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词汇 fight
释义 fight (noun) fight 7 ENTRIES FOUND: fight (verb) fight (noun) cat (noun) fire (noun) good (adjective) pick (verb) shy (adjective) 1 fight /ˈfaɪt/ verb fights; fought /ˈfɑːt/ ; fighting 1 fight /ˈfaɪt/ verb fights; fought /ˈfɑːt/ ; fighting Learner's definition of FIGHT 1  a  : to use weapons or physical force to try to hurt someone, to defeat an enemy, etc. : to struggle in battle or physical combat战斗;打仗;打斗 [no object] The soldiers fought bravely.士兵们勇敢地战斗。 When he was young he was always fighting.年轻时他总是打架。 He fought like a tiger.他战斗起来像老虎一样威猛。 The U.S. and Germany fought in World Wars I and II.美国和德国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中交战。 — often + against The U.S. fought against Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。 [+ object] They vowed to fight the invaders of their homeland.他们发誓要与入侵他们家园的侵略者做斗争。 The U.S. fought Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。 b  [+ object] : to be involved in (a battle, struggle, etc.)进行(战斗、斗争等) fight [=wage] a war/battle for independence为独立而战 fighting a duel进行决斗 I think we're fighting a losing battle. [=we are trying to do something that we will not be able to do]我觉得我们在打一场无望取胜的仗。 2  [no object] : to argue in an angry way争吵 He and his wife are always fighting over/about money.他和妻子总是因为钱争吵不休。 They fight (with each other) all the time.他们总是(和彼此)争吵。 3  [no object] : to try hard to do something that is difficult努力奋斗;努力争取 They were fighting [=struggling] to stay awake/alive.他们努力保持清醒/求生。 We were fighting to protect our jobs.我们正力争保住我们的工作。 4  a  : to work hard to defeat, end, or prevent something(努力)战胜,消除,防止 [no object] fighting against poverty努力消除贫困 fighting against AIDS/cancer/crime努力预防艾滋病/癌症/犯罪 [+ object] fighting poverty努力消除贫困 The company fought the takeover attempt.那家公司竭力阻止外来的收购企图。 His lawyers have vowed that they will fight the court's decision.他的律师团发誓要对法庭的裁决提起上诉。 fight a fire灭火 fight crime打击犯罪 b  [+ object] : to struggle against (something)与…斗争 I've been fighting a cold all week.整个星期我一直在治感冒。 We had to fight traffic [=to drive through a lot of traffic] all the way home.我们不得不在拥堵的车流中穿行回家。 5  [+ object] : to try not to be affected by (a feeling, urge, etc.)竭力控制(感情、冲动等) He was fighting the urge/impulse to laugh. [=he was trying not to laugh]他竭力不让自己笑出来。 6  : to participate in the sport of boxing参加拳击运动 [no object] He will fight for the heavyweight title next month.下个月他将参加重量级拳击冠军赛。 [+ object] He has fought several worthy opponents.他与多个优秀对手进行过拳击比赛。 He fought several difficult matches on his way to the title.在通往拳击冠军的征途中他打过好几场艰苦的比赛。 fight back [phrasal verb] 1  : to attack or try to defeat someone who is attacking or trying to defeat you反击;反攻 We can't just let them make these accusations against us. We need to fight back!我们不能任由他们横加指责。我们需要反击! 2  : to make a new effort against an opponent回击 They fell behind early in the game, but they were able to fight back and tie the score in the second half.比赛初期他们落后了,但是后来得以回击,在比赛的后半场与对手打成平局。 — see also fightback 3  ◊ Someone who is fighting back tears is trying very hard not to cry.强忍住泪水 He was fighting back tears as he announced his resignation.他强忍着泪水宣布辞职。 fight fire with fire : to fight against an opponent by using the same methods or weapons that the opponent uses以牙还牙 fight for [phrasal verb] 1  fight for (something) : to fight in support of (something)为…而战;为…而奋斗 young soldiers fighting for their country为祖国而战的年轻士兵 This is a cause that's worth fighting for.这是一项值得为之奋斗的事业。 2  : to fight or struggle to get, keep, or achieve (something)争取;争夺;为争取…而斗争 The team is fighting for a spot in the play-offs.这个队正在争夺季后赛的席位。 The two armies fought all night for control of the fort.两支军队彻夜争夺要塞的控制权。 We are fighting for our rights as citizens.我们在为争取公民的权利而斗争。 They had to fight for survival.他们不得不为生存而拼搏。 When they brought him to the hospital, he was fighting for breath. [=he was struggling to breathe]他们把他送到医院时,他呼吸困难。 Her condition is very serious. She's fighting for her life. [=she is struggling to survive; she is in danger of dying]她的情况很严重,正在死亡线上挣扎。 