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词汇 fall
释义 fall (noun) fall 37 ENTRIES FOUND: fall (verb) fall (noun) falling-out (noun) falling star (noun) fall guy (noun) free fall (noun) afoul of (adverb) asleep (adjective) backward (adverb) bottom (noun) chip (noun) crack (noun) deaf (adjective) ear (noun) easy (adjective) flat (adverb) foul (adjective) grace (noun) hand (noun) heap (noun) job (noun) lap (noun) line (noun) log (noun) net (noun) piece (noun) place (noun) prey (noun) ride (verb) seam (noun) short (adjective) short (adverb) stand (verb) step (noun) victim (noun) wheel (noun) wrong (adjective) 1 fall /ˈfɑːl/ verb falls; fell /ˈfɛl/ ; fallen /ˈfɑːlən/ ; falling 1 fall /ˈfɑːl/ verb falls; fell /ˈfɛl/ ; fallen /ˈfɑːlən/ ; falling Learner's definition of FALL [no object] 1  a  : to come or go down quickly from a high place or position落下;掉下 An apple fell from the tree.一个苹果从树上掉了下来。 A vase fell off the shelf.一个花瓶从架子上掉了下来。 Rain fell from the sky.雨从天降。 the sound of the falling rain下雨的声音 b  : to come or go down suddenly from a standing position摔倒;跌倒;倒下 She slipped and fell on the ice.她滑了一跤,摔倒在冰上。 He fell flat on his face.他摔了个嘴啃泥。 She was afraid that I would trip and fall.她怕我会绊倒。 He fell down the stairs.他从楼梯上摔了下来。 One of the sailors had fallen overboard.其中一名水手从舷边落入水中。 a fallen tree倒下的树 — often + down or over She fell down and hurt herself.她摔倒了,受了伤。 The tree fell over during the storm.这棵树在下暴雨时倒了。 c  : to let yourself come or go down to a lower position放低身体 He fell [=dropped, sank] to his knees and asked for forgiveness.他跪地请求宽恕。 He fell back/forward onto the bed.他身体朝后/前倾倒在床上。 2  a  : to come down at a particular place after moving through the air射向;投向 The shot fell a great distance from its target.炮弹落在了离目标很远的地方。 — often + on A ray of light fell on the table.一束光照在了桌子上。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 music falling on the ear听到的音乐声 b  : to slope downward(地势)下降— usually + away The ground falls away to the east.地面向东倾斜。 The sides of the ridge fall away steeply.这道山梁两侧的斜坡很陡。 c  : to hang down下垂 Her hair fell loosely over her shoulders.她的头发松散地垂在肩上。 3  a  : to become lower降低;下沉 The tide rose and fell.潮起潮落。 The temperature fell after dark.天黑后温度下降了。 His heart rate fell (off) dramatically.他的心率急剧下降。 The value of the stock has fallen drastically.那只股票的价值已经大幅下跌了。 b  : to become less变少;减少 Participation in the group has fallen. [=declined]加入这个团体的人减少了。 — often + off Participation in the group has fallen off.加入这个团体的人已经减少了。 Factory production has fallen off.工厂生产已经减少了。 c  : to lose value : to suffer a decline in prices贬值 Stocks fell several points in early trading today.股票在今天的早期交易中跌了几个点。 The market is continuing to fall.证券市场在持续下跌。 d  : to become less loud(声音)减弱 His voice fell (to a whisper).他的声音减弱(变成耳语)。 The music rose and fell.音乐声时强时弱。 4  a  of a glance or the eyes : to become lowered眼睛或目光)垂下 Her eyes fell. [=she looked down]她双目低垂。 b  of the face : to begin to look ashamed or disappointed露出惭愧(或失望)的表情 His face fell [=he looked disappointed] when he heard the news.听到这个消息后,他的脸上露出失望的表情。 5  of night or darkness : to arrive or begin(夜晚或黑夜)降临,到来 Darkness falls early in the winter.冬天天黑得早。 Night has fallen.夜幕已经降临。 6  a  : to be wounded or killed in battle(在战斗中)受伤,阵亡 Many men fell on the battlefield that day.那天很多战士倒在了战场上。 b  : to be captured or defeated被夺取;被俘获;被打败 The fortress fell on the third day of the siege.要塞在被围攻的第三天陷落。 c  : to experience ruin or failure衰败;灭亡 A great civilization fell in less than a century.一个伟大的文明不到一个世纪就衰亡了。 a fallen [=disgraced] leader失势的领导人 We will stand or fall together.我们要成败与共。 a politician who has fallen from power失去权力的政治人物 The coalition government fell after only six months in office.