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词汇 do
释义 do (verb) do (noun) do (noun) do 85 ENTRIES FOUND: do (verb) do (verb) do (noun) do (noun) does do-gooder (noun) doing (noun) do-it-yourself (adjective) done done (adjective) done (interjection) done deal (noun) do-nothing (adjective) do-nothing (noun) do-or-die (adjective) do-rag (noun) can-do (adjective) cock-a-doodle-do (noun) derring-do (noun) ne'er-do-well (noun) tae kwon do (noun) to-do (noun) well-done (adjective) well-to-do (adjective) whoop-de-do (interjection) act (noun) all (pronoun) battle (noun) bidding (noun) bit (noun) bunk (noun) burn (noun) can (verb) care (verb) consider (verb) could (verb) damn (verb) damnedest (noun) doe (noun) duty (noun) easy (adverb) flit (noun) for (preposition) good (noun) hard (adverb) harm (noun) have (verb) heart (noun) honor (noun) how (adverb) injury (noun) injustice (noun) it (pronoun) job (noun) justice (noun) know (verb) least (noun) make (verb) mean (verb) moonlight (noun) nothing (pronoun) number (noun) over (adverb) part (noun) power (noun) proud (adjective) risk (noun) round (noun) runner (noun) say (verb) service (noun) slow (adjective) stuff (noun) that (pronoun) there (adverb) think (verb) time (noun) trick (noun) turn (noun) violence (noun) want (verb) without (adverb) wonder (noun) worse (adverb) wrong (noun) 1 do /ˈduː/ verb does /ˈdʌz/ ; did /ˈdɪd/ ; done /ˈdʌn/ ; doing /ˈduːwɪŋ/ 1 do /ˈduː/ verb does /ˈdʌz/ ; did /ˈdɪd/ ; done /ˈdʌn/ ; doing /ˈduːwɪŋ/ Learner's definition of DO 1  a  : to perform (an action or activity)做;干 [+ object] We should do something special to celebrate your birthday.我们应该专门庆祝一下你的生日。 This crime was done deliberately.这一罪行系蓄意所为。 I have to do some chores this afternoon.今天下午我得做些杂务。 Tell me what to do and I'll do it.告诉我要做什么,我就去做。 I'm obliged to do my duty.我必须尽职尽责。 He does his work without complaining.他工作任劳任怨。 I do the ironing on Wednesdays and the cooking on Thursdays. [=I iron on Wednesdays and cook on Thursdays]我每周三熨衣服,周四做饭。 I did a favor for him. = I did him a favor.我帮了他个忙。 “What do you do with this lever? = What does this lever do?” “It operates the pump.”“这个杠杆有什么用?”“操控这台泵。” He did a lot for us.他为我们做了很多事。 What can I do to help you? = What can I do for you? [=how can/may I help you?]我能为你做点什么? What have I done to you to make you so angry?我怎么惹你了,让你这么生气? Have you done something to/with this room? [=have you changed this room in some way?] It looks different.你动过房间吗?看起来变了样了。 My knee is sore. I must have done something to it [=I must have hurt it] when I fell.我膝盖疼。肯定是摔倒时伤着了。 Don't just stand there: do something! [=take some sort of action to stop what is happening]别光在那儿站着,动手帮点忙吧! We need to do something about this problem. [=we need to take some action to correct this problem]我们需要采取措施解决这个问题。 All we can do is hope for the best. [=there is no other action we can take except to hope for the best]我们所能做的就是尽量往好处想。 I didn't do it! = I didn't do anything! [=I didn't do what you said I did]这事我没做! Are you doing anything right now? [=are you busy right now?]你这会儿忙吗? If you're not doing anything this evening [=if you're not busy this evening], why not come over for dinner?如果你今晚有空,来一起吃饭怎么样? “What are you doing this weekend?” “I'm just relaxing at home.”“你周末打算做什么?”“就待在家里休息。 What is the stock market doing now: rising or falling?现在股市行情如何:涨还是跌? What have I done with my keys? [=where did I put my keys?]我把钥匙放哪儿了? My hair is a mess. I can't do anything with it.我的头发乱糟糟的。真没办法。 There's nothing to do in this town on a Saturday night!周六晚上在这个镇上居然没事可做! [no object] Do as I say, not as I do. [=do the things that I say you should do, not the things that I do myself]按我说的做,而不是照我做的做。 Shut up and do as you're told! [=do what I tell you to do]闭嘴!叫你干什么,你就干什么! b  [+ object] — used with what to ask or talk about a person's job与what连用,用于询问或谈论某人的职业 “What does your husband do?” “He's a writer.”“你丈夫是做什么的?”“他是作家。 She's a lawyer. I'm not sure what her husband does.