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词汇 eye
释义 eye (verb) eye 95 ENTRIES FOUND: eye (noun) eye (verb) eye-catching (adjective) eyed (adjective) eye-opener (noun) eye candy (noun) eye chart (noun) eye contact (noun) eye level (noun) eye shadow (noun) eye socket (noun) bird's-eye (adjective) black eye (noun) black-eyed pea (noun) black-eyed Susan (noun) bleary-eyed (adjective) bug-eyed (adjective) bull's-eye (noun) cat's-eye (noun) clear-eyed (adjective) cold-eyed (adjective) cross-eyed (adjective) dewy-eyed (adjective) doe-eyed (adjective) dry-eyed (adjective) eagle eye (noun) evil eye (noun) fish-eye lens (noun) goggle-eyed (adjective) googly-eyed (adjective) green-eyed monster (noun) hand-eye coordination (noun) hard-eyed (adjective) misty-eyed (adjective) open-eyed (adjective) pop-eyed (adjective) rapid eye movement sleep (noun) red-eye (noun) rib eye (noun) Seeing Eye (trademark) sharp-eyed (adjective) shut-eye (noun) starry-eyed (adjective) teary-eyed (adjective) wide-eyed (adjective) wild-eyed (adjective) apple (noun) back (noun) ball (noun) bat (verb) believe (verb) blind (adjective) blink (noun) bright (adjective) bushy (adjective) cast (verb) clap (verb) close (verb) closed (adjective) cold (adjective) easy (adjective) feast (verb) fix (verb) glue (verb) head (noun) lay (verb) look (verb) make (verb) meet (verb) mind (noun) more (pronoun) only (adverb) open (adjective) open (verb) peel (verb) pig (noun) public (adjective) roving (adjective) see (verb) set (verb) sharp (adjective) shut (adjective) sight (noun) skin (verb) sore (adjective) spring (verb) star (noun) stare (verb) stomach (noun) tail (noun) tooth (noun) twinkle (noun) twinkling (noun) weather (noun) wool (noun) 1 eye /ˈaɪ/ noun plural eyes 1 eye /ˈaɪ/ noun plural eyes Learner's definition of EYE 1  [count] : the part of the body that you see with眼睛 Her eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark.她的双眼慢慢适应了黑暗。 He wears a patch over one eye.他一只眼睛戴了眼罩。 I have something in my eye.我眼睛里进了东西。 He has (a pair of) bright blue eyes.他有(一双)明亮的蓝眼睛。 bright/sad/sleepy eyes明亮/悲伤/困乏的眼睛 She has good/strong/bad/weak eyes. [=eyesight]她的视力好/很好/差/不好 Her eyes lit up [=she looked excited and happy] when he showed her the ring.他给她看戒指时,她的眼睛都亮了。 His eyes were popping out of his head with astonishment [=he looked very astonished] when he saw how big it was!看到它有这么大,他吃惊得眼睛都鼓出来了。 He punched him right between the eyes. [=punched him hard in the face]他给他迎面一拳。 She looked me (right) in the eye [=she looked directly at me] and told me I was fired.她直视着我,告诉我我被解雇了。 The garden is a feast for the eyes. [=the garden is very beautiful]这座花园是视觉的盛宴。 The display was very pleasing to the eye. [=pleasing to look at]这次展出很好看。 I measured the distance by eye. = I measured the distance with my eye. [=by looking at it to get a rough idea of its size]我目测了距离。 Their daughter came home from school with tears in her eyes. [=she was crying]他们的女儿眼泪汪汪地从学校回到家。 Seeing her again brought tears to my eyes. = Seeing her again brought a tear to my eye. [=made me shed tears]再见到她时,我潸然泪下。 He had/kept half an eye on [=he occasionally looked at] the TV while he read the paper.他读报时偶尔看一眼电视。 2  [singular] a  : an ability to understand and appreciate something seen眼力;鉴赏力 Only a trained eye can tell the difference between the original painting and a good copy.只有具备训练有素的眼力才能鉴别原画和上乘的仿制画作。 For decorating, they rely on her discerning/discriminating/expert eye.说到装修,他们都相信她那有识别力/有鉴赏力/内行的眼光。 He has an artist's eye for color.他对色彩有艺术家的鉴赏力。 ◊ If you have an eye for something or a good/keen/sharp eye for something, you have a special ability to recognize a particular thing or quality.