

单词 draw
释义 draw (noun) draw 28 ENTRIES FOUND: draw (verb) draw (noun) drawing (noun) drawing board (noun) drawing pin (noun) drawing power (noun) drawing room (noun) drawing table (noun) drawn drawn (adjective) drawn-out (adjective) horse-drawn (adjective) line drawing (noun) long-drawn-out (adjective) mechanical drawing (noun) bead (noun) blind (noun) blood (noun) comparison (noun) dagger (noun) horn (noun) line (noun) luck (noun) picture (noun) quick (adjective) shade (noun) short (adjective) straw (noun) 1 draw /ˈdrɑː/ verb draws; drew /ˈdruː/ ; drawn /ˈdrɑːn/ ; drawing 1 draw /ˈdrɑː/ verb draws; drew /ˈdruː/ ; drawn /ˈdrɑːn/ ; drawing Learner's definition of DRAW 1  : to make (a picture, image, etc.) by making lines on a surface especially with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., but not usually with paint(用铅笔、钢笔、记号笔、粉笔等)画,描绘 [+ object] He drew me a picture of the bike. = He drew a picture of the bike for me.他给我画了一张自行车图。 The computer can draw the graph for you.计算机能够为你画这张曲线图。 Students drew maps of the states and labeled them.学生们画了各州的地图并做了标注。 [no object] You draw very well.你画得很好。 She sat down and began to draw.她坐下来,开始画画。 — compare paint 2  [+ object] : to cause (attention) to be given to someone or something引起(对某人或某物的)关注;使注意到 The case has drawn attention to the fact that many athletes never graduate.这个案例使人们注意到这样的事实:许多运动员都没有完成学业。 I would like to draw your attention to the third line.我想让你注意第三行。 He didn't want to draw attention to himself. [=he did not want to cause people to notice him]他不想引人注意。 3  [+ object] a  : to cause (someone or something) to come : to attract (someone or something)引来,吸引(某人或某物) The band always draws a large crowd.这个乐队总能引来大批听众。 She felt drawn [=attracted] to the young man.她感觉自己被那个年轻男子吸引住了。 The college draws students from around the world.这所大学吸引了来自世界各地的学生。 The animals were drawn to the campsite by the smell of food.营地食物的香味把许多动物吸引来了。 We hope the display in the window will draw customers in from the street.我们希望橱窗里的陈列能把街上的顾客吸引到店里来。 The lure of city life has drawn away many of the town's young people.城市生活诱使许多年轻人离开了小镇。 My eye was drawn to the painting. [=some characteristic of the painting made me want to look at it]这幅画吸引了我的注意。 b  : to cause (someone) to become involved or interested in something or someone使卷入;使感兴趣 — + in, into, or to What first drew you to teaching?最初是什么使你对教书产生兴趣的? A good writer knows how to draw readers in. [=how to make readers interested; how to make people want to read something]一位好作家知道如何引起读者的兴趣。 — often used as (be/get) drawn常用作(be/get) drawn She was drawn in by his friendly manner. [=she wanted to know and talk to him because he was friendly]他友善的态度吸引了她。 She got drawn into the conversation.她卷入了这次谈话。 4  [+ object] : to get or receive (something)得到;获得 a television show that has drawn consistently high ratings持续获得高收视率的电视节目 The player drew a foul.那名运动员犯规了。 : to get (a particular response or reaction)得到,引起(回应或反应) His speech drew cheers from the crowd.他的演讲引起人群的欢呼。 The movie has drawn much criticism/praise from critics.那部电影受到批评家的许多批评/赞赏。 He is a talented high school athlete who has drawn the interest of several major colleges.他是一名很有天赋的高中运动员,已经引起好几所重点大学的关注。 The principal's remarks have drawn fire [=attracted angry criticism] from both parents and teachers.校长的言论引发了家长和教师的强烈批评。 5  a  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to move in a specified direction(向特定方向)移动 [no object] She drew away from the spider.她躲开了那只蜘蛛。 He opened the door and drew back in horror/shock/fear.他打开房门,吓得一下子退了回来。 The car drew (up) alongside us.汽车开到我们旁边停了下来。 The train drew [=pulled] into the station.火车驶进车站。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He drew away [=(more commonly) withdrew] from his family.他离家出走了。 [+ object] She drew her eyebrows together in a frown of concentration.她紧皱眉头,一副全神贯注的表情。 b  [+ object] : to move (something) by pulling拉(某物) a carriage drawn by horses = a horse-drawn carriage一辆马车 Draw the curtains/blinds/shades. [=open or close the curtains/blinds/shades]拉窗帘/卷帘/百叶窗 a special fabric that draws moisture away from the skin一种能吸走皮肤表面水分的特别布料 She drew the blanket over her head.她把毯子拉过来盖在头上。 Draw up a chair and join us. [=bring a chair to where we are and sit down with us]拉把椅子过来,和我们坐在一起。 She sat down in the chair and drew up her knees/legs. [=she bent her legs and moved her knees toward her chest]她在椅子上坐下来,把双膝/两腿抵在胸前。