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词汇 easy
释义 easy (adverb) easy 18 ENTRIES FOUND: easy (adjective) easy (adverb) easy chair (noun) easy street (noun) ABC (noun) breathe (verb) come (verb) do (verb) eye (noun) fall (verb) free (adjective) go (verb) log (noun) nice (adjective) over (adjective) pie (noun) reach (noun) rest (verb) 1 easy /ˈiːzi/ adjective easier; easiest 1 easy /ˈiːzi/ adjective easier; easiest Learner's definition of EASY 1  : not hard to do : not difficult不费力的;容易的 an easy lesson容易的一课 It's surprisingly easy to use.这使用起来出乎意料地简单。 It was an easy decision to make.这是个容易做出的决定。 They scored an easy goal late in the game.比赛快结束时他们轻松进球得分。 It wasn't easy for her to leave home.对她来说要离开家不是件容易的事。 He's an easy person (for other people) to like. = It's easy (for other people) to like him.他是个很容易招人喜欢的人。 There are no easy solutions to this problem.这个问题没有简单的解决方案。 He likes to keep a dictionary within easy reach [=nearby] when he's writing.写作时他喜欢手边有本字典以便随时查阅。 2  a  : free from pain, trouble, or worry安逸的;舒适的 He's had an easy life.他过着安逸的生活。 This new schedule should make our lives easier.这个新的安排应该会使我们的生活更加舒适。 I hope this will make things easier for you.我希望这样能让你更轻松一点。 I won't feel easy until I know that she arrived safely.得知她安全抵达后我才会安心。 an easy mind平静的心情 b  : not hurried从容的;缓慢的 We proceeded at an easy [=leisurely] pace.我们慢悠悠地前进。 c  : not requiring much strength or energy轻松自如的 easy, gentle movements自如、轻柔的动作 3  a  : not harsh or severe in punishing or criticizing someone不严厉的;宽容的;温和的 I think they're being too easy on him. [=they're not criticizing/punishing him harshly enough]我认为他们对他太宽容了。 b  : not hard to please随和的;好说话的 an easy [=lenient] teacher仁慈的老师 ◊ The informal phrase I'm easy is used as a way of saying that you are easy to please and will accept what someone else decides.我随便,我怎么都行(非正式短语) “Should we stay at home or go out?” “Whatever you like: I'm easy.”“我们是待在家里还是出去?”“随你,我怎么着都行。” 4  : not steep不陡峭的;平缓的 easy slopes缓坡 5  informal : not hard to get易得到的 easy money来得容易的钱 easy pickings [=things that are easy to get]来得容易的东西 6  : relaxed and informal自在的;自如的;不拘礼的 He has an easy [=easygoing] manner.他举止潇洒自如。 an easy smile自然的笑容 — see also free and easy at 1free 7  — used to describe someone or something that is easy to attack, trick, criticize, etc.易受攻击的;易上当受骗的;易受批评的 His lack of experience makes him an easy target for his political enemies.他缺少经验,易成为政敌的抨击目标。 insects that are easy prey for many birds易遭鸟儿捕食的昆虫 (US) He's an easy mark for anyone needing a loan.对于需要借款的人来说他是个容易上当的傻瓜。 8  informal : lightly pleasant and enjoyable让人感到愉悦的 music for easy listening让人感到愉悦的音乐 9  informal + old-fashioned : not sexually respectable轻浮的;放荡的 an easy woman [=a woman who has sex with many men]水性杨花的女人 easy morals放荡的品行 a woman of easy virtue 一个放荡的女子 (as) easy as ABC informal or (as) easy as pie or (as) easy as falling off a log : very easy非常容易;易如反掌 Getting the permit turned out to be as easy as pie.获得许可证原来是如此容易。 easy on the eye informal or US easy on the eyes : easy or pleasant to look at好看的;悦目的 The monitor's display is easy on the eyes.这台显示器的显示画面赏心悦目。 She's very easy on the eyes. [=pretty, good-looking]她长得很漂亮。 over easy — see 3over — easiness noun [noncount] 2 easy /ˈiːzi/ adverb easier; easiest 2 easy /ˈiːzi/ adverb easier; easiest Learner's definition of EASY : without difficulty or stress容易地;轻松地;悠闲地 He just wants to take life easy now.他现在只想过悠闲自在的日子。 The repairs will cost $100, easy. [=the repairs will cost at least $100]维修费至少要花100美元。 “We just need to raise the money.” “That's easier said than done.” [=that will not be easy to do]“我们只是需要筹钱。”“说起来容易做起来难。” Success hasn't come easy for her. [=success has not been easy to achieve]她取得成功并非易事。 breathe easy — see breathe easy come, easy go informal — used to say that you are not bothered about losing something来得快,去得快(用于表示对失去某物不心烦) His attitude toward money has always been, easy come, easy go.他对金钱的态度一向就是“来得快,去得快”。 easy does it informal — used to tell someone to move slowly and carefully谨慎行事 Easy does it! We don't want anyone to get hurt.行动要小心!我们不想让任何人受伤。 go easy informal 1  go easy on (someone) : to treat (someone) in a way that is not harsh or demanding温和对待(某人) The students might respond better if the teacher went (a little) easy on them.那位老师对学生们要是能(稍微)宽容一些,或许他们的回应会更好一些。 2  go easy on/with (something) : to use less of (something)有节制地使用 My doctor said to go easy on fatty foods.我的医生说要少吃高脂肪食品。 nice and easy — see nice rest easy — see 3rest take it easy informal 1  : to relax and avoid hard work or strain放松;休息 The doctor told her she should take it easy for a while.医生告诉她应该暂时放松一下。 2  : to stay or become calm别着急;慢慢来 — usually used as a command通常用作命令 Take it easy, Joe. Everything is going to be just fine.不要着急,乔。一切都会好起来的。




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