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词汇 finish
释义 finish (noun) finish 8 ENTRIES FOUND: finish (verb) finish (noun) finished (adjective) finishing line (noun) finishing school (noun) finish line (noun) photo finish (noun) touch (noun) 1 finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ verb finishes; finished; finishing 1 finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ verb finishes; finished; finishing Learner's definition of FINISH 1  a  : to reach the end of (something) : to stop doing (something) because it is completed结束;完成 [+ object] He finished (giving) his speech and sat down.他演讲完后坐了下来。 He hasn't finished his work yet. = He hasn't finished working yet.他还没做完工作。 You can't watch TV until you finish your homework.不做完功课不能看电视。 [no object] He started his homework two hours ago and he still hasn't finished.他两小时前就开始做作业了,可现在还没做完。 I'll wait here until you finish. = I'll wait here until you have finished.我就在这儿等你做完。 — compare finished 1a b  : to be done with building or creating (something)建成;完工 [+ object] They hope to finish their new home by winter.他们希望在冬天之前建好自家新房。 [no object] They're building a new home and they hope to finish by winter.他们在建新房,希望冬天之前能完工。 — compare finished 1b c  : to cause something to end or stop : to reach the end of something(使)结束,终结 [+ object] The chairman finished the meeting at noon.主席在中午结束了会议。 [no object] The meeting finished [=ended] at noon.会议在中午结束。 The meeting finished on a positive note.会议在积极的气氛中结束。 2  [+ object] a  : to cause the ruin or failure of (someone or something)毁灭(某人);毁坏(某事) These allegations could finish his career as a politician. = These allegations could finish him as a politician.这些指控可能断送他的从政生涯。 — compare finished 2b b  : to kill (someone or something already wounded)杀死,毁掉(本已受伤的人或物) — usually + off The crowd in the arena shouted for the gladiator to finish off his opponent.竞技场的观众高喊着让角斗士彻底干掉对手。 c  : to defeat or exhaust (someone) completely彻底击败;使筋疲力尽 — usually + off Climbing so many stairs just about finished me off.爬那么多层楼梯快把我累死了。 3  [+ object] : to use, eat, or drink all that is left of (something)用尽;吃光;喝光 They finished (off/up) the pie before I got a chance to have a slice.我还没来得及吃一块,他们就把馅饼吃光了。 I've had enough wine. You can finish (off) the rest of the bottle.我已经喝够了,你可以把瓶里剩下的酒全喝掉。 4  : to end a race, competition, etc., in a specified position or manner(赛跑、竞赛等)得第…名,获…成绩 [no object] The horse I bet on finished third.我押的那匹马最终得了第三名。 The horse finished in third place.这匹马最后跑了第三名。 Our team started poorly but finished well.我们队开局不利,但最终成绩不错。 [+ object] The horse I bet on finished the race in third place.我押的那匹马最终得了第三名。 Our team finished the season in first place.我们队在本赛季末排名第一。 5  [+ object] : to put a final coat or surface on (something)给(某物)涂上最后一层 He finished the table with varnish.他给桌子上了最后一层清漆。 finishing touch : one of the last things done to make something complete最后润色;收尾工作 — usually plural通常用复数 They're putting the finishing touches on their new home.他们在给自己的新家做最后几处装饰。 He's putting the finishing touches on his latest novel.他正对自己的最新小说做最后几处润色。 finish with [phrasal verb] 1  finish with (something) : to have no further need for (something) : to stop using (something)不再需要;不再使用 Could I see the newspaper when you finish with it?那份报纸你看完后能给我看一下吗? 2  finish with (someone) : to stop being involved with (someone) : to end a romantic relationship with (someone)断绝关系;结束恋情 She and her boyfriend had another fight, and now she says she's going to finish with him once and for all.她和男友又吵了一架,现在她说要和他彻底一刀两断。 — compare finished 2a 3  finish with (someone or something) : to stop dealing with, working on, or punishing (someone or something)不再有瓜葛;停止;不再惩罚 When I finish with him he'll be sorry!等到我不再搭理他时,他就会后悔! I haven't finished with you yet!我和你还没完呢! — see also finished 2 finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ noun plural finishes 2 finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ noun plural finishes Learner's definition of FINISH 1  [singular] : the last part of something : end, conclusion最后部分;结尾 a suspense film with a perfect surprise finish结尾完全出人意料的悬疑片 The race was close from start to finish. [=from the beginning to the end]比赛自始至终难分胜负。 The race had a close/tight finish. [=the winner of the race won by a very small amount]比赛几乎难分胜负。 It was a fight to the finish. [=the fight went on until one side was completely defeated]这是一场殊死决斗。 — see also photo finish 2  [count] : the final coating on a surface or the appearance produced by such a coating末道漆;罩面漆 The table had a shiny finish.这张桌子的漆面很光亮。 I need to put one more coat of finish on the chair.我要给这把椅子再上一层面漆。 — finisher noun, plural finishers [count]




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