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词汇 fair
释义 fair (noun) fair 24 ENTRIES FOUND: fair (adjective) fair (noun) fair-haired (adjective) fair-minded (adjective) fair-weather (adjective) fair game (noun) fair play (noun) fair sex (noun) science fair (noun) trade fair (noun) world's fair (noun) all (pronoun) bid (verb) bit (noun) cop (noun) crack (noun) enough (adverb) love (noun) say (verb) shake (noun) turnabout (noun) war (noun) warning (noun) whip (noun) 1 fair /ˈfeɚ/ adjective fairer; fairest 1 fair /ˈfeɚ/ adjective fairer; fairest Learner's definition of FAIR 1  : agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable合理的;公正的;公平的 We received fair treatment.我们得到了公正对待。 fair elections公正的选举 a fair fight公平的比赛 a fair bargain/deal/trade公平交易 I'm just trying to get a fair price for the house. [=I'm not trying to get more money for the house than most people think is right]我只是想把房子卖个合理的价格。 That's a fair question, and it deserves an honest reply.那是个合理的问题,应该得到如实回答。 The workers claim that they are not being paid fair wages. [=they are being paid less than they should be paid]这些工人声称他们的工资待遇不合理。 It's only fair [=it is the right thing] to tell him the truth.告诉他事情真相才是正确的。 I washed the dishes yesterday, so it's only fair (that) you to do them today.我昨天洗了盘子,公平起见,今天该你洗了。 He gets his fair share of attention too. [=he gets a reasonable amount of attention]他也得到了适当的关注。 She's had more than her fair share of trouble. [=she has had a lot of trouble]她遭遇的麻烦事太多了。 2  : treating people in a way that does not favor some over others一视同仁的;(待人)公正的,公平的 He is known as a very fair man.大家都知道他是个非常公正的人。 I try to be fair to/with my children.我尽量做到公平对待我的几个孩子。 He claims that the competition wasn't fair.他声称那场比赛不公平。 It's not fair that she gets to leave early and I don't.她能早走,而我不能,这不公平。 Sometimes life isn't fair.有时生活是不公平的。 a fair and impartial jury公平公正的陪审团 a bargain/deal/trade that is fair to/for everyone对每个人都一视同仁的交易 All she wants is a fair chance. [=the same chance everyone else gets]她想要的就是一个公平的机会。 3  : not too harsh or critical不过分严厉的;不过分挑剔的 “What a bad movie!” “Be fair! Parts of it are actually pretty funny.”“什么烂片!”“讲话公道些!实际上这部电影有些片段还是挺有趣的。” I can't say I liked the movie, but, to be fair, parts of it are pretty funny.我不能说我喜欢这部影片,但公道地讲,它有些片段还是挺有趣的。 She did poorly on the test, but, to be fair, so did a lot of other people.她考得不好,但公道地讲,还有很多其他人也考得不好。 4  a  : not very good or very bad : of average or acceptable quality不好不坏的;尚可的;过得去的 Her work has been fair to good.她的工作表现一直是一般到良好。 The quality of her work has been only fair.她的工作质量一直只是一般。 I think our waiter did a fair job.我觉得我们的服务生干得还可以。 The patient has been upgraded from serious to fair condition.这个病人的症状已经从严重转为有所缓和。 The food was fair to middling. [=just average; not especially good]吃得还算可以。 b  approving : reasonably good : good although usually not excellent相当不错的;好的 The team has a fair [=pretty good] chance of winning the championship this year.这个队相当有可能赢得今年的冠军。 He does a pretty fair [=good] imitation of the President.他模仿总统惟妙惟肖。 He was able to give us a fair idea of the problems involved.对涉及的各种问题,他都能够给我们讲得很清楚。 It's a fair bet that the weather will improve soon.可以肯定,天气很快就会好转。 “I'm guessing that he's about 50 years old.” “That's a fair guess, but he's actually almost 60.”“我猜他大概50岁左右。”“猜得基本差不多,不过他实际上快60岁了。” c  always used before a noun : reasonably large相当多的;相当大的— used to describe an amount or size that is not small although it is also not extremely large用于形容数量或体积不小,尽管并不是特别的大 There were a fair number of new participants at the convention.此次大会有相当多的人是首次参会。 Researchers now know a fair amount about the earliest humans.