她是律师。我不清楚她丈夫是做什么的。 What does she do for a living? [=what is her job?]她靠做什么工作为生? 2  [+ object] : to finish working on (something)做完;完成 His mother won't let him watch television until he has done his homework.他完成作业之后,他妈妈才会让他看电视。 I've only done three of the walls so far—I'll paint the last one tomorrow.到现在,我才刷了三面墙,明天再刷最后那面。 — compare 2done 1 3  [no object] — used to describe the success or progress of someone or something(顺利)进行,进展 “How is she doing in school?” “She did badly/poorly at first, but now she's doing much better.”“她在学校表现怎么样?”“刚开始不好,现在好多了。 She does well in math but badly in history.她数学很好,但历史很差。 The company is doing well.这家公司经营得不错。 How is the stock market doing these days?近来股市行情如何? He started out poor, worked hard, did very well (for himself) in business [=was very successful in business], and died rich.他白手起家,辛勤经营,事业有成,富足而终。 ◊ How are you doing? or (very informally) How you doing? is used as a greeting.(用作问候语)你好吗? “Hi, Dave. How are you doing?” “I'm fine, thanks. How are you?”“嗨!戴夫,你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢。你呢?” 4  [+ object] — used to describe the effect that something has导致;产生;对…有影响 You've been working too hard. A few days off will do you (some) good. [=a few days off will be good for you]你工作太辛苦了。休息几天对你有好处。 We didn't mean to do him (any) harm. [=to harm him]我们无意伤害他。 Criticism can do people a lot of harm/damage; praise can do people a lot of good.批评伤人,赞扬利人。 The new design doesn't do much for me. [=I don't like the new design very much]新的设计方案我不太喜欢。 That hat does nothing for you. [=that hat does not look good on you]那顶帽子不适合你。 5  — used to describe the amount of effort someone makes用于形容努力的程度 [+ object] She did nothing to help us. [=she did not try to help us at all]她根本就没帮我们。 I did my best. = I did my utmost. = I did all that I could. = I did everything I could.我尽力而为了。 [no object] I did as well as I could.我尽全力了。 6  [+ object] a  : to create or produce (something)创作;制作 a writer who is doing a new biography on Abraham Lincoln正在写亚伯拉罕·林肯新传记的作家 a painter who has done some beautiful landscapes创作过一些风景佳作的画家 b  : to perform in or be the producer or director of (a movie, play, etc.)出演,制作,导演(电影、戏剧等) an actress who has done several hit movies拍过几部热映影片的女演员 a director who is doing a play on Broadway正在百老汇导一部剧的导演 7  [+ object] a  : to play (a role or character)扮演 an actor who did Hamlet on Broadway在百老汇扮演过哈姆雷特的演员 b  : to pretend to be (someone, such as a famous person) : to copy the speech and appearance of (someone)模仿(某人) a comedian who does a great George Bush [=a comedian who does a very good and entertaining imitation of George Bush]模仿乔治·布什惟妙惟肖的喜剧演员 c  informal : to behave like (someone)仿效 I wish he'd do a Houdini and disappear. [=I wish he'd go away]我真希望他也能像魔术师霍迪尼那样瞬间消失。 8  [+ object] a  : to wash or clean (something)清洗;清洁 It's your turn to do [=wash] the laundry.轮到你洗衣服了。 The woman we hired to clean our house doesn't do windows.我们雇来打扫房子的女工不管擦窗户。 b  : to decorate (a place)装饰,布置(一个地方) They did the bedroom in blue and the living room in green.他们把卧室装饰成蓝色,客厅装饰成绿色。 — see also do over 2 (below) c  : to make (someone's face, hair, etc.) more attractive by putting on makeup, etc.妆扮(脸、头发等) She wanted to do her face before the party.她想在聚会前化个妆。 She had her hair done [=styled] at the beauty parlor.她在美容院做了个头发。 She was doing her fingernails/nails.她当时在美甲。 d  : to put on (makeup)上(妆) It took her a few minutes to do her makeup.她花了几分钟时间上妆。 9  [+ object] : to cook or prepare (food)烹饪;备餐 I like my steak done rare.请给我来份嫩牛排。 I'll do the salad while you do the pasta.你做面食时,我来拌沙拉。 — compare 2done 2 10  [+ object] : to make or sell (a product)制造,销售(产品) This is the company's most popular computer, but they also do a less expensive model.这是这家公司最畅销的电脑,不过他们还有一款较便宜的机型。 11  [+ object] chiefly US, informal : to participate in (an activity) with other people参加(活动) We should do dinner some time. [=we should have dinner together some time]有时间我们应该一起吃顿饭。 