对…有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼光) He has a keen eye for detail.他对细节独具慧眼。 He has a good eye for quality.他善于识别质量的好坏。 b  — used to describe the way something looks to you看法 It looks a little awkward to my eye. [=it looks awkward to me]我觉得它看起来有点难处理。 c  : a way of looking at or judging something眼光;判断 He reviewed the proposal with a jaundiced/critical eye.他用偏见/挑剔的眼光审查这项计划。 The biographer cast a cold/critical/skeptical eye on the artist's life.传记作家以冷漠/挑剔/怀疑的眼光看待这位艺术家的一生。 3  [count] — used to describe where someone is looking目光;所看之处 Her eye was attracted to the bright colors in the painting.她的目光被这幅画的明亮色彩吸引了。 She dropped her eyes [=she looked down] when he looked at her. = Her eyes fell when he looked at her.他看她时,她垂下双眼。 He averted his eyes [=he looked away] when she approached him.她靠近他时,他避开了目光。 I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. [=to the side of where I was looking]我从眼角瞥见有个东西在移动。 Her eyes fell on [=she noticed] a piece of evidence no one had noticed before.她注意到一个以前没人注意到的证据。 All eyes were on her [=everyone was looking at her] as she entered the room.她走进房间时,所有的目光都齐聚在她身上。 She fixed her eyes on me [=she kept looking or staring at me] for a long time before answering.她在做出回答前,盯着我看了好长时间。 4  [count] : a way of looking at or thinking about something眼光;视角 We need to look at this problem with a fresh eye. [=to look at the problem in a new way]我们应该从新的视角看待这一问题。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. [=different people have different ideas about what is beautiful]美存在于观者眼中。 — often plural常用复数 He was guilty in the eyes of the police. [=the police considered him guilty]在警方看来他是有罪的。 He was handsome in her eyes. [=she thought he was handsome]在她眼里他很英俊。 In the eyes [=opinion] of many, he is the best person for the job.在很多人看来,他是这项工作的最佳人选。 5  [count] : the hole through the top of a needle(针的)眼 the eye of a needle针眼 6  [count] : a loop that a hook fits into to fasten or attach something(套钩拴东西用的)环,圈 7  [count] : an area on a potato from which a new plant can grow : a bud on a potato(马铃薯上的)芽眼,芽 8  [count] : the center of a storm (such as a hurricane) where there is little wind or rain and sometimes there is clear sky(飓风等风暴的)风眼 The eye of the storm should reach the coast by morning.这场风暴的风眼应该会在上午之前登陆。 all eyes : watching something or someone closely : very attentive目不转睛;全神贯注地看 She was all eyes as I opened the box.我打开盒子时,她目不转睛地看着。 an eye for an eye or an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth — used to say that a person who has committed a crime should be given punishment that is the same as or as serious as the crime以眼还眼,以牙还牙 The ancient code of law called for punishment in the form of an eye for an eye.这一古代法典规定,对于犯罪的惩罚要以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 as far as the eye could see : as far as could be seen目力所及之处 The crowd stretched away as far as the eye could see.放眼望去,人群绵延不绝。 a sight for sore eyes — see 1sight a twinkle in your eye — see 1twinkle bawl your eyes out — see bawl before your eyes or in front of your eyes ◊ If something happens (right) before your eyes or in front of your (very) eyes, it happens in a very open and visible way so that you can see it very clearly.就在某人眼前;当着某人的面 Technology is changing right before our eyes.就在我们眼前技术日新月异。 We were watching a disaster take place in front of our very eyes.我们目睹了一场灾难的发生。 can't believe your eyes — see believe cast/run your eye over : to read or look at (something) quickly.浏览;瞥一眼;匆匆看一眼 Please run your eye over this and let me know what you think.