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词汇 favor
释义 favor (verb) favor 6 ENTRIES FOUND: favor (noun) favor (verb) favored (adjective) party favor (noun) curry (verb) odds (noun) 1 favor (US) noun or British favour /ˈfeɪvɚ/ plural favors 1 favor (US) noun or British favour /ˈfeɪvɚ/ plural favors Learner's definition of FAVOR 1  [count] : a kind or helpful act that you do for someone帮助;恩惠 do/grant a friend a favor = do a favor for a friend = grant a favor to a friend帮朋友一个忙 Can I ask you (for) a favor?请您帮个忙行吗? I drove her to the airport because I owed her a favor.我欠她一个人情,所以开车送她去机场。 She's willing to help you but only as a favor to me.她乐意帮你,但只是看在我的面子上。 I'm here as a (special) favor to my sister.我来这儿是给姐姐一个(特别的)面子。 Don't do me any favors. I don't need your help.不用给我面子了。我不需要你的帮忙。 I've learned to be grateful for small favors.我懂得了对滴水之恩要心怀感激。 He treats them well, and they return the favor. [=they also treat him well]他待他们好,他们也投桃报李。 Do me a favor [=do what I want you to do; do what you should do] and get home on time for once.看在我的分上,你就准时回家一次吧。 You can do yourself a favor [=you can make things easier for yourself] by arriving early at the airport.为你自己考虑,还是早点到机场吧。 The company made campaign donations in exchange/return for political favors. [=political acts/decisions that helped the company]公司向竞选活动捐款,以换取政治上的恩惠。 He was arrested for soliciting sexual favors [=sex acts done in exchange for something, such as money] from a prostitute.他因召妓而被捕。 2  [noncount] a  : approval, support, or popularity赞同;支持;欢迎 Her ideas have found/gained favor with many young people. [=many young people like/support her ideas]她的想法已经赢得了很多年轻人的支持。 He's trying to earn the boss's favor by working late.他正努力通过加班来赢得老板的欢心。 Her theories have lost favor. = Her theories have fallen from favor. = Her theories are no longer in favor. = Her theories are now out of favor. [=they are no longer popular]她的理论现已不再有市场。 a style that has come into favor [=become popular]开始流行的样式 The committee looks with favor on the project. [=the committee regards the project favorably; the committee likes and approves of the project]委员会对这一项目颇为青睐。 b  : preference for one person, group, etc., over another偏爱;偏袒 The judge showed favor for/toward the defendant.法官偏袒被告。 The students naturally showed favor toward their own school's team.学生自然都偏爱他们自己的校队。 3  [count] US : a small gift given to the people who come to a party : party favor(在聚会上赠予客人的)小礼物 Small boxes of candy were given out as favors at the wedding.小盒糖果被作为小礼物在婚礼上分发。 court someone's favor or court favor with someone — see 2court curry favor — see 2curry in favor of 1  : wanting or approving of (something)赞成;认可 All in favor of (having) a party [=everyone who wants to have a party], raise your hands.所有赞成举行派对的人,举手。 Not surprisingly, most voters are in favor of the tax cuts.不出意料,大多数投票者赞成减税。 a politician who is in favor of the death penalty赞成死刑的政客 2  : in a way that tries to persuade people to support (something)主张;支持 He argued in favor of the tax cuts. [=he argued for the tax cuts]他据理力争,主张减税。 3  : choosing (something) instead of something else : preferring (something)(放弃某物而)选择;偏爱 She turned down the scholarship in favor of a pro career.她拒绝了奖学金,选择从事职业生涯 The original proposal was rejected in favor of a new design.原来的提议被拒,新设计取而代之。 4  : in support of (someone) : in a way that helps or benefits (someone)偏袒;袒护 The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.法官做出了有利于被告的判决。 in someone's favor 1  : in support of (someone) : in a way that helps or benefits (someone)有利于,有助于(某人) We hope the final decision will be in our favor.我们希望最终决定对我方有利。 The judge ruled in our favor.法官判定我方胜诉。 2  : in a state of being liked or approved of by (someone)得到(某人的)欢心;受到(某人的)认可 She did extra work to get back in the teacher's favor.为重新博得老师的欢心,她做了额外的作业。 odds are in favor ◊ If the odds are in your favor, you are likely to win or succeed.(某人)胜算较大 We don't know what the decision will be, but we think the odds are in our favor.虽不知道这一决定会是什么,但我们认为我方胜算较大。 ◊ If the odds are in favor of something, that thing is likely to happen.(某事)较有可能发生 The odds are in favor of a major storm this weekend.本周末很可能有大暴风雨。 2 favor (US) verb or British favour /ˈfeɪvɚ/ favors; favored; favoring 2 favor (US) verb or British favour /ˈfeɪvɚ/ favors; favored; favoring Learner's definition of FAVOR [+ object] 1  a  : to prefer (someone) especially in an unfair way : to show that you like or approve of (someone) more than others偏袒;偏爱 The teacher clearly favors you.老师明显对你偏心。 He claims that his parents favor his sister (over him).他声称父母偏爱他姐姐。 b  : to approve of or support (something)支持;认可 Most voters favor these tax cuts.大多数投票者支持减税 Her father favored the idea of her going to law school.父亲支持她去读法学院的想法。 c  : to regard (someone or something) as most likely to succeed or win认为…最有望成功(或胜出) They won the championship last year, and most forecasters favor them to win again this year.他们去年得了冠军,大多数预测者认为他们今年极有望再次胜出。 2  formal : to give something to (someone) : to present (someone) with something给予;赠予 The author favored us with a copy [=gave us a copy] of his latest book.作者赠给我们一本他最新出版的书。 She will now favor us with a song. [=she will now sing or play a song for us]她现在要为我们献歌一曲。 He did not favor us with a reply. [=he did not reply to us]他没有给我们回复。 3  : to treat (an injured leg, foot, etc.) gently or carefully妥善处理(受伤的腿、脚等) It was obvious that she was favoring her left leg. [=she was walking carefully in a way that showed that her left leg was injured]很明显,她在小心翼翼地挪动自己受伤的左腿。 4  formal : to make (something) possible or easy : to help (something) to succeed有利于;有助于 Darkness favored the attack.黑暗有利于发动进攻。 The weather favored our plans for a picnic.我们计划去野餐,正好天公作美。 5  : to look like (a parent or other relative)长得像,酷似(父母或亲戚) He favors [=resembles] his mother.他长得像妈妈。




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