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词汇 fast
释义 fast (adverb) fast (verb) fast (noun) fast 16 ENTRIES FOUND: fast (adjective) fast (adverb) fast (verb) fast (noun) fast-forward (noun) fast-forward (verb) fast-talk (verb) fast break (noun) fast food (noun) fast lane (noun) fast track (noun) hard-and-fast (adjective) furious (adjective) loose (adjective) play (verb) pull (verb) 1 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ adjective faster; fastest 1 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ adjective faster; fastest Learner's definition of FAST 1  [more fast; most fast] a  : moving or able to move quickly快的;迅速的 She's a very fast runner.她是一名速度很快的赛跑运动员。 a fast car速度快的汽车 a fast pitch快速的投球 maintaining a fast [=quick] pace保持快节奏 blazingly/blindingly fast极快 b  : happening quickly : taking a short amount of time立即发生的;用时很短的 a fast race速战速决的速度比赛 We're off to a fast start.我们起跑迅速。 We're now experiencing a faster rate of inflation.我们现在正在经历加速的通货膨胀。 I'd like to take a fast [=(more commonly) quick] look at my records.我想简单看一眼我的记录。 c  : operating quickly运作快的;运转迅速的 a fast computer运行速度快的电脑 d  : doing something or able to do something quickly(能)很快地做某事的 a fast learner学东西很快的人 e  : allowing movement at a great speed允许快速行进的 a fast road快车道 We took the faster route.我们选择了更快的路线。 — see also fast lane, fast track 2  of a clock or watch : showing a time that is later than the correct time(钟表)走得快的 My watch is (ten minutes) fast.我的表快(十分钟)。 3  photography : allowing photographs to be taken very quickly or when there is very little light感光快的 fast film感光快的胶片 4  informal a  : tricky and unfair欺诈的 Be careful that he doesn't pull a fast one on you. [=that he doesn't trick or deceive you]当心他骗你。 b  : earned or gotten quickly and often in a dishonest way(常通过欺骗手段)轻易赚到的,轻易得来的 She's always looking to make a fast buck.她总是想赚到快钱。 fast money轻易得到的钱 c  : quick and not safe to trust口齿伶俐但不可靠的 He gave us a lot of fast talk about how he was going to solve all our problems.他滔滔不绝地大谈自己打算如何解决我们所有的问题。 — see also fast-talk 5  old-fashioned + humorous a  : actively seeking excitement or pleasure : wild寻欢作乐的;疯狂的 He runs with a pretty fast crowd.他和一群放荡不羁的人混在一起。 fast living寻求刺激的生活 b  of women : very willing to have sex(女人)放荡的 a typical Western filled with outlaws, gamblers, and fast women尽是些亡命之徒、赌徒和放荡女人的典型美国西部片 6  a  : placed, tied, or attached in a way that is not easily moved牢固的;系牢的;紧缚的 Make the rope fast [=tie the rope securely] to the anchor.把绳子牢牢地系在锚上。 b  : closed tightly紧闭的 Make sure the door is fast. [=(more commonly) shut fast]务必把门关紧。 c  : impossible to change无法改变的— used in the phrase hard and fast用于短语hard and fast There are no hard and fast rules to be followed when you plan a vacation. [=there are many ways to plan a vacation]规划假期时没有什么必须要遵循的规定。 d  : not likely to fade不易褪色的 fast colors不褪色的颜色 7  : very loyal or faithful忠实的;可靠的 They became fast friends.他们成了忠实的朋友。 fast and furious : in a very fast and forceful way : with one thing following another very quickly迅速的(地);络绎不绝的(地) ◊ The phrase fast and furious is used both as an adjective and as an adverb.短语fast and furious既可用作形容词也可用作副词。 The action was fast and furious.情节发展非常紧凑。 The questions were coming at me fast and furious.各种问题接踵而至。 The jokes were flying fast and furious.那些笑话迅速地流传开了。 play fast and loose — see 1play 2 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ adverb faster; fastest 2 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ adverb faster; fastest Learner's definition of FAST 1  : with great speed快速地 The boss expects this to be done this afternoon, so you'd better work fast.老板希望这活今天下午能完成,所以你最好快点干。 You're driving too fast!你开车太快了! He ran as fast as he could.他尽力地快速奔跑。 a fast-paced story快节奏的报道 : in a very short time : very quickly短时间地;很快地 This is fast becoming a national problem.这件事在迅速演变成一个全国性的问题。 You need to act fast to take advantage of this offer.你得赶紧出手,利用这一优惠。 species that are fast disappearing = species that are disappearing fast正在迅速消失的物种 I don't know what caused the accident. It all happened so fast.我不知道导致事故的原因。一切都在瞬间发生了。 — opposite slow, slowly 2  a  : in a quick and intelligent way反应敏捷地 She's a woman who can think fast in a crisis.她是个能急中生智的女人。 You catch on fast.你领会得很快。 b  : quickly and in a way that is meant to deceive or persuade someone油腔滑调地;伶牙俐齿地 He's going to have to talk fast to get himself out of this mess.要想摆脱这种困境,他得颇费一番口舌了。 — see also fast-talk 3  : in a way that is not easily moved or changed牢固地;坚定地 The window was stuck fast.那扇窗被卡死了。 She held fast to her belief in justice.她坚信正义。 We must stand fast and not surrender!我们必须坚守阵地,决不投降! fast and furious — see 1fast fast asleep — see asleep going/getting nowhere fast informal ◊ To be going/getting nowhere fast is to be failing to make progress or to produce a desired result.停滞不前;毫无进展 The plan for a new stadium is going nowhere fast.建新体育馆的计划毫无进展。 not so fast informal — used in speech to say that you disagree with what someone has said or to tell someone to stop or slow down先别这样讲;停一下 “This proves they're wrong.” “Not so fast. There's other evidence to consider.”“这证明他们是错的。”“先别这样讲。还有其他证据要考虑。” “The discussion is closed.” “Not so fast. I have a few more things to say.”“讨论到此为止。”“等一下。我还有几件事要说。” 3 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ verb fasts; fasted; fasting 3 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ verb fasts; fasted; fasting Learner's definition of FAST [no object] : to eat no food for a period of time禁食;绝食;斋戒 She always fasts on Yom Kippur.她总是在赎罪日禁食。 Patients must fast for six hours before having the procedure.病人在手术前必须禁食六小时。 — fasting noun [noncount] periods of fasting禁食期 a time of fasting and prayer斋戒祈祷时间 4 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ noun plural fasts 4 fast /ˈfæst/ Brit /ˈfɑːst/ noun plural fasts Learner's definition of FAST [count] : a period of time when you do not eat any food : a time of fasting禁食;绝食;斋戒 He went on a fast [=he ate nothing] for several days.他绝食几天了。 We broke our fast just after sunset.太阳刚一落山我们就开斋了。 observing a fast day [=a day on which people do not eat any food because of their religion]遵循斋戒日




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