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The tragedy drew us closer together. [=made us emotionally closer]这场悲剧使我们的关系更加亲密。 6  [no object] : to move gradually or steadily in time or space(在时间或空间上)缓慢移动 The lion drew closer to its prey.那头狮子慢慢靠近猎物。 The sun is setting and the day is drawing to a close. [=ending]日落西山,白昼将近。 Spring is drawing near/nigh. [=approaching]春天就要来临。 The car drew to a halt/stop. [=the car slowed down and stopped]汽车慢慢停了下来。 7  [+ object] a  : to form (something, such as an idea or conclusion) after thinking carefully about information you have(经认真思考后)形成,得出 You can draw your own conclusions.你可以得出你自己的结论。 — often + from a writer who draws ideas from newspaper stories从新闻报道中获取创意的作家 We can draw lessons from past mistakes. [=we can learn from past mistakes]我们可以从之前的教训中吸取经验。 b  : to describe how two or more things are similar or different : to make (a comparison, distinction, etc.) between two or more things进行,作(比较、区别等) Many people have been drawing comparisons between the two movies. [=have been saying that the movies are similar]许多人总是把这两部电影进行比较 She drew important distinctions between the two methods. [=described important ways that the two methods are different]她指出了这两种方法之间的重要区别。 8  a  [+ object] : to take (something) out of a container, pocket, etc.(从容器、口袋等中)掏出,拔出 They were arguing, and then one of them drew [=pulled] a gun.他们当时正争吵着,后来其中一人拔出枪来。 One of the thieves drew a knife on her. [=one of the thieves took a knife out of a pocket, container, etc., and pointed it at her]其中一个小偷拔出刀对着她。 She drew water from the well.她从井中打水。 — see also at daggers drawn at dagger b  [+ object] : to cause (something) to come out of a source(从…中)取出 He drew [=ran] water for a bath.他打水洗澡。 c  [+ object] : to get (something) from a source(从…中)获得,获取 The car also draws power from a battery.这款汽车还可用电池获取动力。 She draws strength/inspiration from her loving family.她从充满爱的家庭中获得力量/灵感。 d  : to take (a card) from a group of cards(从一叠牌中)抽(一张牌) [+ object] Draw four cards.抽四张牌。 [no object] You haven't drawn yet.你还没抽牌呢。 9  a  [+ object] : to choose (a thing) from a group without knowing which one you are choosing抽签;抓阄 She drew the winning number/ticket.她抽到中奖号码/中奖票。 We drew names from a hat to decide who would go on the trip.我们从帽子里抓阄,抓到谁的名字谁就去旅行。 (Brit) The U.S. team have been drawn against [=chosen to play against] Greece in the first round.第一轮比赛的抽签结果是美国队对阵希腊队。 — see also draw lots at lot b  [no object] : to decide something by choosing something from a group抽签决定 We'll draw to see who will drive.我们将抽签决定由谁开车。 — see also draw straws (below) 10  [+ object] : to make (something, such as a legal document) in a proper or legal form草拟,起草,制定(法律文件等) We hired a lawyer to draw a will.我们聘请了一名律师起草遗嘱。 — often + up They drew up a contract/proposal/plan/list.他们草拟了一份合同/提案/计划/名单。 11  a  [+ object] : to take (something, such as air or smoke) into your lungs by breathing抽(烟);吸(气) She drew a deep breath before responding.她在回答之前深吸了一口气。 — often + in He drew the fresh air in. = He drew in the fresh air.他吸进新鲜空气。 b  [no object] : to let air flow through通风 Make sure the chimney is drawing properly.确保烟道通风良好。 The pipe draws well.管道通风很好。 12  [+ object] a  : to take (money) from a bank account : withdraw(从银行账户)取出,支取 — usually + from or out He drew $100 from the bank.他从银行取出100美元。 She drew out the money.她将钱取出。 b  : to receive (money) regularly from an employer, government, bank, etc.(从雇主、政府、银行等处)定期领取 He draws a salary of about $100,000.他定期领取大约10万美元的薪水。 He draws unemployment benefits.他定期领取失业救济金。 She has started to draw her pension.她已开始定期领取养老金。 c  : to write (a check) and have money taken from a bank account开具(支票)并兑现 You are now authorized to draw checks from the corporate account.经授权,你现在可以开支票从公司账户取款。 13  British : to finish a game, contest, etc., without having a winner : tie(比赛)打成平局,不分胜负 [+ object] We drew [=(US) tied] the game 3-3.我们这场比赛以3:3打成平局。 [no object] The teams drew [=(US) tied] 3-3. [=each team scored three points]两队以3:3打成平局。 — often + against The teams have drawn against each other.两队打成平局。 14  [+ object] archery : to bend (a bow) by pulling back the string张(弓) He drew his bow and aimed at the target.他拉开弓,瞄准目标。 15  [+ object] British : to cause (someone) to say more about something especially by questioning(尤其通过询问)使说出,使吐露 — often used as (be) drawn常用作(be) drawn — usually + on She refused to be drawn on whether the company is considering a merger.