请您大致看一看,再告诉我您的看法。 She cast her eye over the apartment, appalled by the mess.她扫视了一眼公寓套房,被那里的凌乱吓坏了。 catch your eye — see 1catch close/shut your eyes to : to refuse to notice or accept the truth or existence of (something) : to ignore (something)对…视而不见;对…熟视无睹 Our legislators have closed their eyes to the poverty that surrounds them.我们的立法者对他们周围的贫穷现象熟视无睹。 cock an/your eye — see 2cock cry your eyes out — see 1cry easy on the eyes — see 1easy eyes in the back of your head ◊ When people are surprised that you have seen or noticed something that is behind you, they may say that you have eyes in the back of your head.脑后长眼;什么都能察觉到 How did you know we were here? You must have eyes in the back of your head!你是怎么知道我们在这儿的?你一定是脑后长眼了! feast your eyes on — see 2feast for your eyes only : intended to be seen only by you只供某人看(或读) This memo is for your eyes only.这份备忘录只给你看。 give (someone) the eye informal : to look at (someone) in a way that shows sexual attraction向(某人)眉目传情 Several men were giving her the eye across the bar.几个男人在吧台对面向她眉目传情。 have/keep an/your eye out for : to be looking for (someone or something) : to hope to see or find (someone or something)寻找;希望发现;留意 I'm keeping my eye out for a good cheap used car.我在求购一辆物美价廉的二手车。 He'll be here soon, so keep your eye out for him.他一会儿就到,所以你留意一下他。 have an eye to/toward : to have (something) in your thoughts as a goal or purpose有…打算;有…目的 She has an eye to attending graduate school. [=she hopes to attend graduate school]她打算读研究生。 (have) stars in your eyes — see 1star have your eye on 1  : to watch (someone or something) closely密切注视;盯住;监视 I'll have my eye on the kids while they're swimming.孩子们游泳时我会一直看着他们的。 2  : to be thinking about buying (something)想买(某物) I have my eye on a new car.我看上了一部新车。 She's had her eye on that house for a long time.她想买那幢房子已经好长时间了。 in a pig's eye US slang — used to express strong disagreement决不;没门 You want me to apologize to him? In a pig's eye! [=Never!]你想我向他道歉?没门儿! in the blink of an eye — see 2blink in the public eye : in a position that receives a lot of public notice and attention在公共场合;在引人瞩目的场合 The job requires someone who is comfortable being in the public eye.这项工作需要的是能在公共场合应对自如的人。 in the twinkle/twinkling of an eye : in a very short time : very quickly一眨眼的工夫;一瞬间 He was back in the twinkle/twinkling of an eye.他一眨眼的工夫就回来了。 in your mind's eye ◊ If you see something in your mind's eye, you imagine or remember how it looks.在想象中;在记忆中 I can still see the old playground in my mind's eye.我还记得那个旧操场。 keep an/your eye on : to watch or take care of (someone or something)照看;照料 Will you keep an eye on my suitcase (for me) while I get something to eat?我去弄点吃的,你能(替我)照看一下手提箱吗? keep your eye on the ball — see 1ball keep your eyes glued to informal : to watch (something) very closely for a long time目不转睛地看 They kept their eyes glued to the television, waiting for more news about the accident.他们目不转睛地盯着电视,等着了解那场事故的更多消息。 keep your eyes open informal or keep your eyes peeled or British keep your eyes skinned : to look or watch closely in order to see or find (something)留心;密切注意;仔细寻找 We kept our eyes peeled for a sign that would tell us where to turn.我们仔细寻找哪里可以转弯的标识。 lay/set eyes on or British clap eyes on : to see or look at (someone or something)看见;看 I hope never to lay eyes on him again!我希望永远不再见到他! We liked the house from the moment we set eyes on it. [=the moment when we first saw it]从第一眼看见这所房子那一刻起我们就喜欢上了它。 make eyes at informal : to look at (someone) in a way that shows sexual attraction向(某人)眉目传情 Some guy was making eyes at her from across the room.有个家伙在房间的另一头向她眉目传情。 