do a meeting [=have a meeting]开会 We should do a movie [=go to a movie] this weekend.周末我们该去看场电影。 — see also do lunch at 1lunch 12  [+ object] : to go to (a place) when traveling游览;参观 a group of tourists who are doing [=visiting] 12 countries in 30 days一群要在30天游12国的游客 13  [+ object] a  : to move or travel (a distance)走过,旅行(一段路程) We did [=traveled] 500 miles yesterday.我们昨天行驶了500英里。 b  : to move at (a speed)以…速度行进 They were doing [=going, driving] 85 on the turnpike.他们以85英里的时速在收费公路上行驶。 That plane can do [=go] 1,400 mph!那架飞机时速可达1400英里! 14  [+ object] : to be in a place for (a period of time)度过(一段时间) He did [=spent] two years in college before he dropped out.他在大学读了两年就退学了。 especially : to be in a prison for (a period of time)服刑(一段时间) He did [=served] five years (in prison) for robbery.他因抢劫罪在狱中服了五年刑。 He has been doing time in a federal penitentiary.他一直在联邦监狱里服刑。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 I've done my time at that terrible job, and now it's time to move on.这份烂工作让我受够了,现在该换份工作了。 15  a  : to be enough : to be adequate足够;适合 [no object] I don't need any more cake, thank you. One piece will do. [=one piece is enough]我不要蛋糕了,谢谢。一块就够了。 I'd prefer to use glue, but tape will/would do.我喜欢用胶水,不过胶带也可以。 [+ object] (informal) One piece of cake will do me. [=one piece of cake is enough for me]一块蛋糕就够我吃了。 b  ◊ Phrases like that will do (it) and that should do (it) are used in informal speech to tell someone that you do not want or need anything more.(用于非正式口语,表示不要或不需)这就够了 “Would you like anything else?” “No, that'll do it.” = “No, that should do it.”“你还想要点别的吗?”“不要了,够了。” ◊ That will do it and that should do it are also used to say that you have finished doing something or are about to finish doing something.完成;将要完成 I just have one more letter to sign and that should do it. [=and then I'll be finished]我只需再签署一封信件就完事了。 ◊ That will do is also sometimes used to tell someone (such as a child) to stop doing or saying something that is bothering you or making you angry.(制止孩子等的烦人的言行)行啦,够啦 That will do [=that's enough], young man: one more word out of you and you're grounded!够了,小伙子:再多说一个字,就关你禁闭! c  ◊ The phrase that does it is used to say that you have finished doing something.完成了 I just need to sign one more letter…There, that does it.我只需再签署一封信件…好了,完成了。 ◊ That does it is also used in angry speech to say that you will not accept or allow something anymore.(愤怒地表示不愿再接受或容忍)够了 “They say we'll have to wait another hour.” “That does it! We're leaving right now!”“他们说我们还得再等一小时。”“够了!我们现在就走 16  [no object] : to be proper合适 — used in negative statements用于否定句 It doesn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. = It won't/wouldn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. [=a doctor should not become too friendly with his patients]医生不应该和病人过于亲近。 Such behavior will never do! [=such behavior should not be allowed]这种行为是绝对不允许的! We should leave soon. It won't do to be late.我们该赶紧走了,迟到了不好。 This is a formal occasion, so jeans simply won't do. [=jeans are not appropriate]这是正式场合,穿牛仔裤根本不合适。 ◊ In U.S. English, this sense of do has a somewhat formal or old-fashioned quality.在美国英语中,do的此义项有点正式或过时。 — compare 2done 3 17  [+ object] informal : to use (illegal drugs)吸(毒) He says that he doesn't do drugs anymore.他说他不再吸毒了。 18  [no object] informal a  : to happen发生 Is there anything doing tomorrow?明天有什么事吗? There is nothing doing around here.这一带没出什么事。 Let's find out what's doing downtown.咱们了解一下市中心发生了什么事。 b  ◊ People ask what is something/someone doing…? when they are surprised or upset about where someone or something is.(表惊讶或不快)…怎么会在(某地)? What are all my clothes doing (lying/scattered) on the floor? [=why are all my clothes on the floor?]我的衣服怎么都在地上? What were you doing (standing) outside in the rain? [=why were you outside in the rain?]你干吗站在外面淋雨呢? ◊ People ask what is someone doing with (something)? when they are surprised or upset because someone has something.