

单词 even
释义 even (adverb) even (verb) even 21 ENTRIES FOUND: even (adjective) even (adverb) even (verb) evening (noun) evening evening gown (noun) evening star (noun) even-tempered (adjective) break-even (adjective) good evening (interjection) break (verb) get (verb) if (conjunction) keel (noun) now (adverb) other (adjective) score (noun) so (adverb) then (adverb) think (verb) though (conjunction) 1 even /ˈiːvən/ adjective 1 even /ˈiːvən/ adjective Learner's definition of EVEN 1  [more even; most even] a  : having a flat, smooth, or level surface平坦的;平滑的;水平的 We finally reached even ground after the long climb.我们攀登了很长时间,终于到达了平地。 The ground became more even. [=level]地面变得更加平坦。 b  : not having breaks or bumps连贯的;平缓的 an even coastline平坦连贯的海岸线 The transition was even [=smooth] and slow.过渡平稳且缓慢。 2  : located next to someone or something else平齐的;挨着的 They slowed down and waited for him to draw even.他们放慢速度,等他跟上来。 — often + with The houses are lined up even with each other. [=lined up so that neither one is in front of or behind the other]这些房屋整齐地排成了一行。 3  : not changing : staying the same无变化的;平稳的 She spoke with a calm, even voice.她说话的声音镇静而平稳。 the even beat of the drum节奏平稳的击鼓声 He was maintaining an even [=constant] speed.他保持着平稳的速度。 4  a  [more even; most even] : equal and fair : not giving an advantage to one side or group平等的;平均的;公平的 an even trade公平交易 He favors a more even distribution of wealth.他主张更平均地分配财富。 Everyone should have an even chance.人人都应机会均等。 b  : having nothing owed by either side互不相欠的 Here's the money I owe you. Now we're even. [=now we don't owe each other anything]这是我还你的钱。现在我们两清了。 c  : not likely to be won easily by one side or another平衡的;势均力敌的 an even match势均力敌的比赛 5  a  of a number : able to be divided by two into two equal whole numbers偶数的;双数的 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even numbers; 1, 3, 5, and 7 are odd numbers.2、4、6和8是偶数,1、3、5和7是奇数。 b  : marked by an even number用偶数标记的 the even and odd pages of a book书的偶数页和奇数页 c  always used before a noun : not more or less than a stated amount正好的;不多不少的 That'll cost you an even dollar. [=that'll cost you exactly one dollar]这刚好要花你一美元。 an even dozen整整一打 6  — used to say that something is as likely to happen as to not happen(某事发生的概率)对半的,各半的 He stands an even [=fifty-fifty] chance of winning.他输赢的可能性各半。 Our chances of success or failure are about even.我们成败的可能性大致各半。 break even — see 1break get even : to do something bad or unpleasant to someone who has treated you badly or unfairly算账;报复;扯平 He vowed that he would get even (with them) for the way he'd been treated.他发誓以前怎么被对待,现在要一一算账。 on an even keel — see 1keel — evenly adverb The money was distributed evenly.那笔钱被均分了。 The committee was evenly divided.委员会的两种意见势力相当。 The two teams are evenly matched.两支球队势均力敌。 Apply pressure slowly and evenly.缓慢而均匀地加压。 — evenness /ˈiːvənnəs/ noun [noncount] the evenness of the lighting/distribution/match均匀的光线;均匀的分布;势均力敌的比赛 2 even /ˈiːvən/ adverb 2 even /ˈiːvən/ adverb Learner's definition of EVEN 1  — used to stress something that is surprising or unlikely连,甚至,即使(用于强调出乎意料或可能性很小) It's so simple that even a child can do it.这太简单了,连小孩子都会做。 Not only did she stay in business, she even managed to make a profit.她不仅跻身于商界,甚至还赚了一笔。 They've changed everything about the place, even the color!他们把那地方彻底变了样,甚至连颜色都换了! They've changed the doors, the carpets, the color, even!他们换了门,换了地毯,甚至连(屋子的)颜色也换了! 2  — used to stress the difference between two things that are being compared更,还(用于强调两个被比较对象的差异) His first book was good, but this one is even better.他的第一本书就很不错,但是这一本更好。 An even bigger change came the next year.第二年的变化更大。 3  — used after a negative word (such as not or a contraction of not) to stress the smallness of an amount or effort甚至,连(用在not或not的缩约词等否定词后,强调数量少或努力不足) Not only didn't they help, they didn't even offer to help!别说帮忙了,他们甚至连提都没提。 We thought he'd be interested in the painting, but he didn't even glance at it.我们以为他会喜欢那幅油画,可是他连看都没看一眼。 She didn't even give him a second thought.她根本就没有再考虑他。 4  — used to stress something that goes beyond what has just been mentioned in some way (such as by being stronger or more specific)甚至可以说,其实,实际上(用于强调之前没有提及的事) They were willing, even eager, to help.他们很愿意,甚至可以说是很渴望来帮忙。 The disease can cause brain damage and even death.这种疾病会损伤大脑,甚至可致人死亡。 even as : at the same time as正当;恰恰在…的时候 They are finishing the job even as we speak. [=they are finishing the job right now]我们说话的这会儿,他们正在完成工作。 even if — used to stress that something will happen despite something else that might prevent it即便是,即使,虽然(用于强调尽管有所阻碍某事也将发生) I'm going to the party even if it rains. [=whether or not it rains]即便下雨,我也要去参加聚会。 even now/then 1  — used to stress that something is or was happening at a particular time就在这时,就在那时(用于强调某时间正发生某事) They are even now preparing for his arrival. [=they are preparing for his arrival right now]他们此刻正在为他的到来做准备。 Enemy troops were even then approaching the city.敌军那时正在逼近那座城市。 2  — used to stress that something (such as a person's attitude or behavior) was or is very surprising and unexpected即使是这样,即便是那样(用于强调诸如某人的态度或举止等让人吃惊或意外) We showed her the proof, but even then, she wouldn't admit she was wrong.我们给她看了证据,但即使是这样,她也不承认自己错了。 Despite all that went wrong, he insists even now that he would do it again.尽管全都失败了,但他坚持即便如此自己还会再尝试一次。 even so — used to introduce a statement that is somehow different from what has just been said尽管如此,即使这样(用于引出不同于前面所述的句子) These problems are not as bad as they were. Even so, there is much more work to be done.这些问题没有此前那么严重。尽管如此,有多得多的工作要做。 even though — used as a stronger way to say “though” or “although”虽然,尽管(比though和although语气更强) She stayed with him even though he often mistreated her.尽管他经常虐待她,她依旧和他在一起。 I'm going even though it may rain.虽然有可能下雨,但我还是要去。 3 even /ˈiːvən/ verb evens; evened; evening 3 even /ˈiːvən/ verb evens; evened; evening Learner's definition of EVEN [+ object] : to make (something) equal使相等;使平均 He evened [=tied] the set at two games apiece.这一盘他将比赛打到了2:2平。 — see also even the score at 1score even out [phrasal verb] 1  : to become level变平坦 After a long climb the ground evened out. [=leveled out]攀爬了很长时间后,地势逐渐变得平坦。 2  even (something) out or even out (something) : to make (something) even and smooth使变平;使平整 Let me even out the rug.让我来把地毯弄平。 3  even out or even (something) out or even out (something) : to reach a balanced or middle state between extremes over a period of time持平;达到均衡 The economy had good periods and bad periods, but it all evened out by the end of the year.经济情况时好时坏,但在年末时达到均衡。 Any variations will be evened out eventually.所有变化最终将趋于均衡。




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