这个联合政府执政仅六个月就垮台了。 7  a  : to happen at a specified time(在某时)发生,到来 Christmas falls on a Friday this year.今年圣诞节恰逢星期五。 The worst weather of the year fell during his vacation.他度假期间赶上了一年最糟糕的天气。 b  — used when something (such as a responsibility) comes or passes to someone in a way that does not involve choice(责任等)落在…身上 It fell to me [=it was my responsibility] to tell them about the car accident.该由我告知他们这次车祸的事。 Responsibility for the damage falls with the other driver.这次损失的责任由另一名司机承担。 The estate fell to his brother. [=his brother inherited the estate]这笔财产由他哥哥继承。 c  : to have a specified proper place处于(某恰当位置) The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节上。 The comma falls inside the quotation mark.逗号放在引号内。 8  : to belong in a particular category or range归属于 This word falls within the class of verbs.这个词属于动词。 Her political views fall somewhere between liberal and conservative.她的政治观点介于自由党和保守党之间。 His creative output falls into three distinct categories.他的富有创意的作品分属于三个不同的类别。 9  a  — used when someone's body or mind passes from one condition or state to another身体或心理起变化 She fell ill/sick.她病了。 He fell asleep.他睡着了。 b  — used when something passes to a different and usually a less active or less desirable state or condition(某事物)变得不活跃,变成不理想的状况 The crowd fell silent.人群安静了下来。 This word has fallen [=gone] out of use. = This word has fallen into disuse. [=this word is no longer used]这个词现已不再使用。 His theories have now fallen into disrepute/disfavor.他的那些理论已不再受推崇。 The machinery has fallen into disrepair.这台机器已破损不堪。 10  : to start doing something in a very active and energetic way开始卖力做(某事) — + to She came in and fell immediately to work.她走进来,立即就开始埋头工作。 (as) easy as falling off a log — see 1easy fall afoul of — see afoul of fall (all) over yourself : to be very eager or too eager迫不及待地 Fans were falling over themselves trying to meet the basketball star.粉丝们迫不及待地想见这位篮球明星。 Reviewers are falling all over themselves to praise her latest novel.评论家们都争先恐后地称赞她最新出版的小说。 fall apart [phrasal verb] 1  : to break into parts in usually a sudden and unexpected way(突然)破碎,破裂 The pie was falling apart as I tried to serve it.正当我想要把派端上桌时,它却突然碎成了好几块。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 I feel as if my family is falling apart.我感觉我的家庭似乎要破裂。 ◊ Something that is falling apart is in very bad condition.处于很糟的状态;破旧不堪 My old car is falling apart.我的旧汽车快要散架了。 The house was falling apart when we bought it.我们买这栋房子的时候,它都快塌了。 2  : to become unable to live in a normal way because you are experiencing a lot of confusion or emotional pain(人遭遇困境时)崩溃,垮掉 She began to fall apart when her son was imprisoned.当她儿子被关进监狱时,她开始崩溃。 fall away [phrasal verb] : to become gradually less : to disappear gradually逐步减少;逐渐消失 The sound of the parade fell away in the distance.游行队伍的声音渐渐消失在远处。 fall back [phrasal verb] 1  : to move back away from something dangerous or threatening : retreat撤退;后退 The crowd fell back when the police arrived.警察到达后,人群就向后退了。 The guerrillas fell back across the border after a brief battle with the army.游击队和军队短暂交火后就撤回到边境线的另一边。 2  fall back on (something) also fall back upon (something) : to use (something) for help or protection when you are in a bad situation(处于困境时)借助于,依赖,依靠 When her health insurance was canceled she had nothing to fall back on.她的健康保险被取消后,她就无所依靠了。 They had to fall back on their emergency supplies when the snow storm blocked the road to town.暴风雪封住了通往小镇的道路,他们只得依靠应急储备。 fall behind [phrasal verb] 1  : to fail to move or go forward as quickly as others(在速度上)落后 We had to stop several times so that the slower hikers wouldn't fall (too far) behind.我们不得不停下来几次,以免那些走得慢的徒步旅行者落在后面(太远)。 