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词汇 figure
释义 figure (verb) figure 19 ENTRIES FOUND: figure (noun) figure (verb) figure-of-eight (noun) figure eight (noun) figure of speech (noun) figure skate (noun) figure skating (noun) action figure (noun) double figures (noun) father figure (noun) mother figure (noun) six-figure (adjective) stick figure (noun) cut (verb) fine (adjective) fun (noun) go (verb) man (noun) near (adverb) 1 figure /ˈfɪgjɚ/ Brit /ˈfɪgə/ noun plural figures 1 figure /ˈfɪgjɚ/ Brit /ˈfɪgə/ noun plural figures Learner's definition of FIGURE [count] 1  a  : a symbol that represents a number : digit数字符号;位数 He has a six-figure salary. [=he has a salary of at least $100,000]他有六位数的薪水。 b  : a value that is expressed in numbers数字;数目;数值 Are you sure of your figures?你对你的数目有把握吗? I came up with a very different figure.我算出的数字完全不同。 No precise/exact/official figures are available yet.目前尚无精确/准确/官方数字。 The company had yearly sales figures of half a million units.这家公司的年销售量达五十万件。 ◊ If you have a good head for figures, you are good at making calculations with numbers. If you have no head for figures, you are bad at making calculations with numbers.有/没有算术头脑 She has a good head for figures, so I'm not surprised that she became an accountant.她很有算术头脑,因此她做了会计我并不惊讶。 2  a  : a person or animal that can be seen only as a shape or outline影子;轮廓 We could barely make out some figures moving in the mist.我们只能勉强看到一些人影在雾里移动。 b  : the shape or form of a person's body身材;体形 the human figure人形 the male/female figure男性/女性身材 ◊ Figure in this sense usually refers to women rather than men.figure的此义项通常指女性身段。 She has a very shapely figure. [=body]她的身材非常匀称。 a full figure丰满的体形 a slim, youthful figure苗条、年轻的身段 She likes to wear clothes that show off her figure.她喜欢穿显身材的衣服。 c  ◊ The phrases a fine figure of a man and (less commonly) a fine figure of a woman describe someone who is tall and has a strong and well-formed body.身材高大、强壮结实的人 The football coach is a fine figure of a man.那位橄榄球教练身材高大、健壮结实。 3  : a drawing, sculpture, etc., that represents the form of a person or animal画像;雕像;塑像 The vase is decorated with figures of birds and fish.花瓶上饰有鸟和鱼的图案。 The walls of the cave are covered with drawings of human and animal figures.洞穴壁上绘满了人和动物图案。 a male/female figure男子/女子肖像 a collection of bronze/carved figures一批铜像/雕像的收藏品 a cardboard figure硬纸板做的肖像 a cartoon figure卡通人物画 — see also stick figure 4  : a person who has a specified status or who is regarded in a specified way(特定身份的)人物 a noted/familiar/popular/prominent sports figure知名/熟悉/受欢迎/杰出的体坛人物 He began by writing letters to well-known figures in journalism.他以给新闻界知名人士写信起步。 a mysterious/shadowy figure神秘/虚幻的人物 She's a key figure in the organization.她是这个组织的关键人物。 He has become a figure of contempt. [=someone who is regarded with contempt]他已成为人们鄙视的对象。 a figure of fun/ridicule [=someone who is laughed at or ridiculed]逗乐/嘲笑的对象 a figure of authority = an authority figure [=a person who has authority over other people]当权人物 — see also action figure, father figure, mother figure 5  a  : a diagram or picture图;表 Turn your attention to the figure on page 15.现在来看一下第15页上的图表。 — abbreviation fig. b  mathematics : a combination of points, lines, or surfaces in geometry图形 A circle is a closed plane figure.圆是一个封闭的平面图形。 