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词汇 dry
释义 dry (verb) dry 26 ENTRIES FOUND: dry (adjective) dry (verb) dry-clean (verb) dry-eyed (adjective) dry cell (noun) dry cleaner (noun) dry cleaning (noun) dry dock (noun) dry goods (noun) dry heaves (noun) dry ice (noun) dry land (noun) dry rot (noun) dry run (noun) air-dry (verb) drip-dry (verb) drip-dry (adjective) freeze-dry (verb) tumble dry (verb) blow-dryer (noun) cut-and-dried (adjective) high (adverb) home (adverb) powder (noun) spin-dryer (noun) suck (verb) 1 dry /ˈdraɪ/ adjective drier; driest 1 dry /ˈdraɪ/ adjective drier; driest Learner's definition of DRY [also more dry; most dry] 1  a  : having no or very little water or liquid干的;干燥的 a dry riverbed干枯的河床 Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the milk and eggs.首先把各种干的原料混合在一起,然后加入牛奶和鸡蛋。 a cool, dry place凉爽干燥之处 Wipe the surface dry. [=wipe the surface until it is dry]把表面擦干。 The air is usually dry during the winter. [=there is very little moisture in the air]冬天的空气通常是干燥的。 the dry heat of the desert沙漠的燥热 We tried to stay/keep dry in the rain by standing under a tree.我们试图站在树下躲雨。 The stream is usually (as) dry as a bone [=completely dry] this time of year.每年这个时期那条溪流通常都是干涸的。 The stream is bone dry.这条溪流干涸了。 b  : no longer wet变干的 Are the clothes dry yet?衣服干了吗? The paint should be dry in a few hours.漆几小时后就应该干了。 2  : having no rain or little rain干旱的;少雨的 This has been an unusually dry summer. [=there has been little rain this summer]这个夏天异常干旱少雨。 a stretch of dry weather连续一段时间的干燥天气 a dry spell/season干旱期;枯水季节 a country with a very dry climate气候异常干燥的国家 This plant does well in dry conditions.这种植物耐旱。 3  a  : not having the usual or desired amount of moisture干燥的;缺水的 My throat is dry.我的喉咙干燥。 My lips are dry.我的嘴唇干涩。 dry, itchy skin干燥发痒的皮肤 dry hair干性头发 The medication can cause dry mouth. [=a condition in which the inside of your mouth become very dry]这种药会引起口干。 b  : having the moisture removed by cooking or some other process脱水的;干巴巴的 The chicken was dry and tasteless.这鸡肉干巴巴的,吃起来没味。 dry [=powdered] milk奶粉 4  : not producing a wet substance无分泌物的 a dry cough [=a cough that does not produce any phlegm]干咳 The baby stayed dry all night. [=the baby did not urinate all night]宝宝一晚上都没尿尿。 His eyes were dry. [=there were no tears in his eyes]他的眼睛里没有泪水了。 ◊ If there is not a dry eye in the house/room (etc.), everyone in a place is emotional or is affected deeply by something.在场的人无不为之动容 When the hero proclaimed his love for the heroine at the end of the play, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.男主角在剧终向女主角示爱时,在场的观众无不为之动容。 5  : no longer producing water, oil, etc.不再出水(油等)的 a dry well枯井 a dry oil well枯油井 The well went/ran dry.这口井干了。 (chiefly US) They drilled for oil but the well came up dry.他们钻井取油,可是是口枯井。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The author went through a dry [=unproductive] period and couldn't write anything.那位作家经历了一段创作空白期,什么也写不出来。 The group stayed together despite several dry [=unsuccessful] years.尽管这几年没取得什么成就,但团队依然没有解散。 They went searching for clues but came up dry. [=came up empty]他们搜寻线索,结果却一无所获。 6  : served or eaten without butter, jam, etc.不涂抹黄油(果酱等)的 a breakfast of dry toast and coffee不涂抹黄油的土司和咖啡的早餐 7  of wine, sherry, etc. : not sweet(酒)无甜味的,干的 a very dry red wine味很淡的红葡萄酒 dry sherry干雪利酒 8  : not interesting, exciting, or emotional枯燥无味的;平淡无奇的 The novel included several long, dry [=boring] passages.这部小说有些章节冗长无趣。 His lectures were usually very dry.他讲的课通常都非常枯燥无味。 