她拒绝透露公司是否正在考虑合并。 16  [+ object] technical, of a boat : to need (a particular depth of water) in order to float(船)吃水 The ship draws 45 feet of water.这条船吃水45英尺。 draw a bead on — see bead draw a blank — see 2blank draw a/the line — see 1line draw blood — see blood draw in your horns — see 1horn draw off [phrasal verb] draw off (something) or draw (something) off : to take or remove (something) from a source or supply抽出;撤走 They illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been donated to the charity.他们非法挪用了捐给慈善机构的数千美元。 draw on/upon [phrasal verb] 1  draw on literary : to come closer in time(时间)接近,临近 It became colder as night drew on. [=approached]夜幕降临,天气渐冷。 2  draw on/upon (something) a  : to use (something) as a source or supply利用;依靠;凭借 The family is drawing on/upon the community for support.这个家庭依靠社区获得援助。 b  : to use (information, experience, knowledge, etc.) to make something利用,运用(信息、经验、知识等) Her new book draws on her personal experience as a firefighter.她的新书中借用了她当消防队员的个人经历。 The report draws upon several recent studies.这份报告应用了好几项最新研究成果。 3  draw on (something) : to breathe in smoke from (a cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc.)吸,抽(烟) He drew on his cigarette.他吸了一口烟。 draw out [phrasal verb] 1  draw (something) out or draw out (something) : to cause something to leave a source or supply吸收;吸取 Trees draw water out of the soil.树吸收土壤中的水分。 Salt will draw out moisture from the vegetables.盐将会吸收蔬菜中的水分。 2  draw (something) out or draw out (something) : to cause (something) to last longer than the usual or expected amount of time(将时间)拖长,拉长 Questions drew the meeting out for another hour.众多提问使会议又延长了一小时。 The movie's love scene was drawn out.那部电影增加了爱情戏的分量。 — see also drawn-out, long-drawn-out 3  draw (someone) out or draw out (someone) : to cause (someone) to talk freely使畅所欲言 She tried to draw the frightened child out by asking him questions about his toys.她试图让那个受惊吓的小孩开口说话,问了几个有关他的玩具的问题。 The reporter had an ability to draw out people.这名记者擅长引导人畅所欲言。 draw straws ◊ If you draw straws, you choose a stick from a group of sticks that are different sizes but that are being held in such a way that they look like they are all the same size. Usually, whoever chooses the shortest stick or gets/draws the short straw will have to do a particular thing.抽签(通常抽到下下签的人去做某事) Let's draw straws to see who will drive.我们抽签决定由谁来开车吧。 He drew the short straw so he has to drive.他抽到了下下签,所以由他来开车。 draw the blinds/curtain/shades on : to end (something that has been continuing for a long time)终止;结束 Let's draw the curtain on this investigation.我们结束调查吧。 — see also 1draw 5b (above) draw up [phrasal verb] 1  of a vehicle : to approach and stop at a place(车)靠近并停下 A car drew up [=pulled up] in front of the house.一辆汽车在房子前面停了下来。 2  draw (yourself) up : to stand as straight and tall as you can站直;挺立 He drew himself up to (his) full height.他昂首挺胸地站着。 — see also 1draw 10 (above) 2 draw /ˈdrɑ/ noun plural draws 2 draw /ˈdrɑ/ noun plural draws Learner's definition of DRAW [count] 1  : someone or something that causes a lot of people to come to a place : attraction有吸引力的人(或事物) Their band is the main draw at the festival.他们的乐队演出在节日活动中最吸引人。 The festival is always a big draw.这个节日总是非常受人欢迎。 2  : the final result of a game, contest, etc., that does not have a winner : tie平局;不分胜负的比赛 The game ended in a draw. = The game was a draw. [=both teams/players had the same score]比赛最后打成平局。 They played to a 3-3 draw. [=each team/player had 3 points when the game ended]他们以3:3打成平局。 3  chiefly British : drawing Who won the (prize) draw?谁抽彩中奖了? — often + for The draw for the raffle will take place in one hour.抽奖活动将于一小时后进行。 4  : an act of breathing in smoke from a cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. : drag吸烟 — often + on or from He took a long draw on/from his cigarette.他深吸了一口烟。 be quick on the draw : to be quick about removing a gun from where it is kept : to quickly draw a gun and be ready to shoot it迅速拔枪 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 When the huge crowd suddenly became unruly, security was quick on the draw. [=security reacted very quickly]当庞大的人群突然变得失控时,保安部门迅速到位。 Critics may have been a little too quick on the draw.批评家的攻击可能来得太快了点。 the luck of the draw — see 1luck




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