

单词 drive
释义 drive (noun) drive 24 ENTRIES FOUND: drive (verb) drive (noun) drive-by (adjective) drive-in (noun) driven driven (adjective) drive-through (noun) drive-up (adjective) drive time (noun) all-wheel drive (noun) disk drive (noun) four-wheel drive (noun) front-wheel drive (noun) hard drive (noun) line drive (noun) rear-wheel drive (noun) self-drive (adjective) test drive (noun) bargain (noun) hard (adjective) home (adverb) mad (adjective) wall (noun) wedge (noun) 1 drive /ˈdraɪv/ verb drives; drove /ˈdroʊv/ ; driven /ˈdrɪvən/ ; driving 1 drive /ˈdraɪv/ verb drives; drove /ˈdroʊv/ ; driven /ˈdrɪvən/ ; driving Learner's definition of DRIVE 1  a  : to direct the movement of (a car, truck, bus, etc.)驾驶;驾车 [+ object] He drove the car down a bumpy road.他驾车行驶在崎岖不平的道路上。 She drives a taxi. [=her job is driving a taxi]她是开出租车的。 [no object] Do you want to drive or should I?你想开车还是我来开? He is learning to drive.他正在学开车。 b  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] of a car, truck, etc. : to move in a specified manner or direction(汽车)行驶 The car stopped and then drove off.这辆车停了下来,然后又驶离了。 A car drove by us slowly.一辆车从我们身边缓慢驶过。 The bus slowly drove away.公共汽车缓慢地开走了。 c  : to travel in a car驾车旅行 [no object] We drove all night and arrived at dawn.我们开了一整夜车,在黎明时抵达。 Are you driving or flying to Canada? [=will you travel to Canada by car or airplane?]你准备开车还是乘飞机去加拿大? We drove (for) eight hours yesterday.我们昨天开了八个小时的车。 We drove 160 miles to get here.我们驱车160英里来到这里。 I drive on/along this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线。 [+ object] I drive this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线。 d  [+ object] : to take (someone or something) to a place in a car, truck, etc.(开车)运抵,送达 I drove her to the train station this morning.我今早开车送她去火车站了。 I had to drive myself to the hospital.我只好自己开车去医院。 Her mom drove us home.她妈妈开车把我们送回家。 e  [+ object] : to own and use (a vehicle of a specified kind)拥有并使用(某种车辆) He drives a pickup/motorcycle.他开一辆小卡车/骑一辆摩托车。 She drives a Ford.她开一辆福特汽车。 2  [+ object] : to move (people or animals) to or from a place by using force驱赶;驱使 Cowboys drove the herds across the prairie.牛仔们赶着牛群穿过大草原。 They drove the invaders back across the border.他们把入侵者赶出边境线。 Thousands of people have been driven from their homes. [=have been forced to leave their homes]成千上万的人被迫离开了家园。 3  [+ object] : to push (something) with force敲;击;打 drive a nail with a hammer用铁锤敲钉子 — often + into He drove a nail into the wall.他把钉子钉入墙内。 She drove the sword into her enemy's side.她把剑刺入敌人肋下。 4  [+ object] : to make (a machine or vehicle) work or move : to provide power for (something)传动;驱动 Electricity drives the machinery.这个机械装置靠电力驱动。 a steam-driven turbine [=a turbine that gets its power from steam]蒸汽涡轮机 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 What drives the economy?经济发展的动力是什么? a market-driven industry市场驱动型产业 5  [+ object] a  : to cause (someone) to behave in a particular way迫使(某人)做… They were driven [=motivated] by hunger to steal.他们迫于饥饿而行窃。 Poverty drove them to a life of crime.贫穷迫使他们走上犯罪道路。 Ambition drove her to succeed.抱负驱使她努力获得成功。 b  : to force (someone) to work very hard驱使…拼命干 The sergeant drove the recruits.军士严格训练新兵。 The team was driven hard by the coach.这个队受到教练的严格训练。 He's been driving himself too hard. [=he's been working too hard]一直以来,他工作太拼命了。 6  [+ object] : to bring (someone) into a particular condition使…进入某种状态 That noise is driving me insane/crazy.那噪声快要把我逼疯了。 The new store drove him out of business. [=caused him to go out of business]新开的那家商店把他的生意都抢走了。 Her perfume drives me wild. [=gets me sexually excited]她的香水味让我蠢蠢欲动。 7  [+ object] : to cause (a price, number, etc.) to increase or decrease使(价格、数量等)增加(或减少) — + up or down The government report drove stock prices up.政府报告使股市上扬。 An increase in investments is driving down interest rates.投资的增加迫使银行降低利率。 8  [no object] sports : to move toward or through something with a lot of force or speed(体育运动中)猛冲,突破 He took a pass and drove to/toward the basket/net.他接过传球,直扑篮下。 The running back drove through the line of scrimmage.跑卫奋力冲过争球线。 9  [+ object] sports : to hit or kick (a ball or puck) with a lot of force or speed猛击(球) She drove the (golf) ball down the fairway.她大力挥杆击(高尔夫)球,使其沿着平坦球道滚动。 