(表惊讶或不快)…怎么会有(某物)? What are you doing with my notebook? = What do you think you're doing with my notebook? [=why do you have my notebook?]你怎么会有我的笔记本? 19  [+ object] informal + offensive : to have sex with (someone)与…性交 be to do with — see have to do with (below) do a number on — see 1number do away with [phrasal verb] 1  do away with (someone) : to kill (someone)杀死;干掉 She's accused of hiring a hit man to do away with [=murder, do in] her husband.她被控雇用职业杀手谋杀丈夫。 2  do away with (something) : to cause the end of (something) : to get rid of (something)结束;废除;取消 The struggling company had to do away with a number of jobs.那家陷入困境的公司不得不取消一些工作岗位。 do battle — see 1battle do by [phrasal verb] do by (someone) : to deal with or treat (someone) well or badly对待(某人) She feels that they did poorly/badly by her. [=that they treated her poorly/badly]她觉得他们待她不好。 They did pretty well by me when I retired. [=they treated me pretty well when I retired]我退休时,他们待我很好。 — see also hard done by at 2hard do down [phrasal verb] do (someone) down British, informal : to talk about (someone) in an insulting or critical way贬损,批评(某人) She thinks that if she does everybody else down, people will think more highly of her.她以为把别人都贬低了,人们就会高看她。 Stop doing yourself down: you've got a lot to offer!别再妄自菲薄了,你的长处多着呢! do for [phrasal verb] 1  do for (someone) British, informal : to cause the death or ruin of (someone)(使)死亡,毁灭 All that hard work nearly did for him. [=nearly killed him]那么多重活儿,几乎要了他的命。 — see also done for at 2done 2  : to do the cleaning and cooking for (someone)为…料理家务 Mrs. Jones does for the vicar now his wife's passed on.牧师的妻子过世了,琼斯太太帮他料理家务。 do good — see 2good do in [phrasal verb] 1  do (someone) in informal a  : to kill (someone)杀死(某人) They threatened to do him in if he didn't pay the money he owed them.他们威胁他,如果不还钱的话,就干掉他。 He's been so depressed lately that his friends are afraid he might do himself in. [=he might kill himself]他近来非常沮丧,朋友们都担心他会自杀。 : to cause the death of (someone)(使)死亡 He struggled with lung disease for many years, but it was a heart attack that finally did him in.他与肺病抗争了很多年,但最终夺去他生命的却是心脏病。 b  : to cause the failure of (someone)(使)失败 His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally did him in as a presidential candidate. [=he failed because he was unable to attract Southern voters]他因没能赢得南方选民的支持而在总统竞选中失败。 a businessman who was done in by greed因贪婪而失败的商人 2  : to make (someone) very tired(使)劳累,筋疲力尽 Working in the garden all day really did me in. = After working in the garden all day, I was/felt done in. [=exhausted]在花园干了一整天,累得我够呛。 — see also done in at 2done do it informal : to have sex性交;做爱 They've kissed—but have they actually done it?他们接吻了,但是他们真的发生关系了吗? do justice — see justice do out of [phrasal verb] do (someone) out of (something) informal : to unfairly prevent (someone) from getting or having (something)(用不正当手段)夺取,骗取 I've been done out of what was rightfully mine!我被剥夺了理应属于我的东西。 They did [=cheated] him out of his inheritance.他们骗取了他继承的遗产。 do over [phrasal verb] 1  do (something) over US : to do (something) again重做 I made a mistake when I measured the window and I had to do it over (again).我量窗户时出了差错,只好再量一次。 If I had to do it (all) over again, I would have stayed in college.假如一切非得重新来过,我宁愿待在大学里。 2  do (something) over or do over (something) : to decorate or change a room, house, etc., so that it looks very different装饰,改动(房间、房子等) We're planning to do over the kitchen next year.我们计划明年翻修厨房。 3  do (someone) over or do over (someone) British, informal : to attack and beat (someone)殴打;揍 He got done over by a gang of teenagers.他被一帮小青年打了一顿。 do someone proud — see proud do the trick — see 1trick do up [phrasal verb] 1  do up (something) or do (something) up a  : to decorate (something)装饰 They did up the room in bright colors for the party. = The room was all done up in bright colors for the party.为了聚会,他们用明亮的色调装饰了房间。 