9  : funny or clever but expressed in a quiet or serious way冷幽默的;冷面滑稽的 He has a very dry sense of humor.他的冷幽默感很强。 a dry wit不动声色的机智 10  a  : not having or offering alcoholic beverages不提供酒精饮料的 a dry party不提供酒精饮料的派对 b  : not allowing alcoholic beverages禁酒的 The college campus has been dry for 10 years.那所大学校园禁酒已有10年了。 a dry state/county [=a state/county where alcoholic beverages cannot be sold]禁酒的州/县 c  : not drinking alcoholic beverages不喝含酒精饮料的 He's been dry [=sober] for several years now.他现在已经有好几年不喝酒了。 high and dry — see 2high home and dry — see 2home keep your powder dry — see 1powder milk/bleed/suck (someone or something) dry informal : to take or use up everything from (someone or something)吸干;榨干 He married her for her money and then bled her dry.他为了她的钱跟她结婚,然后把她榨干了。 She milked the system dry.她把身体透支了。 — dryness noun [noncount] 2 dry /ˈdraɪ/ verb dries; dried; drying 2 dry /ˈdraɪ/ verb dries; dried; drying Learner's definition of DRY 1  a  [+ object] : to remove water or moisture from (something or someone) : to make (something or someone) dry使变干 I'll wash the dishes if you dry them.如果你负责擦干盘子的话,我就来洗这些盘子。 Make sure you dry your hands.你一定要把手擦干。 He dried himself with the towel.他用毛巾擦干了身体。 Stop crying and dry your eyes.别哭了,把你的眼泪擦干。 b  [no object] : to make plates, dishes, pots, etc., dry by rubbing them with a towel把(盘、碟、锅等)擦干 I'll wash and you dry, okay?我来洗,你来擦干,好吗? 2  [no object] : to become dry变干 Your shirt is drying on the clothesline.你的衬衫正在晒衣绳上晾干。 The paint dried overnight.漆过一夜就变干了。 — see also air-dry, drip-dry, freeze-dry dry off [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to become dry变干 My umbrella's drying off in the hall.我的雨伞正放在走廊里晾干呢。 b  : to make your body dry揩干,擦干(身体) We got out of the pool and dried off.我们从泳池里上来,把身体擦干。 2  dry off (someone or something) or dry (someone or something) off : to make (someone or something) dry弄干 He dried off the bench and sat down.他把长凳擦干坐了下来。 Dry yourself off and get dressed.擦干身子,穿好衣服。 dry out [phrasal verb] 1  : to become dry变干 Water the plant every week; don't allow the soil to dry out completely.每周给植物浇水,别让泥土干透了。 2  dry out (something) or dry (something) out : to make (something) dry使变干 The wind dries out my eyes.风吹得我眼睛发干。 Baking at a high temperature will dry the meat out.高温烘烤会把肉烤干。 We dried out our shoes near the fire.我们在火旁把鞋子烤干了。 3  informal : to stop using drugs or alcohol for a period of time especially by going to a special kind of hospital(尤指到专门的医疗机构)戒毒,戒酒 After years of alcoholism, he went to a clinic to dry out.酗酒多年后,他前往一家诊所戒酒。 dry up [phrasal verb] 1  : to become completely dry干枯;干涸 The river/well is drying up.河水/井水正在干涸。 The stream dries up every summer.这条小河每年夏天都变干涸。 2  dry up (something) or dry (something) up : to make (something) dry弄干;使变干 The sun had dried up the roads an hour after it stopped raining.雨停后一小时,太阳就把路面晒干了。 3  informal : to go away or disappear completely彻底离开;彻底消失 Interest in the project dried up when he withdrew his support.他撤回了他的支持后,人们对该项目的兴趣就彻底没有了。 After several months, new leads in the murder investigation dried up.几个月后,这个谋杀案调查的新线索全断了。 4  dry up (something) or dry (something) up : to cause the supply of (something) to go away or disappear耗尽;使枯竭 Closing the factory dried up local job opportunities.关闭这家工厂造成当地就业机会流失。 5  informal + impolite — used as a command to tell someone to stop talking(用作命令)闭嘴,住口 Oh, dry up! [=shut up] I'm sick of hearing what you have to say.啊,闭嘴!我不想听你那些非说不可的话。 He told her to dry up.他叫她闭嘴。 hang (someone or something) out to dry — see hang out at 1hang




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