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词汇 fit
释义 fit (verb) fit (noun) fit (noun) fit 26 ENTRIES FOUND: fit (adjective) fit (verb) fit (noun) fit (noun) fitted (adjective) fitting (adjective) fitting (noun) fitting room (noun) close-fitting (adjective) form-fitting (adjective) hissy fit (noun) bill (noun) burst (verb) cap (noun) fiddle (noun) flea (noun) glove (noun) kill (verb) king (noun) pitch (verb) see (verb) shoe (noun) start (noun) survival (noun) think (verb) tie (verb) 1 fit /ˈfɪt/ adjective fitter; fittest 1 fit /ˈfɪt/ adjective fitter; fittest Learner's definition of FIT 1  a  : proper or acceptable : morally or socially correct适宜的;恰当的 — often + for a movie fit [=suitable] for the whole family适合全家人观看的电影 This is not a fit subject for discussion with children.这个话题不宜与儿童讨论。 a subject not fit for discussion不适合讨论的话题 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 a subject not fit to be discussed不适合讨论的话题 b  : suitable for a specified purpose适用于… — often + for This water is not fit for drinking.这水不宜饮用。 The building is no longer fit for human habitation.这栋建筑不再适合住人了。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 This water is not fit to drink.这水不宜饮用。 The building is no longer fit for people to live in.这栋建筑不再适合住人了。 2  a  : physically healthy and strong健壮的;健康的 physically fit身体健康 He felt overmatched against fitter [=healthier], stronger players.与体格更强健的运动员相比,他感到相形见绌。 Patients are encouraged to get/keep fit.鼓励病人恢复/保持身体健康。 Are you fit enough to walk there?你有足够的体力走到那里吗? b  British slang : sexually attractive : sexy性感的;有魅力的 3  : having the necessary skills(技能上)适合的,胜任的— usually + for I just don't think he's fit [=qualified] for this job.我只是觉得他不能胜任这项工作。 4  : made ready : put in a suitable state准备妥当的 — usually + for get the ship fit [=prepared] for sea使轮船做好航海准备 fit as a fiddle informal also British fit as a flea : in good physical condition : very healthy and strong非常健康 I feel (as) fit as a fiddle this morning.今天上午我感觉精力充沛。 fit for a king : good enough even for a king : very good极好的;顶级的 a meal (that is) fit for a king一顿御膳般的美餐 fit to be tied informal : very angry or upset非常生气;十分恼火 Dad was fit to be tied when my sister came home late last night.妹妹昨晚很晚回家,爸爸十分恼火。 fit to burst chiefly British, informal : very much非常;十分 laugh/shout fit to burst笑破肚皮;大喊大叫 fit to kill US, informal : in an impressive way that attracts attention极度地;十分显眼地 He was dressed fit to kill.他盛装打扮。 see/think fit ◊ To see fit or think fit to do something is to choose to do it because you think it is right or appropriate.认为(做某事)合适 She can spend her money as she sees fit. [=she can spend her money as she chooses]她可以按自己认为合适的方式花钱。 She let him do his job as he thought fit.她让他按自己的想法怎么合适怎么干。 They might see fit [=choose, decide] to make some adjustments.他们可能认为该做些调整了。 — fitness noun [noncount] No one questioned her fitness for the job.没有人怀疑她能胜任这项工作。 The program promotes healthy eating and physical fitness. [=being healthy through exercise]这个节目提倡健康饮食和保持强健体魄。 2 fit /ˈfɪt/ verb fits; fitted or chiefly US fit; fitting 2 fit /ˈfɪt/ verb fits; fitted or chiefly US fit; fitting Learner's definition of FIT 1  not used in progressive tenses : to be the right size and shape for (someone or something)适合;合身 [+ object] The suit fits him perfectly.这套西装他穿着完全合身。 I hope this key fits the lock.我希望这把钥匙能打开这把锁。 The two pieces fit each other perfectly.这两个部件组装起来刚刚好。 [no object] These shoes fit perfectly.这双鞋完全合脚。 This calculator will fit nicely/neatly in your shirt pocket.这个计算器放在你的衬衣口袋里大小刚刚好。 pants that fit tightly/loosely = tight-fitting/loose-fitting pants紧身/宽松裤 The two pieces fit together perfectly.这两个部件组装起来刚刚好。 ◊ Something that fits (you) like a glove fits (you) very well.非常合身 That suit fits him like a glove.那套西装他穿着非常合身。 ◊ The phrase one size fits all describes a hat, piece of clothing, etc., that is made in a size that is supposed to fit everyone. This phrase is commonly used figuratively.人人能穿(戴)的;适合每个人的(这个短语常用作比喻) The school recognizes that a one size fits all approach won't work for these children. [=these children need to be taught in a way that considers the needs and abilities of each child]学校意识到,对这些儿童采用一视同仁的教学法是行不通的。 2  not used in progressive tenses a  [no object] : to go into or through a particular space容纳;通过 All these groceries won't fit in the trunk of my car. = These groceries won't all fit in the trunk of my car.我汽车的后备厢装不下所有这些杂货。 How many people can fit in a phone booth?一个公用电话亭里能容纳几个人? The box was too large to fit through the door.