b  : to adjust (something, such as your hair) in a particular way梳理(头发等) She did up her hair in a ponytail.她把头发扎成马尾辫。 c  chiefly British : to wrap (something)包;裹 packages done up [=wrapped up] in paper and ribbon用纸和丝带包好的包裹 d  chiefly British : to repair (something)修理 do up [=fix up] old furniture修理旧家具 do up an old house修缮旧房子 2  do (someone) up : to dress (someone) up : to put attractive clothes, makeup, etc., on (someone)梳妆;打扮 She really did herself up for the party. = She was all done up for the party.为参加聚会,她着实打扮了一番。 3  do up or do (something) up or do up (something) of clothing : to be fastened or to fasten (something) with buttons, a zipper, etc.(用纽扣、拉链等)扣,系 a dress that does up at the back = a dress that is done up at the back背后系扣的连衣裙 She did up her dress.她扣好了连衣裙。 buttons that do up easily = buttons that you can do up easily [=buttons that can be easily buttoned]容易扣上的纽扣 do well ◊ If you would do well to do something, you should do it.应该做 You would do well to avoid him right now. [=you should avoid him right now]眼下你应该避开他。 ◊ If you did well to do something, you were correct to do it.做得对 You did well to avoid him when he was in a bad mood.当时他情绪不好,你避开他是对的。 ◊ If you did well to escape, survive, etc., you were lucky to escape, survive, etc.侥幸逃脱;幸存 When the tornado hit, they did well to escape uninjured.龙卷风来袭时,他们侥幸逃离,没有受伤。 do with [phrasal verb] do with (something) : to be helped by having (something)想要,需要(某物) I could (really) do with a cup of hot coffee right now! [=I could use a cup of coffee; I would like/appreciate a cup of coffee]我现在(真)想喝杯热咖啡! I could do with a little less criticism right now, if you don't mind!如果你不介意,我希望现在少点批评! do without [phrasal verb] do without or do without (something or someone) : to not have (something) : to live, work, etc., without having (something)没有…也行;将就 If you can't afford a new car, you'll just have to do without (one).买不起新车的话,你就只能将就一下了。 I don't know how we ever did without computers.真不知道没有电脑时我们是怎么过的。 I'd like to get a new car, but I can do without it for now.我希望有辆新车,但暂时没有也行。 ◊ The phrase can/could do without is often used to say that you do not like or approve of something.不喜欢;不赞成 I enjoy traveling, but I can do without having to wait around in crowded airports. [=I don't like having to wait around]我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢在拥挤的机场里干等。 He was late again. That's the kind of selfish behavior I could do without.他又迟到了。我讨厌这种自私的行为。 do your bit — see 1bit easy does it — see 2easy have to do with 1  or chiefly British be to do with a  : to relate to (something) : to be about (something)与(某事物)有关;关于(某事物) The problem has to do with fishing rights. = (chiefly Brit) The problem is to do with fishing rights.这一问题事关捕鱼权。 “What does her husband do?” “I think it has something to do with computers.” = “I think it's got something to do with computers.” [=it involves computers in some way]“她丈夫是做什么的?”“我想是与计算机有关吧。” b  : to relate to or involve (someone)与(某人)有关;牵涉(某人) That's your problem: it has nothing to do with me! = (chiefly Brit) It's nothing to do with me! [=it doesn't involve me in any way; it's not my problem]那是你的问题,与我无关! You're wrong. It's got everything to do with you: you're legally responsible for what went wrong.你错了。这一切都与你有关:你要对出现的问题负法律责任。 2  : to be involved in or in some way responsible for (something)卷入;为(某事)负责 He claims that he had nothing to do with the accident. = He claims that he didn't have anything to do with the accident. [=that he was not involved in the accident]他声称自己与这场事故无关。 He claims he wasn't involved, but I know he had something to do with it.他声称自己与此事没有瓜葛,但我知道有些关联。 3  ◊ If you do not want to have anything to do with someone or if you want nothing to do with someone, you do not want to be involved with that person in any way.和…有(无)牵连 She thinks he's a liar and she refuses to have anything to do with him. [=she refuses to talk to him, to see him, etc.]她觉得他是个骗子,所以拒绝跟他打交道。 