研究人员现在对原始人类有了相当多的了解。 He lives a fair distance from here.他住得离这里有相当一段距离。 5  : not stormy or cloudy晴朗的 fair skies晴朗的天空 fair weather晴朗的天气 6  of a person's hair, skin, etc. : having a light color(头发)浅色的;(皮肤)白皙的 fair hair/skin浅色的头发;白皙的皮肤 a person of fair complexion肤色白皙的人 a fair-skinned person皮肤白皙的人 — opposite dark 7  literary + old-fashioned : attractive or pleasing to look at漂亮的;迷人的 We're happy to welcome you to our fair [=lovely] city.我们很高兴欢迎你来到我们美丽的城市。 a fair maid/maiden漂亮的女佣/少女 Who's the fairest of them all?谁是她们当中最漂亮的? 8  baseball : in the area between the foul lines界内的 The ball was caught in fair territory.球在界内被接住了。 ◊ A fair ball is a batted ball that lands in the area between the foul lines.界内球 — compare foul a fair bit — see 1bit a fair shake — see 2shake all's fair in love and war — used to describe a situation in which people do not follow the usual rules of behavior and do things that are normally considered unfair在情场和战场上可以不择手段 Sure, it was underhanded to steal his customers, but all's fair in love and war.当然,悄悄拉走了他的顾客是不光彩的,但是情场无父子,战场无兄弟。 bid fair — see 1bid fair and square : in an honest and fair manner正直诚实地;光明正大地 He won the election fair and square.他正大光明地赢得了选举。 fair crack of the whip — see 2crack fair enough informal — used to say that something is reasonable or fair(表示同意)说得对,有道理 “I'll wash the dishes today, and you can wash them tomorrow.” “Fair enough.”“今天我来洗盘子,你可以明天洗。”“那好啊。” “He needs more time.” “Fair enough, but we can't wait too much longer.”“他需要多点时间。”“没问题,但我们不能等得过久。” fair's fair informal — used to say that something was done or should be done because it is fair大家都要公道 Fair's fair: I washed the dishes yesterday, so it's your turn to do them today.大家都要讲公道:我昨天洗了盘子,因此今天轮到你洗了。 fair to say ◊ A comment that is fair to say is reasonable and is not expected to cause argument.说句公道话;公平地讲 The key concept in this book, I think it is fair to say, is freedom.这本书的核心概念,我认为要公平地讲,就是自由。 She's not entirely to blame, but it's (only) fair to say that she handled the situation badly.不能完全责怪她,但要是(仅仅)说句公道话,这件事她处理得很糟。 fair warning : enough warning to be able to avoid something bad(为避免发生不测给予的)合理警告 I'm giving you fair warning that you had better not discuss politics at dinner tonight.我给你们个忠告,今晚吃饭时你们最好不要谈论政治。 it's a fair cop — see 1cop — fair adverb He claims that his opponent wasn't playing fair. [=wasn't playing according to the rules]他声称他的对手没有按规则比赛。 — fairness noun [noncount] She questioned the fairness of the decision.她质疑这个决定的公正性。 In the interest of fairness, let's not mention any names.公正起见,我们不要提及任何人的名字。 She did poorly, but in all fairness [=to be fair to her], she was tired.她表现得不好,但说句公道话,她当时是累了。 2 fair /ˈfeɚ/ noun plural fairs 2 fair /ˈfeɚ/ noun plural fairs Learner's definition of FAIR [count] 1  : a large public event at which there are various kinds of competitions, games, rides, and entertainment especially US : such an event at which farm products and farm animals are shown and judged露天游乐场;(尤指美国展示和评价农畜产品的)集市 She showed her horse at the annual county/state fair.她在县/州的年度集市上展示了她的马。 2  : an event at which many people gather to buy things or to get information about a product or activity交易会;展览会 a book fair图书展览会 a craft fair工艺品展销会 a job fair [=an event where employers offer information about their companies to people who are looking for jobs]人才招聘会 3  : an event at which different things (such as crafts or food) are sold usually for charity(慈善)义卖活动 The church is having a fair to raise money for the new school.教会正在举行一场义卖活动,为这所新学校筹款。




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