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词汇 feel
释义 feel (noun) feel 15 ENTRIES FOUND: feel (verb) feel (noun) feel-good (adjective) feeling (noun) fellow feeling (noun) best (noun) buck (noun) cop (verb) dollar (noun) free (adjective) million (noun) oat (noun) pain (noun) pinch (noun) sick (adjective) 1 feel /ˈfiːl/ verb feels; felt /ˈfɛlt/ ; feeling 1 feel /ˈfiːl/ verb feels; felt /ˈfɛlt/ ; feeling Learner's definition of FEEL 1  [+ object] : to be aware of (something that affects you physically, such as pain, heat, or an object touching your body)感觉,感到(疼痛、热或某物接触到身体等) He felt a sudden pain in his leg.他突然感到一阵腿疼。 I could feel the warmth of the sun.我能够感受到太阳的温暖。 I felt someone tap my shoulder.我感到有人拍了拍我肩膀。 I could feel him pulling my hair. [=I could feel that he was pulling my hair]我能感觉到他在拽我的头发。 Do you feel a draft?你有没有感受到一阵气流? I'm the kind of person who really feels the heat/cold. [=hot/cold weather bothers me more than it bothers most people]我是那种对冷/热天气很敏感的人。 2  [linking verb] — used to describe or ask about someone's physical or mental state(身体或心理上)感觉,有…感受 I feel dizzy/faint.我感到眩晕/快要昏倒。 How are you feeling today? = How do you feel today?你今天感觉如何? I feel bad/good/sick/well/fine.我感觉不好/挺好/病了/很好/不错。 I hope you feel better soon. [=I hope you will stop feeling ill soon]我希望你能尽快好起来。 He's been feeling a little depressed lately.他最近一直感觉有点沮丧。 You can feel proud of what you've accomplished.你可以对自己取得的成就感到骄傲。 I feel responsible for the accident. [=I feel that I was responsible for the accident; I feel that the accident was my fault]我觉得自己对这起事故负有责任。 I feel confident that we'll win.我相信我们会赢。 You may feel different tomorrow. [=your mood/thinking may change tomorrow]也许明天你就感觉不一样了。 She felt hurt by their indifference.他们的冷漠让她感到伤心。 I feel certain/sure that we can solve these problems.我确信我们能够解决这些问题。 I feel like a fool. = (chiefly Brit) I feel a fool.我感觉自己像个傻子。 I didn't feel like myself yesterday. = I didn't feel myself yesterday. [=I didn't feel well yesterday]我昨天感觉不舒服。 I feel as if/though I'm falling. = (informal) I feel like I'm falling.我感觉自己好像要掉下去了。 (You can) Feel free to leave whenever you like. [=you are free to leave whenever you like]你想走,随时都可以。 ◊ If you feel like doing something, you want to do it.想要(做某事) Do you feel like (taking) a walk?你想去散步吗? I feel like crying.我想哭。 “Why won't you come?” “Because I don't feel like it.”“你为什么不来?”“因为我不想来。” He does whatever he feels like (doing).他想做什么就做什么。 I don't feel like talking about it. [=I don't want to talk about it]我不想谈论此事。 3  a  [+ object] : to touch (something) with your fingers to see what it is like(通过触摸)感觉 She felt the fabric to see if it was wool.她摸了摸面料,看是不是毛料的 b  [+ object] : to find (something) by touching with your fingers(通过触摸)找到,发现 Your ribs are bruised, but I don't feel any broken bones.你的肋骨挫伤了,但我没摸到断骨。 c  [no object] : to search for something by reaching or touching usually with your fingers(通过触摸)寻找,摸索 — often + for The doctor felt for any possible fractures in the patient's bruised ribs.医生用手摸病人挫伤的肋骨,来判断是否有可能骨折。 He felt for the switch.他摸索着找开关。 — often + around or (Brit) about He felt around in the dark for the light switch.他摸黑找电灯开关。 He felt around under the table with his foot.他用脚在桌底下摸索着东西。 d  not used in progressive tenses, [linking verb] — used to describe the quality that something has when it is touched摸起来… This feels like wool (to me)—but it may not be.(我觉得)这摸起来像羊毛,但也可能不是。 The silk feels smooth (to me).这丝绸(我)摸起来很光滑。 4  [+ object] : to believe or think (something)以为;认为;相信 He feels that they behaved badly.他认为他们表现得很糟糕。 They felt (that) it would be foolish to continue.他们认为再继续下去是愚蠢的。 I feel (that) I really ought to say something.我认为我确实该说些什么了。 He felt it necessary to say something. = He felt that it was necessary to say something.他认为有必要说些什么了。 5  [no object] : to have an opinion认为;觉得;看待 How do you feel about this proposal? [=what do you think of this proposal; what is your opinion of this proposal?]你怎么看这项提议? Their votes reflect how they feel toward poor people.他们的投票反映了他们对穷人的看法。 ◊ If you feel strongly, you have a strong or definite opinion about something.深深地觉得;坚定地认为 We feel (very) strongly that they've been treated unfairly.我们深感他们遭受了不公正的待遇。 If you feel that strongly (about it), we won't go.如果你(对此)固执己见,我们就不去了。 6  [+ object] : to be aware of (something) in your mind or emotions感知;感受到;意识到 He felt his son's ingratitude, and he resented it.他感觉到了儿子的忘恩负义,对此很气愤。 