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词汇 erect
释义 erect (verb) erect 2 ENTRIES FOUND: erect (adjective) erect (verb) 1 erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ adjective 1 erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ adjective Learner's definition of ERECT 1  [more erect; most erect] : straight up and down竖直的;直立的 an erect [=upright] pole直立的杆子 erect trees直立的树 She sat erect, listening for her name.她直挺挺地坐着,等着叫她的名字。 The soldiers stood erect.士兵们站得笔直。 2  : in a state of erection because of sexual excitement : swollen and stiff(因性兴奋)勃起的,坚挺的 an erect penis勃起的阴茎 erect nipples坚挺的乳头 — erectly adverb standing/sitting erectly直挺挺地站着/坐着 — erectness /ɪˈrɛktnəs/ noun [noncount] the erectness of her posture她身姿的挺拔 2 erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ verb erects; erected; erecting 2 erect /ɪˈrɛkt/ verb erects; erected; erecting Learner's definition of ERECT [+ object] 1  : to build (something) by putting together materials搭建;建造 The settlers erected [=built] a stone wall.移民们砌了一堵石墙。 The city erected a statue in his honor.这座城市为纪念他建起了一座雕像。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He has had to overcome many obstacles erected by his political enemies.他不得不攻克政敌们筑起的重重障碍。 erect a civilization建立一种文明 2  : to set or place (something) so that it stands up使竖立;竖起 erect a flagpole竖起一根旗杆 They erected a marker over the grave.他们在坟上立了一个标记物。




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