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词汇 due
释义 due (noun) due (adverb) due 8 ENTRIES FOUND: due (adjective) due (noun) due (adverb) due date (noun) due process (noun) course (noun) pay (verb) respect (noun) 1 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adjective 1 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adjective Learner's definition of DUE 1  not used before a noun : required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time预定,预期,预计(…应该…) When is the assignment due? [=when are you supposed to give the completed assignment to your teacher?]作业什么时候要交? Your books are due back to the library (by/on) May 15. [=you must return your books to the library by May 15]你借的书应在5月15日之前还回图书馆。 The movie is due out this summer. [=the movie is supposed to be released in theaters this summer]这部电影计划于今年夏天发行。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 They are due to arrive any minute now.他们应该马上就到。 2  not used before a noun a  : expected to be born预产 The baby is due [=the baby will probably be born] in three weeks.宝宝预计三周后出生。 b  : expected to give birth(孕妇)预产期 When is she due?她的预产期是什么时候? My wife is due in three weeks.我妻子预计三周后分娩。 3  not used before a noun : having reached the date by which payment is required应支付;应给 The bill is due at the end of the month.账单应在这个月底支付。 The balance is now due.结欠款现在应当支付了。 The amount due is 45 dollars.欠款金额为45美元。 The bill is past due. [=it is late; it should have been paid before now]账单逾期未付。 4  not used before a noun — used to say that someone should be given something or has earned something应得 He is due a full day's pay.他应得全天工资。 Teachers are not always accorded the respect due (to) them. = They are not always given the respect they are due.教师并非总能得到应有的尊重。 He finally got the recognition he was due.他最终获得了应得的认可。 I will give credit where credit is due.该表扬的我会表扬。 5  always used before a noun : appropriate or proper合适的;恰当的 She accepted the compliment with due modesty.她谦恭地接受了那些赞誉之词。 The issue demands due consideration.此问题需给予适当考虑。 I will answer all of your questions in due time. [=eventually at an appropriate time]我将在适当的时候回答你的所有问题。 The court agreed that he failed to exercise due care/caution/diligence in trying to prevent the accident. [=he should have done more to prevent the accident from happening]法庭裁定,他在此次事故中负没有尽到应有小心/谨慎/注意的责任。 due for : needing, requiring, or expecting something to happen需要或期望(某事发生) I'm due for a dentist's appointment. [=I need to go to the dentist soon]我马上得去看牙医。 He will be due for another raise in June.他在六月份还会有一次加薪。 due to : because of (something)由于;因为;应归咎于。 The accident was primarily due to her carelessness.此次事故主要应归咎于她的疏忽大意。 Due to the bad weather, the game was canceled.由于天气恶劣,比赛取消了。 Their success is due to a lot of hard work. = They are successful due to the fact that they work hard.他们的成功应归功于勤奋。 Traffic was slow due to roadwork.由于道路施工,车辆行驶缓慢。 The pool is closed due to the approaching storm.由于暴风雨将至,游泳池现在关闭。 in due course — see 1course with (all) due respect — see 1respect 2 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ noun plural dues 2 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ noun plural dues Learner's definition of DUE 1  dues [plural] : a regular payment that you make to be a member of an organization会费 Membership dues are $45.会员费是45美元。 Dues are increasing this year.今年会费涨了。 Workers are required to join the union and pay dues.工人均须加入工会,并缴纳会费。 2  [noncount] : something that someone should be given : something that a person has earned应得;所得 He deserves to be given his due.那是他应得的,他受之无愧。 She has yet to receive her due. = She is still being denied her due.她尚未获得她应有的权益。 ◊ People use the phrase to give someone his/her due when they are going to say something good about someone they have criticized.说句公道话 I can't say that I like him, but to give him his due [=to be fair to him], I trust him completely.我不是说我喜欢他,但说句公道话,我完全信任他。 pay your dues : to work hard and have difficult experiences in order to become successful(为获得成功而)经历磨难,努力工作 I've paid my dues. It's time that I began reaping some benefits.我做出了努力,现在是我开始得回报的时候了。 3 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adverb 3 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adverb Learner's definition of DUE : directly or exactly正对着— followed by north, south, east, or west接north、south、east或west The lake is due north of the city.这个湖位于城市的正北。 The road runs due south.这条路通向正南。




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