这箱子太大,从这个门过不去。 b  [+ object] : to cause (something) to go into or through a particular space使装入;使通过 I can't fit all these groceries into the trunk of my car.我不可能把这些杂货都装进我汽车的后备厢。 We weren't able to fit the box through the door.我们无法使这个箱子通过这道门。 3  [+ object] past tense and past participle fitted a  : to measure (someone) in order to choose clothes that are the right size and shape for that person给…量身试穿— usually used as (be) fitted通常用作(be) fitted I'm being fitted [=measured] for a new suit tomorrow.我明天要去量尺寸,选套新衣服。 b  : to change the shape or form of (a piece of clothing) for a particular person修改(服装) fitting the jacket to the customer为顾客修改夹克衫 4  [+ object] : to find time to meet with (someone) or do (something)安排时间会面;安排时间做(某事)— usually + in or into I'll try to fit you into my schedule.我会设法安排时间与你会面。 The doctor can fit you in this afternoon. [=the doctor can meet with you this afternoon]医生可以今天下午安排时间给你看病。 She's got a lot of meetings to fit in this morning.她今天上午有很多会议要参加。 5  [no object] : to belong in a particular situation, place, or group适应;合得来 It's a good school, but I feel like I just don't fit here.学校是不错,但我觉得我就是不适应这里。 — usually + in I was looking for a group that I could fit in with.我在寻找一个我能融入的团体。 No matter how hard she tried, she just didn't fit in.不管她怎么努力,就是与周围的人合不来。 He fit right in at school.他在学校里与别人相处融洽。 That chair fits in well with the rest of the office.那把椅子与整个办公室配起来很协调。 6  not used in progressive tenses [+ object] a  : to be suitable or appropriate for (someone or something)与…相称;恰如其分 The nickname fits [=suits] him very well.这个绰号非常适合他。 The punishment should fit the crime.应按罪量刑。 b  : to make (someone or something) suitable or appropriate for or to something使适合 Her previous experience fitted [=qualified] her for the job.她过去的经验让她能够胜任这项工作。 Let us fit the punishment to the crime.让我们按罪量刑。 7  not used in progressive tenses, [+ object] : to be in agreement with (something or someone)与…一致;符合 Their story doesn't fit the facts.他们说的情况与事实不符。 He fits [=matches] the description perfectly. = The description fits him perfectly.他和所描述的一模一样。 8  [+ object] past tense and past participle fitted : to supply equipment for (something)装备;布置 a lab fitted with the latest equipment配备了最新设备的实验室 The camera can be fitted with many different lenses.这种照相机可以安装多种不同的镜头。 — often + out or up fit out an expedition为探险准备必需品 an old ocean liner fitted up as a hospital ship一艘改装成医疗船的旧远洋客轮 fit the bill — see 1bill if the cap fits — see 1cap if the shoe fits — see 1shoe — fitter /ˈfɪtɚ/ noun, plural fitters [count] a shoe/boot fitter [=a person whose job is to help you find a shoe/boot that fits]试鞋技师 — see also pipe fitter 3 fit /ˈfɪt/ noun plural fits 3 fit /ˈfɪt/ noun plural fits Learner's definition of FIT [count] : the way something fits : the way something suits the size and shape of your body or goes into or through a particular space合适;合身 The fit of this shirt is a bit tight.这件衬衫穿起来稍微紧点。 a loose/snug fit(衣服)宽松/贴身 It's a tight fit but I think we can get the box through the door.虽然窄点,但我想我们还是可以把箱子从门口搬过去。 a comfortable fit(衣服)舒适合身 That dress is a good fit for you. [=that dress fits you well; it is the right size and shape for your body]那件连衣裙你穿着正合身。 — compare 4fit 4 fit /ˈfɪt/ noun plural fits 4 fit /ˈfɪt/ noun plural fits Learner's definition of FIT [count] 1  : an uncontrolled expression of strong emotion(强烈情感的)发作;冲动 He threw a fit [=he became very angry and upset] when they accused him of cheating.他们指责他有欺诈行为时,他勃然大怒。 She has/throws a fit [=tantrum] when she doesn't get what she wants.她得不到想要的东西时就会大发脾气。 2  : a sudden occurrence of some activity, emotion, etc.(活动的)突然发生;(感情等的)突然发作 a fit of anger一股怒气 a fit of coughing = a coughing fit一阵咳嗽 He apologized profusely in a fit of remorse.他感到一阵懊悔,连声道歉。 The joke sent the audience into fits of laughter. [=it made the people in the audience laugh a lot]这个笑话引起观众阵阵笑声。 3  : an abnormal state in which you become unconscious and your body moves in an uncontrolled and violent way(病的)发作,阵发 an epileptic fit [=(more commonly) seizure]癫病发作 by fits and starts or in fits and starts : by stopping and starting again : in a way that is not constant or steady一阵阵地;间歇地 Their courtship was gradual, proceeding by fits and starts.他们的恋爱是时断时续逐渐发展的。 Progress came only in fits and starts.进展只是断断续续的。 in fits British, informal : laughing very much : in fits of laughter捧腹大笑 The audience was in fits. [=in stitches]观众捧腹大笑。 — compare 3fit




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