geometric figures几何图形 2 figure /ˈfɪgjɚ/ Brit /ˈfɪgə/ verb figures; figured; figuring 2 figure /ˈfɪgjɚ/ Brit /ˈfɪgə/ verb figures; figured; figuring Learner's definition of FIGURE 1  [+ object] : to expect or think (something)预料;认为 I figured (that) they would lose. [=I expected them to lose]我认为他们会输。 I figured [=thought] he'd get tired of it in a few days.我想过不了几天他就会对它感到厌倦的。 The media figured that she would be the appointee. = The media figured her to be the appointee.媒体预测她会获得任命。 “They lost.” “I figured as much.”“他们输了。”“我早就料到了。” (US) He figured [=expected] to lose money in the deal.他预料到这笔交易会赔钱。 2  US, informal a  [+ object] : to understand or find (something, such as a reason) by thinking理解;弄懂;明白 Their reasons for doing this are hard to figure. [=figure out]他们做这事的理由让人费解。 I've finally figured [=figured out] a way to manage my time better.我终于想出一种更好地管理时间的办法。 We've got to figure [=find] a way out of this mess.我们得找到一个摆脱困境的办法。 b  [no object] : to appear likely to do something似乎有可能(做某事) She figures to finish by noon.她或许在中午之前可以完成。 He doesn't figure to win. [=he probably won't win]他貌似不会获胜。 3  [no object] : to be or appear important : to have an important part in something显得重要;占重要地位 The debate over tax rates figured prominently in the last election.关于税率的辩论在上一次选举中占非常重要的地位。 4  [+ object] : to calculate (an amount, cost, etc.)计算;估计 He figured the cost at about $10,000.他估计成本大约是1万美元。 The cost in dollars is easily figured.金钱方面的花费很容易计算。 5  [no object] chiefly US, informal : to seem reasonable, normal, or expected(似乎)有道理,合乎情理 His explanation just doesn't figure. [=add up, make sense]他的解释实在不着边。 It figures [=it is not surprising] that he would be late today.他今天会迟到,这在意料之中。 “He's late.” “Well, it figures.”“他迟到了。”“哦,不奇怪。” That figures. [=that doesn't surprise me]我早料到了。 figure in [phrasal verb] 1  figure (something) in or figure in (something) US : to include (something) while making calculations把…计算在内 When they were preparing a budget, they forgot to figure in [=factor in] occasional travel expenses.准备预算时,他们忘了把临时的旅行支出计算在内。 2  figure in (something) : to be involved in (something, such as an activity)卷入 persons who figured in the robbery参与那场抢劫的人 figure into [phrasal verb] figure into (something) US : to be included as a part of (something)列入;包括进 Age may figure into the equation.年龄可以列入这个等式。 figure on [phrasal verb] 1  figure on (something) US, informal : to expect to get or have (something)指望 They weren't figuring on the extra income.他们没指望获得额外收入。 2  : to plan to do (something)打算;计划 I figure on going [=I plan to go] downtown later today.我打算今天晚些时候去市中心。 figure out [phrasal verb] 1  figure out (something) or figure (something) out a  : to understand or find (something, such as a reason or a solution) by thinking理解;想出 I'm trying to figure out a way to do it.我正努力找到一个做这件事的方法。 He claims he has it all figured out.他声称他已经弄清楚了事情的原委。 I finally figured it out.我终于把它弄明白了。 I can't figure out why he does these crazy things.我弄不明白他为什么做这些荒唐的事。 b  : to find an answer or solution for (something, such as a problem)算出;演算出 figure out [=solve] a math problem计算出一道数学题 2  figure (someone) out or figure out (someone) : to understand the behavior of (someone)理解(某人的)行为 He does these crazy things, and I just can't figure him out.他做这些荒唐的事,我实在无法理解。 go figure US, informal — used to say that something is surprising or hard to understand出乎意料;不可思议 After losing their first six games, they won the next ten. Go figure.他们在输掉前六场比赛后,赢了后十场,这简直不可思议。




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