more than meets the eye ◊ If something is more than meets the eye or there is more to something than meets the eye, there is more to it than there appears to be at first.并不像当初看上去那么简单 There is more to this proposal than meets the eye.这项提议并不像当初看上去那么简单。 my eye informal — used to express surprise or mild disagreement(表吃惊或不太赞同)天哪,啊呀,瞎说 A diamond, my eye! That's glass!钻石,天哪!那是玻璃! not bat an eye — see 4bat only have eyes for : to only be attracted to (a particular person) : to only feel love for (someone)只钟情于某人;只爱某人;情有独钟 He only has eyes for you.他的眼里只有你。 open someone's eyes : to cause someone to notice or be aware of something important使某人了解;使某人意识到 The experience really opened his eyes and changed the way he felt about his life.那次经历确实让他开了眼界,也改变了他对自己人生的看法。 — often + to It's time they opened their eyes to the truth.是他们该知道真相的时候了。 His film helped open people's eyes to the problem.他的电影有助于人们意识到这一问题。 open your eyes : to begin to notice or be aware of something important(开始)注意,意识到 You need to open your eyes and face the truth.你需要睁开双眼,面对事实。 — often + to We have to open our eyes to these problems and stop ignoring them.我们必须意识到这些问题,不能再对它们置之不理了。 pull the wool over someone's eyes — see wool roving eye — see roving run your eye down : to quickly read or look at (something, such as a list)匆匆看;浏览;扫视 She ran her eye down the list looking for her name.她浏览名单,寻找自己的名字。 see eye to eye : to have the same opinion : agree同意;赞同 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 They don't see eye to eye (with each other) on this issue.在这个问题上他们(彼此)看法不一致。 take your eyes off : to stop looking at (someone or something)移开视线;不看 I took my eyes off the road for one second.有一小会儿我把视线从路面上移开。 She was so beautiful, he couldn't take his eyes off her.她如此漂亮,他无法从她身上移开视线。 the apple of someone's eye — see apple turn a blind eye — see 1blind under the eye of : while being watched by (someone)在某人的密切注视下;在某人的眼皮底下 The students did their work under the watchful/vigilant eye of their teacher.学生们在老师的密切监视下学习。 up to your eyes : deeply involved in or affected by something忙于…;深受…的影响 We're up to our eyes in work. [=we are very busy]我们工作忙得不可开交。 They're up to their eyes in debt.他们债务缠身。 with an eye to/toward : with (something) in your thoughts as a goal or purpose着眼于;目的在于;试图 They hired him with an eye toward increased sales.他们雇用他是为了提高销售额。 They bought the house with an eye toward its restoration.他们买下这栋房子,是为了对它进行整修。 He took the job with an eye to the future. [=he took the job because he felt it would help him in the future]他接受这项工作是着眼于未来。 with your/both eyes open : fully aware of what could happen明知会发生什么;心中有数 I went into the job with my eyes (wide) open.明知会有什么后果,我还是做了这份工作。 If you do this, you need to do it with both eyes open.如果你要这样做,你需要知道这样做的后果。 with your eyes shut/closed informal : with little or no effort : very easily轻而易举;毫不费力 She could run that company with her eyes shut.她可以毫不费力地管理好那家公司。 your eyes are bigger than your stomach ◊ If your eyes are bigger than your stomach, you have taken more food than you can possibly eat.(指贪吃而食量不大)眼馋肚饱,眼大肚皮小 I can't finish my meal—I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach!我吃不完了——我想我是眼大肚子小。 — see also black eye, evil eye, rib eye, seeing eye 2 eye /ˈaɪ/ verb eyes; eyed; eyeing or eying 2 eye /ˈaɪ/ verb eyes; eyed; eyeing or eying Learner's definition of EYE [+ object] : to watch or look at (someone or something) in a very close or careful way注视;审视;细看 I saw someone eyeing me from across the street.我看见有人从街对面盯着我看。 The manager eyed us (up and down) as we walked into the restaurant.我们走进餐馆时,餐馆经理(上下)打量我们。




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