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词汇 front
释义 front (adjective) front (verb) front 23 ENTRIES FOUND: front (noun) front (adjective) front (verb) front-end loader (noun) front-page (adjective) front-runner (noun) front-wheel drive (noun) front bench (noun) front burner (noun) front line (noun) front loader (noun) front matter (noun) front office (noun) front room (noun) cold front (noun) home front (noun) shop front (noun) up-front (adjective) warm front (noun) back (noun) center (noun) eye (noun) out (adverb) 1 front /ˈfrʌnt/ noun plural fronts 1 front /ˈfrʌnt/ noun plural fronts Learner's definition of FRONT 1  [count] : the forward part or surface of something : the part of something that is seen first正面— usually singular通常用单数 the front of a shirt衬衫正面 the front of the house [=the part facing the street]房屋正面 The jacket zips down the front. [=has a zipper that goes from the collar to the waist to open and close it]那款夹克衫是拉链前开式的。 There's a picture on the front of the box. [=on the part of the box that usually faces out and that you see first]盒子正面有张图片。 — see also shop front, storefront 2  [count] : a place, position, or area that is most forward or is directly ahead前部 — usually singular通常用单数 The teacher asked her to come (up) to the front of the classroom.老师让她到教室前面来。 She was sitting in the front of the bus.她坐在公共汽车前排。 3  [count] : the part of your body that faces forward and includes your face and chest身体前部 — usually singular通常用单数 The baby rolled onto his front.那个婴儿翻过身俯卧。 4  [count] : the part of a book, magazine, etc., that includes the first few pages(书、杂志等的)前几页 — usually singular通常用单数 You'll find that information in the front of the book.你会在书的前几页找到信息。 5  [singular] : a way of behaving that is meant to hide your true feelings, thoughts, etc.表面;外表 I can't believe that your anger was all just a front! [=that you were pretending to be angry]我不敢相信你竟只是假装生气。 She put up a good/brave front, but I know she was very disappointed. [=she acted as if she was not disappointed]她只是强作欢颜,我知道她很失望。 6  [count] : someone or something that hides or protects an illegal activity非法活动的掩护 The business is a front for organized crime.这个企业为有组织犯罪提供掩护。 7  [count] a  : an area where military forces are fighting前线 The general is sending more troops to the front.将军正往前线派遣更多部队。 — see also home front b  : an area or field of activity战线;领域 — usually singular通常用单数 We are making progress on the educational front.我们在教育领域不断取得进步。 Not much has been happening on the political front.政界没什么事发生。 8  [count] weather : the place where two large areas of air that are of different temperatures come together(冷暖空气接触的)锋 — see also cold front, warm front front to back of a piece of clothing : with the front where the back should be(衣服)前后颠倒 He accidentally put the sweater on front to back. [=back to front, backwards]他不小心把毛衣前后穿反了。 in front 1  : in a forward position : in an area at the front of something在前部 There was room for one passenger in front, so the rest of us sat in back.前面只能容纳一名乘客,所以我们其余的人都坐后面了。 2  : in the leading position in a race or competition(比赛)领先 She's still in front, but the other runners are catching up to her.她还领先,但其他选手正追赶上来。 — often used after out常用在out后 She's still out in front.她仍处于领先位置。 in front of 1  : directly before or ahead of (something or someone)在…前面 A tree stood in front of the house.房前有棵树。 A deer ran (out) in front of the car.一只鹿跑(出来)到车前面。 They are frightened of what lies in front of them. [=what is in the future]他们对摆在面前的事感到恐惧。 2  : in the presence of (someone)当着…的面 We shouldn't argue in front of the children.我们不应该当着孩子的面争论。 out front 1  : in the area directly before or ahead of something (such as a building)在(建筑物的)门外;在车前方 There was a small statue on the lawn out front.门外草坪上有一座小雕塑。 2  : in the audience在观众中 There are about 20,000 screaming fans out front.观众中有大约2万名粉丝尖叫欢呼。 united front : a group of people or organizations that join together to achieve a shared goal统一战线 We've decided to present a united front against these proposals.我们决定成立统一战线,反对这些提案。 up front 1  : in or at the most forward position在最前面 They told us we could sit up front.他们告诉我们可以坐在最前面。 2  informal : before beginning to do something : in advance预先 He'll do the work, but he insists on being paid up front.他会做这项工作,但他坚持要先拿钱。 3  informal : in a direct and honest way直率地;坦率地 They told me up front that my chances of being selected weren't good.他们坦言选中我的机会不大。 — see also up-front 2 front /ˈfrʌnt/ adjective 2 front /ˈfrʌnt/ adjective Learner's definition of FRONT always used before a noun 1  : of or relating to the front : located at the front前面的;前部的;正面的 There's a small statue on the front lawn.前面草坪上有一座小雕塑。 He keeps his wallet in his front pocket.他把钱包放在前面的口袋里。 the front entrance/hall正门;前厅 She likes to sit in the front [=first] row. = She likes front-row seats.她喜欢坐在前排。 the front door [=the door in the front of a building that is usually the main entrance]前门 The story appeared on the front page [=the first page] of the newspaper.消息登在了报纸的头版。 We checked into the hotel at the front desk. [=the desk in a building where visitors are greeted]我们在旅馆前台办理入住。 There is a dent in the car's front end. [=the part of a vehicle that faces forward]车前端有一处凹痕。 2  golf — used to refer to the first 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course(18穴高尔夫球场的)前9穴的 He was two over par on the front nine.他前九穴的成绩超过标准杆两杆。 front and center US : in the most important position or area焦点 These issues are front and center in voters' minds.这些问题是投票者关注的焦点。 3 front /ˈfrʌnt/ verb fronts; fronted; fronting 3 front /ˈfrʌnt/ verb fronts; fronted; fronting Learner's definition of FRONT 1  : to have the face or front toward (something)面向;朝 [+ object] The house fronts Main Street.房子面向主街。 [no object] The house fronts on/onto Main Street.房子朝向主街。 2  [+ object] a  : to be the leader or lead singer of (a musical group)担任(乐队)领唱 He is now fronting a different band.他现在是另一个乐队的主唱。 b  British : to host or present (a radio or TV program)主持(广播或电视节目) He fronts a talk show.他主持一个访谈节目。 3  [+ object] US, informal : to give (someone) the money needed to do something (such as to start a business)提供资金 The record company will front (them) the money to record the album.唱片公司将为他们录制专辑提供资金。




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