽的;污浊的 All my socks are dirty.我的袜子全都脏了。 Try not to get your clothes dirty.尽量别把衣服弄脏了。 dirty dishes脏盘子 I can't breathe this dirty city air.我无法呼吸城里这污浊的空气。 The baby has a dirty diaper.婴儿的尿布脏了。 2  a  : indecent and offensive下流的;冒犯人的 dirty language下流话 — see also dirty word b  : relating to sex in an indecent or offensive way黄色的;色情的 dirty [=pornographic] movies/magazines/pictures色情电影/杂志/图片 I hate listening to his dirty jokes.我讨厌听他讲黄色笑话。 He has a dirty mind. [=he often thinks about sex]他满脑子下流事儿。 — see also dirty old man 3  : not fair or honest卑鄙的;不诚实的 He has a reputation as a dirty player. [=he cheats; he tries to hurt his opponents]他是个出了名的缺乏体育道德的球员。 a criminal's dirty money [=money earned in an illegal activity]犯罪分子的赃款 That was a dirty trick! [=an unkind thing to do]那是卑鄙的伎俩! 4  a  : very bad : deserving to be hated or regretted令人憎恨的;令人遗憾的 War is a dirty business.战争是令人憎恶的事。 It's a dirty shame that nobody tried to help him.真是令人遗憾,竟然没有人去帮助他。 That's a dirty lie!那是无耻的谎言! He's a dirty liar!他是个卑鄙的骗子! b  : likely to cause shame or disgrace令人感到耻辱的;丢面子的 That's the dirty [=shameful] little secret that the industry doesn't want you to know.那是行业内不愿让人知道的龌龊的小秘密。 5  : difficult or unpleasant困难的;令人不快的 Why do I always get stuck doing the dirty work?为什么我总得去干别人不愿意干的活儿呢? It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.这是个苦差事,但总得有人做。 ◊ To get your hands dirty is to do difficult and often unpleasant work.做困难的工作;做令人不快的事 Our boss isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and help us finish the work on time.我们的老板不辞劳苦地帮助我们按时完成工作。 6  : showing dislike or anger厌恶的;憎恨的 She gave me a dirty look.她狠狠地瞪了我一眼。 7  : not clear or bright in color暗淡的;不鲜明的 a dirty [=dull] red暗红色 — see also dirty blond at 1blond — dirtiness noun [noncount] the dirtiness of the house房子的肮脏 2 dirty /ˈdɚti/ verb dirties; dirtied; dirtying 2 dirty /ˈdɚti/ verb dirties; dirtied; dirtying Learner's definition of DIRTY [+ object] : to make (something) dirty弄脏;污染 Take off your shoes to keep from dirtying the floor.把鞋脱了,免得弄脏地板。 Her fingers were dirtied with ink.她的手指蘸上了墨水。 The baby just dirtied [=soiled] her diaper.宝宝把尿布弄脏了。 The river was dirtied [=polluted] with industrial waste.河水被工业废物污染了。 3 dirty /ˈdɚti/ adverb 3 dirty /ˈdɚti/ adverb Learner's definition of DIRTY 1  : in an unfair or dishonest way卑鄙地;不诚实地 Watch out for her. She plays dirty.小心提防着她,她这个人手段卑鄙。 He usually wins because he fights dirty.他通常是因为出黑手而赢。 2  : in an indecent or offensive way下流地 talking dirty说脏话




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