After the way he's treated me, I want nothing (further) to do with him. = I don't want (to have) anything (further) to do with him.他那样对我,我不想再跟他有任何瓜葛了。 how do you do? — see 1how make do — see 1make nothing doing — see 1nothing — compare 2do 2 do /ˈduː/ verb does; did; doing negative forms do not or don't; did not or didn't; does not or doesn't 2 do /ˈduː/ verb does; did; doing negative forms do not or don't; did not or didn't; does not or doesn't Learner's definition of DO [auxiliary verb] 1  a  — used before the subject in a question用于疑问句主语前 Do you play the piano?你会弹钢琴吗? How well do you play the piano?你钢琴弹得怎么样? What did he say?他说什么了? What does her husband do for a living?她丈夫以什么工作为生? When does the train leave?火车什么时候开? b  — used to form brief questions (called tag questions) that come at the end of a statement用于陈述句末构成附加疑问句 You play the piano, don't you?你会弹钢琴,不是吗? So you play the piano, do you?这么说你会弹钢琴,是吧? Her husband works with computers, doesn't he?她丈夫从事与计算机相关的工作,不是吗? 2  a  — used with not to form negative statements与not连用构成否定句 I do not know. = I don't know.我不知道。 I don't believe anything he says.他说的话我一句也不信。 b  — used with not to form commands与not连用构成命令句 Do not lie to me! = (more commonly) Don't lie to me!别跟我撒谎! Don't touch the stove.别碰火炉。 Don't be afraid. Everything will be all right.别怕,没事的。 c  somewhat formal — used before the subject in a statement after words like never, seldom, and rarely用于陈述句中主语前的never、seldom、rarely等词后 Never did he see his native land again. [=he never saw his native land again]他再也没有见到过故乡。 Seldom do we experience such joy! [=we seldom experience such joy]我们难得这么高兴! 3  — used to replace another verb or verb phrase用于替代其他动词或动词短语 “May I come in?” “Yes, (please) do.”“可以进来吗?”“可以,(请)进来吧。” You work harder than I do.你比我努力。 “Do you play the piano?” “No, I don't, but my sister does.”“你会弹钢琴吗?”“不,不会,但我姐姐会。” He works hard and I do, too. = He works hard and so do I.他很勤奋,我也是。 Don't touch the stove: if you do, you'll burn yourself!别碰火炉:碰了会烫伤的! She asked me to open the window, which I did. = What I did was (to) open the window when she asked me to.她叫我打开窗子,我照办了。 (informal) “Can you finish it by tomorrow?” “Sure, boss, will do!” [=I will finish it by tomorrow]“最晚明天你能完成吗?”“可以,老板,能完成!” (informal) “Can you finish it by tomorrow?” “Sorry, boss, no can do!” [=I can't finish it by tomorrow]“最晚明天你能完成吗?”“对不起,老板,完不成!” (Brit) “Are you going to the party?” “I might do.” [=I might]“你去参加聚会吗?”“可能去。” (Brit) He can work hard and I can do too. [=I can too]他能努力工作,我也能。 (Brit) Would you mind feeding the dog if nobody else already has done? [=if nobody else already has]要是没人喂过这条狗,你喂喂它好吗? 4  a  — used to make a statement stronger用于加强语气 You really do look lovely today!今天你看起来确实很可爱! “It hurts!” “Well, I did warn you it would sting a little!”“疼!”“嗯,我提醒过你会有点刺痛!” I never did like him much.我从来就不怎么喜欢他。 Oh, do be quiet!噢,一定要安静! b  somewhat formal — used as a polite way to tell or urge someone to do something请务必;一定要 Do come in and have a seat.快进来坐坐。 Do come and see us again soon.务必尽早再来看看我们。 Do be careful.一定要小心。 — compare 1do 3 do /ˈduː/ noun plural dos 3 do /ˈduː/ noun plural dos Learner's definition of DO [count] informal 1  : something that a person should do该做的事 — usually used in the phrase dos and don'ts通常用于短语dos and don'ts She told her daughter about the dos and don'ts of dating. [=about the things that she should and should not do when dating someone]她告诉女儿约会时要注意的事。 2  US : a way of cutting and arranging a person's hair : hairdo发型 She was worried that the wind might mess up her do.她担心风会吹乱她的发型。 3  : a party or social gathering聚会;社交集会 We threw a big do for her after graduation.毕业后,我们为她举办了大型聚会。 — compare 4do 4 do /ˈdoʊ/ noun or chiefly British doh 4 do /ˈdoʊ/ noun or chiefly British doh Learner's definition of DO [noncount] : the first note of a musical scale哆(全音阶中的第1音) do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti哆、来、咪、发、嗦、拉、西 — compare 3do




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