fight it out 1  : to be in a fight发生冲突;打架 People were fighting it out over parking spaces.人们为争夺停车位打起来了。 2  : to end a dispute by fighting or arguing以搏斗(或争论)方式解决 This matter won't be settled until the lawyers fight it out in court.这件事只有在双方律师对簿公堂时才会得到解决。 fight like cats and dogs (chiefly US) informal or British fight like cat and dog : to fight or argue a lot or in a very forceful and angry way激烈冲突(或争吵) a married couple who are always fighting like cats and dogs一对总是吵得你死我活的夫妻 fight off [phrasal verb] fight (someone or something) off or fight off (someone or something) : to defend yourself against (someone or something) by fighting or struggling : to avoid being harmed or overcome by (someone or something) by fighting or struggling击退;竭力避免 They fought off the attack/attackers.他们击退了进攻/进攻者。 I'm trying to fight off a cold.我正尽量避免感冒。 fight on [phrasal verb] : to continue fighting继续战斗;继续斗争 He vowed that he would fight on alone.他发誓将独自战斗到底。 fight shy of — see 1shy fight the good fight : to try very hard to do what is right(为正义而)努力奋斗,抗争 He has always fought the good fight against oppression.他一直为反对压迫而抗争。 fight with [phrasal verb] 1  fight with (someone or something) : to fight against (someone or something)与…争斗;与…争吵 He fought with his wife over/about money.他与妻子在钱的问题上发生了争吵。 The U.S. fought with Germany in World Wars I and II.美国曾在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中与德国交战。 He fought with several worthy opponents.他和几个优秀的对手较量过。 2  : to fight on the same side as (someone or something)与…并肩作战 The U.S. fought (together) with the Soviet Union in World War II.美国与苏联在第二次世界大战中并肩作战。 3  : to fight by using (something, such as a weapon)用(武器等)战斗 They were fighting with knives.他们拿刀打了起来。 They fought with their fists.他们用拳头打了起来。 fight your way : to move forward or make progress by pushing, fighting, or struggling奋力前行 He fought his way through the crowd.他在人群中奋力前行。 They've had to fight their way through a lot of red tape to get the project approved.他们不得不在种种烦琐手续中向前推进,以使这一项目获批。 — fighting adjective a powerful fighting force强大的战斗力 a fighting ship战舰 They admired his fighting [=aggressive] spirit.他们钦佩他的战斗精神。 — see also fighting chance at 1chance ◊ Fighting words are angry or insulting words that are likely to cause a fight.挑衅的言辞 ◊ In U.S. English, someone who is fighting mad is angry enough to fight.(美国英语)狂怒,暴怒 Some voters are fighting mad about the outcome of the election.一些选民对选举结果愤怒不已。 — fighting noun [noncount] Fighting has broken out along the border.战斗在边界打响了。 There are reports of (heavy) fighting between rival factions.有一些关于敌对派系之间(激烈)斗争的报道。 2 fight /ˈfaɪt/ noun plural fights 2 fight /ˈfaɪt/ noun plural fights Learner's definition of FIGHT 1  [count] : a violent physical struggle between opponents搏斗;打架;打斗 A fight broke out in the bar.酒吧内发生了一起斗殴事件。 a bar fight酒吧内的打斗 a street fight街头斗殴 a knife fight [=a fight using knives]持刀斗殴 When he was young he was always getting into fights.他年轻时总是打架。 It would be foolish to pick a fight [=start a fight] with that guy.与那个家伙打架,简直太蠢了。 a pillow fight [=a playful fight using pillows as weapons]枕头大战 a food fight [=a playful fight in which people throw food at each other]互掷食物打闹 a snowball fight打雪仗 — see also bullfight, dogfight, firefight, fistfight, gunfight 2  [count] : an argument or quarrel争吵;争论 He got into another fight with his wife about money.他因钱的问题又与妻子发生了争吵。 3  [count] : a boxing match拳击比赛 a fight for the heavyweight title重量级拳击冠军赛 — see also prizefight 4  [count] : a struggle to achieve a goal or to defeat something or someone斗争;捍卫 We didn't win, but at least we put up a good fight.我们没有获胜,但至少我们打了一场漂亮仗。 They are leading/joining the fight against cancer.他们在引领/参与抗击癌症的斗争。 the fight to defeat cancer战胜癌症的斗争 He's in the fight of his political life in this election.他在捍卫自己在本轮选举中的政治生命。 She's in a fight for her life. [=she is struggling to stay alive]她在生死线上挣扎。 5  [noncount] : a willingness to fight嗜斗性;斗志 full of fight斗志昂扬




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