词汇 | fire |
释义 | fire (verb) fire 36 ENTRIES FOUND: fire (noun) fire (verb) fire-breathing (adjective) fire-eater (noun) fire alarm (noun) fire ant (noun) fire brigade (noun) fire department (noun) fire drill (noun) fire engine (noun) fire escape (noun) fire extinguisher (noun) fire hydrant (noun) fire sale (noun) fire screen (noun) fire station (noun) fire truck (noun) fire wall (noun) all-fired (adjective) ball of fire (noun) Camp Fire girl (noun) cease-fire (noun) -fired (combining form) quick-fire (adjective) rapid-fire (adjective) catch (verb) fight (verb) frying pan (noun) hang (verb) house (noun) iron (noun) light (verb) open (verb) play (verb) smoke (noun) world (noun) 1 fire /ˈfajɚ/ noun plural fires 1 fire /ˈfajɚ/ noun plural fires Learner's definition of FIRE 1 [noncount] : the light and heat and especially the flame produced by burning火;火焰 Stay away from the fire.离火远点。 2 : an occurrence in which something burns : the destruction of something (such as a building or a forest) by fire火灾;失火 [count] The shack was destroyed by a fire.那间棚屋毁于火灾。 Two people died in that terrible fire.有两人在那场可怕的火灾中丧生。 How did the fire start?火灾是如何发生的? Police think he set a fire [=deliberately started a fire] in the bedroom.警方认为他在卧室纵火。 Firefighters put the fire out. = Firefighters put out the fire. [=firefighters stopped the fire from burning]消防队员把火扑灭了。 [noncount] The shack caught (on) fire [=began to burn] when it was struck by lightning.那间棚屋被雷电击中燃了起来。 Someone set fire to the shack. [=deliberately caused the shack to burn]有人纵火烧了那间棚屋。 3 [count] : a controlled occurrence of fire created by burning something (such as wood or gas) in a special area (such as in a fireplace or stove)燃火;炉火;灶火 We warmed our hands over the fire.我们在炉火上暖手。 She built a fire in the fireplace.她在壁炉内生了火。 The fire went out and he had to light it again.火灭了,他不得不重新生火。 — see also campfire 4 [noncount] : the shooting of weapons开火;射击 We heard heavy rifle fire in the distance.我们听到远处密集的步枪射击声。 He shot at the police officer and the police officer returned his fire. [=the police officer shot back at him]他向警察开枪,警察开枪还击。 He and the police officer exchanged fire. [=shot at each other]他和警察交火。 He was caught in the line of fire and killed.他在射程之内中弹身亡。 The troops opened fire on [=began shooting at] the enemy.军队向敌人开火。 Hold your fire! [=don't shoot]别开枪! Cease fire! [=stop shooting]停火! Several soldiers were killed by friendly fire. [=they were accidentally killed by weapons fired from their own side]几名士兵被自己人的子弹误射身亡。 5 [noncount] : very heavy or harsh criticism严厉批评;猛烈批判 The company has drawn/taken (heavy) fire for its use of child labor overseas.这家公司因为在海外雇用童工而受到严厉谴责。 6 [noncount] : strong emotion, anger, enthusiasm, etc.强烈的情感;怒火;激情 I admire her fire for teaching and helping children.我钦佩她对教育和帮助孩子们的激情。 young lovers with their hearts full of fire [=passion]心中充满激情的年轻恋人们 7 [count] British : a small device that uses gas or electricity to heat a room燃气取暖器;电暖器 Turn on/off the fire.打开/关掉取暖器吧。 baptism of/by fire — see baptism fan a fire, fan the fire — see 2fan fight fire with fire — see 1fight from/out of the frying pan (and) into the fire — see frying pan hang fire — see 1hang irons in the fire — see 1iron light a fire under — see 3light like a house on fire — see 1house on fire 1 : in the process of burning着火的;燃烧的 The house was on fire.这栋房子着火了。 2 : feeling very strong enthusiasm, love, etc.狂热的;热恋的 He was on fire with enthusiasm.他充满着火一般的热情。 young lovers with their hearts on fire心中充满激情的年轻恋人们 3 : very successful非常成功的 The team has been on fire, winning 10 of its last 11 games.这支球队一路披荆斩棘,在最后11场比赛中赢了10场。 — see also set the world on fire at 1world play with fire — see 1play under fire 1 : being shot at by the enemy遭到枪击 The civilians panicked when they realized they were under fire.平民们意识到他们遭到枪击时惊慌失措。 As a soldier he showed extraordinary skill and courage under fire.作为一名士兵,他在枪林弹雨中表现出非凡的技能和勇气。 2 : exposed to criticism : being criticized遭到批评 He is under fire from his political opponents.他遭到了政敌的批评。 The company has come under fire [=has been criticized] for using child labor overseas.这家公司因为在海外雇用童工而受到谴责。 where there's smoke, there's fire or there's no smoke without fire — see 1smoke 2 fire /ˈfajɚ/ verb fires; fired; firing 2 fire /ˈfajɚ/ verb fires; fired; firing Learner's definition of FIRE 1 a : to shoot a weapon射击;开火 [+ object] fire a bullet发射子弹 She fired the arrow at the target.她瞄准靶子射箭。 He fired the gun.他开了枪。 He fired several shots at the police.他向警方开了几枪。 [no object] He fired at the police.他向警方开枪。 The gun failed to fire.这枪没能打响。 The soldiers fired on/at the enemy.士兵向敌人开火。 The officers were told to fire at will. [=to shoot when they felt that they should]军官们被告知可在必要时开枪射击。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Reporters fired questions at her. [=they asked her many questions in a quick and forceful way]记者们连珠炮式地向她提问。 b [+ object] : to throw (something) with speed and force扔;甩;抛 The shortstop fired the ball to first base.游击手把球扔到一垒的位置。 The angry mob fired rocks at him.愤怒的暴民向他扔石块。 The boxer fired a left jab at his opponent's chin.拳击手用左刺拳对准对手的下巴猛击。 2 [+ object] : to give life or energy to (something or someone)激发;使充满能量 The story fired his imagination.这个故事激起了他的想象。 3 [+ object] : to dismiss (someone) from a job解雇 She had to fire several workers.她不得不解雇几名工人。 — usually used as (be/get) fired通常用作(be/get) fired He got/was fired (from his job) after missing work.他因为旷工被解雇了。 4 [no object] : to begin working发动;启动 The engine/cylinders failed to fire.发动机/汽缸未能启动。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The team got off to a slow start, but now it's firing on all cylinders. [=it's now playing very well]这支队一开始打得并不顺,但现在渐入佳境。 5 [+ object] technical : to heat (a clay pot, dish, etc.) in an oven in order to make it very hard烧制(陶罐、碗碟等) She will fire the pots later today.她将在今天晚些时候烧制这些罐子。 fire away informal — used in speech to tell someone to begin asking you questions开始问;问吧 “We have some questions we'd like to ask you.” “OK. Fire away.”我们有一些问题想要问你。”“好的,问吧。” fire back [phrasal verb] : to answer someone quickly and usually angrily反驳 After his statement, his opponent fired back.他陈述完后,反对者们进行了反驳。 — often + at He fired back at his critics.他对批评者们进行了回击。 fire off [phrasal verb] fire (something) off or fire off (something) : to write and send (something, such as a letter or memo) in a quick and often angry way(常指愤怒地)快速写完并寄发 He fired off a letter of complaint.他气冲冲地写了一封投诉信。 She fired an e-mail off to her lawyer.她气冲冲地给她的律师发了封电子邮件。 fire up [phrasal verb] 1 fire (something) up or fire up (something) a : to start (something) by lighting a fire点火启动 We fired up the grill for the barbecue.我们点着烧烤架,开始烧烤。 b : to cause (something) to start working使开始工作 I fired up my computer and got down to work.我打开电脑,开始埋头工作。 Before we start working let's fire up the coffeemaker.在开始工作之前,让我们先把咖啡煮上。 2 fire (someone) up or fire up (someone) : to fill (someone) with energy or enthusiasm使充满能量(或激情) The coach fired up the players with a pep talk.教练用一番鼓舞士气的讲话给球员加油鼓劲。 — usually used as (be/get) fired up通常用作(be/get) fired up We were fired up for the concert.我们对音乐会充满热情。 — firing noun, plural firings [count, noncount] the hiring and firing of employees员工的雇用和解雇 The pot must cool before its second firing.罐子在第二次烧制前必须先冷却。 |
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