She could feel [=sense] the presence of an intruder in the house.她能感觉到家里闯进了外人。 I feel the urge to speak.我感到非说不可了。 I feel the need to try again. [=I think I/we should try again]我认为有必要再试一次。 I feel your pain. [=I am aware of how (much) you must have suffered]我能感受到你有多痛苦。 7  [+ object] a  : to experience the effect of (something)感受到…的效果 He felt the medicine starting to work.他感到药劲儿开始上来了。 I'm really feeling my age lately. [=I am feeling the effects of growing older]我最近真的感到自己变老了。 b  : to experience (something)体验到;经受 Many people will feel the impact of this decision. [=many people will be affected by this decision]许多人都将受到这个决定的影响。 I felt pleasure in her company. [=I enjoyed being with her]和她在一起,我感到快乐。 He felt no remorse for what he had done.他不后悔自己所做的事儿。 She feels contempt for her political enemies.她藐视自己的政敌。 c  : to be hurt by (something)受到伤害 They felt the insult deeply. [=they were deeply hurt by the insult]他们感到深受侮辱。 She felt the loss/death of her mother.她经历了丧母之痛。 8  not used in progressive tenses [linking verb] a  — used to describe the quality that something has or the feeling that something causes感觉像;有…感觉 It just doesn't feel [=seem] right to be doing this.这么做感觉就是不太对。 It feels like spring today.今天感觉像春天。 It feels strange that I'm here again. = It feels strange to be here again.再次来到这儿,我感觉怪怪的。 This place really feels like home.这地方真的有种家的感觉。 It feels as if it's going to rain. = (chiefly US) It feels like rain.感觉好像要下雨。 b  : to have a specified physical quality身体感觉… My eyes feel dry.我的眼睛很干涩。 His hands felt cool.他的双手凉凉的。 feel for [phrasal verb] feel for (someone) : to have sympathy or pity for (someone)同情;怜悯 I feel (deeply) for you, but there's nothing I can do to help.我(很)同情你,但什么忙也帮不上。 — see also 1feel 3c (above) feel no pain chiefly US, informal : to be drunk喝醉 He had been at the bar for several hours and he was clearly feeling no pain. [=he was very drunk]他在酒吧待了好几个小时,很明显已烂醉如泥。 feel out [phrasal verb] feel (someone) out : to talk to or question (someone) in an indirect way in order to find out if something you want to do or get will be possible摸清楚 He tried to feel us out to see if we'd loan him more money.他想摸清我们是否能借给他更多的钱。 feel up [phrasal verb] feel (someone) up or feel up (someone) informal : to touch (someone who does not want to be touched) for sexual pleasure猥亵 She says he felt her up.她说他猥亵她。 feel your best — see 3best feel your oats — see oat feel your way 1  : to move forward carefully by putting your hands in front of you so that you can feel anything that blocks you用手摸索着前行 He felt his way through the darkened room.他在漆黑的房间里摸索着前行。 2  : to move toward a goal very slowly and carefully向着目标谨慎缓慢前进 In the early days of the project they were just feeling their way (along), trying not to make mistakes.在工程初期,他们是摸着石头过河的,尽量避免犯错误。 2 feel /ˈfiːl/ noun 2 feel /ˈfiːl/ noun Learner's definition of FEEL [singular] 1  a  : the quality of a thing that is experienced by touching it触觉;手感 It had a greasy feel. [=it felt greasy]它摸起来油乎乎的。 the feel of old leather旧皮革的手感 b  : a particular quality特性;特质 The restaurant's decor has an Asian feel (to/about it).这家饭店的装潢具有亚洲特色。 Although the table is brand-new, it has the look and feel of an antique.虽然那张桌子是崭新的,却有着古董家具的外观和特质。 2  a  : an understanding of something感知;理解 We walked around to get the feel of the town. [=to find out what the town was like]我们到处转了转,了解一下这个小镇。 — usually + for We walked around to get a feel for the town.我们到处转了转,了解一下这个小镇。 After living in France for 20 years, she has a feel for the way the French think.在法国住了20年之后,她对法国人的思维方式有所了解。 We're trying to get a feel for what's needed.我们在努力弄明白需要什么。 b  : an ability to use something or do something in a skillful way熟练使用 — usually + for He's been practicing for several weeks and he's starting to get a feel for the instrument.他已练习了好几个星期,开始熟悉这台仪器了。 She has a feel for language.她很有语感。 3  : a feeling or sensation感觉;知觉 He liked the feel of the sun on his face.他喜欢阳光照在脸上的感觉。 4  British : an act of feeling or touching something触;摸 They had a feel of the old leather. [=they felt the old leather]他们摸了一下那张旧皮革。 by feel 1  : by feeling with your hands when you cannot see靠触摸 It was too dark too see anything, so she had to find the door knob by feel.太黑了什么都看不见,她不得不摸着黑找门把手。 2  : by being guided by your physical feelings, your senses, etc., instead of by rules or directions凭感觉 an athlete who plays by feel靠感觉比赛的运动员 cop a feel — see 2cop




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