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词汇 end
释义 end (verb) end (adjective) end 54 ENTRIES FOUND: end (noun) end (verb) end (adjective) ending (noun) end run (noun) end table (noun) end user (noun) end zone (noun) be-all and end-all (noun) business end (noun) dead end (noun) fag end (noun) front-end loader (noun) high-end (adjective) loose end (noun) low-end (adjective) never-ending (adjective) odds and ends (noun) open-ended (adjective) rear end (noun) rear-end (verb) split ends (noun) tail end (noun) tight end (noun) top-end (adjective) year-end (adjective) bad (adjective) bitter (adjective) burn (verb) candle (noun) day (noun) deep (adjective) earth (noun) hair (noun) hear (verb) light (noun) line (noun) meet (verb) receive (verb) road (noun) rope (noun) short (adjective) sight (noun) stand (verb) stick (noun) tear (noun) tether (noun) thin (adjective) time (noun) tunnel (noun) wedge (noun) wit (noun) world (noun) wrong (adjective) 1 end /ˈɛnd/ noun plural ends 1 end /ˈɛnd/ noun plural ends Learner's definition of END 1  [singular] a  : a point that marks the limit of something : the point at which something no longer continues to happen or exist(某事物的)终止,终结 The report is due at/by the end of the month.报告最迟本月底交。 She interviewed several players at the end of the game.她在比赛结束后采访了几名球员。 There is no end [=limit] to their generosity. [=they are extremely generous]他们极其慷慨。 I'm at the end of my patience. = I've reached the end of my patience. [=I can no longer be patient; I have run out of patience]我已经忍无可忍了。 b  : the last part of a story, movie, song, etc.(故事、电影、歌曲等的)结局,结尾,末尾 I liked most of the book, but I didn't like the end. [=ending]我喜欢这本书的大部分内容,但我不喜欢它的结局。 He read the book from beginning to end [=he read the entire book] in one day.他用了一天时间读完了整本书。 2  [count] a  : the part at the edge or limit of an area(区域的)末端,尽头 The restaurant is in the north end of the city.那家餐馆在城市北端。 We biked from one end of the island to the other.我们骑车从岛的一端走到另一端。 The house is at the end of the road.房子在路的尽头。 They live at opposite ends of town.他们住在城市的两端。 He left the car at the far end [=most distant part] of the parking lot.他把车停在停车场的最里头。 the deep/shallow end of a swimming pool游泳池的深水区/浅水区 — see also dead end, rear end b  : the first or last part or section of something that is long(某物的)末梢,顶端 She drove the end of the stake into the ground.她把标桩的一端插入土中。 The car's front/rear/back end was damaged.汽车的前端/尾端/后端被毁坏了。 One end of the rope was tangled.绳子的一端打了结。 Smoke curled off the end of the cigarette.青烟从香烟的一端盘旋升起。 The hose is leaking at both ends.软管的两端都漏了。 the pointed end of the knife刀的尖端 c  : either limit of a scale or range(范围或区间的)顶点,极限 The car was in the high/low end of the price range.这款车的价位在价格区间的高点/低点。 The candidates represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.这些候选人分别代表着政治光谱中的两个极端。 The resort attracts tourists from the upper end of the social scale.这个度假胜地吸引了来自上层社会的游客。 3  [count] : the stopping of a condition, activity, or course of action结束 The agency's goal is the end of world hunger.这个机构的目标是消除世界饥饿。 The treaty marked the end of the war.这个条约标志着战争的结束。 His death marks the end of an era.他的去世标志着一个时代的结束。 ◊ When something is at an end it is finished or completed.结束;终止 The battle was at an end. [=over]战斗结束了。 We would like to see this matter at an end.我们希望看到这件事结束。 ◊ If you bring something to an end or bring an end to something, you stop, finish, or complete it.使结束 She brought the concert to an end with a piano solo.她以钢琴独奏结束了音乐会。 Negotiations brought an end to the conflict.谈判结束了冲突。 ◊ If you put an end to something, you cause it to stop or prevent it from continuing.防止;终止 They promise to put an end to unfair policies.他们承诺终止不平等政策。 The new mayor vowed to put an end to the violence.新市长发誓要制止暴力。 ◊ Something comes to an end when it stops or finishes.结束 After three weeks the strike finally came to an end.三个星期后罢工终于结束了。 Summer always seems to come to an end much too quickly.夏天似乎总是匆匆而过。 The curtain fell as the play came to an end.当演出结束时,大幕徐徐落下。 ◊ If there is no end in sight, the point at which something will be finished is not known.无法知道何时结束 There is no end in sight to this heat wave.热浪的结束遥遥无期。 Prices continue to go up with no end in sight.价格持续走高,看不到尽头。 4  [count] : the point at which someone is no longer living : death死亡;过世 He came to a tragic end [=he died] in a freak accident.他悲惨地死于一场离奇的事故。 The doctors told her that the end was near. [=that she would die soon]医生告诉她,她将不久于人世。 — sometimes used with meet有时与meet连用 He met his end [=he died] in the icy water.他死于冰冷的水中。 She met an untimely end.她英年早逝。 5  [count] : a goal or purpose目的;目标 Our ultimate end [=aim] in sponsoring the event is to raise money for charity.我们发起这项活动的最终目标是筹集善款。 corrupt leaders who use their power for their own ends以权谋私的腐败的领导人 There are several ways to achieve/accomplish the same end.完成同一目标有几种方法。 ◊ If something is an end in itself, it is something that you do because you want to and not because it will help you achieve or accomplish something else.自发想做的事;本身就是目的 She started exercising for her health, but she enjoyed it so much that exercising became an end in itself.她一开始是为了健康而参加锻炼,但后来非常享受此过程,就单纯地为运动而运动。 For him, taking classes was an end in itself.对他来说,上课本身就是一件乐事,不带任何其他目的。 ◊ If the end justifies the means, a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it.只要目的正当,可以不择手段 They believe that the end justifies the means and will do anything to get their candidate elected.他们认为,目的正确就无须在乎手段,所以他们会用尽一切办法让其候选人当选。 6  [count] American football : a player whose position is at the end of the line of scrimmage端锋 — see also end run, split ends, tight end 7  [count] : a specific part of a project, activity, etc.部分;方面 She is in the creative end of the business.她负责业务的开拓创新。 It's important to know what's going on in all ends of a business.熟知企业各个方面的情况是重要的。 especially : the part of a project, activity, etc., that you are responsible for(尤指所负责的项目、活动等的)部分 Let me know if you have any problems at your end.如果你负责的那部分有任何问题,请让我知道。 — usually used with keep up or hold up通常与keep up或hold up连用 He promised to keep up his end of the agreement. [=he promised to do what he had agreed to do]他承诺完成协议中他应该履行的部分。 You can count on her to hold up her end. [=to do what she is supposed to do]你可以放心,她会完成她应做的那部分。 8  [count] : any one of the places connected by a telephone call(电话)终端 She picked up the phone and heard an unfamiliar voice at the other end.她拿起电话,听到线路那头一个陌生人的声音。 I can't hear you very well—there is a lot of noise at this end.我听不清你说的话,我这边的电话噪声太大。 9  ends [plural] : parts of something that are left after the main part has been used剩余物;残余;残片 a quilt made from bits and ends of fabric用织物碎片制成的被子 — see also loose end, odds and ends a light at the end of the tunnel — see 1light at the end of the day informal : when all things are considered : in the end最终;到头来 It was a difficult decision, but at the end of the day, we knew we made the right choice.这是一个艰难的决定,但最终,我们知道我们做出了正确的选择。 at (your) wits'/wit's end — see wit burn the candle at both ends — see 1burn come to a bad end 1  : to end up in a bad situation because of your actions得到坏结果;落得不好的下场 If he keeps living this way he's sure to come to a bad end.