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词汇 expectation
释义 expectation 2 ENTRIES FOUND: expectation (noun) every (adjective) expectation /ˌɛkˌspɛkˈteɪʃən/ noun plural expectations expectation /ˌɛkˌspɛkˈteɪʃən/ noun plural expectations Learner's definition of EXPECTATION 1  : a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen预料;预期;期待 [count] Their expectation was [=they expected] that the plan would succeed.他们期待这项计划能取得成功。 The company has expectations of making a profit next year.这家公司明年有望赢利。 [noncount] I saved the files in the expectation that they would be useful in the future.我保存了那些文件,预想它们将来可能会有用。 There is widespread expectation that the strike will be settled soon.人们普遍期望此次罢工将很快平息。 The crowd waited in expectation of her arrival.这群人满怀期望地等待她的到来。 ◊ To have every expectation of something is to feel very sure that it will happen.坚信;非常肯定 They have every expectation of success. [=they believe they will succeed]他们坚信会取得成功。 2  [count] : a feeling or belief about how successful, good, etc., someone or something will be期望;希望 — usually plural通常用复数 Expectations for the team were high. [=people expected the team to do very well](人们)对这支队伍的期望很高。 We've had to lower our expectations for the festival. [=to expect that the festival will not be as successful, big, etc., as we originally thought it would be]我们不得不降低对此次节日庆典的期望。 We need to have more realistic expectations about when the house will be finished. [=to accept that the house will not be finished as soon as we thought it would be]对于房子何时竣工,我们的期望值要更加实际些。 We're living in a time of diminished/rising expectations.我们生活在一个希望衰退/高涨的时代。 He found it hard to live up to their expectations. [=to do as well as they expected him to do]他发现难以达到他们的期望。 The company failed to match/meet expectations. [=to be as successful as people thought it would be]这家公司没能达到期望的目标。 The restaurant has succeeded beyond (all) expectations. = The restaurant has exceeded expectations. [=it is more successful than people thought it would be]这家餐馆取得了出乎意料的成功。 Company earnings were not up to expectations. = Earnings fell short of expectations. [=the company did not earn as much money as people thought it would earn]公司的收入不及预期。 Contrary to expectations, all of the birds survived. = Against (all) expectations, the birds survived. [=the birds survived although people did not think they would]出乎意料的是,所有鸟儿都存活了下来。




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