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词汇 dot
释义 dot (verb) dot 8 ENTRIES FOUND: dot (noun) dot (verb) dot-com (noun) dotted (adjective) dot matrix (noun) polka dot (noun) connect (verb) year (noun) 1 dot /ˈdɑːt/ noun plural dots 1 dot /ˈdɑːt/ noun plural dots Learner's definition of DOT [count] 1  : a small round mark点;小圆点 Put a dot over the i.在i上加个点。 The dots on the map represent cities.地图上的圆点代表城市。 She said, “Go to Learners Dictionary dot com [=the Web site] for more information.”她说:“请点击网址www.learnersdictionary.com获得更多信息。” — see also polka dot 2  : a small spot : a small area that is different in color from the main part(与主体颜色不同的)点,小斑点 You have a dot of ketchup on your shirt.你的衬衫上沾了一小块番茄酱。 As we drove away, the house became just a dot on the horizon.我们驾车远去,那座房子渐渐变成了地平线上的一个小点。 3  : a short signal (such as a sound or a flash of light) that represents a letter or a part of a letter in Morse code莫尔斯电码中代表字母或字母的一部分的)点 The Morse code for the letter v is three dots and a dash.莫尔斯电码用三点加一划表示字母V。 — compare 2dash 7 connect the dots — see connect on the dot informal : exactly at a particular time正点;准时 She arrived at 3 o'clock on the dot. = She arrived on the dot of 3. [=she arrived exactly at 3 o'clock]她3点钟准时到达。 since the year dot — see year 2 dot /ˈdɑːt/ verb dots; dotted; dotting 2 dot /ˈdɑːt/ verb dots; dotted; dotting Learner's definition of DOT [+ object] 1  : to mark (something) with a dot在…上加点;打点于 Don't forget to dot the i.别忘了给字母i加点。 ◊ If you dot the/your i's and cross the/your t's, you make sure that all of the small details in something have been completed.完善细节;使无瑕疵 We need some extra time to dot the i's and cross the t's on the report.我们需要一点额外的时间来完善报告中的细节。 2  : to appear at many different places on the surface of (something)遍布;星罗棋布于 Quaint cottages dot the countryside.古朴的村舍散落在乡间。 The fields were dotted with wildflowers.原野中点缀着野花。 3  : to put a small amount of something on different parts of (a surface)(将少量某物)散布于 Dot the cream all over your face.将乳霜搽在脸上。




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