如果他继续这样生活下去,他肯定不会有好下场的。 2  : to die in an unpleasant way不得善终 According to legend, more than one person came to a bad end because of her.据传,不止一个人因为她而不得善终。 end to end : with ends touching each other首尾相接地 Put the two small tables end to end.把那两张小桌子拼起来。 railroad cars lined up end to end列车车厢连成一串 go off the deep end — see 1deep in the end 1  : finally or after a long time最后;终于 We worked hard, and in the end [=ultimately], we achieved our goal.我们拼命工作,并最终实现了我们的目标。 2  : when all things are considered深思熟虑后;到头来 He thought about moving to the city, but in the end, decided to stay where he was.他曾考虑搬到城里去住,但经过深思熟虑后,还是决定留在原地。 In the end, what really matters in a relationship is trust.到头来,在人际关系中最重要的还是信任。 make ends meet : to pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money勉强维持生计;量入为出 We had a hard time making ends meet.我们曾有过一段勉强维持生计的困难时期。 make your hair stand on end — see hair never/not hear the end of it — see hear not the end of the world informal ◊ If something is not the end of the world, it is not as terrible or unpleasant as it seems to be.还不是世界末日;还没有那么糟糕 It won't be the end of the world if it rains on the day of the wedding.即使是婚礼那天下雨,事情也不会糟到哪里去。 Losing your job does not have to be the end of the world.丢了工作也并非就是世界末日。 on end 1  : without interruption连续不断地 For days on end [=for many days] she didn't answer the phone.好多天以来,她一直不接电话。 2  : in an upright position : not lying flat竖立着 We set the bricks on end around the garden.我们围着花园把砖块竖立着摆放。 His skis stood on end in the corner.他的滑雪板立在角落里。 on/at the receiving end — see receive the end of the line informal or the end of the road : the point or time when someone or something stops or cannot continue : the end尽头;结束;穷途末路 A loss in the primary elections will mean the end of the road for his campaign.在初选中败北将意味着他竞选道路的终结。 It will be the end of the line for me unless there are some changes around here.除非还有一些变数,不然的话这就是我的尽头。 They reached the end of the road as a couple [=their relationship was over] a long time ago.很久以前他们的婚姻就走到了尽头。 the end of time : forever, always — used figuratively after to, till, or until用作比喻,用在to、till或until后 He promised to love her to the end of time.他承诺爱她到永远。 Their heroism will be remembered until the end of time.他们的英勇无畏将永远被人们铭记。 the end of your rope informal or chiefly British the end of your tether : a state in which you are not able to deal with a problem, difficult situation, etc., any longer无计可施;忍无可忍 It was clear from her outburst that she was at the end of her rope.她的情感爆发清楚地表明她已忍无可忍。 I've been dealing with their lies for too long. I'm at the end of my rope.我应付他们的谎言已经太久了,现在我已经忍无可忍。 the ends of the earth : places in the world that are very far away from cities, large groups of people, etc. : the most remote places in the world世界尽头;天涯海角 — used figuratively用作比喻 He would go to the ends of the earth [=he would do anything] to please her.他愿做任何事来取悦她。 We will search the ends of the earth [=everywhere; for a long time] if we have to.如果有必要,我们可以走遍天涯海角去寻找。 the short end of the stick — see 1stick the wrong end of the stick — see 1stick (to) no end : a lot : a great deal大量;无数 It pleases me to no end [=very much] to see you so happy.看到你这么高兴,我简直太开心了。 We've had no end of trouble finding somewhere to live.我们想找个地方住,却遇到了无穷无尽的麻烦。 to that/this end formal : as a way of dealing with or doing something为此;为了这个目的 We want to save the building. To this end, we have hired someone to assess its current state.我们想保护这栋大楼。为此,我们已聘请人来评估它当前的状况。 