2  : to fail to do something as quickly as planned or required延误;拖欠 — often + with We've been falling further behind with our work.我们的工作进度又落后了一大截。 — often + on I am falling behind on my homework.我还有家庭作业没做完。 We fell behind on our car payments.我们拖欠了我们的车款。 fall down on the job : to do a job badly(工作)未尽责,没有做好 The people who are supposed to be keeping the city clean have been falling down on the job.那些本应做好城市保洁工作的人一直都不尽职。 fall flat : to produce no response or result未达到预期效果;失败 All of his jokes fell flat. [=no one laughed at his jokes]他讲的那些笑话没有一个人笑。 fall for [phrasal verb] 1  fall for (someone) : to feel a strong attraction for (someone) : to fall in love with (someone)对…倾心 He fell for her the moment he saw her.他对她一见倾心。 He fell for her hard. = He fell hard for her. = He fell for her like a ton of bricks. [=he became deeply in love with her]他深深地爱上了她。 2  fall for (something) : to be fooled by (something, such as a trick)受…的骗;上…的当 I can't believe you fell for that old trick.我无法相信你被那种老把戏骗了。 fall foul of — see 1foul fall from grace — see 1grace fall in [phrasal verb] 1  : to break apart and fall down in an inward direction凹陷;塌下 The roof fell in.房顶坍塌了下来。 2  : to take your place in a military formation(士兵)集合;集队 The troops were ordered to fall in.部队被命令集合。 — compare fall out (below) fall in/into line : to start to do what you are told or required to do按照要求做;按照规定做 Several of the older companies have refused to fall in line (with the new regulations).几家资历较深的公司拒绝按照新规定操作。 It was weeks before the new prisoner fell into line.过了好几个星期,这个新来的囚犯才开始守规矩。 fall in love, fall out of love — see 1love fall into [phrasal verb] 1  : to be caught in (a trap)掉进;陷入 We fell into a trap.我们掉进了一个陷阱。 2  : to begin to do or experience (something) or to be affected by (something) without wanting or trying to碰巧开始进入(某种状态) He fell deeply into debt.他欠了一屁股的债。 She fell into her career almost accidentally.她误打误撞从事了现在的职业。 She fell into the habit of going out for ice cream every night.她无意间养成了每晚出去吃冰激凌的习惯。 fall into place : to fit together : to make sense有头绪 The pieces of the puzzle/mystery are finally starting to fall into place.这个谜团/秘密的零散信息终于开始明朗起来。 fall into step — see 1step fall into the hands of : to come to be held or possessed by (someone)落入…手中;由…掌握 Officials are concerned that the stolen weapons may fall into the hands of terrorists. [=that terrorists may get/obtain the stolen weapons]官员们担心那些被偷的武器可能会落入恐怖分子手中。 fall into the wrong hands : to come to be held or possessed by the wrong person or group落入坏人之手;由坏人掌控 There could be a disaster if the weapons fell into the wrong hands.如果这些武器落入坏人手中,那就有可能成为一场灾难。 fall into your lap — see 1lap fall in with [phrasal verb] 1  fall in with (someone) : to begin to spend time with (someone)开始跟…混在一起 Their daughter fell in with a bad crowd.他们的女儿开始跟一群不三不四的人混在一起。 2  fall in with (something) : to accept and act in agreement with (something)接受;支持;赞成 They readily fell in with our plans.他们欣然接受了我们的计划。 fall off [phrasal verb] : to stop being attached to something脱落 The handle was so loose that it almost fell off.这个手柄太松,快要脱落了。 — see also 1fall 3b (above) fall on/upon [phrasal verb] 1  fall on/upon (something) a  : to begin to experience (something) : to meet with (an experience)经历;遭遇 We fell on hard times after I lost my job.我丢了工作后,我们开始经历了一段艰难时期。 The company fell upon some unexpected competition.这家公司遇到了突如其来的竞争。 b  : to notice (something) especially without wanting or trying to偶然发现 Her eyes/glance fell on the letter on his desk.她的目光不经意间看到了他桌上的那封信。 2  fall on/upon (someone) : to attack (someone) suddenly突袭 They fell on the enemy soldiers and killed every one of them.他们突袭敌军士兵,把他们全都干掉了。 fall on deaf ears — see 1ear fall on your feet — see 1foot fall out [phrasal verb] 1  of a tooth or hair : to stop being attached to the body(牙齿或头发)脱落 The cancer treatments made her hair fall out.