He drove the puck into the net.他用力把冰球击入网内。 — see also driving range 10  [no object] of rain, wind, etc. : to fall or blow with great force(风、雨等)狂吹猛打 The rain drove against the windows.雨水猛烈敲打着窗户。 — see also driving drive a hard bargain — see 1bargain drive at [phrasal verb] drive at (something) : to attempt to say or do (something)意指;意图做 — usually used as (be) driving at通常用作(be) driving at I have no idea what he was driving at.我不明白他有何用意。 I think I see what you're driving at.我想我知道你的用意了。 drive away [phrasal verb] drive (someone) away or drive away (someone) : to cause or force (someone) to leave especially by making a situation unpleasant or unattractive赶走,驱赶(某人) The store's high prices are driving away customers.这个商店的高价格把顾客都吓跑了。 drive a wedge between — see 1wedge drive in [phrasal verb] drive (someone or something) in or drive in (someone or something) baseball : to cause (a run or runner) to score使(跑垒或跑垒员)得分 He drove in another run.他又一次跑垒得分。 The hit drove him in for a 5-4 lead.这一跑垒入球使他5:4领先。 drive off [phrasal verb] drive (someone or something) off or drive off (someone or something) : to cause or force (someone or something) to leave赶走;驱逐 They drove off the invaders.他们赶走了入侵者。 drive out [phrasal verb] drive (someone or something) out or drive out (someone or something) : to cause or force (someone or something) to leave赶走;驱逐 They drove out the invaders.他们赶走了入侵者。 The family was driven out of the neighborhood by rising real estate prices.由于房地产价格不断上涨,这家人被迫离开了这个街区。 drive (someone) up a/the wall — see 1wall drive your point home — see 2home 2 drive /ˈdraɪv/ noun plural drives 2 drive /ˈdraɪv/ noun plural drives Learner's definition of DRIVE 1  [count] : a journey in a car驾车旅行;车程 It's a two-hour drive to the beach.开车到海滩有两个小时的车程。 Her house is an hour's drive east of Los Angeles.她的家在洛杉矶以东一小时车程的地方。 We took a pleasant drive in the country.我们在乡下有一段愉快的驾车旅行。 Would you like to go for a drive?你想开车出去兜风吗? — see also test drive 2  [count] : a hard area or small road outside of a house where cars can be parked : driveway私人车道 A white car was parked in the drive.一辆白色汽车停在了私人车道上。 3  — used in the name of some public roads用于一些公共道路的路名 Morningside Drive莫宁赛德路 They live at 156 Woodland Drive.他们住在伍德兰路156号。 — abbreviation Dr. 4  [count] : an effort made by a group of people to achieve a goal, to collect money, etc.运动;活动 a fund-raising drive集资活动 The school holds a canned food drive every winter.这所学校每年冬天都举办罐头食品义卖活动。 a membership drive [=an effort to get more people to join a group, club, etc.]会员招募活动 5  : a strong natural need or desire本能需求;强烈欲望 [count] The need for food and water are basic drives for all living things.食物和水是所有生物的本能需求。 [noncount] Sex drive [=the desire to have sex] generally decreases as you get older.性欲通常会随年纪的增长而减弱。 6  [noncount] : a strong desire for success干劲;积极性;能动性 She is an ambitious young woman, full of drive and determination.她是个有抱负的姑娘,干劲十足,果敢善断。 — see also driven 7  [count] : a device in a computer that can read information off and copy information onto disks or tape(计算机)驱动器 Insert the disk into the floppy drive.把磁盘插入软驱。 a CD-ROM drive只读光盘驱动器 — see also disk drive, hard drive 8  [noncount] a  : the way power from an engine controls and directs the movement of a vehicle驱动方式 The car has front-wheel/rear-wheel drive.这辆车由前轮/后轮驱动。 — see also four-wheel drive b  chiefly US : a condition in which the gears of a vehicle are working in a way that allows the vehicle to move forward驱动状态 He put the car in/into drive and pulled onto the street.他把车挂上挡,开到了街上。 9  [count] a  sports : a ball, puck, etc., that is hit very hard(球的)猛击,猛抽 He hit a hard/long drive down the left-field line.他用力猛击一球,球往左外野滚去。 — see also line drive b  golf : a long shot that is hit from a tee开球 She hit her drive into the rough.她开球一击,球进入深草区。 10  [count] : a long or forceful military attack on an enemy军事袭击 an armored drive into enemy territory对敌占区的一次装甲部队袭击 11  [count] American football : a series of plays that move the ball down the field toward the opponent's end zone(向对方端区的)一组推进 They scored a touchdown following a ten-play drive.他们推进十次后终于达阵得分。 12  [count] : an act of leading cattle or sheep over land and keeping them in a group驱赶(牛群或羊群) a cattle drive牛群驱赶




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