to/till/until the bitter end — see 1bitter 2 end /ˈɛnd/ verb ends; ended; ending 2 end /ˈɛnd/ verb ends; ended; ending Learner's definition of END 1  a  [no object] : to stop or finish : to no longer continue to happen or exist结束;终止 The meeting ended [=concluded] at noon.会议在中午结束了。 The line of people ended around the corner.排队的人排到了大街的拐角处。 The road ends at the top of the hill.这条路一直延伸到山顶。 As soon as school ends [=(Brit) breaks up] she'll start her summer job.学期一结束,她就开始打暑期工。 The demonstration ended peacefully.这次示威以和平的方式结束。 The meeting ended on a positive note.会议在积极的气氛中结束。 She started out poor but ended (up) a rich woman.她一开始很穷,但最终成了一个富有的女人。 b  [+ object] : to stop or finish (something) : to cause (something) to no longer continue to happen or exist使结束;使终止 They ended [=concluded] the meeting at noon.他们在中午结束了会议。 The allegations could end his career.这些指控可能会使他失去工作。 Her speech ended the convention.大会以她的演讲结束。 The argument ended their friendship.争论使他们的友谊破灭。 The company claims that its new product will be a/the computer to end all computers. [=a computer that is the ultimate or perfect computer]公司声称,其新产品将超越所有电脑,成为最完美的电脑。 World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars.第一次世界大战曾被认为是结束所有战争的战争。 : to come to the end of (something)(以…)结束 She ended her career (as) a rich woman. [=she was rich at the end of her career]她结束职业生涯时已成为富人。 He ended his life/days (living) in a nursing home. [=he spent the last part of his life in a nursing home]他在养老院度过了人生最后的时光。 2  [+ object] : to be the final part of (something)作为…的结尾 The letters “ing” end the word “going.”单词going的词尾是ing。 A wedding scene ends the film.这部电影以婚礼场景作为结尾。 A marching band will end the parade.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。 Her speech will end the convention.大会将以她的演讲结束。 end in [phrasal verb] end in (something) : to have (something) at the end以…结尾;以…告终 The word ends in a suffix. [=the last part of the word is a suffix]这个词以后缀结尾。 The knife ends in a sharp point.刀子的顶端是刀尖。 Their marriage ended in divorce.他们的婚姻以离婚收场。 The race ended in a tie.这场比赛以平局结束。 The demonstration ended in chaos.游行示威最后变成了一场混乱。 end up [phrasal verb] end up or end up (something) or end up (doing something) : to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected(以非预期的结果)结束,告终 The book ended up in the trash.这本书最后被扔进了垃圾桶。 He didn't want to end up [=wind up] like his father.他不想最终落得像父亲那样的结局。 She ended up rich. = She ended up a rich woman.她后来变得很富有。 He ended up (living) in a nursing home.他最后在疗养院度过了余生。 The movie we wanted to see was sold out so we ended up seeing a different one.我们想看的那部电影票已卖完,所以我们最终看了场别的。 end with [phrasal verb] 1  end with (something) : to have (something) at the end以…结束;以…作为结尾 The film ends with a wedding scene. [=the last part of the film is a wedding scene]这部电影以婚礼场景作为结尾。 The convention will end with her speech.大会将以她的演讲结束。 The parade will end with a marching band.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。 2  end (something) with (something) : to cause (something) to have (something) at the end使结束;使成为结尾 She will end the convention with her speech. [=the convention will be over after her speech]她将以演讲结束此次大会。 He ended the concert with one of his new songs.他以一首新歌结束了这场演唱会。 end your life or end it all : to kill yourself : to commit suicide自杀 He tried to end his life by taking an overdose of pills.他曾试图服用过量药片来结束自己的生命。 She thought about ending it all after her baby died.她的小宝贝死去之后,她曾想到过自杀。 3 end /ˈɛnd/ adjective 3 end /ˈɛnd/ adjective Learner's definition of END always used before a noun : 1final the end product/result of a process一道工序的成品/最终结果 the end point/stage of the operation操作的终点/最后阶段 — see also end user




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