癌症治疗使她的头发脱落 2  : to have an argument争吵 They fell out [=fought, argued] over money.他们为钱发生了争吵。 He had fallen out [=quarreled] with his neighbor.他跟邻居吵了一架。 — see also falling-out 3  : to leave your place in a military formation(士兵)解散 The soldiers were ordered to fall out.这些士兵被命令原地解散。 — compare fall in (above) fall over backward — see 1backward fall prey to — see 1prey fall short 1  : to fail to be as good or successful as expected or hoped for未达到预期;不符合要求 In comparison to her previous novel, this one falls short. [=this one is not as good]与她的上一部小说相比,这部小说要逊色一些。 — often + of Her current book falls short of her previous novel.她现在的这部书没她上一部小说写得好。 The cruise fell short of our expectations. [=the cruise was not as good as we expected it to be]这次乘船游览没有我们预想的好。 2  : to fail to reach a goal失败;未达目的 Their efforts fell short.他们的努力失败了。 — often + of Their efforts fell (far) short of (achieving) their goal.他们虽然努力了,但(远)没有达到目标。 fall through [phrasal verb] : to fail or stop in a sudden or final way失败;成为泡影;告吹 Contract negotiations have fallen through.合同谈判已经告吹。 Our vacation plans have fallen through.我们的度假计划泡汤了。 fall through/between the cracks — see 2crack fall through the net — see 1net fall to pieces — see 1piece fall under [phrasal verb] fall under (something) : to be influenced or affected by (something)受到…影响 He fell under her influence.他受到了她的影响。 fall under a spell受到符咒的影响 He has fallen under suspicion. [=people have begun to suspect him of doing something]他受到了怀疑。 fall victim to — see victim let the chips fall where they may — see 1chip 2 fall /ˈfɑːl/ noun plural falls 2 fall /ˈfɑːl/ noun plural falls Learner's definition of FALL 1  [count] : the act of falling落下;降低: such as a  : the act of coming or going down from a high position or from a standing position落下;下落;跌落 a fall from a horse从马背上掉下来 She's had/suffered several bad falls in recent years.最近几年她狠狠地摔过好几次。 a fall of three feet下落三英尺 He slipped on the ice and hurt his hand when he tried to break his fall. [=to stop himself from falling]他在冰上滑了一跤,在努力防滑倒的时候弄伤了手。 b  : the act of becoming lower下降;降低 the rise and fall of the tide潮起潮落 2  US : the season between summer and winter : the season when leaves fall from trees : autumn秋天;秋季 [count] She went off to college in the fall.秋天她去上大学了。 an unusually warm fall异常温暖的秋天 [noncount] in early/late fall在早/晚秋 Several weeks of fall remain before winter begins.秋天还会持续几个星期,冬天就要来临。 When fall came he planted grass.秋天来临时,他种上了草。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 our fall catalog我们的秋季目录 a new fall coat新的秋装 fall colors/foliage秋天的颜色;秋叶 the fall harvest秋收 3  [count] : a decrease in the size, amount, degree, activity, or value of something减少;下降;贬值 a fall in the price of oil油价下跌 4  a  [singular] : loss of power or greatness衰落;败落 the rise and fall [=collapse] of an empire帝国的兴衰 b  [singular] : the surrender or capture of a place that is being attacked沦陷;失守 the fall of Troy特洛伊城的陷落 The fall of the fort caused the local civilians to flee.这个要塞的失守使得当地平民纷纷逃离。 c  [singular] : loss of innocence or goodness堕落 a fall from virtue道德沦丧 d  the Fall : the event in the Bible when Adam and Eve are forced to leave the Garden of Eden because they have sinned against God人类堕落(指《圣经》中亚当和夏娃违背上帝意旨而被驱逐出伊甸园) after the Fall人类堕落后 5  [count] : an area on a river or stream where water runs steeply downward瀑布— usually plural通常用复数 Bears hunted for fish in the rocky falls. [=waterfall]熊在多岩石的瀑布捕鱼。 Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布 be riding for a fall — see 1ride fall from grace — see 1grace — see also free fall, windfall




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